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Project Meeting 2023.05.18

Michelle Bina edited this page May 19, 2023 · 7 revisions


  • Admin Items
    • Procedures for submitting papers or presenting at conferences about ActivitySim work (Joe C)
  • Status Update on Current Tasks
    • 2-Zone Memory Profiling (WSP)

Action Items

  • Joe to develop a proposed process for submitting papers or presentations to conferences by date TBD.
  • Michelle to solicit for presentations to add to the GitHub Presentations page
  • Michelle to add ongoing monthly agenda item to discuss any upcoming conferences
  • Michelle to add a future agenda item to discuss potential topics for the TRB Annual Meeting
  • Sijia to create a GitHub issue regarding multiprocessing and memory issues
  • Michelle to add a future agenda items to 1) discuss results of implementation of changes related to memory usage and 2) interim check-in to discuss approach before executing.

Meeting Notes

Admin Items

Procedures for submitting papers or presenting at conferences about ActivitySim work

  • Joe has not yet put together a proposed approach but anticipates the following:
    • Process would include guidance on notification and approval/consent.
    • Guidance on when a party would need to come to the consortium to ask for consent
      • If the presentation is substantially or primarily a reflection or documentation of work that the consortium is paid for, that definitely has to be brought to the consortium.
      • If it’s done by researchers and funding outside of the consortium, this doesn’t require consent but would be nice as a courtesy for our information.
      • If something is done entirely outside of consortium funding or members, we can’t expect any notification.
  • Suggestions from consortium members
    • Add a standing agenda item on a monthly basis to discuss any upcoming. ACTION ITEM: Michelle to do this.
    • We want to know about and track presentations and papers coming up in the future regarding ActivitySim. We also want to have a historical list, which might be covered here:
      • Do we want more general presentations or add anything related to ActivitySim here (for example, Caliper used ActivitySim for some transmodeler)?
        • If activities funding by ActivitySim, definitely want them there
        • If it’s consortium member related, it would be nice to have
      • Caitlin wants presentations to put on AMPO website. ACTION ITEM: Michelle to maintain the presentation page and coordinate with Caitlin to populate the AMPO website with presentations, as provided and relevant.
      • ACTION ITEM: Michelle to requests ActivitySim-related presentations to include on Github and/or AMPO website.
  • ACTION ITEM: Michelle to add discussion about any potential topics for TRB AM to a future agenda
  • There was a question about whether we are allowed to use the term "ActivitySim" in a paper title for TRB, because of restrictions for using vendor names. We could make it implicitly obvious in the title, like “open-source activity-based modeling software”.

Status Update on Current Tasks

Input Checker (RSG)

2-Zone Memory Profiling (WSP)

  • Sijia presented responses to comments on 2-zone memory profiling documentation
  • PSRC did note that they tried the proposed short-term fixes related to memory usage and multiprocessing, and it did work. It takes experimenting to understand how many processors will make this work; it is machine-specific.
  • Joe proposes that we log this as an issue and then potentially go back and investigate why this works. ACTION ITEM: Sijia to create issue.
  • About a month until Sijia can provide results. She still needs to finalize the approach. There is a tentative plan to present at the beginning of July; Sijia to let us know if there is some strategy developed early, and she can provide an interim update. ACTION ITEM: Michelle to add this to the agenda about 6 weeks from now.
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