3.0.0 (2021-10-28)
- Template
as a list of ports now instead of a single string entry (#994)
- cisco_ios_show_access-session: Adding Identity to MAC column by @ahlara-devcore in networktocode#990
- [New Template] Ciena - traffic-profile standard-profile by @georgesnow in networktocode#981
- New template: cisco_nxos_show_ip_interface_vrf_all.textfsm by @AJatCDW in networktocode#978
- New template: juniper_junos_show_system_uptime.textfsm by @antonalekseev in networktocode#975
- Template Change: cisco_ios, show archive by @QuasarKid in networktocode#905
- Bugfix: change date format in hp_comware_display_clock.textfsm by @antonalekseev in networktocode#977
- update arista interface template + raw by @scetron in networktocode#963
- New Template: cisco_ios_show_dhcp_lease by @lamiskin in networktocode#991
- Fix ios_mac-addr type2 by @armartirosyan in networktocode#994
- fix parsing with int addresses = 0 by @dainok in networktocode#982
- New template for huawei VRP + fix. by @ak-empiak in networktocode#998
- added VLAN value and search pattern by @dm-bell-networking in networktocode#1002
- Ciso IOS show mac and show module fix by @armartirosyan in networktocode#1006
- Junos show chassis by @georgesnow in networktocode#997
- @ahlara-devcore made their first contribution in networktocode#990
- @AJatCDW made their first contribution in networktocode#978
- @antonalekseev made their first contribution in networktocode#975
- @lamiskin made their first contribution in networktocode#991
- @armartirosyan made their first contribution in networktocode#994
- @ak-empiak made their first contribution in networktocode#998
- @dm-bell-networking made their first contribution in networktocode#1002
Full Changelog: https://github.com/networktocode/ntc-templates/compare/v2.3.2...v3.0.0
2.3.2 (2021-09-13)
- cisco_ios_show_ip_bgp_summary Account for dotted ASN notation #987 (thomasbridge74)
- cisco_nxos_show_interface_status Account for blank type #980 (Kani999)
- cisco_ios_show_interfaces Account for
App Interface
#968 (a-finocchiaro)
2.3.1 (2021-08-30)
Closed issues:
- cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists Account for singluar match #972 (mitchell-foxworth)
Merged pull requests:
- ntc_templates/templates/cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists.textfsm #973 (mitchell-foxworth)
2.3.0 (2021-08-27)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- ntc_templates/templates/aruba_aoscx_show_aaa_authentication_port-access_interface_all_client-status.textfsm #927 (scetron)
New Templates:
- aruba_aoscx_show_aaa_authentication_port-access_interface_all_client-status.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_arp_all-vrfs.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_bfd_all-vrfs.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_bgp_all-vrfs_all_summary.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_bgp_all_all-vrfs_summary.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_interface.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_interface_dom_detail.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_ip_route_all-vrfs.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_lldp_neighbors-info_detail.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_mac-address-table.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_ntp_associations.textfsm
- aruba_aoscx_show_vsf_detail.textfsm
2.2.2 (2021-08-02)
Closed issues:
- cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists template needs updated to include additional ICMP_TYPE options #964
- cisco_ios_show_version template needs updated to account for StackWise Virtual Domains #924
Merged pull requests:
- cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists.textfsm: Updated to include mask-request in template. #965 (nsnelson402)
- cisco_ios_show_version.textfsm: Updated to account for StackWise Virtual Domains template. #960 (itdependsnetworks)
2.2.0 (2021-08-02)
Closed issues:
- cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists template needs updated to include precedence and tos in *_PORT_MATCH #954
- cisco_nxos_show_interface_transceiver transceiver template failure #952
Merged pull requests:
- cisco_ios_show_version: Cisco IOS uptime parsing more granular (days, hours, etc.) #944 (joewesch)
- New Template: cisco_ios_show_crypto_session_details #947 (h4ndzdatm0ld)
- cisco_ios_show_vrf.texfsm: Parse a vrf with no interfaces #918 (dpnetca)
- cisco_ios_show_interfaces_switchport: Modified Trunk state to handle multiline trunking lists #907 (mickyhale)
- Fix nxos_show_interface_transceiver failure #953 (chipn)
- Updated cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists.textfsm to include the SRC_PORT_MATCH and DST_PORT_MATCH values for precedence and tos #955 (nsnelson402)
2.1.0 (2021-06-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move to Poetry for dependency and publishing #729
Closed issues:
- cisco_nxos_show_cdp_neighbors_detail 'str' object has no attribute 'seek'. #936
- show int status returns error (seems template error) for particular switch for other switches it does work (iOS). #922
- IPinfusuion OCNOS support request #913
- cisco_ios_show_interfaces_status.textfsm (no interface in monitoring state) #878
- Arista_eos: show ip bgp summary Error #844
- arista_eos_show_ip_route parse exception #811
- cisco nxos show interface status issue when FC ports are present #788
- cisco_asa_show_running_cryprom_map does not parse crypto maps without "set security association lifetime" #784
- Cisco ASA show vpn-sessiondb invalid and not returning data after ASA SW update #773
- cannot import name 'clitable' from 'textfsm' #731
Merged pull requests:
- Adding Restarted to show version template for cisco ios #940 (ksrattani)
- cisco_nxos add f-path vlan type #937 (JargeZ)
- Fix issue #929 #934 (matt852)
- New Template: Alcatel, sh router ospf int #931 (h4ndzdatm0ld)
- New Template: SROS "show system cpu" #930 (h4ndzdatm0ld)
