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Drew Heles edited this page May 6, 2022 · 5 revisions


  • Amy Blau (chair)
  • Drew Heles (notes)
  • Mirko Hanke
  • Ian Song
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Bridget Whittle


  • Feedback from Leadership Group on Code of Conduct and Terms of Reference
  • Planning community discussion of Code of Conduct for Open Meeting May 31.
  • Any additional action needed from ICC for IslandoraCon before CfP deadline?
  • Any discussion from April Open Meeting?

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan or Don)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Yamil, Melissa, or Mirko)

Islandora Events

Action Items

  • Chair for next meeting: Amy


  • Intro to/for Bridget Whittle (filling in for Gabriela Mircea from McMaster)
  • ToR & CoC feedback from LT
    • additional procedural specificity
    • discuss at May 31st Open Meeting
    • decision-making stuff (ToR) maybe more complicated than it needs to be
      • do we want to just try it and make changes later if we decide we need to simplify?
      • looking at how the process is described, it is considerably more complicated than we have used heretofore
      • maybe reword quorum part to make it easier to reach, so we can more easily hold votes &move things forward
      • we did hold email votes in the past, in order to include more voices
      • if LG simplified their process, can/should we crib what they decided to do, in order to not re-invent another wheel?
      • because of our shifting membership/attendance, quorum is often harder to determine for us
      • let's draft changes to language and discuss next meeting, so we can try to finalize CoC before the Open Meeting
    • CoC
      • communication
        • least hard part
        • website (footer)
      • min/max members
        • three?
      • fallback
        • if not enough people can be found, then additional members would be drawn from ICC
      • onboarding & training
        • up to the committee to determine
        • is there a budget for training?
        • if it's really just a question of making sure everyone knows what the process is & where the policies are, etc, then maybe this would not require outside consultants, but even then, some training might be useful
        • Code4Lib & DLF have CoC committees. perhaps we (or the CoC committee) could meet with them to learn from their experience?
        • outreach to various Islandora committees / bodies is a good idea to make sure they are aware of the CoC and its implementation
        • what needs to be worked out before we can present CoC to community?
        • May 31st Open Meeting not cancelled, but amended...
          • first hour - CoC discussion
          • next 3 hours - migration training
      • Amy will create a clean, sharable copy of the CoC and share with ICC before next meeting
      • Drew & Amy (and any other ICC members who would like to) will lead discussion on CoC during Open Meeting and the proposed additional ideas (training, etc) - let us know by next meeting, if you're willing
  • IslandoraCon
    • if you have a proposal for a talk, please submit!
  • IG Updates

Action Items

  • clean draft of CoC (Amy)
  • ask LG about funding for CoC training (Amy)
  • reach out to Code4Lib (Drew) & DLF (Amy) CoC folks to see about mutual support / discussion

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