v0.9.0 (2018-08-20)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- I started 50 users, but i found there are 100 tomcat connections established at that time, why.... #866
- Error is raised: AttributeError: 'RequestStats' object has no attribute 'log_request' #865
- Two locust packages in pypi #863
- Locust "ConnectionError(ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', error(111, 'Connection refused')),)" #862
- Comparison of performance test results between locust and jmeter #859
- Locust fails to execute from Windows 10 #854
- Assign Locust Behavior Programmatically -- Code Example #847
- Wrong statistic of total request count #846
- Locust freezes after a while (python 3.7) #843
- how to send post reqeusts body type is raw #840
- Segmentation Fault (core dumped) under python 3.7 #839
- Don't rely on obsolete msgpack-python #837
- how to install locust 0.8 instead locust 0.8.1 hand #834
- does have url to get the response time distribution? #833
- stats with all zeros for clients > 1 #832
- setup() should always run after __init__() #829
- How locust calculate average response time and R/S for users #828
- Please check my contribution. #824
- Synthetic monitoring #821
- Locust slaves eat all available memory when working with a failing service #816
- Using Python's multiprocessing on Master #812
- How to perform basic authentication? #811
- No module named pkg_resources #810
- Locust does not work because gevent has been updated to 1.3.2 #809
- IndexError: Cannot choose from an empty sequence #803
- self.locust.drop_current_runner() #802
- Scraping google search result #800
- branch geventhttpclient need a update #795
- locust inactivity after reaching 9000 user issue #791
- Include LICENSE file in sdist #788
- How to have Locust Master dynamically allocate users to slaves #787
- slave run in docker didn't work. #784
- How to call on_start before each testcase, like setup in unittest? #781
- Locust clusters, but workers never hatch #780
- When maximum num=1 this will raise exception "Maximum number of requests reached" #778
- 100% number smaller than 99% in Percentage of the requests completed within given times #777
- Can't define unique characteristics for each locust #775
- invaild Locust(HttpLocust) class attribute: host #773
- URL requests containing “/#/” are all seen as “/” then failing when running on Locust.io #768
- Docker image and Kubernetes chart out of date at 0.7.5 #767
- Wrong tasks weight calculation over several TaskSet's #766
- Need multi level rampup pattern #765
- Documentation link at https://docs.locust.io doesn't point to current release docs #764
- website down #763
- TypeError: must be string or buffer, not None #754
- Does POST request create a entry in the DB? #752
- SSL Error when using Http Request #751
- print statements are not appearing on console when -n is 1 #750
- Error - Get_next_task return random.choice(self.tasks) and Random.py choice raise IndexError('Cannot choose from an empty sequence') from None) #748
- Default implementation of on_request_success and _failure lacks **kwargs declaration #745
- Question: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/locust/0.8 #744
- Not able to record failures in report #739
- Tested website unresponsive #737
- New Connection in locust #736
- Does locust creates a new instance/thread per locust user of httplocust class ? #734
- How I share auth cookie with the rest of tasks only for current locust user? #733
- how to run the master branch #732
- On the same server,jmeter can run 20000rps,but locust only 5000rps #727
- Connect slave nodes from remote server to master node on local machine #726
- a report plugin.Anyone interested? #723
- Severe difference in RPS when adding more than two URLs #722
- Start distributed test with multiple slaves with one command. #721
- Logo changes #716
- Locust does not count RPS if all requests fails #715
- Looking for a different flavor of on_start() behavior #714
- Option to Print Failure to Console? #711
- Reach to 3k RPS #710
- Rename RPS #709
- AWS locust sitting idle #707
- Couldn't pass 200 request / second #705
- Preparing a Linux server for Locust load tests #700
- When a slave process crashes and restarts, the master counts and waits for input from both #699