- Adds monitoring port for show interfaces status #928 (jvanderaa)
- New Template: All BGP VPNv4 Neighbors #911 (markh0338)
- Added Known Issues section to document Micah's finding/issue #902 (FragmentedPacket)
- Added deploy option to auto deploy on tags #901 (FragmentedPacket)
- sros, new template - sh router interface, -vrf # optional #898 (h4ndzdatm0ld)
- Add end of line for matching empty lines #897 (jmcgill298)
- New Template: ruckus_fastiron, show mac-address #896 (QuasarKid)
- New Template: ruckus_fastiron, show version #894 (QuasarKid)
- New Template: alcatel_sros, sh router mpls lsp #893 (h4ndzdatm0ld)
- New Template: alcatel_sros, sap-using #892 (h4ndzdatm0ld)
- New Template: alcatel_sros, sdp-using #891 (h4ndzdatm0ld)
- add new template show port-security interface #885 (jeffkala)
- Bugfix: Type for cisco_nxos_show_interface_status #880 (FragmentedPacket)
v2.0.0 (2021-03-12)
Merged pull requests:
- Release v2.0.0 #890 (jmcgill298)
- Migrate packaging to use poetry #882 (jmcgill298)
- Add Dell Force 10 show ip interface brief #875 (soer7022)
- cisco_wlc_ssh_show_wlan_sum update - make PMIP_MOBILITY optional #872 (progala)
v1.7.0 (2021-03-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Potential naming inconsistencies between ntc-templates and netmiko for fortinet devices #534
Closed issues:
- arista_eos_show_interfaces incomplete #887
- cisco_wlc_ssh_show_wlan_sum update - make PMIP_MOBILITY optional #871
- cisco_nxos_show_ip_route errors out on Route Not Found #869
- cisco_ios_show_interfaces_description.textfsm fails to parse #866
- Having trouble with textfsm #858
- cisco_nxos_show_ip_arp_detail.textfsm fails to parse Age field (Age results are of form 00:14:15 AND 0.732312) #851
- arista_eos_show_interfaces_status parse failures #834
- cisco_ios_show_mac-address-table support for pvlans #830
- Don’t work when parse output of “show fc zone” for Dell s5000 #825
- update nxos show interface to capture discards #819
- change key names to match ios template #816
- cisco_nxos_show_environment return an empty list #790
- cisco show sip-ua register status #787
- Issue with cisco_ios_show_vrf.textfsm template #786
- version of OS can differ o/p, how to handle such cases #782
- ISSUE with show bgp neighboor template IOS XR #746
Merged pull requests:
- New Template: ruckus_fastiron, show interfaces brief #895 (QuasarKid)
- Release v1.7.0 #889 (jmcgill298)
- new alcatel_sros tmpl, 'show service sdp' #886 (h4ndzdatm0ld)
- New Template: alcatel_sros_show_router_rsvp_interface #884 (h4ndzdatm0ld)
- #784-cisco_asa_show_running-config_all_crypto_map.textfsm #883 (diepes)
- New template: cisco_ios_show_alert_counters.textfsm #881 (FragmentedPacket)
- Bugfix: Media type update for cisco_ios_show_interfaces #879 (FragmentedPacket)
- new sros template #877 (h4ndzdatm0ld)
- Fixs #869 cisco nxos show ip route not found #870 (diepes)
- Fix readme #868 (jeffkala)
- add test security-policy-match to palo alto #867 (jeffkala)
- New template: yamaha #865 (akira6592)
- Add Environment Variable Option for Custom Template Location #863 (jeffkala)
- New Template: hp_procurve_show_port-security #862 (adraf82)
- Adding in/out route-map parsing to cisco ios show ip bgp nei template #861 (nnaukwal)
- Fortinet updates #860 (refriedjello)
- Fixes #851 and add new template #857 (diepes)
- New Templates: Cisco IOS show vrrp brief and all #856 (mjbear)
- Adding new templates for show (radius|tacacs) summary output #855 (mjbear)
- New Template: Cisco WLC show port summary and show stats port summary #854 (mjbear)
- New Template: Cisco WLC show time (for time and NTP information) #853 (mjbear)
- New Template - cisco_ios_show_object-group #850 (pkomissarov)
- cisco_nxos_show_ip_bgp_summary_vrf update to support 32-bits ASN outputs #849 (burningnode)
- New Template: Cisco WLC show mobility anchor #847 (mjbear)
- New Template: Cisco WLC show redundancy summary and detail #846 (mjbear)
- Fixes #773 CiscoASA-show_vpn-sessiondb_SW_update #845 (diepes)
- Fixes#811 arista eos show ip route #843 (diepes)
- updated template and added test file #842 (adraf82)
- Fix#784 new: cisco asa show running all cryprom map #840 (diepes)
- Fix#788 ios show int fc #839 (diepes)
- Fixes #790 - new template cisco_nxos_show_environment.textfsm #838 (diepes)
- Add codeowners file #837 (jmcgill298)
- Enhancment: EOS show int status - account for LAG members #835 (jmcgill298)
- update Cisco IOS show tacacs template to support parsing of server name in newer configurations #833 (anirudhkamath)
- added fortinet get system arp #832 (wmclendon)
- Enhancement: Change fortinet_fortios to fortinet per Netmiko #831 (jmcgill298)
- New Template: hp_procurve_show_interfaces_brief.textfsm #829 (adraf82)
- New template: Vyatta/VyOS BGP summary #828 (jpbede)
- New template: dell_powerconnect #827 (nidebr)
- Some sros commands #824 (kvlangenhove)
- updated hp_procurve_show_interfaces template for backward compatibility #823 (adraf82)
- New template: arista_eos_show_interfaces_description #822 (rich-day)
- Bugfix: issues with cisco_nxos_show_ip_dhcp_relay_address #821 (wvandeun)
- Bugfix: URL ACL property in cisco_wlc_ssh_show_interface_detailed #820 (wvandeun)
- Bugfix: added 'Autostate exclude' to avoid error #818 (abaretta)
- fix unconfigured DHCP issue in cisco_wlc_ssh_show_interface_detailed #817 (wvandeun)
- cisco_nxos show version - extract serial from "Processor board ID" #813 (diepes)
- Bugfix: cisco ios show ip access-list #809 (jpobeda)
- Bugfix: IOS show lldp neig - fix neighbor name with spaces #799 (realvitya)
v1.6.0 (2020-10-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Creation of a Faq #716
Closed issues:
- This is not a data modeling project. So is there any data modeling project can work with this? #802
- Black 20.b0 breaks tox test #794
- Unable to Parse show version on IOSv Device #780
- TXTFSM will not process template even though Regex checker says line is acceptable for ciena SAOS #779
