What's Changed
- Rubocop setup by @jgreben in #5
- Remove specified ruby version by @mejackreed in #6
- Testing Suite Setup by @jgreben in #7
- Google analytics by @shelleydoljack in #24
- Enable the suggested rspec parameters by @cbeer in #25
- Adds bootstrap 4 to project by @mejackreed in #27
- Adds info to README by @jgreben in #21
- Add more README badges by @jgreben in #29
- Add scss_lint and hook up to build. by @jkeck in #30
- Adds simplecov and wires up Code Climate by @camillevilla in #26
- Initial page scaffold by @jkeck in #33
- Add a library code/translation configuration. by @jkeck in #32
- Add SUL and SU footers 'n headers by @mejackreed in #31
- Add a simple HTTP client wrapper for connecting to symws by @cbeer in #34
- Adds in nav pills fixes #15 by @mejackreed in #35
- Adds feedback form and flash partial by @mejackreed in #43
- Perform user authentication and retrieve patron keys from symws by @cbeer in #44
- Add needed meta tags by @mejackreed in #57
- Add some basic scss configs by @jkeck in #45
- Add a 100% height to the su-content div (as well as use on the bottom… by @jkeck in #62
- Use uid instead of REMOTE_USER, because shibboleth's REMOTE_USER is a… by @cbeer in #63
- Add autofocus attribute to the library_id field by @cbeer in #64
- Document authentication + local login by @cbeer in #65
- Style tweaks by @cbeer in #68
- Filter the pin parameter from the logs; fixes #59 by @cbeer in #66
- Enable the default Rails CSP by @cbeer in #69
- Adds checkouts tab by @shelleydoljack in #61
- Disable turbolinks on logout to make sure to bust the turbolinks cache by @cbeer in #72
- Trigger shibboleth sso logout after logging out of the application by @cbeer in #73
- Add a User model by @cbeer in #75
- Rig up a way to mock symphony calls for tests without needing to spec… by @cbeer in #71
- Be nice about unknown attributes for now by @cbeer in #76
- Add responsive layout (at least mobile version) to checkouts tab by @camillevilla in #67
- Adds View in SearchWorks link to checkouts. by @shelleydoljack in #77
- Extract a checkouts partial and group recalls separate from other checkouts by @cbeer in #78
- Remove navbar toggler by @cbeer in #82
- Creates a patron model to extract patron information by @cbeer in #74
- Add request notifications + logging for symphony API calls by @cbeer in #89
- Reorganize application layout; fixes #79 by @cbeer in #83
- Add a JSON-API-ish representation of checkouts by @cbeer in #90
- Style the main nav a little closer to the designs by @cbeer in #92
- Explicitly add turbolinks progress bar styles by @cbeer in #85
- Retrieve request/hold data from Symphony and poke it through the requests controller by @jkeck in #93
- Set a better <title> by @cbeer in #91
- DOM fixes and time formatting by @cbeer in #99
- Add fines API request and pass the data through to the fines controller by @cbeer in #101
- Adds patron status and expiration logic by @shelleydoljack in #100
- Add sorting for checkouts (spike using list.js) by @cbeer in #81
- Add classes at the md breakpoint and above to use column layout for … by @jkeck in #105
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #107
- Icons, icons, icons by @cbeer in #103
- Update scaffolded pages to remove unneeded notice area by @cbeer in #109
- Add checkouts status by @cbeer in #110
- Add more icons by @cbeer in #108
- Add SUL rosette favicon fixes #104 by @mejackreed in #111
- Various theme/style/markup updates around the app by @jkeck in #114
- Adds fee borrower. by @shelleydoljack in #112
- Change the status svg stroke color to white for better contrast by @cbeer in #115
- Add JSON response for requests; fixes #116 by @cbeer in #117
- Hide the bottom border on hover on the brand icon by @cbeer in #119
- Get the Searchworks link to align with the rest of the expanded data by @cbeer in #113
- Update fines page to use flex-box layout/proper headers/etc. by @jkeck in #122
- Contact access services by @jgreben in #106
- Add information to requests tab fixes #50 by @mejackreed in #123
- Remove navbar-brand fron contact links and make the alignment a bit… by @jkeck in #128
- Fix some minor alignment issues in the "table" header/columns by @jkeck in #132
- Fix SW Link Alignment on Requests Page by @jkeck in #133
- Add a background-color to the body. by @jkeck in #134
- Extract a library_name helper by @cbeer in #136
- Move the modal out of the navbar so it doesn't get the navbar-specific css by @cbeer in #139
- Add days remaining until due date by @camillevilla in #125
- Setup reset/request PIN pages and workflow fixes #47 by @mejackreed in #150
- Use request.expiration_date as the 'pick up by' date, per #124 by @cbeer in #154
- Guard against fines without an associated item; fixes #151 by @cbeer in #153
- Get borrow limit from symphony and render it in the summaries page by @jkeck in #152
- Add a nice translated status to fine / bill reasons fixes #155 by @mejackreed in #157
- Add accrued fines (not yet payable) to the fines page fixes #140 by @mejackreed in #158
- Add fines accrued information to checkout page fixes #163 by @mejackreed in #164
- Add patron methods to distinguish sponsors and proxy borrowers by @tallenaz in #166