- Unusual behavior from graphs #690
- Chart is wrong #689
- ioerror cannot watch more than 1024 sockets #684
- Locust distributed noweb does not honour --num-request option #682
- Locust pure python RPC not working in distributed mode (this makes, message seem confusing) #680
- Limit of 500 requests in /stats/requests end-point #679
- No users count send in hatch_complete #678
- --no-reset-stats should be on by default #672
- 'Response' object has no attribute 'failure' in python3.5.3 #671
- Sometimes the rps is 0 #670
- Install breaks on Win7 Py3.3 Locust 0.8.1 #668
- Inaccurate response time? #663
- all tests results suddenly turned to all 0 #662
- How do we control the Clients in Locust? #659
- failure to install the latest version locust #648
- Always get errors when I run testing. #645
- Locust test results #639
- memory issue #636
- Stderr connection error ( python3.6), but no failures on UI #625
- Ability to disable SSL certificate verify #619
- tasks are not shown in locust UI statistics #591
- Installation failure on Mac OS 10.12.4 #582
- Specify host header and send request against IP #581
- Ability to set a specific number of simulated users per Locust class #575
- Slave hangs when started before master #571
- Is there a way to setup/teardown before running the load tests #553
- Never loads? #302
- Retrieving stats when running with --no-web #290
- In distributed mode, not all stats are collected/displayed in the 'main' UI #217
- URL_PREFIX feature for web UI? #149
- (libev) select: Invalid argument when trying to go past 1k users #121
- Command line option to specify the duration to run #71
- Setup/teardown hooks #59
- Define wait times by function instead of variable #18
Merged pull requests:
- Separate release into build and release steps #858 (hoylemd)
- Install instructions #857 (cgoldberg)
- Specify seconds for the
parameter #856 (hoylemd) - bump dev version to 0.9.0.dev0 #855 (cgoldberg)
- Change name of msgpack dependency. #841 (vamega)
- response time doesn't need to be cast to int, as this is implicit in … #830 (efology)
- Add tasks sequence support #827 (Ramshell)
- Fix some typos in events.py #820 (felixonmars)
- Update all pypi.python.org URLs to pypi.org #818 (jdufresne)
- Update third-party-tools.rst #808 (anhldbk)
- Remove unused nosetest settings #806 (cgoldberg)
- Drop Python 3.3 support #804 (ps-george)
- docs: Syntax highlight code and commands #797 (joar)
- Added user-defined wait_function to locust and TaskSet #785 (ps-george)
- expand and re-order documentation index #779 (cgoldberg)
- drop unitt2 and use tox in 'make test' target #772 (cgoldberg)
- Remove compatibility workarounds for Python 2.6 #770 (jdufresne)
- Fix bytes/text confusion with response objects #762 (jdufresne)
- Remove unused environment variables form tox configuration #761 (jdufresne)
- Enable pip cache in Travis CI #760 (jdufresne)
- Use https:// URLs where available #758 (jdufresne)
- Update tox.ini so as to not respecify package dependency pyzmq #757 (jdufresne)
- Distribute package as a universal wheel #756 (jdufresne)
- Remove test dependency unittest2 #755 (jdufresne)
- Docs: update test statistics page with example responses #747 (aldenpeterson-wf)
- Introduce **kwargs to request_success/failure parameter list #746 (karol-brejna-i)
- Change Locust website url to https #743 (iassal)
- Adding unit to Response Time chart #742 (coderlifter)
- Fix typo in docstring #729 (giantryansaul)
- Use flask.jsonify for json responses #725 (hyperair)
- fix error message on invalid time format #717 (cgoldberg)
- Changed the spelling of "occurences" on the output text #706 (ethansmith-wf)
- Merge 0.8 branch. #701 (mbeacom)
- added introduction to Locust4j #698 (myzhan)
- Resolve improper display of About in Web UI #697 (mbeacom)
- Make UI URL links relative #692 (karol-brejna-i)
- Add codecov integration #687 (mbeacom)
- Small python 3 syntax improvement in docs #676 (miki725)
- Do not reset statistics on hatch complete #674 (hhowe29)
- Adds support for setup, teardown, and on_stop methods #658 (DeepHorizons)
- #331: Use rounded_response_time for min/max/total response times #558 (jude)
- Added a slaves-tab to show the id, status and number of users running on each slave. #305 (TZer0)
v0.8.1 (2017-09-19)
