- #890 Convert bitrise ubuntu workflow into GitHub actions. (piotradamczyk5)
- #876 Added option to print Android available devices to test against. (piotradamczyk5)
- #895 Added option to print iOS available devices to test against. (piotradamczyk5)
- #894 Added option to print Android available versions to test against. (piotradamczyk5)
- #897 Added option to print iOS available versions to test against. (piotradamczyk5)
- #901 Added option to print Android and iOS available test-environment. (piotradamczyk5)
- #904 Added option to print provided software. (piotradamczyk5)
- #906 Added option to print network profiles. (adamfilipow92)
- #908 Added option to print iOS available locales to test against. (piotradamczyk5)
- #906 Added option to print iOS and Android screen orientations. (adamfilipow92)
- #907 Added option to print Android available locales to test against. (piotradamczyk5)
- #857 Added multimodule setup for test app. (piotradamczyk5)
- #837 Added obfuscate option to dump shards. (piotradamczyk5)
- #868 Restored weblinks to all test results, not just failures. (rainnapper)
- #828 Store test results in gcloud bucket. (adamfilipow92)
- #865 Flank needs to respect the timeout value as that's a cap for billing purposes. (adamfilipow92, pawelpasterz)
- #866 Fix printing all matrix links. (piotradamczyk5)
- #862 Added printing outcome details. (piotradamczyk5, jan-gogo)
- #876 Added --directories-to-pull validation and avoid making request with empty toolStepResult. (piotradamczyk5)
- #875 Enhance permission denied exception logs. (adamfilipow92, pawelpasterz)
- #853 Store @Ignore tests in the JUnit XML without sending ignored tests to FTL. (piotradamczyk5, adamfilipow92)
- #853 Handle duplicated apk names. (jan-gogo)
- #840 Fix parametrized tests. (jan-gogo, adamfilipow92, pawelpasterz, piotradamczyk5)
- #831 Refactor config entities and arguments. (jan-gogo)
- #817 Add AndroidTestContext as base data for dump shards & test execution. (jan-gogo)
- #801 Omit missing app apk if additional-app-test-apks specified. (jan-gogo)
- #784 Add output-style option. (jan-gogo)
- #779 Print retries & display additional info. (jan-gogo)
- #793 Better error message on file not found. (adamfilipow92)
- #808 Fixed dry run crashes. (piotradamczyk5)
- #807 Fix Bugsnag being initialized during tests. (piotradamczyk5)
- #805 Fix overlapping results. (pawelpasterz)
- #812 Convert bitrise macOS workflow to github action. (piotradamczyk5)
- #799 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions. (piotradamczyk5)
- #798 Remove failure nodes from tests that passed on retry so that Jenkins JUnit plugin marks them as successful. (adamfilipow92)
- #822 Allow runtime test discovery when sharding is disabled by not setting test-targets. This unblocks cucumber testing. (adamfilipow92)
- #819 Display matrix results in a table format. (piotradamczyk5)
- #825 Automatically convert -1 in maximum-test-shards to the maximum shard amount. (adamfilipow92)
- #833 More error messages improvements. (piotradamczyk5)
- #826 Omit
for robo test executions instead of throwing exception. (adamfilipow92)
- #781 Remove local exists check on cloud results-dir. Fixes crash when results-dir is set by the user. (adamfilipow92)
- #656 Improve error message reporting. (adamfilipow92)
- #783 Use legacy results for iOS by default. (pawelpasterz)
- #794 Enhance
to dump shards from all test apks (bootstraponline, jan-gogo)
- #775 Fix exception thrown for null start time. (pawelpasterz)
- #764 Fix crash on parse some control chars. (adamfilipow92)
- #772 Fail fast when results-dir is incorrect. (jan-gogo)
- #757 Reduce memory usage by using Reader and Writer instead of ByteArrays. (jan-gogo)
- #763 Use "localhost" as default for hostname to fix backward compatibility. (jan-gogo)
- #757 Print version and revision before each command. (jan-gogo)
- #759 Add shard name for uploaded xctestrun files. (pawelpasterz)
- #755 Remove ascii doc generated section header. (jan-gogo)
- #731 Refactor jUnit HTML report. (Writhe)
- #754 Sync README.md flank.yml flank.ios.yml. (jan-gogo)
- #746 Ignore apk with filtered out tests instead of failing. (pawelpasterz)
- #741 Allow APKs with zero tests. (fondesa)
- #737 Generate ascii doc. (jan-gogo)
- #720 Update group id from
(bootstraponline) - #714 Add support for num-uniform-shards option. (jan-gogo)