- cisco_nxos_show_ip_bgp_summary.textfsm doesn't account for dual line bgp when output is too wide #766
- arista eos show mac address-table is choking on case sensitivity on line Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 0 #764
Merged pull requests:
- Bugfix: ASA show interface - missing case handled for no values for duplex & speed #815 (starlightdreamer)
- Linux arp a #814 (jifox)
- add template and tests for cisco_wlc_ssh_show_interface_detailed #812 (wvandeun)
- fix issue in cisco_wlc_ssh_show_interface_summary template #810 (wvandeun)
- Bugfix: cisco_ios_show_running_partition_access_list #808 (jpobeda)
- Release 1.6.0 #807 (jmcgill298)
- changes tests to import from lib #806 (jmcgill298)
- modify for show inventory all. #804 (yshu95)
- Change TextFSM Windows failure to a runtime failure (instead of an import failure) #803 (ktbyers)
- Added juniper_junos_show_lldp_neighbors #797 (qduk)
- New Template - hp_procurve_show_interfaces #796 (adraf82)
- Bugfix: Re-formatted development_scripts.py and tests/test_testcases_… #795 (mjuenema)
- Fix typos in README.md #792 (epryan)
- update arista_eos_show_inventory #791 (yshu95)
- Detect hostname on NX-OS platforms #789 (Yakuza-UA)
- Cisco ASA show access-list command templates update. #783 (HideoYukutake)
- Updates to include capture on single word, no number model number #781 (jvanderaa)
- Bugfix: Account for "powered-up" value in the output of nxos show module #774 (mtbutler07)
- Dual line support for Cisco NX-OS 'ip bgp summary' command #772 (rtkennedy)
- Arista eos show mac address table #765 (JoeyG1973)
- New Template: cisco_nxos_show_ip_interface #761 (network-dave)
- New Template: cisco_nxos_show_hsrp_all #760 (network-dave)
- New Template: cisco_nxos_show_license_usage #759 (network-dave)
- New Template: cisco_nxos_show_interface_description #758 (network-dave)
- Fixes #716 #753 (itdependsnetworks)
v1.5.0 (2020-06-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Broadcom ICOS/Fastpath Support? #726
Fixed bugs:
- Cisco IOS show cdp neighbors issue #727
- Cisco IOS Show Interface Switchport does not parse multi-line VLAN Trunks #642
- Cisco ASA Show interface does not catch unnamed interfaces #627
- Fixes missing interfaces on down interfaces #734 (jvanderaa)
Closed issues:
- Cisco ASA "show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect" parser doesn't support IPv6 addresses #751
- failing testsuite #743
- I would like to contribute the PR for adding new cisco_wlc_ssh_show_ap_image_all #739
- Template help for multiple states #737
- textfsm.parser.TextFSMError: State Error raised. Rule Line: 15. Input Line: show ip arp #686
- Arista eos - sh ip bgp summ vrf all and sh ip route vrf all template #666
- Template Creation Help: cisco_xr_admin_show_environment_power to get power supply, voltage and current #648
- New template: hp_comware_display_interface_textFSM #634
- cisco_asa_show_failover_state #546
Merged pull requests:
- Bumping to version 1.5.0 #763 (FragmentedPacket)
- Arista eos show port channel summary #757 (JoeyG1973)
- Arista eos show mac address table #756 (JoeyG1973)
- Template correction for broadcom_icos_show_mac-address-table #754 (alepodj)
- Fixes #751 - IPv6 support for Cisco ASA 'show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect' #752 (smfeldman)
- New Template added support for broadcom_icos_show_vlan_brief #750 (alepodj)
- New Template added support for broadcom_icos_show_lldp_remote-device_all #749 (alepodj)
- New Template added support for broadcom_icos_show_isdp_neighbors #748 (alepodj)
- Bugfix: Account for totals - cisco_ios_show_processes_memory_sorted.textfsm #747 (FragmentedPacket)
- Enhancement for Cisco IOS show interfaces #745 (Yakuza-UA)
- Added interfaces to arista_eos_show_vrf template #744 (JoeyG1973)
- Add new template for cisco_wlc_ssh_sh_ap_image_all #742 (conorwoo)
- Update index to handle cisco_ios show_ip_bgp_all_summary #738 (Niclnx)
- Added support for broadcom_icos command show_mac-address-table #736 (alepodj)
- BugFix: IOS CDP - Better handling of output #735 (jmcgill298)
- New Template support for broadcom_icos as a new OS and added show_version command #733 (alepodj)
- New template for ubiquity edgeswitch: show version #732 (saaverdo)
- New Template for Cisco NX-OS: show forwarding adjacency #722 (Yakuza-UA)
- BugFix: cisco_ios_show_interfaces_switchport: Made trunking_vlans a list, and changed regex #671 (FragmentedPacket)
v1.4.2 (2020-05-26)
Fixed bugs:
- cisco_ios "show ip ospf database router" fails if OSPF domain includes an ASBR or an ABR #690
- Arista EOS show ip route parse error #668
- cisco_ios_show_ip_interface does not deal with ip address negotiated on Tunnel interface #644
Closed issues:
- Cisco IOS - textfsm.parser.TextFSMError: State Error raised. Rule Line: 17. #718
- show mac address-table Error: State Error raised. Rule Line: 41. #715
- show mac address-table no dictionary in response #714
- Having trouble with alcatel_sros templates #698
- Cisco show cdp neighbor details leaves whitespace in capabilities field #683
- cisco_ios neighbor summary per address family new request. #664
- cisco_ios BGP neighbor advertised and received routes request. #663
- Ciena naming doesn’t conform to Netmiko #662
- Problem to add or install ntc-templates: #658
- show_vlan template for cisco ios does not return more than 60 interfaces #653
- Unable to parse data by using "cisco_ios_show_ip_route_summary.textfsm" #643
- template request: show ip bgp neighbors x.x.x.x advertised-routes #639
Merged pull requests:
- Bump version to 1.4.2 #728 (FragmentedPacket)
- 718 fix #725 (itdependsnetworks)
- Update to enforce double-quote #724 (itdependsnetworks)
- Enhance Template for Cisco IOS: show adjacency #721 (Yakuza-UA)
- New templates: Cisco s300 - LLDP Neighbors, Interfaces status, Mac address table #719 (FragmentedPacket)
- EOS can have N/A in the age field for show ip arp #717 (ktbyers)
