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Bowgun EFX

Documented by NSACloud2#5771

Items marked with an asterisk are overriden by the default epv.


Group ID Record ID Function EFX Path
2000 0 Normal/Pierce/Sticky/Slicing Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 1 Spread Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 2 Flame Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 3 Water Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 4 Freeze Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 5 Thunder Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 6 Dragon Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 7 Poison Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 8 Paralysis Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 9 Sleep Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 10 Exhaust Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 11 Recover Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 12 Demon Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 13 Armor Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 14 Tranq Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
2000 100 Wyvernsnipe Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
*2001 0 Bullet Trail, excluding Pierce/Sticky/Slicing/Spread Ammo vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_006
*2001 1 Pierce Ammo Bullet Trail vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_006
*2001 2 Sticky/Slicing Ammo Bullet Trail vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_006
*2001 3 Cluster Bomb Trail vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_007
*2001 4 Split Cluster Bomb Trail vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_008
*2001 5 Spread Ammo Trail vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_006
*2001 10 Slicing/Sticky impact with entity vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_002
*2001 11 Normal/Pierce Ammo Nearby Bullet Trail vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_011
*2001 12 Normal/Pierce Ammo Far Away Bullet Trail vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_012
*2001 50 Normal Ammo Bullet Trail vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_004
*2001 51 Pierce Ammo Bullet Trail vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_004
*2001 55 Spread Ammo Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_004
2002 0 Wyvern Ammo Charging vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_000
2002 1 Wyvern Ammo Explosion vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_001
2002 2 Cluster Bomb Split vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_003
2002 3 Sticky Ammo Explosion vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_005
2002 4 Slicing Ammo Explosion vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_010
2002 5 Exhaust Ammo Explosion vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_056
*2003 0 Wyvernheart Bullet Tracers vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_009
*2003 59 UNKNOWN Bullet Trail vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_004
*2003 100 Wyvernsnipe Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_054
*2003 101 Wyvernsnipe Piercing Impact vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_055
*2003 110 Wyvvernsnipe Explosion First vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_013
*2003 111 Wyvvernsnipe Explosion Mid vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_014
*2003 112 Wyvvernsnipe Explosion Last vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_015
1000 0 Bowgun Shell Ejection vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_051
1010 0 Wyvernheart Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_052
1010 1 Wyvernheart Stop Firing vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_061
1010 2 Wyvernheart Muzzle Flash First Shot vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_053
1010 3 Wyvernheart Magazine Insertion Spark vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_060
1010 4 Wyvernheart Magazine vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_062
1010 5 UNKNOWN Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
1010 6 Wyvernheart Dropped Magazine vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_063
1010 7 Wyvernsnipe Magazine vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_062
1010 8 Wyvernsnipe Magazine Drop and Split vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_063
1011 5 UNKNOWN Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
1020 0 Wyvernsnipe Clutch Claw Weapon Attack vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_057
1020 1 Wyvernheart Clutch Claw Weapon Attack vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_059
1020 2 Wyvernheart Clutch Claw Weapon Attack vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_057
1020 3 Wyvernsnipe Clutch Claw Weapon Attack vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_059
1020 4 Wyvernheart Clutch Claw Weapon Attack Final Shot vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_059
*1100 0 Wyvern Ammo Explosion Ground Impact vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_110
2010 0 Cluster Bomb Aiming Arc White vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_020
2010 1 Cluster Bomb Aiming Arc Red vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_020
*2020 0 Wyvernsnipe + Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
*2020 1 UNKNOWN Muzzle Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_050
*2021 0 Wyvern Ammo Sparking Flame Jet vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_070
*2021 1 Wyvern Ammo Sparking Smoke Flash vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_058
*2022 0 Wyvern Ammo Spark Puff vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_017
*2022 1 Wyvern Ammo Large Spark Puff/ Wyvernsnipe + Explosion vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_018
*2023 0 Wyvernsnipe + Bullet Impact Shockwave vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_016
*2100 0 Bullet Impact Ground vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_100
*2100 1 Spread Ammo Bullet Impact Ground vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_101
*2100 2 Wyvernheart Bullet Impact Ground vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_102
*2100 3 Wyvernsnipe Bullet Impact Ground vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_103
*2100 100 Bullet Impact Wall vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_104
*2100 101 Spread Ammo Bullet Impact Wall vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_105
*2100 102 Wyvernheart Bullet Impact Wall vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_106
*2100 103 Wyvernsnipe Bullet Impact Wall vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_107
*1101 0 UNKNOWN Large Ground Impact vfx\efx\cm\cm_hm\ground\cm_hm_thump_000
*0 0 UNKNOWN Blue Glow with Sparks vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_skill_000
*0 1 UNKNOWN Blue Glow with Sparks vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_skill_000
*0 2 UNKNOWN Blue Glow with Sparks vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_skill_000
*50 0 UNKNOWN No EFX vfx\efx\cm\cm_hm\ground\cm_hm_drop_001
*50 1 UNKNOWN Falling Dirt vfx\efx\cm\cm_hm\ground\cm_hm_drop_000
*1102 0 UNKNOWN No EFX vfx\efx\wp\wbc\wbc_120

