Updates to Alerts
- Add SQLite migration support for service alerts #494
- Updated analytics events #491
- Use different API keys for android / iOS app #501
- Firebase Config support added, will be used in future. #490
What's Changed
- Rename start to Krail by @ksharma-xyz in #1
- Rename start to Krail by @ksharma-xyz in #2
- Ignore .DS_Store files by @ksharma-xyz in #3
- Add NetworkModule by @ksharma-xyz in #4
- Remove Tests temporarily by @ksharma-xyz in #7
- Call sydneytrains api by @ksharma-xyz in #8
- Create :coroutines:ext module and add safeResult by @ksharma-xyz in #9
- Add cacheZipResponse to repository by @ksharma-xyz in #10
- Add timber lib for logging by @ksharma-xyz in #11
- Parse Stops.txt from zip response by @ksharma-xyz in #12
- Create Mode objects for GTFS Static by @ksharma-xyz in #13
- Add Stop model for GTFS_Static by @ksharma-xyz in #14
- Add Stops Parser for GTFS Static by @ksharma-xyz in #15
- Add trip parser: by @ksharma-xyz in #16
- MAke trimQuotes reusable by @ksharma-xyz in #18
- Add occupancy parser by @ksharma-xyz in #19
- Add calendar parser by @ksharma-xyz in #20
- Add Agency Parser by @ksharma-xyz in #21
- Create :core:utils by @ksharma-xyz in #22
- Create :network and :database api and real modules for sydney-trains feature by @ksharma-xyz in #23
- Add SQL Delight by @ksharma-xyz in #24
- Add SQLDelight queries and demo insert by @ksharma-xyz in #25
- Add modules for sydney-trains feature by @ksharma-xyz in #26
- Move Service from core to feature module by @ksharma-xyz in #27
- Move Repository to feature network module by @ksharma-xyz in #28
- Fix file creation - remove log wow by @ksharma-xyz in #29
- Create ZipCacheManager by @ksharma-xyz in #30
- Insert data to db in parser files by @ksharma-xyz in #31
- Add sizeOfStopTimes query by @ksharma-xyz in #32
- Add sizeOfStopTimes query by @ksharma-xyz in #33
- Cleanup parseStopTimes by @ksharma-xyz in #34
- Create sq files for routes, stops, stoptimes and trips by @ksharma-xyz in #35
- Add TripsStore and StopsStore by @ksharma-xyz in #36
- Create RealTripsStore and provide KrailDB using Dagger by @ksharma-xyz in #37
- Add RoutesParser by @ksharma-xyz in #38
- Add StopsStore by @ksharma-xyz in #39
- Add Routing queries by @ksharma-xyz in #40
- Create trip-planner network module by @ksharma-xyz in #41
- Rename SydneyTrainsService by @ksharma-xyz in #42
- Add TripPlanningService by @ksharma-xyz in #43
- Provide TripPlanningService and Retrofit using Dagger by @ksharma-xyz in #44
- Create RealTripPlanningRepository by @ksharma-xyz in #45
- Add stopFider impl by @ksharma-xyz in #46
- Add extension functions suspendSafeResult and toSafeResult by @ksharma-xyz in #47
- Add stopfinder impl for RealTripPlanningRepository by @ksharma-xyz in #48
- Inject TripPlanningRepository by @ksharma-xyz in #49
- Update TripPlanningService by @ksharma-xyz in #51
- Add method to clear all static gtfs data by @ksharma-xyz in #52
- Add TripResponse by @ksharma-xyz in #53
- Add DateTimehelper functions by @ksharma-xyz in #54
- Add stopIds logic by @ksharma-xyz in #55
- Make all fields nullable for TripResponse by @ksharma-xyz in #56
- Add trip.json by @ksharma-xyz in #57
- Add filds to TripResponse by @ksharma-xyz in #58
- Add stop_finder.json by @ksharma-xyz in #59
- Add logic for load more times by @ksharma-xyz in #60
- Interchange Stops Logic by @ksharma-xyz in #61
- Add demo json response of metro and bus trip by @ksharma-xyz in #62
- Bump Lib versions by @ksharma-xyz in #63
- Deprecated KotlinJvmOptions by @ksharma-xyz in #64
- Clean up and update Readme by @ksharma-xyz in #65
- Rename Theme to Krail by @ksharma-xyz in #66
- Create KrailTheme - custom design system by @ksharma-xyz in #67
- Remove Material Theme and use compose Foundation instead by @ksharma-xyz in #68
- UI: Create Text component by @ksharma-xyz in #69
- UI: Add multipreview annotation ComponentPreviewLightDark by @ksharma-xyz in #70
- UI: Add support for custom Text color by @ksharma-xyz in #71