- New Template: juniper_junos_show_lacp_interfaces #713 (ichisuke55)
- New Template: paloalto_panos_show_interface_management.textfsm #712 (FragmentedPacket)
- Bugfix: EOS - show_interfaces - Added proper link_status capture for admin down #711 (FragmentedPacket)
- Bugfix: Panos sh intf hardware - Account for unk for SPEED/Duplex #710 (FragmentedPacket)
- BugFix: Updated index file to work for show ip bgp neighbors x.x.x.x adv-routes #709 (FragmentedPacket)
- BugFix: Ciena Saos: Added more use cases to vlan_show #707 (FragmentedPacket)
- paloalto_panos_debug_swm_status.textfsm new template #706 (ancoleman)
- New Template for Cisco NX-OS: show ip adjacency #704 (Yakuza-UA)
- New Template for Cisco IOS: show ip vrf interfaces #702 (Yakuza-UA)
- Existing Template for Cisco NX-OS: show ip interface brief (VRF support added) #701 (Yakuza-UA)
- New Template: juniper_junos_show_ethenet-switching_table.textfsm #700 (ichisuke55)
- New Template for Cisco IOS: traceroute <destination> [options] #699 (Yakuza-UA)
- BugFix: show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect - Index and Username ends up on… #697 (anttof)
- Asa bgp summary #696 (corvese)
- New Template for Cisco IOS: show ip cef [detail] #695 (Yakuza-UA)
- Ciena sshkeystatus #693 (georgesnow)
- Cisco IOS 'show adjacency .* detail' #692 (Yakuza-UA)
- Bugfix: Accounted for ASBR/ABR in cisco_ios_show_ip_ospf_database_router #691 (FragmentedPacket)
- HP Procurve show lldp info remote device #689 (sliddjur)
- HP Procurve show lldp info remote-device detail #688 (sliddjur)
- HP Procurve show trunks #687 (sliddjur)
- BugFix: (IOS) - show cdp neighbors detail - Prevent capturing trailing whitespace for capabilities #684 (FragmentedPacket)
- BugFix: IOS - show ip bgp summary: Added new field ADDR_FAMILY for any that may have an address family #679 (FragmentedPacket)
- BugFix: IOS - show ip bgp - Account for VRF info within routing table #678 (FragmentedPacket)
- New Template: (IOS) show_ip_bgp_neighbors_advertised_routes #674 (FragmentedPacket)
- Enhancement: Added CRC and Abort Values to ios_show_interfaces template #673 (mtbutler07)
- Remove "terminal" dependency #672 (ktbyers)
- BugFix: cisco_ios_show_ip_interface: Account for Internet address that is negotiated #670 (FragmentedPacket)
- BugFix: arista_eos_show_ip_route: Accounting for new data for WARNING output & capture ecmp routes #669 (FragmentedPacket)
- Enhancement: cisco_ios_show_redundancy - Add New fields #667 (FragmentedPacket)
- Ciena SAOS templates (naming fix) #665 (georgesnow)
- Adds support for Cisco FTD #654 (micahculpepper)
- New Template: hp_comware_display_ip_routing-table & hp_comware_display_device_manuinfo #623 (xdai555)
v1.4.1 (2020-04-23)
Closed issues:
- cisco_ios_show_mac-address-table.textfsm "N/A" in vlan field. #657
- platform="cisco_ios", command="sh ip route summary" returning an empty array. #655
- Beginning of output for cisco_ios "show ip ospf database <lsa-type>" may or may not be a space character #649
- Cisco ASA show_route parsing for alternative multiline format #646
- Cisco ASA AnyConnect Errors with Tunnel Group on different line #630
- Create Template for Cisco ASA - show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect #624
- Juniper Junos add fpc:X, {master:X} for many commans stdout #621
Merged pull requests:
- Forgot to bump version in lib/ntc_templates/__init__.py #661 (FragmentedPacket)
- Added information for all new changes between 1.4.0 and now #660 (FragmentedPacket)
- BugFix: cisco_ios_show_mac-address-table: Allows N/A in the VLAN field by changing it from word to non-whitespace #659 (FragmentedPacket)
- BugFix: cisco_ios show ip ospf database router and network: Make leading spaces optional #650 (ariesgeek)
- Cisco ASA show_route #647 (fatred)
- Enhancement: cisco_asa_show_inventory support inventory items w/o SN #638 (wvandeun)
- show band-select template #637 (timjsmith24)
- Adds Cisco ASA show vpn-sessiondb #636 (jvanderaa)
- add cisco_ios_show_ip_route_summary #635 (kjoyce77)
- Bugfix: cisco asa show nat #632 (joewesch)
- Updates based on hung sessions and different command output #631 (jvanderaa)
- Bugfix: Cisco ASA ipsec sa name compatibility #629 (joewesch)
- cisco_wlc show mobility summary #628 (timjsmith24)
- Updates Cisco ASA
show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect
#626 (jvanderaa) - Adds template for Cisco ASA "show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect" #625 (jvanderaa)
- Junos virtual chassis #622 (ainamori)
- allow space in fex description #620 (daanvdsanden)
- New Template: hp_comware_display_lldp_neighbor-information_verbose #619 (xdai555)
- New Template: cisco_ios_show_ip_ospf_database_network #618 (ChristopherJHart)
- BugFix: Remove reliance on static spacing for cisco_ios_show_ip_ospf_database_router #617 (ChristopherJHart)
- BugFix: Removed reliance on static spacing for cisco_ios_show_interfaces_status #614 (FragmentedPacket)
v1.4.0 (2020-03-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Testing that test cases exist has an exception for 4 templates that need to be rectified #550
- Huawei - display lldp neighbor formatting #396
- Adding vlan name to access vlan and native vlan on NXOS #612 (daanvdsanden)
- Enhancement: cisco_nxos_show_vlan: Added interfaces #604 (FragmentedPacket)
- Enhancement: IOS lldp neighbors - add capabilities capture group #553 (ewmanthei)
- Enhancement: Use ".textfsm" extension for IDEs #543 (jmcgill298)
- YAMLLINT: Add yamllint to tox testing #406 (jmcgill298)
Fixed bugs:
- parse_output returns empty after interface has been modified by first run of script #613
- arista_eos_show_ip_route.textfsm fails on vrrp route display #588
- ASA show failover bug when using IPS module #547
- cisco_nxos_show_version does not display N5K platform #545
- Fix regex: Update VyOS template to match addresses without netmask de… #608 (sliddjur)
- Fixed regex for fortinet bgp template and added new template standards #592 (corvese)