- Adds change PIN form by @mejackreed in #156
- Refactor symphony data access to use a single patron query to rule them all by @cbeer in #168
- Add files via upload by @jvine in #172
- Make short term loan's due date show the time instead of just date by @jkeck in #174
- Make test more flexible to handle single and double digit hours by @mejackreed in #182
- Add more details to the Fines page by @jkeck in #183
- Minor color fixes #179 by @mejackreed in #180
- Add renew one item button by @mejackreed in #176
- Update contact form for HTML + a11y fixes #167 by @mejackreed in #184
- Remove days overdue from Fine. by @jkeck in #189
- Add "Days overdue" to overdue checkouts by @jkeck in #190
- Update checkout status values for claimed returned by @tallenaz in #175
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #195
- Add a literal space between the icon and thetext for the link out to … by @cbeer in #197
- Remove debug puts by @cbeer in #201
- Update policies + information links on all pages; fixes #141 by @cbeer in #196
- Use unique IDs for contact form fields by @cbeer in #199
- Update nav link styling; fixes #194 by @cbeer in #200
- Adds consistent margin to links/buttons fixes #197 by @mejackreed in #202
- Update layout of expanded details content; fixes #192 by @cbeer in #198
- Use more specific CSS to avoid giving the navbar-brand an underline by @cbeer in #203
- Add more data to the JSON responses by @cbeer in #206
- Remove unused method by @cbeer in #210
- Adds group checkouts, requests, and fines by @shelleydoljack in #177
- Add navigation and summary statuses by @cbeer in #207
- Add claim text in details; fixes #218 by @cbeer in #224
- Add privileges expire information to the summary; fixes #216 by @cbeer in #222
- Add information about the number of checkouts remaining to the summary + checkouts page by @cbeer in #226
- Allow multiple flash messages of a given type by @cbeer in #230
- Remove stroke: white from icons; fixes #228 by @cbeer in #229
- Fix checkouts json by @cbeer in #231
- Push some global rubocop todo changes up to the rubocop file by @cbeer in #233
- Adds payment history using symphony legacy ws client by @jgreben in #208
- Update nav tab styling to avoid ugly wrapping; fixes #221 by @cbeer in #234
- Handle nil expired date by @jkeck in #240
- Truncate authors to one line by @jkeck in #238
- Adds borrower name in the group content. by @shelleydoljack in #223
- Address color contrast issues; fixes #244 by @cbeer in #245
- Navigation tabs should 'remember' if you're in a group context or not by @cbeer in #247
- Improvements for sponsor, proxy and group display by @cbeer in #246
- Use sentence case for Patron type; fixes #250 by @cbeer in #251
- Add unseenRenewablesCheck as part of Checkout renewable? logic by @mejackreed in #248
- Translate "Contact us" for BARRED status by @tallenaz in #254
- Design tweaks by @cbeer in #258
- Implement custom contact form by @mejackreed in #259
- Add a button for renewing all eligible items by @cbeer in #249
- Use the same col layout on the payments detail as used elsewhere by @cbeer in #269
- Adapt the latest SU footer for our site; fixes #256 by @cbeer in #271
- Format a date as 'human readable' by showing today/yesterday/tomorrow… by @cbeer in #265
- Put the top navbar elements inside a container by @cbeer in #274
- Add pointer cursor for sortable titles by @mejackreed in #276
- Add eResource access message for library_id logged in users, fixes #214 by @mejackreed in #252
- Canceling a single request by @mejackreed in #209
- Start adding custom analytics events by @mejackreed in #275
- Track single cancel request in analytics by @mejackreed in #279
- Fix elsif => else by @cbeer in #282
- Move change/cancel request into a modal fixes #242 by @mejackreed in #281
- Adds values to self and group tabs. by @shelleydoljack in #284
- Proxy borrowers now inherit group standing/status. by @shelleydoljack in #285
- Show the collapses when javascript is not available by @mejackreed in #287
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #292
- Improve checkout + request sorting by adding using sort key with appr… by @cbeer in #277
- Add aria-current and aria-labels to nav fixes #306 by @mejackreed in #307
- Make #today_with_time_or_date spec more tolerable to running at the … by @jkeck in #311
- Update the title of the Renew icon and add role="img" so that the… by @jkeck in #290
- Update heading copy fixes #321 by @mejackreed in #323
- Add text to requests footer linking out to ILLIAD scan requests by @tallenaz in #324
- Add initial support for displaying active BorrowDirect requests in requests tab by @jkeck in #289
- Remove explicit color styling in favor of global bootstrap variable by @mejackreed in #315
- Fixes #316 by doing style updates and js plugin by @mejackreed in #322
- Use the bib record for requests instead of the item/bib by @cbeer in #320
- Cleaner views for users without fines, requests, or checkouts by @tallenaz in #319
- Adds reCAPTCHA challenge to feedback form for non-logged in users by @mejackreed in #328
- Display appropriate values for various pieces of patron data for expired users by @jkeck in #318
