Releases: payara/Payara
Payara Server Community Edition 5.2020.2
Release Notes
CUSTCOM-40 Upgraded Yasson to version 1.0.6, which introduced some breaking changes in Payara 5.2020.2 - take caution when upgrading.
New Features
- [APPSERV-20] - MicroProfile ConfigSource for Payara Variable Expressions
- [APPSERV-124] - Monitoring Console: Server Side Configuration and Sharing
- [APPSERV-149] - Add Command to Generate Self-Signed Certificate
- [APPSERV-54] - Print a Warning if Data Grid Encryption is Enabled without a Key
- [APPSERV-57] - MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 2.1
- [APPSERV-58] - MicroProfile Config 1.4
- [APPSERV-59] - MicroProfile Metrics 2.3
- [APPSERV-60] - MicroProfile Health 2.2
- [APPSERV-61] - MicroProfile Rest Client 1.4
- [APPSERV-141] - Add Caching to MicroProfile Config
- [APPSERV-143] - Update Enterprise and Community Branding
- [APPSERV-146] - Monitoring Console: Bookmarkable Page URLs
- [APPSERV-148] - Monitoring Console: MP Metrics Metadata as MC Annotations
- [CUSTCOM-166] - CDI deployment failure when to use @RolesPermitted in Faces backing bean
- [CUSTCOM-235] - Stop Hazelcast being started twice to improve Micro boot times
- [CUSTCOM-238] - Support JSP on Payara Micro Docker
Bug Fixes
- [APPSERV-55] - Fix Fault Tolerance Bulkheads Race Conditions
- [APPSERV-114] - Race condition in InvocationManager
- [APPSERV-142] - Payara Micro doesn't shutdown when invoked with –warmup
- [CUSTCOM-12] - Unexpected errors when updating SSH node security properties
- [CUSTCOM-22] - HTTP/2 Push Can't be Disabled
- [CUSTCOM-133] - Accessing a URL before any application is deployed disables JASPIC SAM authentication
- [CUSTCOM-179] - PrimeFaces AutoSelect Event is Null within Custom Component
- [CUSTCOM-194] - The delete-jvm-options command shouldn't require to specify the Java version prefix
- [CUSTCOM-205] - On ZuluJDK 8.44, accessing HTTPS gives NoSuchMethodError
- [CUSTCOM-213] - generate-encryption-key Command Always Creates Key for Default Domain
- [CUSTCOM-219] - Fix support for set-batch-runtime-configuration --schemaName for MySql and Postgres
- [CUSTCOM-223] - Datagrid Encryption Enabled Message Printed even if it isn't
- [CUSTCOM-237] - In Weld, parallel execution mode for async observers doesn't trigger all observers (IllegalStateException: Security context is already associated)
- [CUSTCOM-247] - Custom realm defined in web.xml isn't used for SOAP services secured using WS security policy
- [CUSTCOM-253] - Patch ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException defect in Mojarra
- [CUSTCOM-254] - NumberFormatException when parsing a HTTP header in metrics
- [CUSTCOM-260] - {Community - sgflt] - Deadlock in HA session management
- [CUSTCOM-261] - Remove jakarta.transaction.cdi:jakarta.transaction.cdi-api from Payara BOM as it is wrong
- [CUSTCOM-262] - HZ_LISTENER_PORT property error when setting system properties via the admin console
- [CUSTCOM-263] - HTTPS doesn't work on JDK 8u252
- [CUSTCOM-264] - Client mode debugging (server=no) doesn't work with JDK>=9
- [CUSTCOM-265] - Starting the domain with JSON Log formatter causes the server log to rotate
- [CUSTCOM-266] - JSP/JSF startup issues when using Payara Micro RootDir launcher
- [CUSTCOM-271] - Metric endpoint fails to parse Accept header from Telegraf
- [CUSTCOM-273] - Support for all AjaxBehaviourEvent classes, extension to CUSTCOM-179
- [CUSTCOM-284] - Remove Expired Certificates
- [ECOSYS-157] - OpenID Connect Caller's name and groups are null
- [ECOSYS-161] - [Community - NikitaZ] OAuth2AccessToken empty instance injected
Component Upgrades
- [APPSERV-80] - Upgrade Weld to 3.1.4.Final
- [APPSERV-109] - Update EclipseLink to 2.7.6
- [APPSERV-110] - Update Grizzly to 2.4.4
- [CUSTCOM-40] - [BREAKING CHANGE] Upgrade to Yasson 1.0.6
- [CUSTCOM-211] - Upgrade Trilead SSH 2 to support ECDSA keys
Payara Server 5.201
Release Notes
Supported APIs and Applications
Java EE 8 Applications
MicroProfile 3.2
Jakarta EE 8 Applications
Derby Database has been removed from the Payara Platform in this release – keep this in mind when upgrading from a previous version in the case that you have been making use of the Derby Database implementation in production previously
New Feature
- [APPSERV-11] - Add Monitoring Console support for reporting healthchecks values
- [APPSERV-14] - Add Monitoring Console support for identifying slow SQL queries
- [APPSERV-16] - Add support for encrypting data inside the domain data grid.
- [APPSERV-19] - Add Monitoring Console Support for Hogging and Stuck Thread Health Checks
- [APPSERV-47] - Add user defined watches to monitoring console
Bug Fixes
- [APPSERV-30] - Exception when Adding an Instance to a Deployment Group with an Application Deployed
- [APPSERV-40] - NPE on starting Payara Micro in JobCleanUpService
- [APPSERV-87] - Auto-generated name contains a Space
- [CUSTCOM-13] - A REST management DELETE command returns 415 code instead of 404
- [CUSTCOM-24] - Persistent EJB Timers are not restored on restart of a Payara Micro instance
- [CUSTCOM-27] - [Community] Steady pool size should allow zero
- [CUSTCOM-53] - Wrong error message when a JDBC pool with size 0 is created.
- [CUSTCOM-54] - NullPointerException when JMX attribute is null within the rest-monitoring endpoint
- [CUSTCOM-56] - [Community] Production domain.xml in Payara Web Profile is unparseable
- [CUSTCOM-70] - JAX-RS client request with payara-embedded raises IllegalStateException for RequestTracingService run level
- [CUSTCOM-71] - Multiple realm identity store annotations are ignored
- [CUSTCOM-75] - Problem in Payara 5.194 setting port overrides via configuration > system properties resets other overrides
- [CUSTCOM-76] - Incorrect thread synchronization in WebappClassLoader
- [CUSTCOM-78] - Redeployment on deployment groups is broken
- [CUSTCOM-83] - Grizzly Infinite Loop Causing CPU Hogging
- [CUSTCOM-109] - SendAsadminCommand throws NPE if there are no explicit targets
- [CUSTCOM-135] - Domain Startup Failure on slow or busy environments
- [CUSTCOM-142] - Unable to use delete-jvm-options on option with min/max version defined.