Closed issues:
- Release new Locust version #657
- make test is failing on 0.7 tags due to Flask 0.12 #637
- num-requests bug #512
- Run the tests for the specified time #196
- Remove support for plain sockets for master/slave communication #14
Merged pull requests:
- Remove --num-requests/-n in favor of --run-time/-t #656 (heyman)
- Refactored stats code and display median as well as 95% percentile response times in web UI's charts #549 (heyman)
v0.8 (2017-09-19)
Closed issues:
- Infinite recursion error when testing https sites #655
- website SSL #644
- Using locust to query Cassandra #569
Merged pull requests:
- find locustfile in the root directory #609 (arthurdarcet)
v0.8a3 (2017-09-15)
Fixed bugs:
- Web UI bug when url is very long #555
- gevent.hub.LoopExit exeption, python threading and twisted reactor #397
- OpenSSL handshake error #396
- sending POST image in client.post() never receives Request.FILES #364
- Some of the requets total stats are missing when printing them to console #350
- Web UI Freezing #309
- Template request name too long #263
- Test file can not be named locust.py (or any other name that is the same as an existing python package) #138
- Prohibits the locustfile from being named 'locust.py' #546 (cgoldberg)
- Truncate number of errors displayed in the web UI #532 (justiniso)
Closed issues:
- Move Locust to the Erlang BEAM #653
- Libev over libevent and gevent suggested wsgi? #649
- How to filter certain requests when generating reports? #647
- Can't find new charts in v0.8a2 #643
- Have anyone tried setting up locust on Azure scale set ? #642
- Issue with indendation on a PUT request (Newbie) #641
- How to know why the server is down ? #640
- Locust throwing connection error failures #638
- Can't run test via locust command line #635
- ImportError if there is a "core" module in project #630
- ModuleNotFoundError in Python 3.6 OSX 10.12 #627
- the edit has bugs in distributed mode #623
- No Locust class found #621
- Display website on dashboard #620
- Latest 0.8a2 version build doesn't meet changelog #618
- locust doesn't record all the requests #615
- Summary shows 0 when request(num_request) completed before all users get hatched #610
- Unable to run the locustfile example #607
- How many locust-workers can I add to a locust-master? #605
- Distributed mode question/concern #600
- bump gevent version #598
- unlimited users #597
- Windows Authentication support? #595
- Non-200 i.e. 202 status codes are note logged as successes #594
- Running locust tests as a list of scenarios #590
- Port locust.io to HTTPS #589
- Custom Request/sec exit code #587
- reqs/sec is lower than other tools result #586
- Inform users about unsuccessful POST requests #585
- HttpSession can't handle HTTP 301 with Location:
#584 - Not have option --no-reset-stats #583
- ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cobra.core.model' in python3 #580
- Summary result #578
- OSX limited to running ~200 users #574
- How to create multiple task_set in http locust class? #573
- ImportError: No module named 'core - Python 3.5.0, 3.5.2 #572
- Successfully installed but locust command not found on macOS Sierra 10.12 #568
- How to stop once a user finishes it's set of Tasks. #567
- rendezvous implementation of Locust? #563
- Missing not reset stats option. #562
- Is there a way to share data among emmulated users? #561
- locust run in windows 10 ,error: failed to create process #559
- 【Question】"Address family not supported by protocol" when start the test #556
- Where to find the RPS chart? #554
- request: bandwidth consumption #551
- self._sleep() should not be private. #550
- MQTT with python over proxy #548
- "Connection reset by peer" failure When doing local test with lost ( >1000) concurent users #545
- How to monitor cpu and memory? #544
- Stress test with probobuf format? #543
- Setting a CookieJar #542
- Bugs in show_task_ratio and show_task_ratio_json #540
- Incorrect calculation of avg_response_time and current_rps in no_web mode #538
- Release for 0.8.0 #533
- No module named 'core' error #531
- on_start function calls for every hatch #529
- Add Python 3.6 to build pipeline #527
- Python v2 exception on import ipdb - StdOutWrapper has no attribute 'flush' #526