- Remove borrow limit from generic patron by @camillevilla in #329
- Improve performance for users with tons of checkouts by @cbeer in #314
- Fix regression from #259 by @cbeer in #333
- Make item rows expandable by clicking anywhere on the row by @cbeer in #334
- Payment workflow by @jgreben in #257
- Fix misplacement of payment list item by @jgreben in #343
- Change payment cancelled flash message by @jgreben in #342
- Update flash message for bulk renewals by @jkeck in #332
- Add placeholder configuration so the payments link can be created by @cbeer in #351
- Get item bib details when processing bulk renewals; fixes #350 by @cbeer in #352
- Add margin class to pay button fixes #357 by @mejackreed in #358
- Implement breakpoint truncation changes fixes #330 by @mejackreed in #338
- Add checks for various patron abilities by @cbeer in #337
- Sort the fines in reverse date order (newest first). by @jkeck in #356
- Update payment history success flash message. by @jkeck in #370
- Update the payment cancel flash message to use sentence case in the … by @jkeck in #369
- Add btn btn-link classes so that cancel button gets spaced consistently by @mejackreed in #371
- Add padding and margin fixes #354 by @mejackreed in #372
- Add information about fixture users and how to create them by @cbeer in #374
- Include all item info when generating fixture patrons by @cbeer in #375
- Add maintenance information when Symphony is down; fixes #298 by @cbeer in #373
- Add a sort_key method to the BorrowDirectRequests::Request class so … by @jkeck in #368
- Fix bug where fine payment incorrectly shows Paid by @jgreben in #341
- Add hover/expanded colors to .list-group-item… by @jkeck in #376
- Update the contact form heading by @jkeck in #380
- Add a disabled styles to all disabled w/ the disabled attribute by @jkeck in #385
- Add a home page banner message by @cbeer in #387
- Consider SUL sourced checkouts to be from BorrowDirect… by @jkeck in #394
- Adds additional analytics events by @mejackreed in #392
- Remove Research group sponsor by @cbeer in #396
- Correct login text on pin login page by @tallenaz in #397
- Allow Payments History to sort when sort option is chosen by @jgreben in #366
- Revisit responsive layout by @camillevilla in #280
- Group fine payments by @jgreben in #405
- Recalled checkouts refer to their recall due date by @tallenaz in #383
- Further define renewable logic by @jgreben in #400
- Refer to 'proxy' fines, not group fines by @camillevilla in #407
- Add empty placeholders for fines with no bib record by @camillevilla in #408
- Add fine payment analytics events by @mejackreed in #403
- Does not render the fines table when viewing other proxies fines by @camillevilla in #409
- Add color indicator to expand/collapse buttons by @camillevilla in #410
- Add some controller method-level docs by @cbeer in #412
- Add some notes about the Symphony data access by @cbeer in #414
- Add 'skip to' link; fixes #415 by @cbeer in #422
- Add some labels to checkout and request dates for the mobile view only; fixes #418 by @cbeer in #423
- Allow payment history to load async on a button click by @jkeck in #421
- Override renewal errors for title-level holds by @jgreben in #419
- Adds Oracle queries for differentiating group activity by @shelleydoljack in #377
- Change 'Payment History' to 'History', fixes #420 by @camillevilla in #424
- Add a loading spinner to our main nav; fixes #378 by @cbeer in #426
- Add position-static to the expand/collapse button to let stretched-li… by @cbeer in #428
- Render correct bill reasons by @tallenaz in #411
- Add an okcomputer check to ping the symphony oracle database by @cbeer in #429
- Prevent patron info labels from wrapping by @camillevilla in #432
- Replaces pay all button with explanation text for group tab by @shelleydoljack in #431
- Implements new UX modifications for payment workflow by @mejackreed in #433
- Requests for on-order items do not have queue length or position. by @shelleydoljack in #437
- Show 'Source: BorrowDirect' for requests (in addition to checkouts) by @cbeer in #439
- Validate that the user (or group) actually has an item checked out or requested before making changes by @cbeer in #438
- Extract a BibRecord mixin by @cbeer in #440
- Add blog post link to welcome flash message by @camillevilla in #446
- Stop loading spinner if no payment history is available by @camillevilla in #443
- Fixes some indents in erb files (and removes an unused conditional) by @mejackreed in #447
- Rename sort_options => sort_key for consistency across models by @cbeer in #441
- Fix payment date sorting in javascript by @cbeer in #448
- Report deploys to newrelic by @cbeer in #449
- Add a test for users with no payment history by @camillevilla in #450
- Authenticate the payments controller by @jkeck in #451
- Update borrowdirect requests using the DOM structure for other requests by @cbeer in #455
- Change the source library for requests to the owning library; fixes #453 by @cbeer in #454
- Refactor proxy display names so they are a little more resiliant to u… by @cbeer in #460
- Add barcode to checkouts and fines; fixes #458 by @cbeer in #459
