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Modding Tools

Silvris edited this page Nov 7, 2020 · 4 revisions

Essential Tools

MHW No Chunk - Tool used to open and extract chunk.bin files. You need this for practically any modding you want to do with this game.

Modeling Tools

MHW MOD3 Importer/Exporter - You'll need this for everything modeling related you want to do here.

MOD3 Toolbox - Provides additional functionality for working with models for Monster Hunter World.

CTC Editor - Allows editing of .ctc and .ccl files. (Jiggle bones and collisions)

EVWP Importer/Exporter - Allows you to import EVWP files to adjust sheath and other various weapon positions.

LMT Importer - Allows importing of .lmt (animation) files. Only supports import of animations, not export.

YAVNE - Tool used for editing vertex normals. This can be used to fix visible seams between meshes and fix unnaturally dark spots on your models.

Texture Tools

Jodo's Tex Converter - Tool used to convert .dds files into .tex files and vice versa

MRL3 Material Editor - Used to edit .mrl3 (material) files.

Intel DDS Plugin for Photoshop - Required to edit .dds files in Photoshop.

Paint.NET - Free image editing utility available as an alternative to Photoshop or GIMP. See guide for usage and recommended plugins.

EFX Tools

Nebula Asterism - Tool used to edit .epv3 files. This is used to add efx to weapons.

Audio Tools

WwiseUtil - Tool used to open various audio files used by Monster Hunter World.

foobar2000 - Program that lets you listen to audio and convert it into several different formats.

vgmstream - Program/plugin for foobar2000 that allows playback and conversion of many audio formats used by video games, including WWise Wems.

WWise - The (free) program used to make MHW's audio formats itself, required for the creation of new Wems.

ArgosyPack - Tool to create custom NPCKs from Wems.

Misc. Tools

Cirilla GMD Editor - Allows you to edit .gmd (localization) files.

010 Editor - General purpose hex editor. You can use other editors, but the community has created various templates to make certain files easier to edit.

010 Templates - Various templates that can be used for editing specific filetypes.

General Tutorials

General Tutorials

Animation Tutorials

Animation Tutorials

Audio Tutorials:

Audio Tutorials


File & In Game IDs

Model Tutorials:

Model Tutorials

Effects Tutorials:

EFX Tutorials

FSM Tutorials

FSM Editing

MRL3 Tutorials:

MRL3 Tutorials

NPC Editing:

NPC Editing

Map Editing:

Map Editing

Plugins and Memory Editing:

Plugins and Memory Editing

Quest Editing:

Quest Editing

Monster AI Editing:

Monster AI Editing

Texture Tutorials:

General Texture Tutorials
Specific Texture Tutorials

TIML Editing

TIML Editing

Asterisk's Plugin Notes:

Asterisk's Plugin Notes

Miscellaneous Tutorials:

Miscellaneous Tutorials

Outdated Tutorials:

Outdated Tutorials
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