- UI: Add TransportModeIcon component by @ksharma-xyz in #72
- UI: Make TransportModeIcon adaptive by @ksharma-xyz in #73
- Use modeName to calculate Text for TransportModeIcon by @ksharma-xyz in #74
- Move Text to foundation package by @ksharma-xyz in #75
- UI: add borderEnabled field to TransportModeIcon by @ksharma-xyz in #76
- Update MultiPreviewAnnoatation by @ksharma-xyz in #77
- Stop calling API while building UI by @ksharma-xyz in #78
- UI: Add SavedTripCard component by @ksharma-xyz in #79
- UI: Add preview for SavedTripCard List by @ksharma-xyz in #80
- UI: Add TextField component by @ksharma-xyz in #82
- UI: TextField - use decoratorbox by @ksharma-xyz in #83
- UI: Provide TextSelectionColors by @ksharma-xyz in #84
- UI: TextField Fix the cursor by @ksharma-xyz in #85
- Update copyright by @ksharma-xyz in #88
- UI: Move Text to components package and delete foundation by @ksharma-xyz in #86
- UI: TextField update colors by @ksharma-xyz in #87
- Doc: Add documentation links for design system by @ksharma-xyz in #89
- UI: Add BasicJourneyCard by @ksharma-xyz in #90
- UI: Add JourneyCard by @ksharma-xyz in #91
- UI: Add TransportModeBadge by @ksharma-xyz in #92
- UI: Update TransportModeBadge and TransportModeIcon text styles and background by @ksharma-xyz in #93
- UI: Update size for TransportModeIcon and TransportModeBadge by @ksharma-xyz in #94
- Update readme by @ksharma-xyz in #95
- UI: Add SeparatorIcon by @ksharma-xyz in #96
- UI: Update BasicJourneyCard to be more dynamic to accept UI changes by @ksharma-xyz in #97
- UI: Create JourneyDetailCard by @ksharma-xyz in #98
- UI: Add TransportModeInfo by @ksharma-xyz in #99
- Use TransportModeInfo by @ksharma-xyz in #100
- Update README.md by @ksharma-xyz in #101
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #102
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.8.2 by @renovate in #104
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.03 by @renovate in #103
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.12 by @renovate in #107
- Update dependency com.google.truth:truth to v1.4.4 by @renovate in #106
- Add :core:navigation module by @ksharma-xyz in #111
- Cleanup MainActivity by @ksharma-xyz in #119
- Update detekt to v1.23.7 by @renovate in #109
- Add Navigator / RealNavigator by @ksharma-xyz in #121
- Add KrailNavHost by @ksharma-xyz in #122
- UI: Add :trip-planner:ui module by @ksharma-xyz in #123
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.7.3 by @renovate in #108
- Update paparazzi to v1.3.4 by @renovate in #110
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.15 by @renovate in #112
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test to v1.9.0 by @renovate in #120
- Refactor Navigation by @ksharma-xyz in #125
- Update hilt to v2.52 by @renovate in #126
- Empty ViewModels by @ksharma-xyz in #128
- Create :feature:trip-planner:state module by @ksharma-xyz in #129
- Integrate State / Event to Screen / ViewModel by @ksharma-xyz in #130
- Add Base framwwork for ViewModel / UI State and event for viewmodels by @ksharma-xyz in #131
- Add Fake SplashScreen and click events by @ksharma-xyz in #132
- UI: Ad UI for SavedTripsScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #133
- Add ui for SearchStopRow by @ksharma-xyz in #134
- UI: RoundIconButton by @ksharma-xyz in #135
- UI: Add SavedTripsScreenContent by @ksharma-xyz in #136
- UI: Bring entire view into focus when keybaord is open by @ksharma-xyz in #137
- UI: Add TextFieldButton by @ksharma-xyz in #138
- Fix SearchStopRow padding and use it in SavedTripsScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #139
- UI: Add Title Bar by @ksharma-xyz in #140
- Search stop logic by @ksharma-xyz in #141
- Add domain logic - StopsResultMapper and TransportMode by @ksharma-xyz in #142
- UI: Display icon for transport type when searching for stops by @ksharma-xyz in #143
- Display keyboard automatically by @ksharma-xyz in #144
- UI: Divider by @ksharma-xyz in #145
- UI: StopSearchListItem by @ksharma-xyz in #146