- SSL error:self signed certificate #524
- How to use locust? #522
- Sending multipart/form-data #521
- How to display QOS metrics ? #520
- Allow importing swagger files #519
- stats & counters are reset during test #513
- slack channel for locust dev #511
- Variance/Standard Dev. or something #508
- RPS value drops after a long run #507
- raise an error in Python3 #506
- Function result does not get saved into variable if function call spans two lines #505
- calling taskset and tasks on if else conditions #504
- pip install old version #502
- Documentation for directory structure and working directory for complex locust projects #500
- pydoc.locate breaks after importing locust #499
- How to build locust on local machine #498
- Secure data transfer between master/slave in different geographical regions #491
- Closing old issues and PRs #490
- Proposal: apdex in reports #489
- Problem with nested dictionary #488
- [question] how do you quantify your master/slave need #486
- user spawn too slow #482
- Overly strict dependency on gevent==1.1.1 #479
- Unique user id per locust #476
- Random Resets and Invalid Stats #446
- SSL errors when testing certain HTTPS sites #417
- How to get more info from the load test? #413
- Export exceptions to CSV didn't work #412
- Replaying access pattern #411
- Make logging timestamps etc optional #405
- Reviewing PRs #355
- Optional HTTP Request failure step down #344
- Unix timestamp in stats/requests #332
- Web UI Freezing #307
- Inconsistent stats resetting #299
- Don't warn about pure Python socket when not using distributed mode #276
- Web UI should show what host is being used #270
- locust support testing against HTTP/2 servers ? #264
- Error to login to webapp in Locust #246
- Support for custom time metrics #243
- recommended AWS EC2 instance types? #242
- how to deploy it in heroku or aws ? #241
- ValueError when missing hatchrate #237
- Extra / at start of request paths #235
- SSL broken on Python 2.7.9 #234
- Suggest Python version #231
- Alternative terminology for "slave" #220
- Changing locustfile.py on master via UI and having master / slave replication #209
- Option to prevent stats from being reset when all locusts are hatched #205
- PUT requests are shown as GET #204
- Cannot simulate one single user #178
- Feature request: Stepped hatch rate #168
- Having a locust "die" or stop after one task #161
- Request: support concurrent and hatch for web-based startups #153
- Run individual tasks at the same time #151
- Graphical interface to see individual request level graph #144
- Configure target host from web interface #135
- Fixed seed, non-random chance #127
- any objection to making task take a float as opposed to an int? #119
- Feature request: "run through" each test once. #98
- Add Timer / Timers to Web Interface #78
- Recording of rps over time #32
- Add date when test started to run #30
- Make the table header in the web interface sticky #2
Merged pull requests:
- Bump version to 0.8a3 for another pre-release candidate #654 (aldenpeterson-wf)
- Standardize utf8 file coding declarations #652 (mbeacom)
- Sort all Python imports #651 (mbeacom)
- Modify gevent wsgi and libev dependencies #650 (mbeacom)
- Add GH issue template and update readme #614 (aldenpeterson-wf)
- Add ability to write csv stats files #612 (aldenpeterson-wf)
- Fix spelling error in README.md #606 (fiso)
- Bump gevent version #599 (ed1d1a8d)
- Fix formatting issue combining double dashes into single dash #577 (swoodford)
- Add slack signup link to readme #570 (aldenpeterson-wf)
- Fix off by 1 error in stats.py resulting in additional request always being off #566 (aldenpeterson-wf)
- Add more formatting and class links to quickstart page. #557 (alimony)
- Remove unused imports #552 (mbeacom)
- Update installation doc with supported py versions #547 (mirskiy)
- Started working on a more modern and (hopefully) better looking design #541 (heyman)
- Styling of charts + only show charts for total stats + clean up & refactoring of charts JS code #539 (heyman)
- Add units to table #537 (benrudolph)
- Web UI: Free up header space #534 (justiniso)
- Python 3.6 #528 (mbeacom)
- seems sane to not support py26 anymore #515 (ticosax)
- Added introduction of Boomer #510 (myzhan)