- Only render the not_needed_after date selector when the request has … by @jkeck in #464
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #456
- Updates nokogiri. by @shelleydoljack in #468
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #469
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #470
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #472
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #473
- Revert "Report deploys to newrelic" by @shelleydoljack in #471
- Add a reference to MyLibrary JIRA queue by @camillevilla in #474
- Add a configurable flash message for internal pages by @camillevilla in #476
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #475
- Unset flash msg by @camillevilla in #478
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #479
- Add check for nil library so checkouts list can display by @jgreben in #482
- Display generic library name by @jgreben in #483
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #484
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #485
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #488
- Removes flash message announcing new My Library Account. by @shelleydoljack in #489
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #493
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #494
- Add a more descriptive error message for SUNet ID users... by @jkeck in #496
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #497
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #498
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #499
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #500
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #502
- Update dependencies by @jkeck in #503
- Handle various symphony web service response failures by @jgreben in #506
- Add a configurable global alert for winter closure by @camillevilla in #507
- Add the Apache 2 license. by @jkeck in #508
- Updates dependencies. by @shelleydoljack in #509
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #511
- Add SRWC to pickup libraries by @camillevilla in #513
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #514
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #515
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #516
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #517
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #518
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #519
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #520
- Enable global alert and update it for COVID-19 updates. by @jkeck in #521
- Update current to valid in global alert text by @jkeck in #522
- Update global alert text w/ messaging about request service. by @jkeck in #523
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #524
- Update covid alert by @cbeer in #526
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #527
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #528
- Update the global alert message to include a note about e-resource… by @jkeck in #529
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #531
- Update COVID banner by @cbeer in #532
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #533
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #534
- Update wording for the COVID global alert. by @jkeck in #535
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #536
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #537
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #538
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #539
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #540
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #544
- Add a bit more granular feature flags for the various schedule once … by @jkeck in #549
- Only show green schedule buttons when the pickup library is GREEN by @jkeck in #550
- Make modals XL (and move schedule once cancel button to the left) by @jkeck in #551
- Add a button to schedule visits to Green & SPEC by @jkeck in #545
- Wrap link in a div by @cbeer in #553
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #555
- Add a pickup_library accessor to BorrowDirect requests so they mimic … by @jkeck in #559
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #558
- Add a drop down for scheduling visits when a user has... by @jkeck in #560
- Add academic staff to the list of profiles that can schedule access … by @jkeck in #562
- Enables new cops and updates rubocop todo. by @shelleydoljack in #556
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #563
- Update dependencies by @shelleydoljack in #564
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #565
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #566
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #570
- Add Pickup Scheduling Support for GSB (via LibCal embed) by @jkeck in #568
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #573
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #574
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #575
- Update pickup library configs to match the service as it is in … by @jkeck in #572
- Add EAST-ASIA library pickup support. by @jkeck in #577
- Add EAL specific pickup library/location configs. by @jkeck in #578
