Changes merged into master but not in an official release yet.
See here for which version of IBEX your instrument is on, including any hotfixes.
Ticket | Type | Description |
#7216 | Minor | Improved DAE spectra display handling to hopefully make disconnected/pink borders less common. |
#6947 | Major | A new software pressure control for VTI cryostats has been added for the MercuryiTC. This involves some updates to macro and PV names, which will break old configs. An upgrade script is included. |
#7234 | Major | Preserve jaws setpoints during and motor stalls and, optionally, IOC restarts. |
#7546 #7549 #7522 #7539 | Major | TC/Beckhoff - Switch from using TcIOC to AdsDriver for easier integration of motion code. note: existing beckhoff installs ie SANS2D guides will need to be re-configured |
Instrument | Ticket | Type | Change |
OFFSPEC | #7328 | Minor | Added OPIs for the Reflectometry front panel. |
RIKEN | #7241 | Minor | Add configuration files for main PLC. |
Engin-X | #7327 | Minor | New instron stress rig controller. |
ENGIN-X | #7383 | Patch | Allow ARINST and ARACCESS to run under a mini-instrument setup, to allow logging to work with new instron stress rig controller. |
MuSR | #6404 | Minor | Add additional information and tolerance checks to a new MuSR-specific CAEN OPI. |
RIKEN | #5872 | Minor | Added magnet PSU synoptic opi |
Muons | - | Minor | Add BOOSTER_TYPE PV to MUONTPAR_01 IOC. |
POLREF | #7399 | Minor | Add calibration file for GMW Magnet. |
Ticket | Device | Notes |
#7350 | T-Jump System | Added support for the T-Jump System. |
#7318 | Tektronix Oscilloscopes (3000+) | Allows collection of raw waveforms and preamble info. Additionally, a background script has been created to periodically take an screenshot of the device. |
#6079 | Aeroflex Signal Generator (2023A/2030) | Allows setting and reading of carrier frequency, RF level and modulation type. |
Ticket | Type | Device | Change |
#6861 | Patch | TC/Beckhoff | Get velocity from ADS rather than setting to 1 by default |
#7198 | Patch | TC/Beckhoff | Fix moving/done flip-flop from 1 to 0 inversely. |
#7283 | Major | TC/Beckhoff | Fix setting fields on disabled axis and use motor energised to display/control whether an axis is enabled |
#7255 | Minor | TPG300 | Fix previously added switching function and an error when setting units. |
#7324 | Minor | TC/Beckhoff | Fix motionsetpoints loading. |
#4318 | Minor | JSCO4180 | Added JSCO4180_2 and JSCO4180_3 IOCs. |
#7344 | Patch | TC/Beckhoff | Update Tcioc to version 2.3. |
#7343 | Patch | Lakeshore336 | Use different command to read channels 3&4 |
#7322 | Minor | MecuryiTC | Updated value pattern for pressure, level and temp macros |
#7296 | Minor | Instron | Add ability to communicate with new MiniTower stress rig via manufacturer DLL |
#7352 | Minor | TEKAFG3XXX | Reduce and make configurable polling rate. |
#7277 | Minor | Huber | Huber motor now properly resets its setpoint after homing. |
#7366 | Minor | DG645 | Added DG645_2 and DG645_3 IOCs. |
#7376 | Minor | Keylkg | Added scan rate controls. |
#7397 | Patch | HTS Magnet | Various minor patches. |
#7397 | Patch | Multiple | Unit setter uses NPP by default |
#4240 | Minor | Eurotherm | Also allow control of Eurotherms via modbus protocol. Default behaviour is unchanged and remains to use the ei-bisynch protocol. |
#7426 | Minor | DG645 | Add ability to control device via ethernet. |
#7400 | Minor | Kepco | Added option to automatically turn ramp on before setting current/field. |
#7367 | Minor | DG645 | Changed the IOC and OPI to more closely match the real device. Added channel GH. |
#7445 | Minor | Huber | Fix moving/done reporting. |
#7202 | Minor | ORC | Fix and tidy up ORC logic. |
#7477 | Patch | Mclennan | Non mclennan built-in homing no longer requires changing offset mode. |
#7485 | Minor | SANDALS jaws | Add SANDALS jaws manager. |
#7484 | Patch | Eurotherm | Fixed issue where temperature readback did not update the first time a calibration file was set. |
#7479 | Patch | Galil | Add a standalone galil general I/O OPI. |
#7508 | Minor | TC/Beckhoff | Flip limits and reported direction when commanded direction is changed |
#7506 | Patch | TC/Beckhoff | Use status-based limits rather than reading raw inputs. |
#7394 | Patch | FINS | allow connection timeout to be configurable. |
#4224 | Patch | IPS | Support Mercury IPS (via old-style IPS driver IPS_01 ) |