- Improve TransportModeType model by @ksharma-xyz in #147
- Nav: Pass selected stop data back by @ksharma-xyz in #148
- Navigation: Pass stopId and name from SavedTripScreen to TimeTableScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #150
- Call Trip API by @ksharma-xyz in #151
- Display Data - timeTableScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #152
- DateTime logic update by @ksharma-xyz in #153
- Update model by @ksharma-xyz in #154
- Remove unused fields from TripResponse by @ksharma-xyz in #155
- Add business logic to display JourneyCard and JourneyDetailCard by @ksharma-xyz in #156
- Fix TitleBar padding by @ksharma-xyz in #157
- Create :core:date-time module for all date time related functions by @ksharma-xyz in #158
- Remove domain model. No concept of domain in Krail by @ksharma-xyz in #159
- Refactor design system by @ksharma-xyz in #160
- Update test lib name in toml by @ksharma-xyz in #161
- integrate model with UI by @ksharma-xyz in #162
- Update time text periodically by @ksharma-xyz in #163
- Hide keyboard on navigating back. by @ksharma-xyz in #164
- Add reverse icon by @ksharma-xyz in #167
- Add Reverse Stop feature by @ksharma-xyz in #168
- Delete GTFS Static and GTFS RealTime model and Parser classes by @ksharma-xyz in #170
- Update kotlin monorepo to v2.0.21 by @renovate in #165
- Update dependency com.google.devtools.ksp to v2.0.21-1.0.25 by @renovate in #166
- Fix Detekt Issues - Prep for CI by @ksharma-xyz in #171
- Add TripResponseMapper by @ksharma-xyz in #172
- Update TripResponse mapper business logic by @ksharma-xyz in #173
- Fix StopItem parcelable crash by @ksharma-xyz in #174
- Update dependency org.mockito.kotlin:mockito-kotlin to v5.4.0 by @renovate in #124
- Fix platformText logic by @ksharma-xyz in #175
- Time Calculation Enhancement for Trip Planner by @ksharma-xyz in #176
- Refactor destinations into separate files by @ksharma-xyz in #177
- Update TimerText only when UI is visible by @ksharma-xyz in #178
- Create constants by @ksharma-xyz in #179
- Refactor JourneyCard for improved flexibility and accessibility by @ksharma-xyz in #181
- Add JourneyCardClicked event by @ksharma-xyz in #182
- Update JourneyDetailCard UI by @ksharma-xyz in #183
- Add JourneyId to JourneyCardInfo by @ksharma-xyz in #184
- Add Business Logic to build JourneyCardInfo with legs information including stopsequence by @ksharma-xyz in #185
- Fix white screen issue when keyboard is opening by @ksharma-xyz in #186
- Expand to display JourneyDetailCard when clicked on JourneyCard by @ksharma-xyz in #187
- Sanitise data by @ksharma-xyz in #188
- Animate appearance of JourneyCard and JourneyDetailCard by @ksharma-xyz in #189
- UI: Create Fab component by @ksharma-xyz in #194
- Improved handling of arrival and departure times for journey stops by @ksharma-xyz in #190
- Update Time formatting by @ksharma-xyz in #191
- Add color code for linename when its a Train by @ksharma-xyz in #192
- Fix navigation bars padding and colors by @ksharma-xyz in #198
- Krail Logo - Temp by @ksharma-xyz in #193
- Handle 0 items in stopSequence case. by @ksharma-xyz in #197
- Add Save Trip Button and handle onclick event by @ksharma-xyz in #199
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.16 by @renovate in #180
- Update dependency com.opencsv:opencsv to v5.9 by @renovate in #115
- UI: Create JourneyCard - updated UI by @ksharma-xyz in #202
- Add borders to Journey Card based on the Tansport Mode by @ksharma-xyz in #203
- Integrate JourneyCard in TimeTableScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #204
- Remove SaveTrip button by @ksharma-xyz in #205
- Align center - time to departure by @ksharma-xyz in #206
- Fix alignment of Transport Mode by @ksharma-xyz in #207
- Add platform info by @ksharma-xyz in #208
- Update docs for TripResponse by @ksharma-xyz in #209
- Remove unused code by @ksharma-xyz in #211
- Update gradle / agp by @ksharma-xyz in #212
- Update dependency app.cash.turbine:turbine to v1.2.0 by @renovate in #201