- Add charts for RPS and average response time in the WebUI #509 (myzhan)
- docs: clarify locust invocation norms #501 (pwnage101)
- Improve the language in writing-a-locustfile.rst #470 (aknuds1)
- Adds host name to the header #447 (thaffenden)
- Allow --no-web together with --master for automation #333 (undera)
v0.8a1 (2016-11-24)
Closed issues:
- Header not entirely on camel case #503
- Locust starts throwing failures when users > 130 (OS X) #496
- Multiple Locust swarms override each-others stats #493
- loop() got unexpected keyword argument #485
- Problems installing on Mac 10.11.6 #483
- Cannot decode 502 #481
- Locust can not count failure request number in WEB GUI #480
- 【Question】How locust allocate the user number with distributed mode? #478
- Python v3 error: 'StdOutWrapper' object has no attribute 'flush' #475
- [Question] How can I set up a thousand concurrent http server as soon as possible with python? #473
- [Question] How can I control the speed of sending requests? #472
- Get exception during simulating 5000 users on one mechine #471
- 【Question】Can I make request with python requests lib? #469
- 【Question】How can I send https request with locust? #468
- 401 Unauthorized Error using HTTPLocust #466
- Import issue when the locustfile.py contains importing self-defined class sentence #465
- Embedded html resources #464
- Could not find any locustfile! Ensure file ends in '.py' #463
- Contradiction on supported versions #461
- How do I set cookies #458
- Preserve Locust Stats? #457
- locust RPS too low #454
- Python 3.4,run locust error:No module named 'core' #453
- Failure grouping in UI #452
- TypeError: 'str' object is not callable #450
- ERROR/locust.main: No Locust class found! #449
- Locust won't run http request and instead just, skips ahead to the next line in the code??? #444
- add an ability for click actions such as video play button #442
- access to locust frontend from another computer #441
- how can i add some methods to test but don't want restart locust #440
- selenium web driver giving error 'Fire fox has stopped working' while opening firefox window #439
- Location #437
- Locust web interface not starting on Windows #436
- aborting task in on_start #435
- Can I use locust for live streaming load testing #434
- URLs with
in them are not evaluated #433 - In light of #431, is it ok to migrate to pytest? #432
- AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace' #431
- Missing tags for versions above v0.7.2 #428
- using interrupt while respecting the min_time #427
- Locust, NTLM, & Requests Sessions #426
- Is their any plan to support python 3.x? #425
- TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'server_hostname' #424
- Test failures #422
- Automate validation of locust #420
- Factor out remote execution engine #403
- requests library uses "wheel" file #134
Merged pull requests:
- Match min/max_weight equal sign style across project #497 (alimony)
- Use super() for HttpSession init call #494 (detzgk)
- Update gevent==1.1.2 #462 (di)
- Fix document bug concerning '--host' option. #460 (d6e)
- Python 3 compatibility with --no-web option #456 (mrsanders)
- Changes to consolidate errors #451 (schuSF)
- Typo fix in locust API documentation #448 (frntn)
- Python 3 compatibility for slave mode. (Fixes 'locust --slave') #443 (mrsanders)
- Python 3 support #363 (pmdarrow)
v0.7.5 (2016-05-31)
Closed issues:
- SSO on different site support #423
- Mac install locust by pip in error of gevent #421
- can someone help me to build a http request content header #419
- v0.7.4 #407
- Python 3 support #279
v0.7.4 (2016-05-17)
Fixed bugs:
- requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', ResponseNotReady('Request-sent',)) #273
Closed issues:
- locust not making any request when deployed on docker #415
- Simulating multiple independent user web behaviour #409
- Webclient authentication #406
- Install error on ubuntu 14.04 #402
- Python 3 support needed. #398
- Quick start example using l for a variable name #392
- Could you give me some examples of the schedule tasks? #390
- Rich report format #388
- Pinging and benchmarking utilities #387
- Integration with CI and test frameworks #385
- multisession confusion #382
- why used the requests module #378
- Have you compared the Locust with the Tsung? #377
