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Daniel Falster edited this page Nov 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Report for study: Roberts2003

Contact Information

Data contributor: Scott D. Roberts

Email: [email protected]


  • Department of Forestry, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762-9681, USA

Data source

Citation: Roberts SD, Dean TJ and Evans DL (2003). 'Family influences on leaf area estimates derived from crown and tree dimensions in Pinus taeda.' Forest ecology and management, 172(2), pp. 261-270.



Overview of data provided

The dataset includes records for 73 individuals from 1 species belonging to 1 family(ies), presenting 1 functional type(s), growing in 1 condition(s) within 1 major type(s) of habitat, with data included for the following variables:

Variable Label Units N Min Median Max
latitude Latitude deg 73 33 33 33
longitude Longitude deg 73 -89 -89 -89
age Age yr 73 15 15 15
a.lf Leaf area m2 73 3.8 30 78
a.stbh Stem area at breast height m2 73 0.0062 0.029 0.066
a.cp Crown area m2 70 3.5 11 30
h.t Height m 73 10 17 19
h.c Height to crown base m 73 5.2 11 13 Dbh m 73 0.089 0.19 0.29 Height of measurement m 73 1.4 1.4 1.4 Crown width m 70 2.1 3.8 6.2
c.d Crown depth m 73 1.6 6.4 11
m.lf Leaf mass kg 73 0.81 6.7 19 Total stem mass kg 73 13 86 210 Aboveground mass kg 73 14 95 225 Branch mass kg 73 1.2 10 50

plot of chunk world_map

And locally within the country:

plot of chunk country_map

The sites sampled are:

Location Longitude Latitude Vegetation
Winston County, Mississippi USA -89.05 33.235 Temperate forest

The growing conditions of sampled plants was:

Location Grouping growingCondition
Winston County, Mississippi USA Family = B plantation unmanaged
Winston County, Mississippi USA Family = C plantation unmanaged
Winston County, Mississippi USA Family = G plantation unmanaged
Winston County, Mississippi USA Family = L plantation unmanaged
Winston County, Mississippi USA Family = O plantation unmanaged
Winston County, Mississippi USA Family = P plantation unmanaged
Winston County, Mississippi USA Family = R plantation unmanaged
Winston County, Mississippi USA Family = W plantation unmanaged
Winston County, Mississippi USA Family = Y plantation unmanaged

Species sampled

Species Family Pft
Pinus taeda Pinaceae evergreen gymnosperm

Methods used

Sampling strategy: Seventy-three 15-yr-old Pinus taeda trees representing eight half-sib families and an unimproved check were destructively sampled from a single planting block with trees planted on a 1.5m x 3.0m spacing. Only data from 65 trees were included in the 2003 manuscript. Trees were selected from across the range of trees sizes in the block. Allocation patterns of aboveground biomass components were examined. Allometric relationships for estimating leaf area were developed and tested for family differences.

Leaf area: From the crowns of harvested trees, all live branches were removed from each 1-meter section and separated into current year foliage and sub-tending twigs, and previous years foliage and twigs. The total fresh weight of each of the components was recorded. A random subsample of each component was weighed fresh and retained for laboratory analysis. Approximately 20 needle fascicles from both current-year and second-year foliage were collected from each crown section and returned to the lab for determination of specific leaf area (SLA). In the laboratory, subsamples were dried to a constant weight and weighed to determine fresh mass:dry mass ratios for each component in each section. Foliage was separated from twigs to determine foliage mass:wood mass ratios for each component in each section. The fresh needle samples were separated from the fascicle sheaths and projected area was determined with an optical planimeter. The samples were then dried to constant weight and weighed to determine SLA (cm2/g). Using fresh mass:dry mass ratios, foliage mass:wood mass ratios, and SLA, a projected leaf area for both current-year and second-year foliage was calculated for each 1-m crown section. Section totals were summed to get total crown LA.

Stem cross sectional area: Stem cross sectional areas were determined from stem diameters taken at stump height (0.3 m), 1 m, 1.37 m, and every 1 m interval up the stem. Stem diameters were measured using a diameter tape.

Height: Stem heights were measured on standing trees prior to felling using a clinometer to measure from the base of the stem to the tallest point on the stem. Stem height was measured again after felling by stretching a tape along the length of the stem.

Crown area: Crown projection area (CPA), the horizontal area of crown coverage, was calculated as the area of a circle with a diameter equal to mean crown width. Prior to felling, crown diameter on two axes (maximum and minimum) were measured by stretching a tape between the estimated crown edges as estimated by an observer standing several meters back from the tree.The two crown diameters were averaged to get the mean crown diameter.

Biomass: Total dry mass of woody components (stem, branches, twigs) were determined for each 1 meter section of all destructively sampled trees. Fresh weights were determined in the field, subsamples were taken, dried, and weighed to determine total dry mass of each component.

Traits: Height to the base of the live crown was determined prior to felling by using a clinometer to measure the height to the lowest branches in the predominant crown, i.e., disregarding individual branches that occasionally occur well below the majority of the live crown. Crown length was determined by subtracting the height to base of live crown from the total height of the tree. Crown volume was determined from crown projection area and crown length using the formula for a cone (1/3 * CPA * CRLEN). Height to mid-crown was taken as the distance from stem breast height (1.37 m) to the vertical center of leaf area, was calculated as ((HT - (0.56 * CRLEN)) - 1.37).

Growth environment: PU

Other: Addtional data is available from S Roberts upon request. This includes all the field measurements from each 1-meter section (foliage, branch, and stem masses) as well as the subsample weights, fresh weight:dry weight ratios, specific leaf areas, etc.

Year collected: 1999

Plots of data

This is how the study Roberts2003 fits in the entire dataset (grey). each colour represents a species. A legend of species names with colours is included at the end for reports with 1 < n < 20 species.

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