- [CUSTCOM-144] - [Community] NPE in FilterDefDecorator
- [CUSTCOM-165] - JDK11 prints warning about illegal access to private field props of the LogManager
- [CUSTCOM-167] - [Community] Code cleanup - removed unused cycles
- [CUSTCOM-168] - [Community] OpenID Connect: Fixed simultaneous redirects and invalidation of session
- [CUSTCOM-171] - [Community] BlockingQueueHandler throws ClassCastException
- [CUSTCOM-174] - NPE on EJBException.addSuppressed() within EJBContainerTransactionManager
- [CUSTCOM-181] - [Community] GH #4444 PR - Remove unused method with potential ClassCastException
- [CUSTCOM-195] - Building of domain module fail when port 7676 is in use
- [CUSTCOM-198] - [Community] OpenAPI document generation ignores @Schema(ref) value
- [CUSTCOM-199] - REST Management Interface Can't Be Invoked With JSON Request
- [CUSTCOM-200] - [Community] Unused timer var in HazelcastTimerStore.cancelTimersByKey
- [CUSTCOM-203] - [Community] OpenAPI Incorrect $ref Field with Custom Schema Name
- [CUSTCOM-204] - [Community] Incorrect TreeSet Comparator Implementation
- [APPSERV-12] - Change Request Tracing Store Configuration from per Instance to per Cluster
- [APPSERV-15] - Simplify JMX monitoring and Jolokia configuration
- [APPSERV-18] - forceName needed for redeployment when deployment descriptor does not specify name
- [APPSERV-22] - Remove Derby from Payara 5
- [APPSERV-27] - Allow Temp Docker Nodes to Join a Deployment Group on Creation
- [CUSTCOM-81] - [Community] GitHub #4386 Debug port is not printed
- [CUSTCOM-88] - Minor Improvement to DynamicInterceptor Monitoring class
- [CUSTCOM-145] - Assign meaningful thread names
- [CUSTCOM-146] - Parameterise CacheMap
- [CUSTCOM-147] - GH #4418 Improve dependency management of mockito
- [CUSTCOM-152] - GitHub #4388 Remove unused field debug from StartServerHelper
- [CUSTCOM-187] - [Community] Display JVM Uptime in a friendlier format in the Admin Console
Component Upgrade
- [APPSERV-63] - Upgrade JSFTemplating to 2.1.4
- [APPSERV-64] - Upgrade Jboss Classfilewriter to 1.2.4.Final
- [APPSERV-65] - Upgrade Jackson to 2.10.2
- [APPSERV-67] - Upgrade Istack Common Utility to 3.0.10
- [APPSERV-68] - Upgrade Hazelcast to 3.12.6
- [APPSERV-69] - Upgrade Imqjmx to 4.4.2
- [APPSERV-71] - Upgrade Jakarta dependencies
- [APPSERV-72] - Upgrade Cache API to 1.1.1
- [APPSERV-73] - Upgrade Bouncy Castle to 1.64
- [APPSERV-74] - Upgrade JSON Processing to 1.1.6
- [APPSERV-75] - Upgrade Logging Annotation Processor to 1.9
- [APPSERV-76] - Upgrade OSGi Resource Locator to 1.0.3
- [APPSERV-77] - Upgrade Hamcrest to 2.2
- [APPSERV-78] - Upgrade Hibernate Validator to 6.1.2.Final
- [APPSERV-79] - Upgrade Javassist to 3.26.0-GA
- [APPSERV-81] - Upgrade JLine to 3.13.3
- [APPSERV-82] - Upgrade MIME Streaming Extension to 1.9.12
- [APPSERV-84] - Upgrade ASM to 7.3.1
- [APPSERV-85] - Upgrade SnakeYAML to 1.25
- [CUSTCOM-154] - Upgrade JSF Mojarra to 2.3.14
- [CUSTCOM-160] - Upgrade jersey to 2.30
Payara Server 5.194
Release notes
Payara Server on JDK11 will no longer be in technical preview with the 5.194 release! This means you are now able to use Payara in Production on JDK11 confidently.
Metrics includes some breaking changes related to the refactoring of counters (see spec for more details).
New Features
- [PAYARA-3924] - Publish Payara third-party BOM
- [PAYARA-2598] - Hook up Soteria Identity Stores to Payara Realms
- [PAYARA-3263] - Support Certified OpenTracing Tracers in MP OpenTracing
- [PAYARA-3658] - Add support for easily securing the ejb-invoker endpoint
- [PAYARA-3793] - Role mapping can be based on partial DN name (Client Certificates)
- [PAYARA-3828] - REST Client 1.3 support
- [PAYARA-3829] - Healthcheck 2.1 support
- [PAYARA-3832] - Add Monitoring Console support for identifying which traces have exceeded thresholds
- [PAYARA-3994] - HotDeploy support in deploy/redeploy asadmin command
- [PAYARA-4027] - Add timeout parameter to start-deployment-group command
- [PAYARA-4037] - Add access log setting options for Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-4097] - Add Monitoring Console support for launching with a preset of 5 key metrics
- [PAYARA-4166] - Metrics 2.2 Support
- [PAYARA-3796] - Can't inject a JNDI Integer property as MicroProfile config value
- [PAYARA-3811] - Improve Application Deployment Performance (Pt2.) on Windows OS
- [PAYARA-3819] - Remove repositories from pom
- [PAYARA-3940] - Classloader whitelisting mechanism should isolate resources too
- [PAYARA-3997] - Add TLS 1.3 support when using Zulu JDK 8
- [PAYARA-4033] - Remove duplicate classes for remote commands
- [PAYARA-4096] - Allow Instance Names to be Generated when Creating Instances from the Admin Console
- [PAYARA-4099] - Add support for autoscaling Docker Nodes
- [PAYARA-4118] - Graceful shutdown of PayaraExecutorService slows down server shutdown
- [PAYARA-4143] - Community Contribution: Replace usage of File.deleteOnExit() with manual deletion on exit.
- [PAYARA-4158] - Domain Data Grid Port Behaviour options for create-domain command
- [PAYARA-4171] - Monitoring data of an Instance is not visible if it is in a Deployment Group
- [PAYARA-4192] - Support explicitly setting Data-Grid port in an instance
- [PAYARA-4193] - Additonal Improvements for Monitoring Console Preset Page
- [PAYARA-4195] - Cleanup in deployment-client
- [PAYARA-4197] - Improve logging warnings for container-managed transaction timeouts
- [PAYARA-4247] - Cleanup of sonar warnings for common/common-util
- [PAYARA-4248] - Log Expired certificates from cacerts.jks with level warning
- [PAYARA-4251] - Simplify Woodstock upgrades
Bug Fixes
- [PAYARA-1285] - Thread Pool monitoring breaks when configuring thread pools
- [PAYARA-3500] - Admin console shows incorrect virtual servers for MP health and metrics targets
- [PAYARA-3501] - Configuration changes in MP health and metrics in Admin console don't warn about restart needed
- [PAYARA-3803] - Illegal Reflective Access by com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.JarFileUtils
- [PAYARA-4025] - REGRESSION: Setting context root with app.war:context stopped working in Payara Micro 5.192
- [PAYARA-4048] - ejb32/mdb/modernconnector fails
- [PAYARA-4055] - Jaxrs client obtained from the request context must be the same instance
- [PAYARA-4061] - jsp test failures
- [PAYARA-4077] - CDI test EnterpriseSecurityContextPropagationInAsyncObserverTest fails
- [PAYARA-4078] - CDI InterceptorEnvironmentJNDISessionBeanTest fails
- [PAYARA-4083] - Unsatisfied dependencies for type YubicoAPI in CDI TCK
- [PAYARA-4087] - Allow use of single char operands in payara micro commands
- [PAYARA-4104] - Disabling Hazelcast for 5.193 Server causes startup failure
- [PAYARA-4115] - List-Nodes-Docker Command Fails with Invalid Number of Columns
- [PAYARA-4116] - Server shutdown hangs when startup fails
- [PAYARA-4120] - Server fails to start when using JDK11
- [PAYARA-4121] - Monitoring Configuration Level Ignored after Redeploying an Application
- [PAYARA-4122] - Unable to acquire global lock for resolve payara-micro-service
- [PAYARA-4123] - Async errors are missing in resumed response
- [PAYARA-4124] - Application name of deployed ear shows the unique number
- [PAYARA-4125] - MP HealthCheck NPE from when first saving values in admin console
- [PAYARA-4129] - Payara-samples were not updated after release of 5.193
- [PAYARA-4131] - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: not found by
- [PAYARA-4140] - ResourceValidator fails on jms/ee20/cditests/ejbweb
- [PAYARA-4141] - Use correct constructor of NotAuthorizedException in RolesPermittedInterceptor
- [PAYARA-4144] - Add support for Deployment Group on Management API
- [PAYARA-4146] - JavaMail Fails to Load Default Providers
- [PAYARA-4147] - MicroProfile Metrics API returns no data for vendor:system_cpu_load
- [PAYARA-4160] - Admin Console List EJB Timers Causes HTTP 500
- [PAYARA-4164] - OpenTracingApplicationEventListener is not null-safe
- [PAYARA-4167] - JSON-B Runtime not present on AppClient classpath
- [PAYARA-4169] - Incorrect server.policy settings
- [PAYARA-4170] - Deployment-client breaks TCK tests
- [PAYARA-4172] - Generation of OpenAPI document when using @Schema(implementation) sometimes give wrong result
- [PAYARA-4174] - CDI injection gives IllegalStateException on MP Metrics bean in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-4186] - OpenAPI document generates incorrect schema for Enums
- [PAYARA-4196] - Monitoring console throws error when dealing metrics that include a space
- [PAYARA-4202] - Arrays not supported in PayaraConfig.getOptionalValue()
- [PAYARA-4206] - MP Config does not support char as type of property
- [PAYARA-4207] - Steady pool size should allow zero
- [PAYARA-4215] - Database EJB Timer Persistence Service doesn't work on Deployment Group
- [PAYARA-4218] - JAX-WS Command Error
- [PAYARA-4219] - Problem when trying to override System Properties of an instance
- [PAYARA-4238] - Monitoring Console Hardening
- [PAYARA-4250] - Monitoring Console - Prevent Log Spamming
- [PAYARA-4253] - Update TCK signature tests for 5.194
- [PAYARA-4254] - Test failure in ejb32 / modernconnector
- ...