- Web GUI can't handle many unique URLs - Is it possible to aggregate stats entries? #375
- Gevent gcc error. Unable to install locust #368
- pip install failed mac el capitan #366
- does not work in python 3.4 virtualenv #359
- How do I start a new session #356
- Integrating Locust API with python requests #353
- ar #342
- Unable to install locust on OS X #340
- Locust 0.7.3: TypeError trying to run test #338
- Unable to install locusio #336
- Separate TCP connection for each virtual user #334
- url of this command /web/{var} should have one final output in browser #327
- Load testing a site whose domain name is not pointed/registered . #326
- Load Testing multiple sites on a single VPS. #325
- Python3 support #324
- Support for websockets? #323
- step through locust source #322
- Status reports only shown in terminal, not on the Web interface. #319
- percentiles in /stats/requests? #318
- real-time graphing #317
- locust google group #316
- unlikely response times #315
- rps bottleneck #313
- Are requests asynchronous? #312
- run each task in sequence #311
- ImportError: No module named 'core' #310
- ConnectionError(ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",)),) #308
- Support multiple test files #304
- Tasks running, no stats collected. #301
- OpenSSL errors when testing HTTPS #300
- Web UI freezes #297
- 250 users on single machine fails #296
- slave not connecting to master and no error reported #294
- Can't start swarming when in master/slave mode on Ubuntu 14.04 #293
- How to interpret RPS on distributed setup? #292
- problem with select library #274
- Slaves can't connect to Master #265
- list supported Python versions in README and setup.py. #260
- Getting import requests.packages.urllib3 error in Google App Engine #259
- Documentation on retrieving real-time stats #230
- Support for scenarios #171
- Would love a swarm_complete event #26
Merged pull requests:
- Release updates for v0.7.4 #418 (justiniso)
- bump version of requests module in setup.py #401 (cgoldberg)
- [#62] Correctly update slave count when drops below 1. #381 (KashifSaadat)
- Documentation: Update writing-a-locustfile.rst #365 (Valve)
- doc fixes #361 (gward)
- Update writing-a-locustfile.rst #337 (reduxionist)
- Lock gevent version #335 (nollbit)
- Fix handler argument names. #314 (doctoryes)
- Update writing-a-locustfile.rst #306 (reduxionist)
- Introduce docs for increasing the max number of open files limit #298 (ericandrewlewis)
v0.7.3 (2015-05-30)
Closed issues:
- Why the "RPS" generated by locust is much fewer than other performance testing tools ? #277
- Rounding of percentiles (premature optimization?) #255
- Feature request: initiate a test without entering the browser #253
- Environment Variables for Locust playbooks #244
- Failures not detected when web server is shutdown #240
- client.post is not working for https #239
- confused by multiple requests in on_start #236
- Empty stats on get aggregated stats #232
- return_response a valid request argument #229
- Allow developer to reduce unique URLs to their paths for reporting purposes #228
- Locust never gets past 10 req/s, despite the server being much quicker than that #223
- How to send Ajax requestes ? #219
- Trigger UI events #218
- Clients support gzip / deflate ? #215
- nodequery api integration & charting ? #214
- Test run time number of requests / rps ? #213
- Clients support keepalive connections ? #212
- master slave config, master not doing any work ? #211
- multiple slaves of different server specs ? #210
- multiple url tests ? #208
- how to get the recorded data #206
- http proxy support #203
- error report is not included in
nor is it available for download as a csv #202 - Stats get corrupted when the number of swarm users reaches the objective #201
- API for invoking load #191
- Locust slaves slowing dying and then coming back to life? #190
- IndexError: list index out of range #166
- Post with JSON data #157
- Python Crash when running with slaves #156
Merged pull requests:
- Update writing-a-locustfile.rst #268 (cristopherchacon)
- changed how request_meta["method"] is set #267 (dantagg)
- list supported Python versions #261 (cgoldberg)
- add host cli arg to quickstart #250 (groovecoder)
- Update what-is-locust.rst #247 (frvi)