- BugFix: Cisco show switch detail with mac persistency wait time #584 (msom)
Closed issues:
- cisco_nxos_show_vlan does not show ports, thank god cisco_ios_show_vlan works #601
- regex to match whitespace, words, or mix of both, and cut off trailing whitespace? #566
- Bug: Alcatel SROS show service id index issue #556
- Cisco IOS Show MAC Address-Table Errors on Last Line #544
- Cisco IOS Show Run Template #469
- show ip route IOS vs NXOS #382
- Add tests for index file to Travis #207
- Using the .textfsm extension for templates #171
Merged pull requests:
- Bumping version to 1.4.0 #616 (FragmentedPacket)
- Documentation: Update changelog for 1.4.0 release #615 (FragmentedPacket)
- Added line to get the port mode of an interface #611 (daanvdsanden)
- update show arp for aruba_os #610 (dmwcode)
- New Template: hp comware show ip interface #609 (sliddjur)
- New Template: cisco_ios_show_ip_ospf_database_router #606 (ChristopherJHart)
- New Template: cisco_s300_show_version #605 (wdennis)
- Enhancements: IOS show ip access-list #603 (jpobeda)
- Cisco nxos show vrf interface #602 (JoeyG1973)
- New Template Show Mpls interface #600 (alekgozali)
- New Template : Show Etherchannel Summary #599 (alekgozali)
- Fixes for cisco_ios_show_running-config_partition_access-list template #598 (jpobeda)
- add huawei vrp display version #597 (lutfisan)
- Cisco XR - admin show environment power - template #596 (hijm)
- Added Checkpoint GAIA show arp dynamic all template #595 (dys152)
- add show arp for aruba_os #594 (dmwcode)
- New Template - CISCO IOS - Show Module #593 (alekgozali)
- New Template: cisco_nxos_show_vdc.textfsm #591 (FragmentedPacket)
- New Template: cisco_ios_show_ip_bgp_neighbors.textfsm #590 (FragmentedPacket)
- BugFix: arista_eos_show_ip_route: added new vrf format and secondary route catch #589 (FragmentedPacket)
- Bug Fix: Cisco IOS show interfaces switchport #587 (kwrobert)
- Bug Fix: Cisco IOS show mac address-table #585 (kwrobert)
- Jschulman cisco nxos allow missing transceiver type #582 (jeremyschulman)
- New Template: Cisco WLC show wlan summary #581 (FragmentedPacket)
- New Template Pull Request - cisco_xr_show_interfaces_summary #580 (hijm)
- New Templates: Fortinet get system interface and status #578 (FragmentedPacket)
- Bug Fix for cisco ios show mac address-table parser #577 (kwrobert)
- New Templat: Huawei display lldp neighbor #576 (FragmentedPacket)
- BugFix: NXOS show version - Add n5k platform regex #575 (FragmentedPacket)
- Bug Fix: ASA Show failover - Account for new data #574 (FragmentedPacket)
- New Template: Show arp - ASA #573 (FragmentedPacket)
- Add SERIAL to Cisco IOS LLDP Neighbors Detail #572 (FragmentedPacket)
- New Template: Cisco XR - show arp #567 (migueloangelo)
- cisco_ios_show_license - avoid trailing white spaces #565 (migueloangelo)
- New Template for Cisco NXOS - show_interface_transceiver #564 (dgarros)
- Enhancement: IOS show int switchport - Add ADMIN_MODE Group #563 (jmcgill298)
- Cisco ASA Show Logging Template #562 (afoster213)
- New Template for Cisco IOS Log Messages #554 (afoster213)
- Cleanup some testing #551 (FragmentedPacket)
- Fixes #544: Added new parsed sample based on 3750G 15.0(2)SE11 code, … #548 (jvanderaa)
- PYTHON FORMATTING: Add Black to tox file #407 (jmcgill298)
v1.3.0 (2019-11-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- cisco_ios_show_standby_brief.template support for interfaces and output in two lines #483
- New template cisco_ios_show_snmp_user.template #390
- added last_link_flapped to nxos_show_interface #531 (aSauerwein)
- Adding Values for route-map names fetch for nxos_sh_ip_bgp_nei #481 (nnaukwal)
- Added BGP up/down time to sh ip bgp summary #476 (corvese)
- Update cisco_ios_show_ip_eigrp_topology.template #445 (thomasbridge74)
- Cisco wlc template #391 (hisaza)
- Cisco xr show route vrf all #378 (Warsenius)
Fixed bugs:
- cisco_ios_show_interfaces_switchport.template broken #537
- "Cisco IOS show authentication session" issue when session count exceeds ~10 #473
- cisco_ios_show_ip_interface.template does not deal with peer address on virtual-access interface #461
- arista_eos_show_interfaces_status.template does not deal with disabled ports properly #460
- cisco_ios_show_ip_eigrp_topology.template does not deal with redistributed routes. #459
- Cisco ASA - show failover error #424
- wrong info returned when not space between interface name and number from show cdp neighbor #415
- show_mac_address-table - Output contains single dictionary #385
- Fix netflow and wccp lines #494 (targuan)
- Fix mac address table #485 (FragmentedPacket)
- Issue 415 cdp #480 (mullaneywt)
- Issue 472 patch #479 (mullaneywt)
- fixed ports #471 (dainok)
- Fixes #424: Cisco ASA - show failover error. #465 (deesel)
- Issue #384 cisco_asa_show_route - Fix uptime issue #401 (brandomando)
Closed issues:
- cisco_asa bug in causes
show inventory
template to fail #498 - Cisco IOS LLDP #484
- cisco_nxos_show_interface_brief does not deal with pvlan and fabric interfaces #472
- cisco_ios_show_lldp_neighbors_detail failing when last neighbor includes" MED information" section #444
- New Template: cisco_ios_show_license #440
- nxos_show_interface_status_template error #420
- README Documentation missing setup information #411
- Arista and show int status #410
- Cisco ASA show route template error #384
- Build is failing in Travis CI #240
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG and bump version #542 (jmcgill298)
- Update state transitions to provide more consistency across platforms #541 (jmcgill298)
- cisco_ios_show_environment_temperature.template, iOS, show environment temperature #540 (bobbytayar)
- show interface summary #539 (timjsmith24)
- Fixes 537 - IOS show interfaces switchport - Changed output #538 (FragmentedPacket)
- Issue 440 #533 (FragmentedPacket)
- Show snmp user #532 (FragmentedPacket)
- Enhancement - fortinet - get router info bgp summary #529 (corvese)