Payara Server 5.193
In this release, JDK11 support is still in tech preview. Although it may work without problems in production we cannot guarantee that this will be the case.
Guava Removal
PAYARA-3939 removed Guava from the Payara codebase. This is important when upgrading your domain since previously if application used Guava it may have worked with Guava as only a compile dependency. After upgrading this will not be the case, and you should provide Guava yourself.
Master Password Changes
PAYARA-4031 addressed a problem with changing the master password for nodes. In previous releases, changing the master password for only a domain before attempting to start an instance on another node would render that instance unusable. This fix changed the functionality of running change-master-password
against a node. It now will not interact with any keystores, only the saved password file. This makes the master password change work the way we believe was originally intended: you need to run the command against each node after changing the domain master password before starting those instances.
New Features
- [PAYARA-3573] - Dynamic Instances
- [PAYARA-3830] - Support Metrics 2.0
- [PAYARA-3850] - Aggregate data onto Monitoring App
- [PAYARA-3864] - Support Java Serialization in EJB HTTP Client
- [PAYARA-3876] - Add profiles for building dev version of Payara with full source embedded
- [PAYARA-3885] - Implement "Parameterized" dynamically resolved role names for @RolesPermitted annotation
- [PAYARA-3218] - Add Deployment Performance Analyzer
- [PAYARA-3492] - Upgrade JLine version to v3.x
- [PAYARA-3691] - Support reading WSDL files from WEB-INF
- [PAYARA-3792] - asadmin command to return the DN of Client Certificate
- [PAYARA-3821] - Add asadmin command to reset AMX metrics
- [PAYARA-3824] - Use KeyID from JWT header to find public key in JSON Web Key Set [Community Contribution: lreimer]
- [PAYARA-3825] - Validity check and auto-refresh for OpenID connect tokens. [Community Contribution: parysto]
- [PAYARA-3868] - Repeated NPE printed to console with Payara Micro after sitting idle
- [PAYARA-3883] - Move the groupsearcherror to a separate logger
- [PAYARA-3902] - Support protocol V1 for JSON-B serialization
- [PAYARA-3903] - Improve support for interface return and parameter types for Json-B
- [PAYARA-3913] - Instantiating wrappers - from 'new Wrapper(arg)' to 'Wrapper.valueOf(arg)' [Community Contribution: dvmarcilio]
- [PAYARA-3914] - SonarQube - Replacing raw Collections EMPTY_... fields with generic methods empty…() [Community Contribution: dvmarcilio]
- [PAYARA-3915] - SonarQube - Using Wrapper.parseWrapper() when converting String to primitive [Community Contribution: dvmarcilio]
- [PAYARA-3916] - SonarQube - Optimizing String.lastIndexOf() for single char in appserver [Community Contribution: dvmarcilio]
- [PAYARA-3917] - SonarQube - Optimizing String.lastIndexOf() for single char in nucleus [Community Contribution: dvmarcilio]
- [PAYARA-3918] - Fixed typo in path [Community Contribution: johnmanko]
- [PAYARA-3919] - SonarQube - Iterating on entrySet() instead of keySet() when key and value are needed [Community Contribution: dvmarcilio]
- [PAYARA-3964] - Allow configuration of MDB bean pool size with ActivationConfigProperty
- [PAYARA-3988] - Dynamic Docker Node Instances
- [PAYARA-3990] - Support definition of tags for custom MicroProfile JMX vendor metrics
- [PAYARA-4002] - Replace stats77 module with management-api
- [PAYARA-4015] - Replace synchronised classes with unsynchronised in admingui/common-console [Community Contribution: svendiedrichsen]
- [PAYARA-4034] - Cleanup of sonar warnings for common/amx-core
- [PAYARA-4064] - Stabilize creation of default domain in build
- [PAYARA-4065] - Reinitialize PayaraExecutorService on embedded server restart
- [PAYARA-4073] - Use correct constructor of NotAuthorizedException in RolesAllowedRequestFilter
- [PAYARA-3881] - CVE-2019-12086 Jackson Databind upgrade
Bug Fixes
- [PAYARA-3101] - MicroProfile endpoints security support
- [PAYARA-3698] - ! no longer allowed in admin password when using multimode asadmin
- [PAYARA-3703] - update_file_user command fails when there are instances based on a different config.
- [PAYARA-3736] - unsatisfied dependency HazelcastConfigSpecificConfiguration after migration from Payara 4 to 5 by backup and restore strategy
- [PAYARA-3756] - High Memory Usage in Grizzly caused by large Object arrays remaining in memory
- [PAYARA-3789] - DN representation of Client Certificate isn't uniform across Payara
- [PAYARA-3797] - JDBC Connection Pool Flush when targeting Deployment Groups/Instances
- [PAYARA-3815] - Support Remote Lookup of administered objects
- [PAYARA-3822] - Some AMX metrics missing after server restart
- [PAYARA-3860] - Race Condition When Starting Instance on JDK11 with Payara Server Full
- [PAYARA-3875] - Update Docker Node Image Name
- [PAYARA-3880] - Saving JVM Options corrupts the domain.xml
- [PAYARA-3884] - Payara Micro adds JDK 11 warning when exploded application deployed
- [PAYARA-3887] - Sonar issues sweep
- [PAYARA-3895] - Check for if name is in use by deployment group is wrong
- [PAYARA-3908] - JAX-RS Providers duplicated when CDI is enabled
- [PAYARA-3909] - You can't use any of the variable types in JDBC connection pool settings
- [PAYARA-3911] - Payara Server incorrectly detects Java version if it's different from the one used by the launcher [Community Contribution: vlumi]
- [PAYARA-3922] - NamingException for certain situations when JAX-RS resource is defined as Stateless EJB.
- [PAYARA-3931] - Revert the removal of 'java.ext.dirs' and 'java.endorsed.dirs` properties
- [PAYARA-3968] - Payara Micro Postboot Script asadmin Commands Incorrect Quotation Mark Parsing
- [PAYARA-3992] - JsonB serialization error when using Custom serializer
- [PAYARA-3996] - Ensure that the TimerWrapper references correct EJBTimerService [Community Contribution: realityforge]
- [PAYARA-4000] - A REST management DELETE command returns 415 code instead of 404
- [PAYARA-4012] - Delete unused and unmaintained javaee-api modules
- [PAYARA-4026] - MP Fault Tolerance fails on 2.0.1
- [PAYARA-4028] - PostConstruct setting values are lost in Clustered Startup Singleton EJB within WAR/EAR
- [PAYARA-4031] - Master Password synchronization inconsistencies across nodes
- [PAYARA-4043] - Get rid of jvnet-parent
- [[PAYARA-4044](
Payara Platform 5.192
Domain.xml Changes
At long last, Payara Platform is shipping with support for JDK 11. It should be stressed that firstly: this support is in tech preview and secondly: if upgrading from an older version of Payara, you'll need to add some extra JVM options to your domain.xml configuration files. These are documented in the release documentation.