- Database: Create module :sandook:api and real by @ksharma-xyz in #213
- Splash Screen background color to respect device theme color by @ksharma-xyz in #214
- Add RealSandook impl for Sandook KeyValueStore by @ksharma-xyz in #215
- UI: JourneyCardDetail - Update UI by @ksharma-xyz in #218
- Add UI: JourneyLeg by @ksharma-xyz in #219
- UI: WalkingLeg by @ksharma-xyz in #220
- Implement Save Trip functionality by @ksharma-xyz in #216
- Create SandookFactory by @ksharma-xyz in #217
- Reduce animation time by @ksharma-xyz in #224
- Update WalkingLeg and JourneyDetailCard by @ksharma-xyz in #221
- Integrate JourneyDetailCard by @ksharma-xyz in #222
- Add gradient border to JourneyDetailCard by @ksharma-xyz in #223
- Add business logic for WalkingInterchange by @ksharma-xyz in #225
- Create jekyll-gh-pages.yml by @ksharma-xyz in #230
- Add previews for JourneyLeg by @ksharma-xyz in #226
- fix stopname for last leg by @ksharma-xyz in #227
- Github Pages - Website by @ksharma-xyz in #231
- Add JourneyCardState by @ksharma-xyz in #228
- Adding lineName ot make a unique journeyId. by @ksharma-xyz in #229
- Optimize search debounce and text trimming by @ksharma-xyz in #232
- UI: minor fixes and updates by @ksharma-xyz in #233
- Add WalkingLeg to JourneyCardInfo and update UI by @ksharma-xyz in #234
- Customize platform text based on transport mode by @ksharma-xyz in #235
- Update colors by @ksharma-xyz in #236
- Make transportModeLines nullable and update UI components by @ksharma-xyz in #237
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.8.3 by @renovate in #200
- Detekt -fix by @ksharma-xyz in #238
- Detekt - Update package name by @ksharma-xyz in #239
- Detekt - Refactor and optimize code across multiple modules by @ksharma-xyz in #240
- Add detekt checks to CI by @ksharma-xyz in #241
- Commenting gh-pages build for now by @ksharma-xyz in #242
- Add LegView component and update JourneyLeg previews by @ksharma-xyz in #243
- Add timeline view by @ksharma-xyz in #244
- UI: Make reusable timeline component by @ksharma-xyz in #245
- UI: Display non prominent stops if present by @ksharma-xyz in #246
- UI: Display intermediate stops in journey timeline by @ksharma-xyz in #247
- UI: Integrate JourneyCardState in JourneyCard composable and add different types of content by @ksharma-xyz in #248
- Update timeline color to match actual line color of transport mode by @ksharma-xyz in #249
- Delete old UI for JourneyDetailCard by @ksharma-xyz in #250
- UI: Refine JourneyCard styling and interaction by @ksharma-xyz in #251
- UI: Update search components and text field placeholders by @ksharma-xyz in #255
- UI: Add expandable stops view in journey timeline by @ksharma-xyz in #252
- UI: Refactor JourneyCard clickable area and simplify stops display by @ksharma-xyz in #254
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.3 by @renovate in #195
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.10.00 by @renovate in #196
- Update dependency com.google.devtools.ksp to v2.0.21-1.0.26 by @renovate in #253
- Update dependency com.jakewharton.retrofit:retrofit2-kotlinx-serialization-converter to v1 by @renovate in #127
- Update dependency com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit to v2.11.0 by @renovate in #116
- Update dependency com.android.application to v8.7.1 by @renovate in #113
- Update dependency com.android.tools.build:gradle to v8.7.1 by @renovate in #114
- Update dependency gradle to v8.10.2 by @renovate in #118
- Remove gh pages and bump lib version by @ksharma-xyz in #256
- Update dependency com.squareup.wire to v5.1.0 by @renovate in #117
- UI: Enhance SavedTripCard with transport mode styling and interactions by @ksharma-xyz in #257
- UI: Implement SavedTripsScreen with dynamic trip loading and display by @ksharma-xyz in #258
- UI: Refactor SavedTripsScreen with Trip object and enhance interactions by @ksharma-xyz in #259
- UI: Refactor SavedTripsScreen with LaunchedEffect and add LoadSavedTrips event by @ksharma-xyz in #260
