Releases: sillsdev/serval
What's Changed
- Major refactoring of corpus merging:
- So we don't pretranslate everything by @johnml1135 in #519
- Fix pretranslation filtering by @johnml1135 in #520
- Be able to retrieve pretranslations from parallel corpora - update filter by @johnml1135 in #528
- Move preprocess logic to toolkit by @Enkidu93 in #512
- Fix up USFM pretranslations for Parallel corpus by @johnml1135 in #529
- Added serval release version to translation build by @mudiagaobrikisil in #517
- Mark corpus endpoints obsolete by @johnml1135 in #535
- Remove action delegates for configuration by @johnml1135 in #537
- Add API example program by @pmachapman in #539
Other Fixes
- Fix GetTasksForQueueAsync by @johnml1135 in #534
- A better fix for #516. by @johnml1135 in #521
- Peter's fix by @johnml1135 in #525
- What about 6 retries and not 3? by @johnml1135 in #526
- Retry clearml calls on 429 responses. by @johnml1135 in #531
- Webhook retry by @johnml1135 in #532
Selections from Machine 3.5.0
- NParallelTextCorpus by @Enkidu93 in sillsdev/machine#270
- Refactor stripAllText and preferExistingText into a single enum by @ddaspit in sillsdev/machine#263
- Convert LeftMargin, RightMargin, and FirstLineIndent to floats by @ddaspit in sillsdev/machine#262
- Fix forever loop by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/machine#260
New Contributors
- @mudiagaobrikisil made their first contribution in #517
- @pmachapman made their first contribution in #539
Full Changelog: docker_1.7.0...docker_1.8.0
What's Changed
- Upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 by @johnml1135 in #500
- Fix MongoDB DoD'ing - call 'GetAsksById' once per DoWork by @Enkidu93 in #504
- Serval-side mixed source support by @Enkidu93 in #497
- Parallel Corpora Documentation by @Enkidu93 in #507
- Fix corpus e2e tests by @johnml1135 in #509
Full Changelog: docker_1.6.3...docker_1.7.0
Update Machine to 3.4.0:
- Remove OT terms from pt localization by @Enkidu93 in sillsdev/machine#249
- Restore accidentally removed notebooks by @ddaspit in sillsdev/machine#255
- Add parameter for filtering key terms by book/chapters by @Enkidu93 in sillsdev/machine#256
- If there are no enumerators, it enters an infinite loop. by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/machine#257
- v3.4.0 by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/machine#258
Full Changelog: sillsdev/machine@v3.3.0...v3.4.0
Update version of Machine to v3.2.8:
Full Changelog: docker_1.6.2...docker_1.6.3
What's Changed
- Ensure that writer queue is cleared when lock is canceled by @ddaspit in #486
- Update versions of core libraries including: by @johnml1135 in #487
- Add bugsnag by @johnml1135 in #488
- Better logging by @johnml1135 in #490
- When failing a ClearML update, log the headers by @johnml1135 in #493
- Avoid constantly attempting to acquire a lock by @ddaspit in #491
Full Changelog: docker_1.6.1...docker_1.6.2
What's Changed
- Retain build files by @johnml1135 in #481
- Update logging by @johnml1135 in #483
- Fix #464 - Refine lock timeout to no longer cause infinite locks by @johnml1135 in #473
- Fix #294 - Nswag 8618 warning by upgrading Nswag by @johnml1135 in #472
- Pretranslation versification mismatch by @Enkidu93 in #471
- Update to Machine 3.2.7
- Update to 1.6.3
Full Changelog: docker_1.6.0...docker_1.6.1
What's Changed
- Add assessment API (disabled, untested) by @ddaspit in #455
- Add ability to use localizations for key terms by @Enkidu93 in #454
- Catch exceptions in GetAsync and treat the same as not founds, more intelligently handling poorly formatted file IDs (+ include exception) by @Enkidu93 in #459
- Add better ClearML parse logging info by @johnml1135 in #463