MicroProfile Changes
This release also brings our support of MicroProfile up to 2.2, providing updates to OpenAPI, Rest Client, and Fault Tolerance.
Docker Integration Changes
Finally, this release introduces the concept of a Docker node (also tech preview) as our first iteration of better native Docker integration. These function similarly to existing nodes, except the instances created for a Docker node are run within Docker containers.
Known Issues
- [PAYARA-3865] - Output of asadmin osgi commands is not displayed. The issue was discovered later in release cycle. Workaround is to use OSGi shell over telnet. The server can be started by issuing command asadmin osgi telnetd start.
New Features
- [PAYARA-3111] - Security Audit Logging of Admin Console
- [PAYARA-3314] - Introduce the concept of a Docker Node
- [PAYARA-3466] - Implement Open API 1.1
- [PAYARA-3482] - Implement MicroProfile Rest Client 1.2.1
- [PAYARA-3468] - Implement MP FT 2.0
- [PAYARA-3537] – Community Contribution (lreimer): Added CORS headers support to Microprofile OpenAPI module
- [PAYARA-3580] – JDK 11 support
- [PAYARA-3654] - Add support for client side adapters in EJB HTTP Client
- [PAYARA-3385] - Allow OpenTracing @Traced to work with JAX-WS Web Services
- [PAYARA-3386] - Complete login.conf configuration after creating custom security realm with default LoginModule configuration
- [PAYARA-3417] - CertificateRealm should optionally return CN part a the certificate subject instead of the whole subject
- [PAYARA-3419] - Persistent EJB Timer service forced too eagerly in cluster/Deployment group.
- [PAYARA-3474] - Disable stacktrace logging when JPA schema generation tries to read from non existing sequence
- [PAYARA-3688] - Make the timeout parameter configurable in the start-local-instance command
- [PAYARA-3718] - Support System Properties with EJB over Rest
- [PAYARA-3755] - Implement Full Support for JSON-B Serialization when using EJB Remote over HTTP
- [PAYARA-3758] - Cleanup of sonar warnings for rest-service
- [PAYARA-3781] - Community Contribution (edthorne): Allow wildcards when specifying interfaces for the data grid discovery mode
- [PAYARA-3785] - Security small cleanup sweep 6
- [PAYARA-3790] - CircuitBreaker with configuration file does not override the requestVolumeThreshold
Bug Fixes
- [PAYARA-3162] - Endpoints defined within interface aren't picked up by MP openAPI
- [PAYARA-3259] - Fix OpenAPI Context Creation
- [PAYARA-3288] - Grizzly Memory Leak caused by HeapMemory and PooledMemory managers
- [PAYARA-3444] - Warn when asadmin set targeting instances changes shared configuration
- [PAYARA-3464] - Description does not save from MP config property in admin console
- [PAYARA-3487] - Race condition in ConnectionPool
- [PAYARA-3493] - Unable to Inject into EntityListener when using AttributeConverter
- [PAYARA-3509] - additionalProperties of OpenAPI schema is not 'rendered'
- [PAYARA-3515] - Fix setting authentication realm on Virtual Server with a property for default-web-module
- [PAYARA-3521] - JAX-RS client with payara-embedded-all raises IllegalStateException for RequestTracingService run level
- [PAYARA-3540] - Compile Error when Generating JavaDoc
- [PAYARA-3541] - Error while deploying exploded war with payara micro
- [PAYARA-3576] - embedded-all leaks upstream dependencies
- [PAYARA-3660] - Payara Micro unable to inject MP RestClient instance in REST endpoint class
- [PAYARA-3662] - context-root setting of glassfish-web.xml is ignored
- [PAYARA-3665] - Asadmin Shell Only Reads a Single Input
- [PAYARA-3666] - Fixes for issues found by tests for new health check as-admin commands
- [PAYARA-3670] - "Rotation on Date Change" for Notification Logging is not applied on Admin Console
- [PAYARA-3674] - CDI Async events not working on Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-3682] - Error in gf-client manifest
- [PAYARA-3686] - Default Principal can't be set from the Admin Console
- [PAYARA-3692] - Class name is wrong or classpath is not set for : com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource
- [PAYARA-3696] - Payara Executor Service Error Printed when Application Client Container starts
- [PAYARA-3702] - Community Fix (svendiedrichsen): NPE when Deploying an Application containing EJB Singletons
- [PAYARA-3708] - Some INFO messages still printed by JLine in asadmin even with jline.log.disable=true
- [PAYARA-3709] - Equals sign is added to system properties with empty value even if it's already in the key
- [PAYARA-3723] - Community Fix (svendiedrichsen): Fix unclosed resources and potential NPE
- [PAYARA-3729] - Jersey-media-json-jackson & jersey-hk2 Dependencies are not included with Ejb-Http-Client
- [PAYARA-3738] - Community Fix (svendiedrichsen): Properly implement equals and hashcode method for OpenID state
- [PAYARA-3753] - ClassCastException when using delayUnit Config Property
- [PAYARA-3754] - @clustered Annotation Doesn't Use Bean Name
- [PAYARA-3780] - Community Fix (aubi): Fix Http & Https ports in generated OpenAPI
- [PAYARA-3783] - Community Fix (svendiedrichsen): Avoid using non-threadsafe XPath as static property
- [PAYARA-3784] - OpenIdState equals method fixed
- [PAYARA-3820] - Community Contribution (svendiedrichsen): Fixing sporadic NPE when archive has no JPA beans
Component Upgrades
- [PAYARA-2965] - Update hk2 to 2.5.0
- [PAYARA-3402] - Upgrade maven-javadoc-plugin to 3.0.1
- [PAYARA-3668] - Update libpam4j to version 1.11
- [PAYARA-3706] - Upgrade hibernate-validator to 6.0.16.Final
- [PAYARA-3742] - Upgrade to Jersey 2.29
- [PAYARA-3743] - Upgrade snakeyaml to 1.24
- [PAYARA-3744] - Upgrade-MIME-Streaming-Extension-mimepull-to-1.9.11
- [PAYARA-3745] - Upgrade classmate to 1.5.0
- [PAYARA-3746] - Upgrade hazelcast version to 3.12
- [PAYARA-3747] - Upgrade ha-api ...
Payara Platform 5.191
Release Highlights
A new year means a new version number for the Payara Platform. With the release of 5.191, we welcome the return of the Help Docs. Oracle recently donated GlassFish to the Eclipse Foundation along with the rest of Java EE, and that includes the help documentation. Thanks to their donation, we can use and update the help docs again for the Payara Platform.
As usual, our release continues our quest to eradicate all bugs, with this release bringing with it roughly forty fixes. Some of the notable bug fixes for this release include a fix for viewing remote instance monitoring information, some HTTP2 fixes (including a memory leak!), variable substitution not working for Payara Micro post-boot files, and making it so the interactive asadmin prompt doesn’t die when it prompts you for extra command parameters.