- UI: Refine leg filtering and add debug logging in TripResponseMapper by @ksharma-xyz in #261
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.17 by @renovate in #262
- UI: Refactor screens layout and improve time formatting by @ksharma-xyz in #263
- Apply statusbarspadding by @ksharma-xyz in #264
- Network: Adjust OkHttp timeout settings by @ksharma-xyz in #265
- UI: Add transportModeBackgroundColor function and adjust LegView background by @ksharma-xyz in #266
- UI: Remove SavedTripClicked event and refactor SavedTripsViewModel by @ksharma-xyz in #267
- UI: Add animations to JourneyCard and SavedTripsScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #268
- Update android.lifecycle to v2.8.7 by @renovate in #273
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.3.1 by @renovate in #274
- Add TripInfo to TimeTableScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #269
- UI: Update theme colors and add trip details to TimeTableScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #270
- UI: Improve navigation bar handling and simplify TimeTableScreen layout by @ksharma-xyz in #271
- UI: Add star icon toggle and refactor TitleBar actions by @ksharma-xyz in #272
- UI: Change screen backgrounds from background to surface color by @ksharma-xyz in #276
- UI: Add animations to TimeTableScreen journey route by @ksharma-xyz in #277
- Add location icon by @ksharma-xyz in #278
- UI: Redesign TimeTableScreen header and journey route display by @ksharma-xyz in #279
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.10.01 by @renovate in #281
- Update agp to v8.7.2 by @renovate in #282
- UI: Update TextField colors and SearchStopScreen styling by @ksharma-xyz in #280
- UI: Add animated emoji loading state to TimeTableScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #283
- UI: Polish TimeTableScreen layout and typography by @ksharma-xyz in #284
- Integrate Firebase by @ksharma-xyz in #285
- Integrate Firebase Crashlytics by @ksharma-xyz in #286
- Add Firebase Performance monitoring by @ksharma-xyz in #287
- Add NSW Transport API key configuration by @ksharma-xyz in #288
- Add Debug Firebase App Distribution workflow by @ksharma-xyz in #289
- UI: Update journey duration display format by @ksharma-xyz in #290
- UI: Add festival-aware emoji loading animations by @ksharma-xyz in #291
- UI: Add reverse trip functionality to TimeTableScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #293
- Add API rate limiting for trip planner requests by @ksharma-xyz in #294
- UI: Improve route summary layout in LegView by @ksharma-xyz in #296
- UI: Add UsualRideScreen with transport mode selection by @ksharma-xyz in #295
- UI: Add navigation handling for transport mode selection by @ksharma-xyz in #297
- UI: Add UsualRideScreen with theme persistence by @ksharma-xyz in #298
- UI: Add theme color support via CompositionLocal by @ksharma-xyz in #299
- UI: Add transport mode theme content color support by @ksharma-xyz in #300
- UI: Improve theme color contrast with accessibility checks by @ksharma-xyz in #301
- UI: Improve edge-to-edge navigation bar handling by @ksharma-xyz in #302
- UI: Add animated origin-destination component by @ksharma-xyz in #303
- UI: Adjust bottom padding in UsualRideScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #304
- A11y: StopSearchScreen - Calculate background color to improve text contrast by @ksharma-xyz in #305
- A11y: Improve JourneyCard layout and accessibility at high font scales by @ksharma-xyz in #306
- UI: Update JourneyCard padding and add festival emoji support by @ksharma-xyz in #307
- Test: Move trip planner test assets to test directory by @ksharma-xyz in #308
- UI: Add walking time indicator to JourneyCard by @ksharma-xyz in #309
- UI: Update walk icon by @ksharma-xyz in #310
- Update app version by @ksharma-xyz in #311
- UI: Add collapsible alert component by @ksharma-xyz in #312
- Update business logic - alerts by @ksharma-xyz in #313
- UI: Refactor color utilities and add background color helper by @ksharma-xyz in #314