Translated by Aragaki from a chinese forum, original author unknown. Updated by Crimson.



Animation ID Animation Name
001 Charge level 1
First epv call - normal swings/aerial/mount
Second epv call - sliding
002 Charge level 2
First epv call - normal swings/aerial/mount
Second epv call - sliding
003 Charge level 3
First epv call - normal swings/aerial/mount
Second epv call - sliding
004 Max charge sword aura swing (1 2 and 3)
005 Uncharged
First epv call - uncharged tackle (1 2 and 3), charged rising slash, plunging thrust, jumping slash
Second epv call - uncharged charge slash aura
Third epv call - uncharged charge slash
Fourth epv call - uncharged TCS
Fifth epv call - uncharged jumping wide slash (1 2 and 3)
006 Early or late release
First epv call - charged tackle, charged rising slash, plunging thrust, jumping slash
Second epv call - charged charge slash aura
Third epv call - charged strong charge slash aura
Fourth epv call - charged TCS aura
Fifth epv call - charged jumping wide slash (1 2 and 3)
007 Middle trails
First epv call - max charge tackle (1 2 and 3), charged rising slash, plunging thrust, jumping slash
Second epv call - max charge charge slash trail
Third epv call - max charge strong charge slash trail
Fourth epv call - max charge TCS trail
Fifth epv call - max charge jumping wide slash (1 2 and 3)
Sixth epv call - max charge wide slash (from charged strong charge slam)
008 Top trails (strong charge slash and TCS) and body energy (going from charge slash to strong charge slash)
First epv call - energy going up (going from charge slash to strong charge slash)
Second epv call - top trails (strong charge slash and TCS)
009 Clutch claw
First epv call - first part of CC
Second epv call - second part of CC
010 TCS trail, aura
First epv call - uncharged from tackle
Second epv call - early or late
Third epv call - full charge
011 TCS pillar
First epv call - uncharged from tackle
Second epv call - early or late
Third epv call - full charge
012 TCS player particles
First epv call - uncharged from tackle
Second epv call - early or late
Third epv call - full charged
190 Natural release from ground from any charge

Wyvern Ignition

vfx -> efx ->wp_TU -> two -> two010.efx

Thanks to Moonklu for the research.

Animation ID Animation Name
two010_000 second and third charge small spark effect
two010_001 first charge rocket effect
two010_002 second charge rocket effect
two010_003 third charge rocket effect
two010_004 first charge cutting effect (white glow and rocket)
two010_005 second charge cutting effect (white glow and rocket)
two010_006 third charge cutting effect (white glow and rocket)

Greatsword Miscellaneous


Group Animation ID Animation Name
1000 Charge and jumping slash
1002 Jumping Wide Slash
1003 Plunging thrust

Thanks to Crimson for the research.

Sword and Shield


Animation ID Animation Name
00 Power storage effects
01 Power squat jump special effects
99 general attack special effects

Dual Blades


Animation ID Animation Name
00 Ghosts ridden special effects files
01 Ghosts slide effect file
02 Half-ghost-ridden special effects file
10 Half-ghosts are full of special effects files
99 General effects file



Animation ID Animation Name
00 Air blade 斩 series weapon attack special effects (all include air blade too roundabout, etc.)
10 Whiteblade weapon special effects (may have to take the knife first)
11 Yellow blade weapon special effects (may have to close the knife first)
12 Red-blade weapon special effects (may have to take the knife first)
20 Use the cut, the blade, or the body effect after the blade (I don't know what it is, it is easy to appear)
30 Air blade big swing body effect
40 See the cut (see broken) successful effects
50 Deng Longjian special effects
60 (I didn't measure what it was, I guess it might be to avoid the physical effects when the monster attack succeeded)

PS: EX curry stick really can be done (weapon special effects replace jet light column) If the body effect is replaced by a belt (continuous), it will always exist.