See below for a complete list of new features, improvements, security updates, and bug fixes:
New Feature
- [PAYARA-1165] - Allow Payara Micro to set the context root with --contextRoot
- [PAYARA-3132] - Incorporate Help Documentation back into Payara
- [PAYARA-3169] - Thin Client Dependency for Remote EJB communications in client applications
- [PAYARA-3261] - MicroProfile 2.1 (OpenTracing 1.3)
- [PAYARA-3312] - Add Heartbeat into the Cluster Instance Descriptor
- [PAYARA-3344] - Allow a configurable graceful behaviour for Payara Server's (and Micro) shutdown hook
- [PAYARA-3381] - Daily rotation for Access Log
- [PAYARA-3440] - New EJB Remoting Subsystem
- [PAYARA-546] - Allow setting SO_KEEPALIVE on the DAS or specific configs
- [PAYARA-1896] - Refactor HealthCheck service commands to bring in to line with other asadmin commands
- [PAYARA-2206] - Remove registration and installer modules
- [PAYARA-2308] -- Community Contribution Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder
- [PAYARA-3262] - Don't create a new response in the JaxrsContainerExceptionMapper
- [PAYARA-3306] - Starting asadmin with domain not running results in warning
- [PAYARA-3310] - Make Service Name and Namespace Options for Kubernetes Cluster mode Optional
- [PAYARA-3316] - Improve @AroundInvoke/@AroundTimeout interceptor handling
- [PAYARA-3318] - Allow enabling or disabling HTTP methods for the j_security_check action
- [PAYARA-3360] - asadmin list-commands only works when domain is running
- [PAYARA-3382] - Make
configurable - [PAYARA-3387] - Support reading Jax-ws catalog from WEB-INF
- [PAYARA-3434] - Optimise FileArchive to reduce deployment times
- [PAYARA-3438] - Improve usability of MP Health endpoint as readinessProbe for k8s
- [PAYARA-3457] - Allow disabling auto-increment of Hazelcast port selection for the Domain Data Grid
- [PAYARA-3458] - Improve Domain Data Grid Startup/Status Log Output
- [PAYARA-3473] - Make Hazelcast initial wait time configurable
- [PAYARA-3499] - Optimise ASClassLoaderUtil
- [PAYARA-3505] - Prevent JLine Logging in Asadmin Multimode
- [PAYARA-3507] - Improve the Executor Pool and Queue Sizes in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-3508] - Improve logging in ConnectionPool
- [PAYARA-3514] - Community Contribution Typo and newline fix
- [PAYARA-3331] - Upgrade jackson to 2.9.7 to fix:
- [PAYARA-3361] - Upgrade Mojarra to 2.3.9 to fix CVE-2018-14371
- [PAYARA-2890] - Payara sometimes fails to load resources due to HTTP/2 server push
- [PAYARA-2959] - Secured Remote EJBs (IIOP over SSL) not working in Payara 5
- [PAYARA-3028] - Payara 5 Monitoring is broken for all instances apart from the DAS
- [PAYARA-3031] - Fix HTTP/2 Trailer Issue
- [PAYARA-3120] - TransactionScopedCDIEventHelperImpl Injection Error
- [PAYARA-3160] - Minimum log file size error is ignored when set using file
- [PAYARA-3163] - WebAppClassLoader fails to find JAX-WS Handler class
- [PAYARA-3164] - Variable substitution in post boot command file doesn't work in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-3219] - Move the Spanish localisation string file to the correct location
- [PAYARA-3227] - JNDI Resources Can't Be Added to Deployment Group
- [PAYARA-3257] - CDI Bean created (but fails) when interface has @path annotation
- [PAYARA-3258] - Open API takes into account annotated interfaces without implementation
- [PAYARA-3260] - Metrics API produces invalid metric names for Prometheus
- [PAYARA-3319] - Felix gogo shell no longer works
- [PAYARA-3328] - Increase the default thread pool and wait-queue size for the Payara Executor Service
- [PAYARA-3348] - Resources and Properties Tabs have wrong name when viewing the Healthcheck Checker Tab
- [PAYARA-3352] - If multiple invalid options are specified for asadmin only first is reported
- [PAYARA-3356] - EJB Timer fails when using non-persistent flag
- [PAYARA-3357] - asadmin shell issues when ask for additional data
- [PAYARA-3358] - asadmin command stop-domains no longer works
- [PAYARA-3362] - get-http-listener throws NPE
- [PAYARA-3366] - Payara MP Config getConverters() is not thread-safe
- [PAYARA-3367] - Strange CDI BeanManager behavior when creating interceptor instance on domain restart
- [PAYARA-3373] - Certificate realms with a custom JCE provider still raise exceptions
- [PAYARA-3376] - Some JVM parameters are not correctly stored through the Web Admin Console
- [PAYARA-3384] - Possible infinitive loop
- [PAYARA-3424] - @clustered Singleton not working in EAR assembly
- [PAYARA-3425] - asadmin recorder generates wrong command for create-network-listener
- [PAYARA-3432] - Setting core-pool-size of ExecutorService result in NPE
- [PAYARA-3443] - Allow SL4FJ to redirect all JUL statements to Logback in Payara Micro (Fix HV error)
- [PAYARA-3449] - list-protocol-filters command fails with NPE
- [PAYARA-3451] - Managed Scheduled Executor Service doesn't execute tasks from versioned applications
- [PAYARA-3452] - Memory Leak with http2 enabled on Payara 5.184 and latest glassfish
- [PAYARA-3463] - Unable to retrieve JVM options through Rest admin endpoint
- [PAYARA-3478] - SO_KEEPALIVE checks for wrong port, and Enable Logic is Wrong
- [PAYARA-3494] - Payara 5.184: PersistentEJBTimerService not serializable
- [PAYARA-3511] - ClassCastException when using CircuitBreaker.delayUnit Config Property
- [PAYARA-3512] - CircuitBreaker Interceptor Checks for Config Override on Wrong Annotation
- [PAYARA-3520] - Mojarra Prints Debug Messa...
Payara Server 5.184
Important Information
- JDK version 8u162 or newer is no longer required
- When upgrading Payara Server from an older version, make sure to use JVM options appropriate for your JDK version. See the Notes section below for more details
- Netbeans and possibly other IDEs may have problems running Payara Server 5.184. For more info how to fix this, see:
Upgrading from older versions
When upgrading from a domain used by an older version of Payara Server you may run into issues due to changes in ALPN.
We recommend modifying domain.xml by removing grizzly-npn-bootstrap.jar
JVM option and adding appropriate JVM option for your JDK version. Or you can just copy all the grizzly-npn-bootstrap
JVM options from a default domain.xml in Payara Server 5.184.
If you apply the JVM options in the default domain.xml in version 5.184, you'll avoid problems if you update the JDK in the future. The default configuration takes advantage of JDK version selectors supported in JVM options and will instruct Payara Server to choose the appropriate grizzly-npn-bootstrap
Beware that future versions of JDK (beyond u192) may break the ALPN contract again and subsequent version of Payara Server will need to provide another version of grizzly-npn-bootstrap
JAR to fix it.
TIP: Users with a support account can follow the Guide to Upgrading to Payara Server 5.184.
ALPN Changes
When upgrading from a previous domain you may run into issues due to changes in ALPN.
Please see the following Knowledge Base articles for information on how to resolve
these issues:
- Upgrade to Payara Server 5.184
- JDK 8U191 SSL NoClassDefFoundError
- Issues when Upgrading to JDK 8u191/Zulu 8.33 or Higher
PasswordLoginModule Changes
In Payara 5.182 login modules often extended from a base login module called This base class however was redundant and only provided for backwards compatibility as per the following comment on it:
“This class is provided for backward compatibility and is a candidate for deprecation.”
In order to simplify the security system somewhat by reducing the amount of redundant classes, this class has been removed since Payara 5.183. Its direct preferred replacement for a long time has been
. This class is now the only (and therefore mandatory) replacement.
