This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 11, 2023. It is now read-only.
- Kubernetes
- Native Azure NetworkPolicy support (PRs #3205 #3410 #3426 @saiyan86)
- Update etcd to 3.2.23 (PR #3372 @jackfrancis)
- Componentry version updates for 1.11 clusters (PR #3374 @jackfrancis)
- heapster v1.5.3
- kube-dns v1.14.10
- dnsmasq v1.14.10
- rescheduler v0.4.0
- Accelerated Networking by default for supported VMs (PRs #3449 #3483 #3490 @julienstroheker @CecileRobertMichon)
- Remove DenyEscalatingExec admission controller from default list (PR #3423 @lachie83)
- Nvidia device plugin updates for 1.11 (PR #3422 @lachie83)
- kata container support (PR #3465 @egernst)
- Mount audit log file to disk (PR #3335 @kichristensen)
- Windows Remote Management extension (PR #3485 @PatrickLang)
- Keyvault-flexvolume addon (PR #3498 @ritazh)
- Kubernetes
- Fix preProvision extensions on Windows (PR #3367 @adelina-t)
- Fix audit-policy erroneous logging (PR #3390 @maniSbindra)
- Fix KMS in multi api-server (PR #3430 @ritazh)
- Update clusterKeyVaultName for kv and sa (PR #3440 @ritazh)
- Using Fatalf instead of Fatalln when formatting characters are present (PR #3450 @tariq1890)
- Pass ARM_CLOUD to autoscaler (PR #3446 @gsacavdm)
- Do not deploy AKS Billing extension for national clouds (PR #3417 @gsacavdm)
- added nvidia device plugin limits and requests (PRs #3497 #3509 @sozercan @jackfrancis)
- Ensure nvidia drivers install after docker is installed (PR #3517 @jackfrancis)
- Add bash completion command (PR #3392 @stuartleeks)
- Use errgroup instead of counting goroutines (PR #3387 @cpuguy83)
- Cleanup error usage (PR #3386 @cpuguy83)
- Unit test coverage (PRs #3382 #3344 #3467 #3476 @tariq1890 @CecileRobertMichon)
- Add TLS Certificates to Docker Image (PR #3457 @apeschel)
- Commiting the latest code gen files so that circle-ci builds pass (PR #3477 @tariq1890)
- Update go-autorest to v9.10.0 and azure-sdk-for-go to v12.4.0-beta (PR #3095 @gsacavdm)
- Optimizations to Kubernetes provision script implementation
- higher timeout, more retries for dpkg -i (PR #3441 @jackfrancis)
- Docs updates!
- Windows troubleshooting steps (PR #3431 @PatrickLang)
- Add manual steps for powershell remoting. Workaround for #3460 (PR #3461 @PatrickLang)
- CI/E2E maintenance/improvements!
- Windows cluster tests maintenance (PRs #3407 #3402 #3429 #3470 @PatrickLang)
- Optimized HPA test (PR #3428 @jackfrancis)