- Don't allow expired users to schedule visits or pickups. by @jkeck in #580
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #581
- Add undergrads to the groups of users who can schedule access to EAL,… by @jkeck in #582
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #583
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #584
- Use global_alerts to manage alerts by @cbeer in #585
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #587
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #588
- Enable staff to schedule visits by @jkeck in #591
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #592
- Make the scheduling modals 900px tall. by @jkeck in #593
- Change button(s) to request pickup appointments on summaries page to be a link by @jkeck in #594
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #596
- Add support to checkin and view CDL items by @mejackreed in #586
- Update pickup library configurations to match sul-dlss/sul-requests#1076 by @jkeck in #595
- Fixes #597 Add support for checking expensive CDL waitlist check async by @mejackreed in #599
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #600
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #601
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #602
- Always use requests to cancel CDL requests by @cbeer in #604
- Support a due "Tommorow at time" string for short term loans that are… by @mejackreed in #605
- Update scheduling links to be more clear to users what the options are… by @jkeck in #606
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #607
- Don't blow up if a checkout doesn't have a due date by @cbeer in #608
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #609
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #611
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #612
- Add a Pickup Scheduling Option for LAW by @jkeck in #614
- Use GitHub action instead of Travis for CI. by @jkeck in #616
- Remove defunct global alert HTML by @camillevilla in #617
- Update global_alerts to a version compatible with ruby 2.6 by @cbeer in #618
- Explicitly set Global Alerts application name by @camillevilla in #620
- Update the text on schedule pickup button when there are not … by @jkeck in #622
- Update global_alerts by @camillevilla in #625
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #626
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #627
- Fixes Advisory: CVE-2020-26247 by @jgreben in #628
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #630
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #631
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #632
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #633
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #634
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #635
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #636
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #637
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #638
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #639
- Refactor visit/pickup to use consistent routing for each library by @cbeer in #641
- Make scheduling a reading room visit to SPEC-COLL special by @cbeer in #643
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #642
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #644
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #645
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #647
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #648
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #652
- Update master to main by @jgreben in #653
- Remove renewal eligibility for items with Item Cat5 of "NORENEW" by @cbeer in #658
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #661
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #662
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #666
- Rails61 redo by @jgreben in #665
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #668
- Ask which branch to deploy by @jgreben in #667
- Updates readme. by @shelleydoljack in #670
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #671
- Use a separate library code for BorrowDirect ILL vs ILLiad ILB by @cbeer in #669
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #672
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #673
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #674
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #675
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #676
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #677
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #681
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #682
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #683
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #684
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #685
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #686
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #688
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #689
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #690
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #691
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #692
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #693