Principal String Representation Changes
String representations of principals that are based on X500Principals have changed since Payara 5.184. The sequence of RDNs (Relative Distinguished Names) used to be rendered with a command (,) and a space ( ) as separator, but due to an internal class change are now rendered with only a command character (',' ASCII 44) as separator. For instance a distinguished name that used to be represented in string form as "C=UK, ST=lak, L=zak, O=kaz, OU=bar, CN=lfoo"
is now represented as "C=UK,ST=lak,L=zak,O=kaz,OU=bar,CN=lfoo"
Bug Fixes
- [PAYARA-2791] - Mojarra @ViewScope Incorrect Handling
- [PAYARA-2837] - OpenAPI Incorrect Collection Merging
- [PAYARA-2912] - Jbatch broken with PostgreSQL
- [PAYARA-2938] - MP Metrics returns 0 for a custom CPU load metric
- [PAYARA-2940] - Browser request administrator credentials again when accessing the support portal on the admin console
- [PAYARA-2975] - 'metrics.xml' parsed and metadata re-registered on every call to '/metrics' endpoint
- [PAYARA-3046] - Listing Cache Keys not working
- [PAYARA-3059] - SQLTraceDelegator should use Concurrent HashMap
- [PAYARA-3068] - MP Healthcheck fails if no name is supplied
- [PAYARA-3069] - Payara Micro outputUberJar throws NullPointerException and fails in v5.183
- [PAYARA-3075] - Rework Fault Tolerance so that Bulkhead and CircuitBreaker are tied to instances instead of applications
- [PAYARA-3076] - Runtime Exception when Enabling Request Tracing from Admin Console
- [PAYARA-3079] - Admin Console Log File Viewer Doesn't Show Complete Message
- [PAYARA-3085] - OpenAPI Doesn't Support @...Param Annotated Fields
- [PAYARA-3091] - Post Boot Commands Incorrect Quotation Mark Processing
- [PAYARA-3093] - Non Standard Admin Name Causes 403 in Admin Console
- [PAYARA-3094] - There is no help text for MaxSessions in the admin console
- [PAYARA-3098] - delete-domain can run even when domain is currently running
- [PAYARA-3102] - Asadmin does not work correctly with multiple admin users
- [PAYARA-3109] - OpenAPI doesn't support if schema type is array
- [PAYARA-3110] - CDI Session beans throw errors when stored
- [PAYARA-3114] - Concurrent Modification Exception when trying to access an active span programmatically.
- [PAYARA-3116] - OpenAPI Fails When Jersey Providers Are Registered
- [PAYARA-3119] - NullPointerException when starting Jersey/EJB Containers in Order
- [PAYARA-3121] - Jersey Crashes for EJB Classes of Same Name
- [PAYARA-3122] - Managed Scheduled Executor Service still executes tasks after undeployment
- [PAYARA-3125] - OpenTracing ExceptionMapper prevents usage of app provided one
- [PAYARA-3126] - OpenAPI Fails When Custom Operation Annotation is Used
- [PAYARA-3128] - Secure Protocols not being disabled correctly for ORB listeners
- [PAYARA-3131] - Clicking Cancel button on Configuration Properties page causes an error
- [PAYARA-3143] - Clustered Event Bus is broken in 5.182 onwards for POJO events
- [PAYARA-3145] - NPE in isSlowQueryLoggingEnabled
- [PAYARA-3146] - OpenIdIdentityStore/OAuthIdentityStore ambiguous dependencies
- [PAYARA-3153] - OpenAPI doesn't support child schema on @...Param annotations
- [PAYARA-3155] - @...Param annotations doesn't support @DefaultValue annotations on OpenAPI
- [PAYARA-3158] - NPE when starting asadmin multimode tool when DAS isn't accessible
- [PAYARA-3166] - Create file user operation fails when replicating commands to instances in deployment group
- [PAYARA-3186] - NPE in ConnectorXAResource.getResourceHandle method
- [PAYARA-3189] - Fixing blocker bugs in Payara micro boot module [community]
- [PAYARA-3190] - Web Console 403 LDAPRealm.getGroupNames Exception [community]
- [PAYARA-3192] - Fixing blocker bugs in Deployment related classes module [community]
- [PAYARA-3193] - Fixing Sonar blocker bugs in module nucleus logging [community]
- [PAYARA-3196] - Grizzly NPN Fails for JDK 8.192
- [PAYARA-3197] - Fixing sonar bugs blocker and major in web glue module [community]
- [PAYARA-3199] - NPE in MicroProfile Metrics on Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-3203] - MP OpenAPI @operation deprecated member ignored
- [PAYARA-3212] - CDI Extensions are registered many times in large EAR deployments
- [PAYARA-3222] - When adding @priority to an Interceptor, the deployment fails
- [PAYARA-3224] - Don't depend on NPE to skip JAX-RS features for admin console
- [PAYARA-3225] - Location Header Not Present with WebApplicationException
- [[PAYARA-3231](
Payara Server 5.183
Supported APIs and Applications
- Java EE 8 Applications
- MicroProfile 2.0/1.4 API
Bug Fixes
- [PAYARA-1987] - When using the Admin Console, create-password-alias fails on remote instances
- [PAYARA-2491] - Jersey Bean Validator fails to inject Weld managed beans
- [PAYARA-2635] - HTTP 500 error is thrown when trying to sort instances using node.
- [PAYARA-2694] - Login page for the Admin Console does not use the new styling
- [PAYARA-2724] - Wrong error message when injecting a custom JNDI resource with no defined value
- [PAYARA-2732] - JDBC Connection Pool Flush fails on clustered environment
- [PAYARA-2775] - MP Metrics support for @stateless JAX-RS resource
- [PAYARA-2784] - Session passivation not working for session file persistence type
- [PAYARA-2788] - Changing port for an non-admin http listener doesn't work for set-network-listener command
- [PAYARA-2821] - HealthCheck checks send multiple notifications when a new notifier is added
- [PAYARA-2822] - Access logs are not being purged
- [PAYARA-2824] - CDI event bus notifier doesn't deliver events
- [PAYARA-2827] - Postboot Command File Parsing Error
- [PAYARA-2830] - StackOverflow error in OpenAPI module
- [PAYARA-2831] - Grizzly Doesn't Recover From High CPU Load
- [PAYARA-2835] - Client cannot find a secured EJB when running on the same host as the backend
- [PAYARA-2846] - StackOverflowException in OpenAPI
- [PAYARA-2848] - Concurrent Modification Exception in parseBeansXML
- [PAYARA-2849] - PrometheusExporter for MP metrics conversion error
- [PAYARA-2860] - Cannot reorder JVM options table in admin console
- [PAYARA-2863] - Metrics endpoint displays internal error in case an invalid metric is defined
- [PAYARA-2868] - Duplicate metrics validation
- [PAYARA-2869] - StackTrace Split into Multiple Log Records
- [PAYARA-2870] - Log Formatter Isn't Used for ConsoleHandler
- [PAYARA-2874] - Enabling Security Manager Causes Log Errors
- [PAYARA-2878] - Applications aren't Deployed to an Instance with Autobinding Enabled
- [PAYARA-2880] - Unsupported operation at Microprofile Config
- [PAYARA-2881] - Recursive annotations cannot be deployed with JPA on Payara 5
- [PAYARA-2891] - JMS deployment failure in cluster
- [PAYARA-2892] - HTTP/2 memory leak
- [PAYARA-2894] - OpenAPI picks up internal applications when you restart the server.