Animation ID Animation Name
000 Not detected
001 1 Stage Accumulation Special Effect
002 2 Phase Accumulation Special Effect
003 3 Stage Accumulation Special Effect
004 Powerful (Strong) Strike (3rd-order Powerful Attack) Special Effect
005 Intensive Swing (First-order Intensive Attack) Special Effect
006 Accelerated Pressure (2nd-order Accelerated Attack) Special Effect
007 Boost (Strong) Strike (3rd-order Boost Attack) Another special effect (maybe, because my 04 file for 07 is the same special effect)
008 Accumulation effect (Accumulation stage press the right button of the Accumulation)
160 I can't figure out what it is.

PS Because no hammer has been used, the possible test method is incomplete.

Hunting Horn


Animation ID Animation Name
00 All general effects
01 Performance of the performance
02 The special effect of the previous one
04 What did you test out?

PS The one that has not been tested, I guess it is the special effect of other instruments. I only have to take the loofah flute to measure it, so it is not very clear.



Animation ID Animation Name
000 Didn't measure what it is
001 Strength Defense (Perfect Defense) Shield Effect
002 The first segment of the sprint (protrusion) acceleration effect
003 The second segment of the sprint (protrusion) accelerates the special effects
004 Counterattack Spurs No Charge Effect
005 Counterattack and full effect
006 What is not measured?
100 Sprint (spurt) running special effects (the whole process exists when running)
101 Didn't measure what it is
102 Didn't measure what it is
110 Strength Defense (Perfect Defense) Kneeling Action Effects

PS: What I didn't measure is probably the special effect after the protection is successful. I tested it in the driving range, so there is no defense test.



Animation ID Animation Name
000 Dragon Gun Charger Effect
001 Dragon Attack Special Effects
002 Accumulating gunpowder accumulator effect
003 Not measured
004 Long Hang gun shot special effects
005 Weapon overheating effect
006 Not measured
007 Shelling and shelling effects (normal type)
008 Shelling and shelling effects (radiation type)
009 Shelling and shelling effects (diffusion type)
011 Fill in special effects
012 Not measured
013 The special effect of the dragon-hanging gun shot from the moment of the rifle
020 Full bursting of shelling effects (full bomb launch) (normal type)
021 Shelling effect (full bomb launch) in full air burst (normal type)
022 The shelling effect of the complete burst of the ride (full-bomb launch) (normal type) (see the speculation table because it is not used in the training ground)
023 Full-blown shelling effect (full-elastic launch) (radial type)
024 Full-bodied bombardment effect in air (full-elastic launch) (radiation type)
025 The shelling effect of the complete burst (the full-elastic launch) (radiation type) at the end of the ride (see the speculation table because it is not used in the training ground)
026 Full bursting of shelling effects (full bomb launch) (diffusion type)
027 Full-bodied bombardment effect in air (full-elastic launch) (diffusion type)
028 The shelling effect of the full burst of the ride (the full-elastic launch) (diffusion type) (see the speculation table because it is not used in the training ground)
110 Dragon Artillery Shelling Special Effects
200 Not measured
202 Shelling Explosion Effects
203 Not measured
500 Special effects when pulling out the weapon and filling the gun head back
501 Special effects when gaining weapons
900 Explosive special effects of full burst ((full bomb launch) (all types)
901 Explosive effects in full air burst (full bomb launch) (all types)
902 Explosive special effects (all-round launch) (full type) of the complete burst of the ride (see the speculation table, because it is not used in the training ground)