- Enhancement: Update templates to record on new entry #528 (jmcgill298)
- Cisco voice vlan #527 (ThreeFDDI)
- Adv 802dot11 channel #526 (timjsmith24)
- BugFix: IOS - Add capturing of timestamp data for vty lines that auto print one #525 (jmcgill298)
- New Template - EOS - show vrf #524 (jmcgill298)
- Enhancement - IOS - show mac-address - add data validation and tests #523 (jmcgill298)
- Enhancement - EOS - Allow show bgp summary to be used for show bgp evpn summary #522 (jmcgill298)
- Enhancement - EOS|NXOS - sh ip route add capturing of VRF #521 (jmcgill298)
- Enhancement: IOS|EOS - show bgp summ - Account for VRF syntax #520 (jmcgill298)
- BugFix: XR - show version - account for CRS output #519 (jmcgill298)
- New Template - Ciena - software show #518 (jmcgill298)
- BugFix: EOS - show bgp summ - match RID/AS more precisely #517 (jmcgill298)
- BugFix: IOS - show ip int - account for serial intfs #516 (jmcgill298)
- New Template: WLC - show inventory #515 (jmcgill298)
- New Template - IOS - show process memory sorted #514 (jmcgill298)
- New Template: WLC - show rf profile-summary #513 (jmcgill298)
- New Templates - Huawei VRP - display interface and display temp #512 (jmcgill298)
- New Template: WLC - show 802.11 cleanair config #510 (jmcgill298)
- BugFix: WLC 80211 - Add missing EoL to matching empty lines #508 (jmcgill298)
- cisco nxos bgp neighbor defect fix #505 (nnaukwal)
- BugFix: IOS show standby brief - support multiline output #503 (jmcgill298)
- Cisco WLC Command - Show 802 11a|b #501 (timjsmith24)
- Fixes498 - Cisco ASA with Extra Output in
show inventory
#499 (jvanderaa) - Enhancement: ASA - Convert show version serial to list #497 (jmcgill298)
- Add arista eos show ip helper #496 (targuan)
- Fix #461 #495 (FragmentedPacket)
- Add ruckus_fastiron show arp template #493 (QuasarKid)
- New Template: cisco_xr_show_ipv6_neighbors #492 (charlesmonson)
- Switch detail #491 (jmcgill298)
- Cisco NXoS template for "show forwarding ipv4 route" #489 (nnaukwal)
- Fix #460 #488 (targuan)
- Add test case for 3650/3850 output #487 (targuan)
- nxos - Template for show route-map command #486 (nnaukwal)
- Cisco XR admin show inventory #482 (charlesmonson)
- Add template cisco_nxos_show_ip_interface_brief #478 (mullaneywt)
- BugFix: allow various time formats for ip mroute #474 (jmcgill298)
- template for show arp in watchguard #468 (dainok)
- Paloalto panos arp fix #466 (dainok)
- HP Comware
display counters \(inbound|outbound\) interface
#464 (ad8-bdl) - ASA show asp drop changes #446 (vaneuk)
- add cisco_wlc_ssh_show_exclusionlist #425 (ancker010)
- fix: show ip bgp examples appear to be swapped #421 (cmccormack)
- Bugfix: asa_dir template to account for change in raw output #419 (FragmentedPacket)
v1.2.1 (2019-09-26)
v1.2.0 (2019-09-26)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
- Updates as requested #470 (jvanderaa)
- Remove extraneous (duplicate) test #463 (ad8-bdl)
- Support for locating templates when installing local directory on Windows - Fixes #455 #456 (jmcgill298)
- Update cisco_xr_show_version.template #442 (mspiez)
- Cisco xr show interfaces duplex and mac for bundle ethernet #389 (Warsenius)
v1.1.1 (2019-08-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- cisco_ios_show_version.template Add Licensing #256
- Adding cisco_ios_show_ip_interface #322 (vladola)
- Packaging #288 (micahculpepper)
Fixed bugs:
- nxos show interface status issue #426
- CISCO_XR_SH_INTF: Parsed file shows that not all interfaces in raw are being parsed/recorded #282
- Test files for aruba os need renamed. #224
Closed issues:
- show_lldp_neighbors.template failing when switch + domain name is > 19 characters #375
- cisco_ios_show_lldp_neighbor_detail failing when
Physical media capabilities
#374 - Master branch fails tox tests #361
- cisco_nxos_show_interface_status.template #333
- cisco_nxos_show_interface_status.template: error on 10G and 40G interfaces #331
- cisco_ios_show_vlan.template not recorded complete list of interfaces #328
- Problem with parsing ASA ACL #287
- New Template Request #286
- cisco_xr_show_interfaces.template line 4 regex incorrect #280
- cisco_xr_show_cdp_neighbors_detail.template shows remote and local interface incorrectly #277
- Multiple Failing Use Cases in Cisco IOS ACL Template #245
- cisco_asa_show_vpn-sessiondb_detail_l2l.template not parsing #231
- show interface status for cisco_nxos returns incorrect 'name' and 'port' objects if there are spaces in the description. #196
- cisco_xr_show_ip_route uptime format and protocol sub-type support #185
Merged pull requests:
- Update readme #452 (jmcgill298)
- Fix spacing new templates #443 (FragmentedPacket)
- Fixes #224 Updating aurba test file names to match folder/file naming pattern #439 (myyellowshoe)
- add Cisco IOS XR 'show ip interface brief' command #438 (dampfhamm3r)
- Cisco nxos show interfaces switchport #434 (dainok)
- Cisco ios show interfaces switchport #433 (dainok)
- Paloalto panos show arp all #432 (dainok)
- Paloalto panos show mac all #431 (dainok)
- Hp procurve show mac address #430 (dainok)
- New template cisco_ios_show_snmp_user.template #429 (jifox)
- nxos_show_interface_status: Allows capture of Fabric Exte type #427 (FragmentedPacket)
- Tests #402 (jmcgill298)
- Feature/improve cisco ios show vrf #395 (MatthiasGabriel)
- Feature/cisco ios show hosts #394 (MatthiasGabriel)
- cisco_nxos_show_version extension for pulling PLATFORM from N9K #393 (jonesbra)
- Cisco IOS - show dmvpn - New template #392 (adrydale)
- updated template to catch NSR N/A state #381 (Warsenius)
- show ospf neighbor NEIGHBOR_UPTIME no match when output in 1w2d format #380 (Warsenius)
- Fixes 374 - Adds example of Other/unknown media on LLDP for a device … #377 (jvanderaa)
- Updated the template to get first 20 chars on LLDP neighbor for case … #376 (jvanderaa)
- add Cisco IOS show ip flow toptalkers #373 (lscarmic)
