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rebeccapower edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 4 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. The hosting can be claimed by anybody with the host ID. The Host ID is in the header of the TAG slack channel.

Chair Roster

These are the core members of TAG and will take on chair of the meeting if there are no volunteers, and will support volunteers who are chairing for the first time:

  • Don πŸͺ‘
  • Seth
  • Rosie
  • Willow


  • Don Richards (chair)
  • Seth Shaw
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Will P
  • Annie Oelschlager
  • Jessica Colati
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Adam Vessey
  • Rebecca Power (notes)


Note that links are to the document repository only. New issues in other repositories or organizations will not appear in this list, and should be added by interested parties directly to the agenda.

  1. Our commitments about how we’re handing feature changes and upgrade paths
  2. PR Roundup for Islandora Org- Link sorted by recently updated
  3. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by recently updated
  4. Review of mailing list
  5. PR Roundup for Islandora DevOps- Link sorted by recently updated
  6. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions


Handling Feature Changes and Upgrade Paths

  • Noah’s discussion topic.
  • Our commitments about how we’re handling feature changes and upgrade paths
  • We are suggesting breaking changes but it feels like some of us aren’t making the effort to make update hooks
  • Our expectations aren’t documented or written down anywhere
  • Seth: understanding that he’s had is that anything that comes from Islandora/Islandora (a change to that module) there HAS to be an update hook. Islandora/Defaults have been more squishy because it’s designed for first install and has no migration and doesn’t really need update hooks.
  • There is some information in the documentation about developing and contributing.
  • Rosie: we don’t have the technical capacity to be a manager and can provide ways to do things within the constraints of Drupal. Anything more than providing examples and documentation is labour that needs to be paid for. But we should provide documentation and examples.
  • Google Groups thread referenced that touches on this:
  • Jordan: as soon as you take possession of a config and deploy it you now own it and maintain it and you should ensure that things work.
  • Will: this is a problem of our own making and is extremely unusual to have more than one build system.
  • Jordan: circling back, there is an onus on people that are reviewing PRs to understand (on the module side at least) what constitutes a breaking change or not. We should be including a bunch of those giant changes all at once so people don’t have to do these upgrades consistently.
  • Seth: if someone wants to do a documentation PR we can look at it then.
  • Rosie: with the starter site, where do we want the documentation to live?
  • Seth: release notes, but if it’s bigger than a small paragraph it should have a spot on the documentation site.
  • Will: repo doc directory?
  • Rosie will put together some verbiage for next week to review.

Pull Requests



  • Rosie: any objections to the Starter Site using HOCR instead of OCR?
    • Discussion around this.

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