- [PAYARA-2895] - Payara Micro Experiences Classloading Errors
- [PAYARA-2910] - RuntimeException in Admin Console JVM Options for New Configuration
- [PAYARA-2911] - Can't set description for JMX Monitoring attributes
- [PAYARA-2920] - OpenAPI has Hardcoded 8080 Port
- [PAYARA-2921] - OpenTracing Swallows StackTraces
- [PAYARA-2923] - IllegalStateException when Running Jax-Rs applications with Request Tracing Enabled
- [PAYARA-2924] - NPE on EE7 Sample Jax-Rs Async-Server when Request Tracing is Enabled
- [PAYARA-2925] - Background for admin console in IE is wrong colour
- [PAYARA-2926] - Cookie session persistence type does not throw exception after maxSessions reached
- [PAYARA-2929] - Batch RuntimeConfiguration has wrong target
- [PAYARA-2953] - Payara Micro Arquillian Container Doesn't Use Java Home
- [PAYARA-2960] - Wrong TLS Protocol Settings for IIOP Listeners
- [PAYARA-2962] - Missing String ConfigProperty should cause DeploymentException
- [PAYARA-3024] - IllegalArgumentException when trying to get a ChronoUnit using MP Config getOptionalValue
- [PAYARA-3027] - When creating a new stand alone instance the HTTP ports are displayed incorrectly
- [PAYARA-3029] - Can not create a new ssh node which is not on the default SSH port
New Features
- [PAYARA-1714] - Add asadmin command to generate autocompletion for bash
- [PAYARA-2288] - Create a MicroProfile Settings Page into the Admin Console
- [PAYARA-2721] - Implement MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 1.1
- [PAYARA-2761] - Create payara-web.xml
- [PAYARA-2834] - OpenID connector support
- [PAYARA-2851] - Implement Config 1.3
- [PAYARA-2852] - Implement Open Tracing 1.1
- [PAYARA-2853] - Implement JWT-Auth 1.1
- [PAYARA-2560] - Redesign set-monitoring-configuration asadmin command
- [PAYARA-2722] - Notifiers can be made less noisy
- [PAYARA-2733] - Add reasonable default timeouts for Jersey client
- [PAYARA-2763] - Translate Payara only feature to Spanish
- [PAYARA-2828] - Add rotation on file size options on Access logging
- [PAYARA-2843] - Add Logging format options to Payara Notification Logger
- [PAYARA-2861] - Allow Setting of Public Address for Hazelcast Cluster Node
- [PAYARA-2871] - Improve listing batch jobs memory usage in admin console
- [PAYARA-2889] - Defer Open API scanning to when the /openapi endpoint is first accessed
- [PAYARA-2904] - Remove invalid files from bin directory
- [PAYARA-2961] - Configurations tree view doesn't list in alphabetically order
- [PAYARA-2966] - Filter healthcheck-list-services and notifier-list-services in default Asadmin recorder config
Upstream Bugs
- [PAYARA-2931] - Memory Leak caused by PersistentManager component when enabling file-type session persistence
- [PAYARA-2941] - AJP NullPointerException
- [PAYARA-2956] - Don't log warnings when only checking if CDI bean is also JAX-RS resource
Component Upgrades
- [PAYARA-2723] - Update Hazelcast to 3....
Payara Server 5.182
API Changes
annotation removed. Please use the new MicroProfileorg.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing.Traced
Component Upgrade
- [PAYARA-2676] - Upgrade Jersey to 2.27
- [PAYARA-2709] - Update Hibernate Validator to 6.0.9.Final
New Feature
- [PAYARA-223] - Build EclipseLink HZ Cache Coordination Protocol
- [PAYARA-1394] - Create OAUTH integration
- [PAYARA-1528] - Add SNI SSL support
- [PAYARA-1925] - JACC per Application
- [PAYARA-2545] - Upgrade Config to 1.2
- [PAYARA-2546] - Update Metrics to 1.1
- [PAYARA-2547] - Implement Open Tracing 1.0
- [PAYARA-2548] - Implement Open API 1.0
- [PAYARA-2549] - Implement REST Client 1.1
- [PAYARA-2682] - Support integration of password aliases with microprofile config
- [PAYARA-2718] - Support EL within OAuth authentication mechanism
- [PAYARA-1688] - Redesign the public notifier API
- [PAYARA- 1692] - Minor changes to Security UI in Admin console
- [PAYARA-1864] - Add LetsEncrypt as a trusted CA to the default truststore
- [PAYARA-2041] - Implement Dynamic Logging Configuration
- [PAYARA-2263] - Make jvm-options tag in domain.xml switchable by jdk
- [PAYARA-2349] - Improve data format from SQL tracing data metrics
- [PAYARA-2425] - Add Environment Variable support for JVM-Options
- [PAYARA-2461] - Options to allow the application's name to be used for Portable JNDI name of EJBs contained within an EAR
- [PAYARA-2466] - Finally squash the unnecessary Felix warnings
- [PAYARA-2528] - Payara Micro ignores invalid arguments if they don't start with double dash
- [PAYARA-2559] - Allow to boot AMX at runtime even without enabling JMX monitoring service
- [PAYARA-2568] - The boot of micro does not use multiple threads
- [PAYARA-2575] - Create Yubikey integration
- [PAYARA-2603] - Move autobinding into Grizzly.
- [PAYARA-2611] - Notify Of Missing Alias for HTTP Listeners SSL configuration at startup
- [PAYARA-2612] - Remove underscore from JSON field names in JSON log formatter
- [PAYARA-2614] - Expose Grizzly HTTP2 AddOn settings in the administration console
- [PAYARA-2615] - Specify the SSL cert alias in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2616] - Align javaee-api dependency versions to 8.0
- [PAYARA-2618] - Align maven-compiler-plugin dependency version along with compiler version 1.8
- [PAYARA-2632] - Set force-selector-spin-detection in Grizzly to true by default also for other OS than Linux
- [PAYARA-2666] - Show DeploymentException which is hidden behind InvocationException
- [PAYARA-2673] - Clean up code in annotation-framework
- [PAYARA-2678] - Align versions of all maven plugins
- [PAYARA-2679] - refactor groupId definition of hibernate-validator artefact
- [PAYARA-2680] - Add cast method to NotificationData to convert itself into a subclass
- [PAYARA-2697] - Context root defined in glassfish-web.xml always gets overridden when deployed via browser UI
- [PAYARA-2707] - Allow placeholder replacement for AMX beans in MP custom metrics.
- [PAYARA-2708] - Initial cleanup of admin cli
- [PAYARA-2720] - Add missing packages to embedded
- [PAYARA-2725] - The MicroProfile HealthCheck API is not configurable and overrides applications which define a /health endpoint
- [PAYARA-2744] - Add to the Monitoring REST API Bulk Reading
- [PAYARA-2772] - Application targets page doesn't display targets
- [PAYARA-2561] - CORBA security context gets corrupted
- [PAYARA-2654] - update jackson-databind to 2.9.5
- [PAYARA-1620] - Servlet request is executed twice (or n time) if timeout occurs while waiting for jdbc call
- [PAYARA-2189] - Ability for CDI event bus to filter ClassNotFound exceptions with multiple application deployed
- [PAYARA-2229] - Injection in second war in an ear fails
- [PAYARA-2267] - Timestamp JPA conversion failing for Oracle 12c types
- [PAYARA-2375] - Glassfish 5.0 Servlet Parameters (ServerName, ServerPort, ...) broken when HTTP 2 is used
- [PAYARA-2376] - InvocationException when deploying an application with a deployment error
- [PAYARA-2522] - Deploying an application to an Instance in a Deployment Group and the Deployment Group causes the application to only target the instance.
- [PAYARA-2555] - Payara Micro Arquillian Connector Doesn't Allow Spaces In Arguments
- [PAYARA-2558] - Embedded SNAPSHOT dependency fails to run
- [PAYARA-2564] - Multi-threading of InitialContex() causes multiply-defined stub classes
- [PAYARA-2566] - Soteria ignores EL in one attribute of the LdapIdentityStoreDefinition
- [PAYARA-2569] - Undeploying an Application from a Deployment Group requires the instances to be restarted.
