Releases: OpenCOMPES/sed
Releases · OpenCOMPES/sed
This new major release v1.0.0 comes with various changes, including some restructuring of the config file layout. Previous config files will have to be adopted according to the new example config files. System and user config files got a new suffix "_v1" for compatibility reasons.
Major changes include:
- Dropped python 3.8 support, and added python 3.12 support
- Harmonization of config file schema, including schema checks with pydantic
- Binning factors now represent actual binning factors instead of powers of 2
- Energy calibration now takes the applied bias values into account and shifts spectra accordingly
- New logging mechanism, including writing of log files that track all operations performed within the SedProcessor class
What's Changed
- Py39 update annotations by @rettigl in #428
- Python upgrade 39 discussion by @zain-sohail in #427
- Review fixes by @rettigl in #435
- fix spelling in all files using Code Spell Checker by @rettigl in #449
- Refactor flashloader by @zain-sohail in #329
- Flash test fixes by @rettigl in #465
- Tof binning as actual binning values by @rettigl in #451
- Energy calibration bias shift by @rettigl in #411
- Catch illegal kwds by @rettigl in #466
- Flash minor changes (Merge to #469) by @zain-sohail in #479
- Update to the BufferHandler by @zain-sohail in #469
- FlashLoader: Remove invalid files by catching exception by @zain-sohail in #484
- Logging by @rettigl in #490
- Update dask version by @rettigl in #448
- Move static by @zain-sohail in #511
- Pydantic model by @zain-sohail in #487
- Src layout by @rettigl in #508
- Style fixes by @rettigl in #509
- Update jupyter by @rettigl in #516
- Fix src layout by @rettigl in #537
- Move to uv by @rettigl in #540
- allow both timed dataframe formats by @zain-sohail in #546
- remove empty pulses from timed dataframe, and bring back old behavior by @rettigl in #541
- add further exceptions for completely empty files, and exceptions by @rettigl in #542
- Flash metadata fixes by @zain-sohail in #547
- Pydantic error handling by @zain-sohail in #549
- update tests for env variables by @zain-sohail in #553
- Fix release and update documentation by @rettigl in #554
- use user platformdir also for user config by @rettigl in #555
- Upgrade to V1 by @rettigl in #437
- Logging tests and fixes by @rettigl in #560
- Fix normed dtype by @rettigl in #557
- Update widths of figures by @zain-sohail in #563
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v1.0.0
Release candidate for v1.0.0
What's Changed
- Py39 update annotations by @rettigl in #428
- Python upgrade 39 discussion by @zain-sohail in #427
- Review fixes by @rettigl in #435
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #440
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #441
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #443
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #446
- fix spelling in all files using Code Spell Checker by @rettigl in #449
- Refactor flashloader by @zain-sohail in #329
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #455
- Flash test fixes by @rettigl in #465
- Tof binning as actual binning values by @rettigl in #451
- Energy calibration bias shift by @rettigl in #411
- Catch illegal kwds by @rettigl in #466
- Flash minor changes (Merge to #469) by @zain-sohail in #479
- Update to the BufferHandler by @zain-sohail in #469
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #483
- FlashLoader: Remove invalid files by catching exception by @zain-sohail in #484
- Logging by @rettigl in #490
- Update dask version by @rettigl in #448
- Move static by @zain-sohail in #511
- Pydantic model by @zain-sohail in #487
- Src layout by @rettigl in #508
- Style fixes by @rettigl in #509
- Update jupyter by @rettigl in #516
- Update dependencies by @pullrequesttoken in #538
- Fix src layout by @rettigl in #537
- Move to uv by @rettigl in #540
- allow both timed dataframe formats by @zain-sohail in #546
- remove empty pulses from timed dataframe, and bring back old behavior by @rettigl in #541
- add further exceptions for completely empty files, and exceptions by @rettigl in #542
- Update by @rettigl in #548
- Flash metadata fixes by @zain-sohail in #547
- Pydantic error handling by @zain-sohail in #549
- update tests for env variables by @zain-sohail in #553
- Fix release and update documentation by @rettigl in #554
- use user platformdir also for user config by @rettigl in #555
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v1.0.0.a0
Fix documentation version
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1
What's Changed
- Docs website change: Pydata docs theme by @zain-sohail in #474
- Sxp fixes for new daq by @rettigl in #510
- Example for FLASH nexus conversion/metadata collection by @rettigl in #420
- fix application of saved transformation, and add tests for this by @rettigl in #513
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- fix reference before assignment by @zain-sohail in #385
- Remove conda environvment file by @zain-sohail in #386
- raise tolorances to avoid random test failures by @rettigl in #397
- Exception handling for binning when df cols are of non-numeric types by @zain-sohail in #393
- Html representation of processor and metadata in notebooks by @zain-sohail in #395
- update nexus definitions by @rettigl in #407
- Optional dependencies by @zain-sohail in #415
- Documentation developing loaders by @zain-sohail in #312
- Module for datasets in SED by @zain-sohail in #401
- add benchmarks for dataframe computation by @rettigl in #422
- using importlib to get package version by @zain-sohail in #429
- Spelling fixes for main by @rettigl in #454
- Update hextof tutorial notebook by @zain-sohail in #421
- Hextof tutorial missed out changes by @zain-sohail in #471
- Proper nexus tests by @rettigl in #472
- Pynxtools update by @rettigl in #486
Full Changelog: v0.1.9...v0.2.0
What's Changed
- Fix linting error by @rettigl in #351
- Get metadata from scicat using token by @kutnyakhov in #353
- Improve interpolation performance by @rettigl in #358
- add notebook explaining the effect of jittering by @rettigl in #360
- Fix Jupyter lab version by @rettigl in #359
- Benchmark by @rettigl in #364
- Rework hextof tutorial notebook by @steinnymir in #274
- Fix documentation and update workflows by @rettigl in #370
- Check for unused arguments and variables by @rettigl in #373
- Add ascale parameter by @rettigl in #341
- Fix debugging for parallelized dfield generation by @rettigl in #374
- prevent release workflows to run in parallel, and bump version by @rettigl in #379
New Contributors
- @kutnyakhov made their first contribution in #353
Full Changelog: v0.1.8...v0.1.9