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Yamil edited this page May 1, 2024 · 3 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. The hosting can be claimed by anybody with the host ID. The Host ID is in the header of the TAG slack channel.

Chair Roster

These are the core members of TAG and will take on chair of the meeting if there are no volunteers, and will support volunteers who are chairing for the first time: *


  • Don Richards πŸͺ‘
  • Annie Oelschlager
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Seth Shaw
  • Alan Stanley
  • Yamil SuΓ‘rez πŸ—’οΈ
  • Stephen Szanati
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Adam Vessey
  • Josh d'Entremont


Note that links are to the document repository only. New issues in other repositories or organizations will not appear in this list, and should be added by interested parties directly to the agenda.

  1. PR Roundup for Islandora Org- Link sorted by recently updated
  2. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by recently updated
  3. Review of mailing list
  4. PR Roundup for Islandora DevOps- Link sorted by recently updated
  5. Issue Roundup for Islandora DevOps- Link sorted by recently updated
  6. PR Roundup for Islandora Labs - Link sorted by recently updated
  7. Issue Roundup for Islandora Labs - Link sorted by recently updated
  8. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions

Minutes This PR is not passing tests, will be mereged when it passes. It is now merged. Based on ASU code. Needs testing. Annie will test Joe gave a review, needs changes to be made There are some suggested changes and maybe a possible separet PR(?) Seth will review this PR. It is now merged. They are having issues with testing PR in digital ocean. Rosie tested it and did not see the targetted error messages, but had separate another issue. Will soon be merged after more testing. After it was thought this was related to a /tmp dir issue, but it was relaated to timeout configs. Was merged. Will be merged soon. Alexander offered to review. Sunds like a workaround was found and will allow sandbox to be back up. Don will respond to user. We talked about turnign Pauthouto off for migrations.

Jordan: Just an FYI pathauto is a bit of hog if you are importing a ton of data. Would suggest disabling the path if you’re doing a migration and bulk creating after.

Talk a bit about creating pids and/or using existng pids in the path.

Rosie shared this snippet:

It refletcs a possible approach for adding Pauthauto again.

Nothing to review.

  • Additional topics

Rosie brought up some new UI issues in Drupal 10, which now shows some visual "noise" that was not applicable to D9.

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