- [PAYARA-2570] - asadmin start-database implicit mapping to H2
- [PAYARA-2571] - View monitoring info in admin console throws error
- [PAYARA-2574] - Make Grizzly HTTP/2 Compliant
- [PAYARA-2579] - Add Empty Key File to Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2580] - Can not change the admin http-listener port and restart the domain via asadmin
- [PAYARA-2581] - In admin console, change text color to dark when background is orange
- [PAYARA-2583] - WebAppClassLoader Leak in ComponentInvocation
- [PAYARA-2586] - Unrecognised JMS-Service Element in Payara Embedded Web
- [PAYARA-2590] - Microprofile Config Property injection of https port fails on Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2591] - Restarting the DAS results in displayed page using wrong look and feel
- [PAYARA-2593] - Update EclipseLink 2.7.0 with changes on private fork
- [PAYARA-2608] - Excessive use of JDBC connections for listing JBatch job executions
- [PAYARA-2610] - Payara Micro uses wrong password for custom keystore/truststore
- [PAYARA-2613] - Fix warning for Multiple JSF Applications found
- [PAYARA-2621] - Correct case in "GlassFish" in admin console image(s)
- [PAYARA-2624] - Header background on Domain is not responsive.
- [PAYARA-2625] - Hard to read after sorting a table, due to colour change.
- [PAYARA-2628] - Payara Micro copytouberjar duplicates the name of the directory
- [PAYARA-2630] - Payara 5.181 throws exceptions and doesn't start at first attempt
- [PAYARA-2633] - Domain fails to start after setting up file encoding to UTF-8 via JVM options
- [PAYARA-2634] - New Paya...
Payara 5.181
Payara 5.181 Release Notes
Important Information
- Minimum Required JDK version is now 8u162.
- Currently, you cannot drop-in and use a Payara 4 domain.xml with Payara 5.
Supported APIs and Applications
- Java EE 8 Applications
- MicroProfile 1.2 API
New Features
- [PAYARA-140] - Bundle an alternative embedded database with Payara (H2)
- [PAYARA-188] - Hazelcast based SSO
- [PAYARA-862] - Integrate JSONB
- [PAYARA-864] - Add support for HTTP/2
- [PAYARA-1079] - Make Hazelcast EJB timer store from Micro available in full profile
- [PAYARA-1305] - Add support for CDI 2.0
- [PAYARA-1541] - Integrate Soteria
- [PAYARA-1815] - Integrate Servlet 4
- [PAYARA-1909] - Create a domain discovery mode
- [PAYARA-1915] - Create Deployment Group as a loose grouping of servers
- [PAYARA-2081] - Create a Roles Permitted CDI annotation
- [PAYARA-2246] - Clustered Singleton beans CDI support
- [PAYARA-2297] - Directory Config Source with support for Kubernetes format
- [PAYARA-2434] - Put Mojarra parallel init behind switch
- [PAYARA-189] - Completely Remove GMS and Shoal
- [PAYARA-1030] - Remove Jettison from Payara
- [PAYARA-1166] - Add configuration for JDK 8 metaspace into production domain
- [PAYARA-1225] - Enhance the production domain template further
- [PAYARA-1541] - Integrate Soteria
- [PAYARA-1740] - Split up application deployment in to prepare and initialize phases
- [PAYARA-1771] - Make default group to role mapping the default
- [PAYARA-1926] - JSF Deployment can be slow - unnecessary validation being done
- [PAYARA-1946] - Set X-Powered By to Servlet 4
- [PAYARA-1986] - Add the Quarter number to the Payara Version in the Logs
- [PAYARA-2079] - Update Truststores
- [PAYARA-2245] - JSF Deployment can be slow - Large XML file parsed
- [PAYARA-2256] - Remove Derby from Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2286] - Update JSP Compiler
- [PAYARA-2331] - Refactor admin console SAM
- [PAYARA-2365] - Remove info about REST endpoints when there are none in the app
- [PAYARA-2381] - Change version string of Mojarra to not be a SNAPSHOT
- [PAYARA-2382] - Remove GlassFish reference at boot
- [PAYARA-2383] - Switch ANSI colour logging on by default
- [PAYARA-2385] - Sort out Cluster Logging
- [PAYARA-2437] - Mojarra deprecated cdi 1.1 warning
- [PAYARA-2455] - Rename payaradomain to "production"
- [PAYARA-2467] - Remove useless JarFileFactory log message
- [PAYARA-2471] - Tidy up some of the Data Grid terminology
- [PAYARA-2477] - Create asadmin commands for MicroProfile Metrics
- [PAYARA-2504] - Change the Default Value of the allowLinking Property to false
- [PAYARA-2519] - Make the enabled Option of the set-hazelcast-configuration Command Optional
- [PAYARA-2521] - set-hazelcast-configuration Asadmin Command allows you to set the clustermode as anything
- [PAYARA-2523] - Log a message when a user picks an obvious but wrong value when using Payara Micro and domain cluster mode
- [PAYARA-2347] - Reskin Admin Console
- [PAYARA-2379] - Review all INFO logs on boot and remove any that are not useful
- [PAYARA-2438] - Revamp Request Tracing into OpenTracing-style format
Bug Fixes
- [PAYARA-2038] - Payara Micro pom.xml contains non-optional dependencies
- [PAYARA-2148] - @transactional interceptor not fully compatible with CDI 2.0
- [PAYARA-2212] - Weld Warnings for ServletRequestListener for async servlets
- [PAYARA-2283] - Illegal type error in logs when starting Payara
- [PAYARA-2335] - UX Issue on Data Grid Admin console
- [PAYARA-2342] - NoSuchElementException during Hazelcast Bootstrap
- [PAYARA-2346] - CDI event bus listeners not initialized in Payara micro, ManagedExecutorService fixes
- [PAYARA-2352] - Domain Discovery mode doesn't seem to work on Windows
- [PAYARA-2357] - Cannot update the Data Grid Configuration via the admin console
- [PAYARA-2358] - Restart Data Grid does not work
- [PAYARA-2363] - Applications Fail to undeploy cleanly
- [PAYARA-2364] - Soteria warning when deploying applications
- [PAYARA-2378] - start-cluster asadmin command executes but spits out fail message
- [PAYARA-2384] - Missing log messages on boot
- [PAYARA-2387] - Singleton JAX-RS failure
- [PAYARA-2389] - Fault Tolerance retry interceptor log message variable doesn't get inserted
- [PAYARA-2390] - WebSocket in Mojarra fails to obtain the server port
- [PAYARA-2396] - Setting of properties fails
- [PAYARA-2412] - Fix Internal Server Error when using the Java EE Security API with Basic authentication without password
- [PAYARA-2418] - Payara 5 Log Files Display Leftover Version Point
- [PAYARA-2420] - EJB Timer button is broken on Deployment Groups page
- [PAYARA-2421] - "ErrorHandler not set" error on Startup of Payara 5
- [PAYARA-2422] - Enabling an app on the app page doesn't work
- [PAYARA-2424] - Deployed Applications have an incorrect number of targets
- [PAYARA-2427] - Deployed application in Micro logs shows a lot of junk
- [PAYARA-2429] - "Invalid join request" warning periodically printed to Micro logs
- [PAYARA-2430] - Reenabling an app on the Applications page does not reenable ManagedExecutorService
- [PAYARA-2432] - "No valid EE environment for injection of fish.payara.microprofile.metrics.cdi.producer.MetricRegistryProducer" gets thrown a lot when deploying applications.
- [PAYARA-2435] - Payara 5 Embedded is Broken
- [PAYARA-2439] - SSL Certificate Expired spammed to log
- [PAYARA-2440] - Refactor a line within prettyDateFormat
- [PAYARA-2442] - H2 jdbc-connection-pool config
- [PAYARA-2449] - Current master shows started instances as stopped
- [PAYARA-2451] - Remove system.out in Mojarra
- [PAYARA-2463] - Unsatisfied Bean Dependency Error on Startup
- [PAYARA-2464] - asadmin doesn't consider jacc-provider properties
- [PAYARA-2465] - Fix GH #2328 Cannot run payara from Intellij IDEA
- [PAYARA-2468] - Lots of junk in the log from JSF
- [PAYARA-2474] - Missing log message on boot
- [PAYARA-2478] - Creating a instance in the deployment group now results in java.lang.RuntimeException
- [PAYARA-2492] - Jasper Exception when loading an application deployed to Payara Micro Programmatically
- [[PAYARA-2501](htt...