- Upgrades rubocop to 2.7 by @shelleydoljack in #694
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #695
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #696
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #697
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #700
- Update email address used for BUSINESS by @cbeer in #699
- Adds yarn install to github action. by @shelleydoljack in #701
- Use public client ID for patron pin reset requests by @camillevilla in #702
- Update dependencies to pull in actionpack >= for CVE-2021-44528 by @thatbudakguy in #703
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #705
- Update layout of feedback form (#571) by @thatbudakguy in #704
- Fix proxy tab styling. by @corylown in #706
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #708
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #709
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #710
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #711
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #712
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #713
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #714
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #715
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #716
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #717
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #718
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #719
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #720
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #721
- Show scheduling false_message when scheduling is turned off. by @corylown in #723
- Remove scheduling functionality; part of #722 by @cbeer in #726
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #724
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #727
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #728
- Update to Rails 7 by @cbeer in #729
- Set up continuous deployment and a deploy environment for folio-dev by @cbeer in #730
- Add shared computer payment alert if patron has fine by @marlo-longley in #731
- Update dependencies by @cbeer in #732
doesn't need to be a helper method by @cbeer in #743- Update to Rails 7 defaults by @cbeer in #744
- Remove orphaned spring config files by @cbeer in #745
- Update dependencies by @cbeer in #746
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #747
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #748
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #749
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #750
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #751
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #752
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #753
- Add information about Aeon to requests tab by @thatbudakguy in #756
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #754
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #758
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #762
- Fix rubocop violation by @corylown in #763
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #764
- Implement BorrowDirect ReShare requests list for patron. by @corylown in #761
- Set actions/checkout to version 3 by @corylown in #760
- updates dependencies by @shelleydoljack in #767
- Stop testing on old rubies by @jcoyne in #770
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #771
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #773
- Switch to dart sass from libsass by @jcoyne in #772
- Test on ruby 3.2 by @jcoyne in #774
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #775
- Import styles into application.sass.scss; fixes #776 by @corylown in #777
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #778
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #779
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #780
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #781
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #782
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #783
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #784
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #785
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #786
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #789
- Migrate analytics to GA4 by @marlo-longley in #790
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #791
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #792
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #793
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #794
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #796
- Add FolioClient for renewing items and canceling holds by @jcoyne in #795
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #801
- Change the pickup location via the api by @jcoyne in #806
- Change the pickup expiration time of a request by @jcoyne in #805
- Add rubocop-capybara to the require by @jcoyne in #807
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #809
- Create a seam for introducing FOLIO API connections by @cbeer in #811
- Stub out some FOLIO client work (from #741) by @cbeer in #812
- Add API methods for assigning and validating a user pin by @jcoyne in #799
