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Report for study: OHara1995

Contact Information

Data contributor: Kevin L. O'Hara

Email: [email protected]


  • Dept of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Data source

Citation: O'Hara KL and Valappil NI (1995). 'Sapwood-leaf area prediction equations for multi-aged ponderosa pine stands in western Montana and central Oregon.' Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 25(9), pp. 1553-1557.

DOI: 10.1139/x95-169

Abstract: Ponderosa pine (Pinusponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) frequently grows in pure, multi-aged stands throughout its range. Sapwood-leaf area prediction equations were developed for multi-aged, multi-strata ponderosa pine stands in western Montana and central Oregon. No significant differences were found between equations for trees from lower or upper strata, or between equations for all trees and equations for upper or lower strata trees in either study location. These results indicate overstory ponderosa pine trees do not require significantly greater sapwood conducting tissue per unit of leaf area than understory trees. Single variable models using only sapwood area at breast height are recommended.

Overview of data provided

The dataset includes records for 114 individuals from 1 species belonging to 1 family(ies), presenting 1 functional type(s), growing in 1 condition(s) within 1 major type(s) of habitat, with data included for the following variables:

Variable Label Units N Min Median Max
latitude Latitude deg 114 44 44 47
longitude Longitude deg 114 -122 -122 -114
a.lf Leaf area m2 114 0.4 21 370
a.ssbh Sapwood area at breast height m2 114 0.000075 0.0053 0.09
a.stbh Stem area at breast height m2 114 0.00013 0.0096 0.12
h.t Height m 114 1.7 6.7 22
h.c Height to crown base m 114 0.14 2.1 9.9 Dbh m 114 0.013 0.11 0.39 Height of measurement m 114 1.4 1.4 1.4
c.d Crown depth m 114 0.81 4.4 17

plot of chunk world_map

And locally within the country:

plot of chunk country_map

The sites sampled are:

Location Longitude Latitude Vegetation
western Montana, USA -113.984 46.858 Temperate forest
central Oregon, USA -121.627 43.710 Temperate forest

The growing conditions of sampled plants was:

Location Grouping growingCondition
western Montana, USA habitat = ; strata = C field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = pse/vac; strata = D field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = ; strata = D field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = "; strata = C field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = pse/sya; strata = D field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = (lick creek); strata = D field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = "; strata = B field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = pse/sya; strata = C field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = thinning demonstration; strata = C field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = (lick creek); strata = C field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = pse/sya/caru; strata = C field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = pse/vac; strata = C field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = ; strata = B field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = pse/sya; strata = B field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = pse/sya/caru; strata = B field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = pse/sya; strata = A field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = psme/syal/syal; strata = B field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = ; strata = A field wild
western Montana, USA habitat = psme/syal/syal; strata = A field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bp/Ng; strata = D field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/pg; strata = D field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = psme/cage; strata = C field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bb-menz/Ng; strata = C field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pb/Bb/F; strata = D field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Psme/pg; strata = D field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bb/Ng; strata = D field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bb-menz/Ng; strata = D field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/pg; strata = C field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bb/F; strata = D field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bb/Ng; strata = C field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = psme/pg; strata = D field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pb/Bb/F; strata = C field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = psme/cage; strata = D field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Psme/pg; strata = C field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/pg; strata = B field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bb/F; strata = C field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bp/Ng; strata = C field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bb-menz/Ng; strata = B field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = psme/pg; strata = C field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bb/Ng; strata = B field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bb/F; strata = B field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Psme/pg; strata = B field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pb/Bb/F; strata = B field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = psme/cage; strata = B field wild
central Oregon, USA habitat = Pp/Bp/Ng; strata = B field wild

Species sampled

Species Family Pft
Pinus ponderosa Pinaceae evergreen gymnosperm

Methods used

Sampling strategy: Sampling in two locations with similar methods. Trees from range of crown class and canopy strata were selected.

Leaf area: Leaf surface area was estimated with submersion method.

Other variables: Sapwood was measured immediately after cutting.

Year collected: 1994

Plots of data

This is how the study OHara1995 fits in the entire dataset (grey). each colour represents a species. A legend of species names with colours is included at the end for reports with 1 < n < 20 species.

plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots

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