- #712 Add keep file path for ios. (pawelpasterz)
- #711 Remove hardcoded height. (pawelpasterz)
- #708 Add ignore failed tests option to Flank. (pawelpasterz)
- #704 Add robo for robo-directives & robo-script options. (jan-gogo)
- #704 Fix shards calculation when there are ignored tests and shardTime is -1. (jan-gogo)
- #692 Add support for other-files option. (jan-gogo)
- #695 Add support for additional-apks option. (jan-gogo)
- #683 Print web link. (pawelpasterz)
- #692 Add support for network-profiles list command & --network-profile option. (jan-gogo)
- #689 Add support for client-details option. (jan-gogo)
- #687 Debug message printed after every command. (pawelpasterz)
- #684 Add overhead time to junit test case report. (jan-gogo)
- #666 Use API instead of XML for result parsing for android. (jan-gogo)
- #678 Skip Bugsnag initialization if user disabled gcloud analytics. (pawelpasterz)
- #672 Flank timeout feature. (pawelpasterz)
- #657 Fix execution hangs. (pawelpasterz)
- #654 Fix test filters when using both notPackage and notClass. (jan-gogo)
- #648 Include @Ignore JUnit tests in JUnit XML. (pawelpasterz)
- #646 Adopt kotlin-logging as a logging framework. (jan-gogo)
- #644 Use high performance options by default. Video, login, and perf metrics are now disabled by default. (pawelpasterz)
- #643 Add --dry option to android run & ios run. (jan-gogo)
- #642 Flank doctor should exit 1 on validation issues. (pawelpasterz)
- #641 Move all deps to Deps.kt (doodla)
- #640 Update gradle to 6.2.1 and JaCoCo to 0.8.5. (doodla)
- #639 Cache all uploads and downloads to GCS. (Kurt-Bonatz)
- #635 Default to 2m time estimate for unknown tests when sharding. (RainNapper)
- #621 Adopt server side sharding. Max shard count is 50. (bootstraponline)
- #612 Print HtmlErrorReport location. (bootstraponline)
- #615 Add
for Android when downloading assets from Google Cloud Storage. (tahirhajizada)
- #608 Use MatrixRollupOutcome to set exit code value. (bootstraponline)
- #595 Rename
. Renamerepeat-tests
. (bootstraponline) - #605 Improve exit code logging. Use matrix outcome to set exit code. (bootstraponline)
- #597 Support parsing testLabExecutionId. (yogurtearl)
- #599 Disable FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES for forward compatibility. (narenkmanoharan)
- #589 Fix java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String. (vfadc)
- #587 Optimize polling. (bootstraponline)
- #586 Poll devices in parallel. Fixes performance regression in Flank v7. (bootstraponline)
- #574 Improve test shard error reporting. Update device catalog to use projectId. (bootstraponline)
- #582 Fix iOS exit code when using flaky-test-attempts. Don't print environment-variables to stdout for security. (bootstraponline)
- #584 Poll all test executions instead of only the first per matrix. (bootstraponline)
- #585 Fix bug in smart flank when sharding tests that run in 0 seconds. (bootstraponline)
- #567 Fix
on Android CLI. (bootstraponline) - #571 Add
flank ios run --dump-shards
andflank android run --dump-shards
for debugging (bootstraponline) - #572 Fix exit code reporting when using
- #566 Fix
on iOS CLI. (bootstraponline)
- #563 Fix CLI support for iOS. (bootstraponline)
- #542 Add
to include multiple app/test apk pairs in a single run. (bootstraponline)
- #550 Update dex-test-parser to fix Inherited crash. (bootstraponline)
- #541 Rename
CLI flag to--max-test-shards
. Add--smart-flank-gcs-path
CLI flag. (bootstraponline) - #544 Fix empty test targets crash. (bootstraponline)
- #548 Fix flank cancel. Print os name when sharding iOS tests. (bootstraponline)
- #549 Update to llvm 8.0.0 and Swift 5.0.1. (bootstraponline)
- #537 Add
yml option to prevent new results from overriding previous results. (elihart)
- #538 Update
. Fixes APK parsing crash. (bootstraponline) - #536 Always calculate exit code from matrix status instead of JUnit XML. (bootstraponline)
- #534 Fix updateMatrixFile not saving
. (bootstraponline)
- #506 Add bugsnag reporting to detect Flank crashes. (bootstraponline)
- #507 Improve error message when credentials fail to load, folder doesn't exist, and on bucket creation failure. Properly pass through user credential when checking the storage bucket. (bootstraponline)
- #514 Rename
(miguelslemos) - #518 Add deprecation warnings when old key names are used.