- Updated LLDP Neighbor Detail for matching on some devices that were missing. #372 (jvanderaa)
- Add show_boot template for cisco_ios #371 (FragmentedPacket)
- Update cisco_nxos_show_interface_status.template #370 (Pluppo)
- IOS SHOW INTERFACES : adding regexes for skipped values & parsed results #368 (lachlanjholmes)
- Add Cisco IOS show ipv6 neighbors #363 (kimoldfield)
- XR SHOW LPTS PIFIB HARDWARE POLICE LOCATION: Add new template #360 (jmcgill298)
- XR SHOW DROPS NP ALL: Add new template #359 (jmcgill298)
- XR SHOW CONTROLLERS FABRIC FIA ERRORS INGRESS: Add new template #358 (jmcgill298)
- XR SHOW CONTROLLERS FABRIC FIA ERRORS EGRESS: Add new template #357 (jmcgill298)
- XR SHOW CONTROLLERS FABRIC FIA DROPS INGRESS: Add new template #356 (jmcgill298)
- XR SHOW CONTROLLERS FABRIC FIA DROPS EGRESS: Add new template #355 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO XR SHOW CEF DROPS LOCATION: Add new template #354 (jmcgill298)
- XR SHOW ASIC ERRORS: Add new template #353 (jmcgill298)
- XR SHOW BGP: Add new template #351 (jmcgill298)
- XR SHOW HSRP: Add new template #350 (jmcgill298)
- XR SHOW CONTROLLERS: Bug Fix #349 (jmcgill298)
- Create cisco_ios_show_interfaces_description.template #348 (adrydale)
- Aos vlan #345 (jmcgill298)
- Tacacs cisco #344 (jmcgill298)
- EOS SHOW MODULE: Add new template #343 (jmcgill298)
- Patch 2 #342 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO XR SHOW BGP NEIGH: Add new template #341 (jmcgill298)
- cisco_ios_show_ip_bgp: Fix whitespace change in command output #340 (paneu)
- CISCO_ASA_SHOW_LICENSE_ALL: Add new template #339 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO_ASA_SHOW_ASP_DROP: Add new template #338 (jmcgill298)
: Add new template #337 (jmcgill298)NETIRON SHOW RUN INTF
: Broaden template scope #336 (jmcgill298)- checkpoint_gaia_show_ntp_servers: Add new template #335 (JCapretta)
: Fixes issue #333 #334 (JCapretta)cisco\_nxos\_show\_interface\_status
: Fixes issue #331 #332 (JCapretta)- Checkpoint gaia show dns.template #330 (JCapretta)
- Modified cisco_ios_show_vlan.template (#328) #329 (JCapretta)
- cisco ios show ip interface: Incorporate #229 into #322 #326 (jmcgill298)
- ASA SHOW RESOURCE: Add new template #325 (jmcgill298)
- ASA VPN-SESSIONDB: Bug Fixes with new data #323 (jmcgill298)
- IOS DIR: Account for spaces in permissions #321 (jmcgill298)
- NX-OS show l2rib internal permanently-frozen-list template #320 (vaneuk)
- Bugfix: cisco asa show access list #313 (joewesch)
- Adding cisco_asa_show_nat #312 (joewesch)
- cisco_ios_show_dot1x_all command #308 (realvitya)
- Add INPUT_PACKETS, INPUT_ERRORS, OUTPUT_PACKETS, OUTPUT_ERRORS fields to cisco_ios_show_interfaces & cisco_nxos_show_interface templates #307 (wvandeun)
- Added cisco_asa "show running-config object network" template #306 (joewesch)
- PARSE: Update parse module to account for new and old TextFSM packaging #305 (jmcgill298)
- Modified cisco_asa_show_crypto_ipsec_sa #304 (joewesch)
- Added cisco_asa_show_asp_table_vpn-context_detail #303 (joewesch)
- Modified cisco_asa_show_object-group_network.template #302 (joewesch)
- Adding support for avaya_ers_show_logging_config command #301 (kadecole)
- change travis and tox to use textfsm #300 (jmcgill298)
- Change requirements to use
instead ofgtextfsm
#299 (jmcgill298) - added juniper_junos_show_version.template #298 (jkraszewski)
- added juniper_junos_show_chassis_cluster_status.template #297 (jkraszewski)
- add juniper_junos_show_chassis_cluster_interfaces #296 (jkraszewski)
- added juniper_junos_show_arp_no-resolve.template #295 (jkraszewski)
- modified cisco_ios_show_ip_arp.template #293 (jkraszewski)
- added brocade_fastiron_show_mac-address.template #292 (jkraszewski)
- added brocade_fastiron_show_lldp_neighbors #291 (jkraszewski)
- modified brocade_fastiron_show_interfaces_brief.template #290 (jkraszewski)
- Brocade fastiron show arp #289 (jkraszewski)
- Add template for "show ip eigrp neighbors" on Cisco IOS #285 (Tachashi)
- INDEX UPDATES: Fix filenames to use full command syntax #284 (jmcgill298)
- XR_SH_INTF: Update regex to properly capture data - Fixes #282 #283 (jmcgill298)
- XR_SHOW_INTF: Correct capturing of IP Address info - Fixes #280 #281 (jmcgill298)
- XR_SH_CDP: Reverse 'REMOTE_PORT' and 'LOCAL_PORT' Groups - Fixes #277 #279 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO_ASA_SH_FAIL: Update 'SERVICE_STATE' groups to conform to Cisco'… #278 (jmcgill298)
- Account for device 'Not Ready' #276 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO ASA SHOW FAILOVER: Update parsers to account for new data #275 (jmcgill298)
- Added template for show ip eigrp topology #274 (jmcgill298)
- Cisco wlc ssh show ap config general #273 (jmcgill298)
- added show ap summary for Cisco WLC #272 (jmcgill298)
- Add RELOAD_REASON to Record #271 (jmcgill298)
- Add templates for Vyatta #270 (jmcgill298)
- Add new OS and commands: Ubiquiti edgeswitch: show vlan and show arp support #269 (jmcgill298)
- Adding support for avaya_ers_show_mlt command #268 (jmcgill298)
- adding cisco_xr_show_controllers_hundredgigabitethernet.template #267 (jmcgill298)
- Update Cisco IOS-XR template for
show ip route
command #266 (jmcgill298) - added template for cisco xr : "admin show environment fan" ,"admin show vm" and "show version" #264 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO IOS SHOW REDUNDANCY: Add new template #263 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO ASA SHOW XLATE: Add new template #262 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO ASA SHOW FAILOVER: Add template for failover status #260 (jmcgill298)
- Add match for empty lines or lines that are only spaces #257 (jmcgill298)
- Updated show inventory to catch space on the name field #252 (amb1s1)
- CISCO_IOS_SHOW_IP_PREFIX-LIST: Add new template #251 (jmcgill298)
- Ios show ip access list #250 (jmcgill298)