Switch Axe


Animation ID Animation Name
000 Tip glow normal swings (power phial) first call uncharged, second call charged
001 Tip glow discharge buildup (power phial)
002 Discharge explosion (power phial)
003 Sword aura on discharge attack (power phial)
010 Tip glow normal swings (power element phial) first call uncharged, second call charged
011 Tip glow discharge buildup (power element phial)
012 Discharge explosion (power element phial)
013 Sword aura on discharge attack (power element phial)
020 Tip glow normal swings (dragon phial) first call uncharged, second call charged
021 Tip glow discharge buildup (dragon phial)
022 Discharge explosion (dragon phial)
023 Sword aura on discharge attack (dragon phial)
024 Claw weapon attack (axe)
030 Tip glow normal swings (exaust phial) first call uncharged, second call charged
031 Tip glow discharge buildup (exaust phial)
032 Discharge explosion (exaust phial)
033 Sword aura on discharge attack (exaust phial)
040 Tip glow normal swings (paralysis phial) first call uncharged, second call charged
041 Tip glow discharge buildup (paralysis phial)
042 Discharge explosion (paralysis phial)
043 Sword aura on discharge attack (paralysis phial)
050 Tip glow normal swings (poison phial) first call uncharged, second call charged
051 Tip glow discharge buildup (poison phial)
052 Discharge explosion (poison phial)
053 Sword aura on discharge attack (poison phial)
054 Axe heavy slam build up, Axe heavy slam glow (player)
055 Axe wild swing (player)
056 Axe wild swing player aura/particles
057 Axe heavy slam impact (weapon)
058 Axe heavy slam sparks before impact (weapon?)
059 Axe heavy slam impact (player)
060 Claw shot (player)
061 Claw shot (player)
099 Axe wild swing trail (weapon)
102 Axe wild swing dust (player)
200 sparks
201 reload
202 white smoke in elemental discharge explosion
300 Elemental Discharge explosions (power, element, dragon, )
400 Claw zero sum discharge
500 Sword extra explosions when charged (weapon)

Charge Blade


Animation ID Animation Name
000 Attribute emancipation, chopping, brandishing and super-high-powered Attribute emancipation, chopping and smashing the ground special effects
010 Attribute Liberation Chop Hit Special Effect
020 Weak Slash (Impact Phial)
030 Sword
034 Ice Elemental Discharge
040 Red Shield (Continous Effect)
050 Yellow or Red Phial Limit (Continuous Effect)
060 Red Sword (Impact Phial)
070 Shield Thrust Special Effect
080 Sword
099 Melee Attack Effects
100 The special effect of deforming the axe to change the sword and drawing the sword directly.
200 The special effects of deformed chopping, changing and directly drawing axes, each sword inserting into and pulling out the shield
201 Second Special Effect of Shield Burst

Insect Glaive


Animation ID Animation Name
000 imprint bullet (target part) special effects
001 Imprint bullet (part of the bug) special effects
002 The bug gets the essence (impact) effect
004 The insect gets the essence (the bug) special effects
005 Special effects of bugs going out (back)
007 Normal attack effects
008 Attack effects after the essence is fully acquired
010 The dust of the insect is hit after the blast
020 The effect of the bug when it is attacked automatically (may be the replacement of the dust of the bug)
050 Effects of pole vaulting and air avoidance and imprinting (part of the insect stick)
100 Not measured
101 Not measured

PS| What is not measured is the difference between the dust of the bug or the difference. I use the worm that blasts the dust.



Animation ID Animation Name
000 Charge Control Lv1
001 Charge Control Lv2
002 Charge Control Lv3
003 Charge Control Lv4
004 Charge Power Lv1
005 Charge Power Lv2
006 Charge Power Lv3
010 Unknown
011 Special Effect falling shoots
012 Use Coating
013 Remove Coating
014 Spare shoots
015 Dragonpierce Shoots
016 Dragonpierce Ground Effect
017 Dragonpierce Charging Effect
018 Dragonpierce Hit Effect
019 Unknown
050 Special Effect shoot without power-coating
051 Charge Lv1 (Power-coating)
052 Charge Lv2 (Power-coating)
053 Charge Lv3 (Power-coating)
054 Dragonpierce shoots another special effect
055 Unknown
060 Dragonpierce ground another special effect
065 Unknown
100 Falling Arrow
102 Dragonpierce hit another special effect
103 Unknown
120 Falling Arrow

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