- UI: Refactor JourneyCard states and add alert color token by @ksharma-xyz in #315
- UI: Add service alerts screen and HTML text support by @ksharma-xyz in #317
- UI: Enhance service alerts display and journey card layout by @ksharma-xyz in #318
- UI: Update alert link color in HTML text by @ksharma-xyz in #319
- UI: Add wheelchair accessibility indicators to stops by @ksharma-xyz in #320
- Update app version to 0.3-alpha by @ksharma-xyz in #321
- UI: Add visual treatment for past journeys by @ksharma-xyz in #323
- UI: Improve journey card layout and time formatting by @ksharma-xyz in #324
- UI: Refactor platform text handling in journey cards by @ksharma-xyz in #325
- Enable tests as part of CI by @ksharma-xyz in #326
- UI: Enhance splash screen animation and layout by @ksharma-xyz in #327
- UI: Enhance splash screen animation and theming by @ksharma-xyz in #328
- Update app version to 1.0-alpha01 and refresh app icon by @ksharma-xyz in #329
- Update build gradle by @ksharma-xyz in #330
- Update paparazzi to v1.3.5 by @renovate in #316
- UI: Add error handling and empty states to timetable by @ksharma-xyz in #331
- UI: Add error and empty states to stop search by @ksharma-xyz in #332
- UI: Add text filtering and length limits to search input by @ksharma-xyz in #333
- UI: Improve stop search results handling and animations by @ksharma-xyz in #334
- UI: Update app launcher icon and dimensions by @ksharma-xyz in #335
- UI: Add staggered animation delays to splash logo by @ksharma-xyz in #336
- Update app version to 1.0-alpha02 and add ProGuard rules by @ksharma-xyz in #337
- UI: Add empty state to saved trips and update usual ride copy by @ksharma-xyz in #339
- Update dependency gradle to v8.11 by @renovate in #338
- Update dependency com.google.devtools.ksp to v2.0.21-1.0.27 by @renovate in #322
- Build: Update Kotlin JVM target and remove unused module by @ksharma-xyz in #341
- Remove gtfs static data by @ksharma-xyz in #342
- Delete website by @ksharma-xyz in #343
- Build: Remove SQLDelight dependencies by @ksharma-xyz in #344
- Remove unused dependencies and versions by @ksharma-xyz in #345
- Build: Update Android SDK targets and core-ktx version by @ksharma-xyz in #346
- Remove Kotlin Parcelize plugin by @ksharma-xyz in #347
- Remove core:utils module by @ksharma-xyz in #350
- UI: Add back navigation to alerts and timetable screens by @ksharma-xyz in #353
- Update app version to 1.0-alpha03 by @ksharma-xyz in #354
- UI: Fix text capitalization and styling in UsualRideScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #355
- Compose Multiplatform- build for iOS Target by @ksharma-xyz in #359
- Add CI build status badge to README by @ksharma-xyz in #360
- Docs: Update README with architecture and setup details by @ksharma-xyz in #363
- Update dependency io.ktor:ktor-client-auth to v2.3.13 by @renovate in #364
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose to v2.8.4 by @renovate in #366
- UI: Add color animations to CollapsibleAlert by @ksharma-xyz in #371
- UI: Add HTML text support for Android and iOS by @ksharma-xyz in #372
- UI: Reduce loading animation rotation speed by @ksharma-xyz in #373
- Add Settings Screen by @ksharma-xyz in #374
- UI: Add loading state to saved trips screen by @ksharma-xyz in #375
- UI: Redesign CollapsibleAlert and improve HTML text styling by @ksharma-xyz in #376
- UI: Redesign journey card alerts and spacing by @ksharma-xyz in #377
- UI: Simplify loading emoji selection and festivals by @ksharma-xyz in #378
- UI: Add rosemary emoji for ANZAC Day loading screen by @ksharma-xyz in #379
- Fix display name for Leg by @ksharma-xyz in #380
- UI: Simplify journey leg duration display by @ksharma-xyz in #381
- UI: Refactor timeline colors and layout in TimeTableScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #382
- UI: Redesign theme selection screen and add paint icon by @ksharma-xyz in #383
- UI: Redesign search bar and improve stop selection styling by @ksharma-xyz in #384