- Fix #460 again - don't parse books that aren't selected sillsdev/machine#207 by @Enkidu93 in #467
- Move logic from entity base to MongoRepo by @Enkidu93 in #466
- Ignore ellipses "..." from corpora by @Enkidu93 in #469
- Update Machine to 3.2.6 including a few more USFM parsing errors
Full Changelog: docker_1.5.6...docker_1.6.0
What's Changed in Serval
- Restore index on webhook owner by @Enkidu93 in #439
- Fix Echo issues by @Enkidu93 in #444
- Flag for deleting files when deleting corpus by @Enkidu93 in #441
- Hotfix to fix health messaging by @johnml1135 in #448
- Fix usfm parsing bugs by @Enkidu93 in #447
- start analyzing clearml tasks by @johnml1135 in #431
- Add SIL.ServiceToolkit library by @ddaspit in #456
Full Changelog: docker_1.5.5...docker_1.5.6
What's changed in Machine
- Check for empty string by @Enkidu93 in sillsdev/machine#226
- Extend manual test to process multiple projects including zipped projects by @Enkidu93 in sillsdev/machine#227
- Fix quotation mark in USFM parsing error message by @Nateowami in sillsdev/machine#230
- Fix USFM parsing bugs by @Enkidu93 in sillsdev/machine#229
- Release 3.2.5 by @Enkidu93 in sillsdev/machine#231
Full Changelog: sillsdev/machine@v3.2.4...v3.2.5
Release 1.5.5
What's Changed
- Smt clearml job by @johnml1135 in #406
- Restructure as a monorepo by @ddaspit in #417
- Add "UseSourceUsfm" option to USFM endpoint. by @johnml1135 in #420
- Move Machine engine to Serval repo by @ddaspit in #426
- Fix error message regarding too many builds by @Enkidu93 in #430
- Fix error message by @Enkidu93 in #435
- Remove timeout on MessageOutboxDeliveryService by @Enkidu93 in #437
- USFM column index issue by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/machine#220
- correctly parse table in duplicate verse by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/machine#222
- Usfm nonverse multichapter by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/machine#224
- Use macos-12 GHA runner by @ddaspit in sillsdev/
- Smt build job by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/
- CPU only docker image
Full Changelog: release_1.4.5...release_1.5.5
Docker 1.5.0
What's Changed
- Smt clearml job by @johnml1135 in #406
- Have download script also download usfm by @Enkidu93 in #413
- Restructure as a monorepo by @ddaspit in #417
- Migration script by @johnml1135 in #418
- Add "UseSourceUsfm" option to USFM endpoint. by @johnml1135 in #420
Full Changelog: docker_1.4.5...docker_1.5.0
Release 1.5.QA1
This is a QA release of the Serval deployment and includes the following changes from the 3 repos:
What's Changed in Serval
- Smt clearml job by @johnml1135 in #406
- Have download script also download usfm by @Enkidu93 in #413
- Restructure as a monorepo by @ddaspit in #417
- Migration script by @johnml1135 in #418
- Add "UseSourceUsfm" option to USFM endpoint. by @johnml1135 in #420
Full Changelog: docker_1.4.5...docker_1.5.0
What's Changed in Machine
- Smt on clearml by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/machine#200
- fix missing last verse by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/machine#212
- Remove obsolete handling of \d marker by @ddaspit in sillsdev/machine#216
- Fix 2, 2a, 2b verse merging by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/machine#214
- Retry hangfire jobs by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/machine#197
- Update library version to 3.2.1 by @ddaspit in sillsdev/machine#218
Full Changelog: sillsdev/machine@docker_3.9.5...docker_3.10.0
What's Changed in
- Use macos-12 GHA runner by @ddaspit in sillsdev/
- Smt build job by @johnml1135 in sillsdev/
- CPU only docker image
Full Changelog: sillsdev/