- Add support for standard ACL to include matching the 'match counts' #249 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO_IOS_SHOW_IP_ACCESS-LISTS: Add support for parsing connection st… #248 (jmcgill298)
- FIXES #245 - CISCO_IOS_SHOW_IP_ACCESS-LISTS: #247 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO_IOS_SHOW_ROUTE-MAP: Add new template #244 (jmcgill298)
- Cisco asa show inventory #243 (amb1s1)
- CISCO_IOS_SHOW_IP_BGP_SUMMARY: Add collecting ROUTER_ID and LOCAL_AS to parser. #242 (jmcgill298)
- Brocade fastiron show version #241 (jmcgill298)
- Fixed cisco_ios_show_cdp_neighbors when devices has 4+ capabilities #235 (bdowling)
- CISCO_IOS_SHOW_RUNNING-CONFIG_PARTITION_ROUTE-MAP: Update record stat… #233 (jmcgill298)
- added show running-config partition route-map #228 (AutoJunjie)
- Update TravisCI to use pypi instead of git clone with Pip #226 (jmcgill298)
- Added/modified show cap/lldp neighbors detail for cisco*, brocade*. Added cisco_ios_show_ip_device_tracking_all, cisco_ios_show_ip_source_binding #225 (hilash)
- Nxos communit list #220 (jmcgill298)
- Add support for cisco show ip mroute #216 (rhoriguchi)
- Find MAC addresses in cisco IOS show version. #214 (kimoldfield)
- NXOS_SHOW_INTERFACE_STATUS: Update template to better handle name wit… Fixes #196 #204 (jmcgill298)
- Adding support for avaya_ers_show_mlt_all-members command #202 (kadecole)
- add arista dir flash: #187 (ydave)
- Update the file to support Cap F on output #156 (amb1s1)
- update cisco_nxos_show_version to support 5ks #154 (amb1s1)
0.9.0 (2018-07-05)
Closed issues:
- Unable to parse out subinterface information from Cisco IOS content #197
- how to use this template can any once give 1 example and its result for more and better understanding #193
- show cdp neighbors for cisco_ios returns string instead of structured list #189
- Template update: cisco_ios_show_vlan to get interface list #175
- python3 support #149
- Template update: cisco_nxos_show_cdp_neighbors #147
- NXOS-Show_Interfaces not finding Vlan Interfaces when additional interfaces are past the config. Also potential to provide wrong information. #135
- hp_procurve_show_vlans.template empty output #124
- 'show memory statistics' cisco switch/rotuer template #121
- Cisco ASA show version template #110
- License question #92
- cisco_ios_show_ip_bgp.template some entries are not parsed #87
- missing tests folder for cisco_ios_show_ip_bgp #74
- Issues with trying to use the test-template playbook #73
- ios show mac address-table #59
- nxos show lldp neighbors failing when there is hostname is long #58
- arista route template #57
- ios show standby brief active/standby state #52
- Need help on parsing the show platform diag output #48
- need a help on escaping the parenthesis #47
- Need an info #46
- Difference between Start and Record Start? #41
Merged pull requests:
- Cleanup #221 (GGabriele)
- Fixed README formatting and typos #215 (LindsayHill)
- Move Record to Interface opening line to ensure each unaccounted for … #212 (jmcgill298)
- CISCO_IOS_SHOW_VLAN: Add support for capturing interfaces associated … #210 (jmcgill298)
- Update with virtual interfaces #209 (jvanderaa)
- NXOS_SHOW_CDP_NEIGHBORS: Add additonal capture groups #208 (jmcgill298)
- IOS_SHOW_INTERFACES: Add additional logic to account for sub-interfaces #206 (jmcgill298)
- INDEX: Fix index file out of order #205 (jmcgill298)
- Procurve show vlans #201 (jmcgill298)
- add pytest chache to gitignore #200 (jmcgill298)
- Fix index file out of order #199 (jmcgill298)
- Fix printing to use function for py3 compatibility #198 (jmcgill298)
- Adding 4 templates #192 (rishabh5j)
- adding bash_df_-h and show_reload_cause templates for arista_eos #182 (Sandeepsr)
- adding cisco_xr show_controller_fabric_plane_all and admin_show_contr… #181 (Sandeepsr)
- Adding "get route" template for IPv4 for Juniper NetScreen (screenos) #180 (burningnode)
- cisco xr lldp and route #176 (itdependsnetworks)
- adding arista_macsec_templates #174 (Sandeepsr)
- adding cisco_xr_show_ip_bgp_summary.template #170 (Sandeepsr)
- added show vrf and show ip arp for nxos #167 (vaneuk)
- IOS_SHOW_RUN_CONFIG_PARTITION_ACL: Add new template #166 (jmcgill298)
- IOS_SHOW_IP_ACL: new template #165 (jmcgill298)
- ASA_SHOW_IP_ACCESS_LIST: Add catch-all error #164 (jmcgill298)
- change top dir logic #163 (itdependsnetworks)
- Update cisco_nxos_show_lldp_neighbors.template & index file #162 (termlen0)
- Avaya vsp show software #161 (kadecole)
- added show config sess summ #160 (jedelman8)
- adding arista_eos_show_interfaces_transceiver.template and edit arist… #159 (Sandeepsr)
- Alex up #158 (itdependsnetworks)
- Avaya ers show interface name #157 (kadecole)
- Added Avaya ERS templates #155 (kadecole)
- Adjusted hp_procurve_show_vlans.template to account for varying outputs. #148 (tsimson)
- Added Avaya ERS templates #146 (OfWolfAndMan)
- Show power commands #144 (ericdost)
- Fix CDP to work with 3 capablities in cdp output #143 (itdependsnetworks)
- update nxos show interface for vlan #140 (itdependsnetworks)
- Ios sh status #139 (itdependsnetworks)
- Update NXOS show-ip-route for more scenarios #138 (jamiecaesar)
- Show environment power all #137 (ericdost)
- Add ASA VPN Troubelshooting Commands #136 (jmcgill298)
- Added new template: Cisco ASA show interface #134 (jvanderaa)
- Updated IOS show-ip-route to handle additional cases #133 (jamiecaesar)
- Add ASA Templates #131 (jmcgill298)
- fix pfs when no value present #129 (jmcgill298)
- add asa sh run crypto map #128 (jmcgill298)
- Dgjustice nxos show ip bgp nei #126 (dgjustice)
- Fixing cisco_ios_show_interfaces_status #125 (GGabriele)
- update xr controllers #123 (itdependsnetworks)
- Additional Templates for Cisco IOS #122 (rpollard00)
- change show interface to interfaces #120 (itdependsnetworks)
- add speed + duplex to ios show interfaces #119 (itdependsnetworks)
- update ios show proc cpu #118 (itdependsnetworks)
- update nxos show proc cpu #117 (itdependsnetworks)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator