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@mshriver mshriver released this 04 Feb 12:20
· 781 commits to master since this release
PR Labels Author Title
9894 enhancement, fix-test prichard77 Add uncollect for providers with less than 4 hosts to test_compare_ho…
9893 new-test-or-feature mmojzis Added test_keypair_ownership_association
9892 new-test-or-feature mmojzis Added test_storage_manager_quadicon_numbers
9891 enhancement, test-automation valaparthvi Automate: test_quota_with_reconfigure_resize_disks
9890 enhancement jaryn Reintroduce the reverted Add periodic call and use it to prolong the appliances from Sprout
9889 fix-test nachandr Fix parametrization for Tower dialog creation tests
9888 new-test-or-feature nachandr Parametrize Tower tests on API version
9887 issue-bug, requirements jaryn Bump riggerlib to mitigate zmq deadlock issue
9886 enhancement mayurilahane Enhanced security group test case for multiple checks
9885 test-cleanup dgaikwad Removing test case
9882 test-cleanup spusateri Update FA assignee
9881 test-cleanup sbulage Removed automated Azure manual tests related to SSA.
9880 fix-test mnadeem92 Fixing dual_nic_migration Test
9879 fix-test mayurilahane Removed BZ 1752875 blocker because won't fix.
9878 test-automation dgaikwad CLI - Test appliance console cancel
9875 enhancement tpapaioa Update distributed appliance test to use create_vm fixture
9871 enhancement, test-automation valaparthvi Automate: test_provider_summary_topology
9867 test-automation dgaikwad CLI - Test to check SSL
9866 test-automation valaparthvi Automate: test_reports_generate_custom_conditional_filter_report
9865 new-test-or-feature digitronik Automate BZ-1770300
9863 enhancement, fix-test prichard77 Add new ProviderCompareHostsView and replace with CompareHostsView in…
9862 issue-bug mshriver Revert " Add periodic call and use it to prolong the appliances from Sprout"
9860 fix-locator-or-text kedark3 Fixing tagging test and ignoring deffered bz test for streams 5.10,5.11
9859 issue-bug mshriver Fix click.echo calls in release script
9858 test-automation dgaikwad CLI - Testing evm stop command
9857 test-cleanup dgaikwad Updating tests
9855 fix-test dgaikwad Fix for - test_appliance_console_external_auth_all TC
9854 enhancement prichard77 Add uncollect for more than 2 hosts and RHEVM and SCVMM providers
9853 fix-test digitronik Moving custom button to use AttributeValueForm
9852 fix-test valaparthvi Fix test
9851 enhancement kedark3 Vm name enhancement 2
9850 enhancement kedark3 Vm name enhancement
9849 enhancement jaryn Fix test_cloud_init_provisioning for openstack-13
9846 new-test-or-feature sshveta Add migration plan via API
9845 fix-test mmojzis test_storage_manager_navigation_from_cloudprovider fix
9844 test-automation niyazRedhat Automating copy catalog item with tags
9839 enhancement, test-cleanup tpapaioa De-duplicate code for VM / VMCollection retirement
9832 new-test-or-feature mmojzis Implemented automated test for test_add_delete_add_provider
9831 fix-test ganeshhubale Fixed vm retire now error message in logs
9825 test-automation niyazRedhat Automate load service with button
9824 test-automation niyazRedhat Automated Service state test
9823 test-automation dgaikwad CLI - Testing restoring DB using NFS - negative
9821 enhancement prichard77 Replace usage of entity.check() with entity.ensure_checked. Part 3.
9816 enhancement prichard77 Replace usage of entity.check() with entity.ensure_checked. Part 2.
9815 test-automation dgaikwad Test To Extend Temporary Storage negative-test
9804 test-automation ganeshhubale New Test: Testing quota calculation check using service dialog overrides
9797 enhancement, test-automation, test-cleanup valaparthvi Automate: test_compare_vm_from_datastore_relationships
9784 test-automation ganeshhubale New Test: Testing domain import with broken yml
9769 enhancement, tech-debt, test-automation valaparthvi Automate: test_provider_documentation
9768 enhancement, test-cleanup nachandr Automate test to verify key pair visibility in child tenants
9524 enhancement jaryn Update the test_db_migrate.

Basic Stats

Label Number of PRs
enhancement 18
test-automation 15
fix-test 10
test-cleanup 7
new-test-or-feature 6
issue-bug 3
requirements 1
fix-locator-or-text 1
tech-debt 1
Author Number of PRs
dgaikwad 8
valaparthvi 6
prichard77 5
mmojzis 4
jaryn 4
nachandr 3
kedark3 3
niyazRedhat 3
ganeshhubale 3
mayurilahane 2
tpapaioa 2
digitronik 2
mshriver 2
spusateri 1
sbulage 1
mnadeem92 1
sshveta 1