- UI: Redesign search stop screen and improve text field layout by @ksharma-xyz in #385
- UI: Clear focus when exiting search stop screen by @ksharma-xyz in #386
- UI: Add app version display to settings screen by @ksharma-xyz in #387
- Bump app version by @ksharma-xyz in #388
- Update compose.multiplatform to v1.7.1 by @renovate in #361
- Update kotlin monorepo to v2.1.0 by @renovate in #390
- UI: SavedTripCard - update button colors and improve spacing by @ksharma-xyz in #389
- Update agp to v8.7.2 by @renovate in #368
- Add Loading Animation for Search StopScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #391
- UI: Update launcher icon colors and layout by @ksharma-xyz in #392
- UI: Add DateTime selector and picker components by @ksharma-xyz in #393
- UI: Add DateTime selector screen and picker by @ksharma-xyz in #394
- UI: Redesign DateTime selector and improve time picker layout by @ksharma-xyz in #395
- UI: Split DateTime selector into separate components by @ksharma-xyz in #396
- UI: Enhance DateTime selector with animations and component separation by @ksharma-xyz in #397
- UI: Enhance DateTime selector with reset and date navigation by @ksharma-xyz in #398
- UI: Refine trip planner spacing and typography by @ksharma-xyz in #399
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-compose to v2.8.4 by @renovate in #365
- UI: Implement DateTime selection and navigation flow by @ksharma-xyz in #400
- UI: Refactor DateTime selection to use serialized model by @ksharma-xyz in #401
- UI: Add DateTime support to trip planning API by @ksharma-xyz in #402
- UI: Refactor DateTime formatting and selection handling by @ksharma-xyz in #403
- UI: Add silent loading state and reset functionality by @ksharma-xyz in #404
- UI: Improve search and loading states in trip planner by @ksharma-xyz in #405
- Update dependency gradle to v8.11.1 by @renovate in #356
- UI: Persist DateTime selection across navigation by @ksharma-xyz in #406
- UI: Refine DateTime selector layout and formatting by @ksharma-xyz in #407
- UI: Persist DateTime state using rememberSaveable by @ksharma-xyz in #408
- UI: Enhance radio button with outline and disabled states by @ksharma-xyz in #409
- UI: Extract SecondaryButton component and standardize usage by @ksharma-xyz in #410
- UI: Update App Icon / theme colors by @ksharma-xyz in #411
- Release: Bump version to 1.0-beta01 and disable logging by @ksharma-xyz in #412
- UI: Add horizontal padding to alert heading text by @ksharma-xyz in #413
- UI: Update launcher icon foreground color to black by @ksharma-xyz in #414
- Release: Bump version to 1.0-beta02 by @ksharma-xyz in #415
- Update dependency com.google.devtools.ksp to v2.1.0-1.0.29 by @renovate in #352
- iOS: Configure app bundle and XCode project settings by @ksharma-xyz in #417
- iOS: Improve HTML text parsing and add iOS tests by @ksharma-xyz in #418
- iOS: Bump app version by @ksharma-xyz in #419
- Create :core:appInfo module by @ksharma-xyz in #421
- Core: Add debug flag and rename Platform to AppPlatform by @ksharma-xyz in #422
- iOS: Hide Alerts due to navigation issue by @ksharma-xyz in #423
- AutoRefresh TimeTable every 30 seconds when screen is active by @ksharma-xyz in #424
- UI: Remove unused DateTimeSelectorViewModel by @ksharma-xyz in #425
- AndroidRelease: Bump version to 1.0-beta04 by @ksharma-xyz in #426
- TimeTable: Add auto-refresh and trip ID tracking by @ksharma-xyz in #427
- Android Release: Bump version to 1.0-beta05 by @ksharma-xyz in #428
- iOS: Bump version to 1.0-alpha09 by @ksharma-xyz in #429
- TimeTable: Improve journey caching and cleanup past trips by @ksharma-xyz in #430
- Release: Bump Android to beta06 and iOS to alpha10 by @ksharma-xyz in #431
- Theming Screen - Update copy and icons by @ksharma-xyz in #432
- Update agp to v8.7.3 by @renovate in #416
- Update dependency ruby to v3.3.6 by @renovate in #367
- Firebase: Add Crashlytics and Analytics for iOS and Android by @ksharma-xyz in #434
- Release: Bump Android to beta08 and iOS build to 2 by @ksharma-xyz in #435