flank android doctor --fix
will auto fix the YAML file. (bootstraponline) - #519 Rename
. Movedproject
(bootstraponline) - #523 Add
to make it easy to find the test result at a fixed path. (bootstraponline) - #524 Fix iOS test sharding when there's a space in the path (bootstraponline)
- #522 Correctly report test results and exit code when using
(bootstraponline) - #530 Save files downloaded with
to device root folder. Fix web links in HTML report. (bootstraponline) - #533 Update matrix_ids.json on every matrix change. Useful for debugging runs that crashed. (jschear)
- #505 Fix
flank auth login
by usinggoogle-auth-library-java
. (bootstraponline) - #501 Fix nullability check in SavedMatrix. (bootstraponline)
- #493 Fix getDefaultBucket timeout. (bootstraponline)
- #436 Print how accurate test times are when using smart flank (Macarse)
- #462 Always find all iOS tests when sharding. (bootstraponline)
- #471 Add dynamic bucket counts for Smart Flank via
(Macarse) - #473 Add
flag (Macarse) - #476 Retry matrix creation when FTL API errors. (bootstraponline)
- #477 Fix large number merging on iOS (bootstraponline)
- #478 Add iOS regular expression filtering for
(Macarse) - #479 Improve invalid iOS regex error message (bootstraponline)
- #481 Add iOS support for locale and orientation (Macarse)
- #482 Document Android code coverage with orchestrator on FTL (bootstraponline)
- #485 Replace : in folder name to improve Windows support. (Sunil-plsr)
- #487 Document all Flank YAML properties in README (bootstraponline)
- Fix create Gcs bucket #444
- Add
to Android and iOS. Specify a list of regular expressions to download files from the Google Cloud Storage bucket. #441 - Add
flank auth login
to authorize with a user account instead of a service account. #446 - Add
support on Android and iOS which automatically retries failed tests. #454
- Add support for parameterized iOS tests when shard count is 1. #435
- Add support for
when parsing iOS.xctestrun
files. #435
, andxctestrun-file
now support~
, environment variables, and globs (*
) when resolving paths. #386- Add CLI support for
flank android run
andflank ios run
- Add experimental
to shard iOS and Android tests by time using historical run data. The amount of shards used is set bytestShards
. #385 - Fix parsing empty testcase #402
- Add progress bar when uploading files. #403
- iOS iPhone 8 default device has been updated from 11.2 to 12.0.
- Add
flank cancel
command. Seeflank cancel --help
- Add
flank refresh
command. Seeflank refresh --help
- Automatically detect projectId from service account credential
- Always generate aggregated JUnit XML reports
- Update HTML report to use create-react-app v2.1.0
- Add support for Xcode 10.1
- Improve test parsing to detect Swift tests that throw errors
- Update Flank exit codes, see readme for details.
- Link to matrix root when testing on multiple devices