#7524 | Patch | FINS | improve reconection logic on timeout. |
#6100 | Minor | SKFChopper | OPI can now be configured for DISC and FERMI choppers. |
#7217 | Patch | Birmingham 17T magnet | fixed communication errors and ready light behaviour identified by hardware tests. |
#7058 | Major | Superlogics | Fixed IOC and OPI. |
#7182 | Minor | LSI Correlator | Fixed minimum time lag scaling. |
#7141 | Minor | NIMA Trough | Added macros & displays in the OPI for NIMA Trough speed, pressure, and area high/ low limits. |
#7005 | Minor | CCD100 | Created a single protocol file for mk2 and mk3 CCD100s |
Ticket | Type | Change |
#7070 | Minor | Redefining the positions now has to be confirmed. |
#7073 | Minor | Added ability to lock parameters. |
Ticket | Type | Change |
#7442 | Patch | Fix bug preventing macro defaults from being shown in configuration menus. |
#7225 | Patch | Read-only groups from components will no longer appear as an option when adding a block. |
#7225 | Minor | Separated read-only component groups from configuration groups when editing a configuration. |
Ticket | Type | Change |
#6382 | Minor | Added custom estimates. |
#7416 | Patch | Improve startup reliability. |
Ticket | Type | Change |
#4673 | Minor | Added Eurotherm single temperature sensor OPI |
#5470 | Minor | Added hide title and users checkbox to experiment details view; Adjusts its wording |
#7342 | Patch | Fixed Stop button in Galil Engineering View OPI. |
#7277 | Minor | Home button on motor OPI is now disabled when at high limit, this is to make it clear that you cannot forward home while at the high limit. Likewise reverse home is disabled when at lower limit. |
#7381 | Minor | Improved detection of multiple client instances. |
#7386 | Patch | Fixed null value of local OPI variables causing pink border around spectra plots. |
#7418 | Minor | Added IOC name in motor details page. |
#7406 | Patch | Hovering on a matplotlib plot will display the coordinates of the point. |
#7427 | Minor | Pan/zoom functionality added for matplotlib plotting. |
#7268 | Minor | Added preference that controls if IOC run mode is displayed. |
#7147 | Minor | Improved Start/stop IOCs behaviour after an update. |
#7471 | Minor | Added "jog in progress" LEDs, disable jog or home button if jog in progress in other direction |
- | Patch | Fix AreaDetector view under client V11.1+ |
#5873 | Minor | Add a tabular summary OPI for RIKEN's PSUs |
#7529 | Patch | Fix DAE reporting incorrectly on server status indicator |
Ticket | Type | Change |
#5470 | Minor | Added command to hide an experiment's title and users |
#7373 | Patch | Prevent a deadlock that could occur on Python interpreter shutdown under Python 3.10+ |
extend pre/post dae commands #7022
Ticket | Type | Change |
#7132 | Minor | Make do_sans and do_trans instrument scripts for SANS instruments more robust and add tests. |
#7132 | Minor | Renamed the following functions to follow Python conventions: FOMin -> frame_overload_mirror_in , ShortPolariserin - > short_polariser_in , LongPolariserin -> long_polariser_in , BSInOut -> beam_stop_in_out , homecoarsejaws -> home_coarse_jaws , homea1 -> home_a1 , homes1 -> home_s1 , homes2 -> home_s2 , movebench -> move_bench , rotatebench -> rotate_bench , J1 -> run_off_julabo_1 , J2 -> run_off_julabo_2 , printsamplepars -> print_sample_pars . |
Ticket | Type | Change |
#5764 | Minor | fte not checked if mode is not 2 in splitCharWaveform |
#7384 | Minor | Added 32bit release Jenkins pipeline. |
#7433 | Minor | IBEX server start/stop scripts now notify on failure. |
#7470 | Patch | Make archivers more thread-safe. |
Ticket | Type | Change |
#7240 | Minor | Schneider PLC IOC: Refactor to make generic |
#7332 | Patch | Motion setpoints: add units to offset setpoint |
#7266 | Minor | IOC Test Framework: Refactor device disconnection logic |
#7431 | Minor | Added config checker as part of the deploy script. |
#7454 | Minor | The deploy script now logs output/user input to C:\logs\deploy\ . |
#7530 | Minor | IOC Test Framework: Tests will now fail if during IOC start checking PV for existance times out. |
#7574 | Patch | Fixed blockserver not re-applying autorestart to ISISDAE, INSTETC, BSKAFKA etc. |
Ticket | Type | Change |
Change Types:
- Major - Backward compatible breaking change
- Minor - Change in API/functionality
- Patch - Bug fix no change in functionality
what | version | where | last updated/checked |
Dependency | Version | last updated/checked |