- Connect patron pin logins to FOLIO by @cbeer in #813
- Replace font-url with url by @jcoyne in #816
- Move ruby-oci8 to its own group (so we can ignore it on mylibrary-fol… by @cbeer in #817
- Update the main branch name by @cbeer in #819
- Update Folio::Patron to use the new borrowdirect constructor signatures by @cbeer in #820
- Rename action_cable to actioncable by @jcoyne in #815
- Use the externalSystemId as the university id by @cbeer in #821
- Map some more patron data from FOLIO by @cbeer in #822
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #823
- Map some checkout data from the graphql endpoint by @cbeer in #824
- Map hold information from graphql by @cbeer in #826
- Map data from accounts to fines; charges seems to miss a lot by @cbeer in #828
- Wire up the cancel request button by @cbeer in #829
- Fix FolioGraphqlClient ping method by @marlo-longley in #836
- Wire up renewals for FOLIO by @corylown in #837
- Update pickup libraries to match current reality by @cbeer in #839
- Set renewals counts for FOLIO by @corylown in #842
- Handle case where renewals remaining is less than 0 by @corylown in #844
- Handle unlimited renewals policy by @corylown in #843
- Add FOLIO library code mappings by @corylown in #845
- Get library_key (code) for checkouts from FOLIO by @corylown in #841
- Map FOLIO location codes to Sirsi equivalent so contact info and display names stay the same by @corylown in #847
- Add a basic test for Folio::Checkout by @corylown in #849
- Check whether a checkout is on reserve by @corylown in #848
- Regenerate bundle binstub using bundler by @thatbudakguy in #846
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #850
- Remove okcomputer check for symphony when not using symphony by @jcoyne in #851
- Add queueTotalLength to patron request query in GraphQL by @marlo-longley in #852
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #855
- Support resetting patron PINs using FOLIO APIs by @thatbudakguy in #838
- Populate fill_by_date from the request expiration date; fixes #834 by @cbeer in #854
- Populate patron borrowing limit by @marlo-longley in #856
- Add Folio::LoanPolicy class to wrap renewal logic by @corylown in #858
- Move loan policy related methods into Folio::LoanPolicy by @corylown in #859
- Remove unused circulation_rule method by @corylown in #860
- Implement Checkout#from_borrow_direct? for FOLIO by @corylown in #861
- Get effectiveLocation code for holds by @marlo-longley in #863
- Add new location PAGE-FC by @jcoyne in #866
- Change patron.key method to use user_info by @marlo-longley in #867
- Protect patron pins from logging or honeybadger by @cbeer in #870
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #865
- Display proxy activity for checkouts and requests by @marlo-longley in #868
- Use location code to determine if a request is from BorrowDirect by @marlo-longley in #869
- Stub out CDL logic for FOLIO Request model by @marlo-longley in #874
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #876
- Add fees and fines to the graphql query by @cbeer in #877
- Implement Folio::Checkout and Folio::Request from_ilb? using placeholder location code by @corylown in #879
- Remove unused private methods by @corylown in #881
- Display fines using FOLIO model by @marlo-longley in #880
- Support display of payment history from FOLIO by @thatbudakguy in #882
- Hopkins is going to use PAGE-MA for consistency by @cbeer in #884
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #885
- Pin required chromedriver version to v114 by @thatbudakguy in #888
- Support retaining our auth cookie during payment by @thatbudakguy in #887
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #895
- Update links for D9 website by @jcoyne in #892
- Update footer links for d9 by @jcoyne in #896
- Set SameSite cookie attribute to 'Lax' in development by @thatbudakguy in #897
- Remove chromedriver pin, remov webdriver gem, add selenium-webdriver gem by @corylown in #898
- Show group fines using FOLIO models and logic by @marlo-longley in #886
- Handle Cybersource payments without redirecting to Symphony by @thatbudakguy in #890
- Read config values from the environment by @thatbudakguy in #900
- Disable Symphony OkComputer check during migration by @jcoyne in #902
- Add migration message to the spash page explaining why the system is … by @jcoyne in #903
- Cybersource payments for FOLIO fines by @thatbudakguy in #901
- Don't show the login banner if you can't login by @jcoyne in #904
- Update dependencies by @sul-devops-team in #906
New Contributors
- @mejackreed made their first contribution in #6
- @shelleydoljack made their first contribution in #24
- @jkeck made their first contribution in #30
- @camillevilla made their first contribution in #26
- @sul-devops-team made their first contribution in #107
- @tallenaz made their first contribution in #166
- @jvine made their first contribution in #172
- @thatbudakguy made their first contribution in #703
- @corylown made their first contribution in #706
- @marlo-longley made their first contribution in #731
- @jcoyne made their first contribution in #770
Full Changelog: https://github.com/sul-dlss/mylibrary/commits/v2023-08-07