- UI: Update settings and themeing screen layouts by @ksharma-xyz in #436
- TimeTable: Optimize date selection and auto-refresh logic by @ksharma-xyz in #437
- TimeTable: Improve journey cleanup and started/ended states by @ksharma-xyz in #438
- TimeTable: Add journey cache cleanup and Instant helpers by @ksharma-xyz in #439
- TimeTable: Refactor journey cache management and logging by @ksharma-xyz in #440
- UI: Fix stops count display in LegView component by @ksharma-xyz in #441
- Release: Bump Android to beta09 and iOS to 1.0.1 by @ksharma-xyz in #442
- Release: Bump Android version to 1.0.1 by @ksharma-xyz in #443
- TimeTable: Add animation to journey items by @ksharma-xyz in #444
- MainActivity: Remove unused code and comments by @ksharma-xyz in #445
- Core: Refactor app info and version management by @ksharma-xyz in #446
- Update dependency co.touchlab:kermit to v2.0.5 by @renovate in #362
- TransportMode: Swap Bus and Light Rail priorities by @ksharma-xyz in #447
- GTFS: Add NSW Gtfs static module by @ksharma-xyz in #448
- GTFS: Add file storage for gtfs static data downloads by @ksharma-xyz in #449
- UI: Rename UsualRide to ThemeSelection by @ksharma-xyz in #451
- Alerts: Add service alerts caching and state management by @ksharma-xyz in #450
- Release: Bump version to 1.0.2 by @ksharma-xyz in #452
- UI: Rename UsualRideScreen to ThemeSelectionScreen by @ksharma-xyz in #453
- Release: Bump iOS version to 1.0.2 by @ksharma-xyz in #454
- UI: Update ThemeSelection radio button layout by @ksharma-xyz in #455
- Docs: Update README with app store badges and tech icons by @ksharma-xyz in #458
- UI: Simplify transport mode radio button layout by @ksharma-xyz in #459
- GTFS: Remove static module dependencies by @ksharma-xyz in #456
- Core: Add analytics module by @ksharma-xyz in #457
- Analytics: Add Firebase events by @ksharma-xyz in #460
- Analytics: Add screen view tracking by @ksharma-xyz in #461
- Analytics: Add saved trip and theme selection events by @ksharma-xyz in #462
- UI: Add animated search placeholder text by @ksharma-xyz in #470
- Analytics: Add journey and trip tracking events by @ksharma-xyz in #463
- Analytics: Add reset time click tracking by @ksharma-xyz in #464
- Core: Add multiplatform logging module by @ksharma-xyz in #471
- Core: Replace println/Timber with unified logging system by @ksharma-xyz in #472
- Core: Add debug-only logging by @ksharma-xyz in #473
- Analytics: Add app start event tracking by @ksharma-xyz in #465
- Core: Rename AppPlatformType to DevicePlatformType and refactor AppInfo by @ksharma-xyz in #466
- Analytics: Add stop selection and field click events by @ksharma-xyz in #468
- Release: Bump version codes for Android and iOS by @ksharma-xyz in #469
- UI: Optimize search text debouncing logic by @ksharma-xyz in #479
- Update compose.multiplatform to v1.7.3 by @renovate in #475
- Update dependency gradle to v8.12 by @renovate in #476
- Update kotlinx-coroutines monorepo to v1.10.1 by @renovate in #474
- Core: Enable SQLDelight migration verification and cleanup iOS targets by @ksharma-xyz in #483
- DI: Refactor Koin configuration and update to 4.0.1 by @ksharma-xyz in #484
- iOS: Update framework search paths by @ksharma-xyz in #482
- Core: Replace in-memory alerts cache with SQLite storage by @ksharma-xyz in #485
- Release: Bump version to 1.0.3 by @ksharma-xyz in #487
- Deps: Update Ktor to 3.0.3 and consolidate auth dependency by @ksharma-xyz in #488
- Prod v1.0.3 by @ksharma-xyz in #492
- iOS: Add SQLite migration support for service alerts by @ksharma-xyz in #494
- Core: Add Firebase Remote Config support by @ksharma-xyz in #490
- DI: Downgrade Koin version to 4.0.1Beta1 by @ksharma-xyz in #495
- Docs: Add Sandook database migration guide by @ksharma-xyz in #496
- Release: Bump version to 1.0.4 by @ksharma-xyz in #497
- Updates to Prod 1.0.4 version by @ksharma-xyz in #505
New Contributors
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ksharma-xyz/Krail/commits/v1.0.4