- Fixed typo in the quickstart doc. #245 (hirokiky)
- Fixed link to ESN's Twitter page #227 (gentlecat)
- Fix a missing backtick #221 (chrisramsay)
- Fix typo in docs #216 (gregeinfrank)
- Typos in docs. #193 (jfacorro)
- recieve -> receive; locsutfile -> locustfile #183 (stevetjoa)
v0.7.2 (2014-09-25)
Closed issues:
- Parallel tasks? #198
- Ability to schedule a call #197
- Execution order? task lifetime? #195
- CPU bound from locust vs CPU bound from the web app? #188
- testing single page application #187
- failed with AttributeError #185
- Problem running tests #184
- Web UI doesn't work in Firefox #179
- Request name not pertinent in case of redirection #174
- Reuse the code #173
- RPS droping to 0 at the end of the user ramp-up period #172
- Recorder and script generator #170
- got AttributeError while using "with client.get(...) as response" #165
- Request time doesn't include download time. #162
- Error for requests version 2.2.1 #154
- Request: non-zero exit when running --no-web and errors found #152
- Support for tests that use multiple hosts #150
- ImportError: No module named packages.urllib3.response #148
- Slaves not closing the TCP connections properly #137
- Locust support for SNI #136
- User numbers going up and down #131
- Automatically fork into multiple processes when running in --slave mode #12
Merged pull requests:
- Add start and stop hatching events #199 (skinp)
- fixed typo: your're -> you are #182 (stevetjoa)
- choosed -> chosen #181 (mrjf)
- Include method name in percentile distribution reports #176 (fordhurley)
- Redefine err message for locustfile #164 (illogicalextend)
- Fixed typos in events.py example #159 (nawaidshamim)
- Added: favicon, fixed paths. #158 (dotpot)
- Exit 1 when errors are found #155 (jpotter)
v0.7.1 (2014-04-29)
Closed issues:
- Min response time after reset is always 0 #147
- locust shell client does not work in zsh #142
- should catch exceptions by default #141
- question about putting a delay #139
- web ui uses a lot of mem and is quite sluggish at times #133
- Add ability to select which Task to run #130
- Move the download links to the top and make sticky #129
- locust.weight supported, just undocumented? #123
- Support for custom clients #83
Merged pull requests:
v0.7 (2014-01-20)
Fixed bugs:
- gc refcount related crash when loading web UI under Python 2.6.6 #49
Closed issues:
- Different Users #126
- Simulating real browser behaviour #120
- doc updates for main class change from Locust to HttpLocust #116
- collection of exceptions broken since 4ca0eef5 #114
- number locusts must be a multiple of the number of slaves #112
- changing port for distributed zeromq mode #111
- error when running in master mode #110
- python3 compatibility? #107
- ramping.py calls RequestStats.sum_stats() which is no longer a valid call #104
- line endings #101
- Multiple Hosts, Host Function #99
- Sorting does not work on # requests column #97
- Issues with localhost and domain configured in hosts file #96
- Allow self.interrupt() inside on_start #95
- hooking locust and graphite together as a plugin #94
- Serve static files in web.app.route? #93
- Error: Too many files open #92
- stats reset after hatch completes #91
- locust/test/test_average.py present but never run #85
- Add detailed request failure information to the web UI #84
- remove _send_request_safe_mode #82
- Enable different sessions for different users #81
- Does locust support ‘CSV Data Set Config‘ feature like jmeter #79
- fatal error: 'event.h' file not found while installing in virtualenv on OSX 10.8.3 #77
- Testing "Any" system #75
- Custom http_code stats #73
- Need Clarification #70
- It'd be nice to include the machine that a logging message came from #67
- Allowing custom options to passed into tests? #65
- requests >1.0 #61
- pyzmq 13.0.0 breaks distribution #58
- Locust web interface not starting on Windows #57
- Web interface doesn't work #56
- Unit tests LocustRunner(s) and distributed mode #20
- Proclaim Locust HTTP only #17
Merged pull requests:
- fix typo #117 (sanga)
- fix module and variable name clash (traceback refers to a mod so it's a ... #115 (sanga)
- Removes duplicate attribute documentation #106 (djoume)
- Fixes typo in example code #105 (djoume)
- fix typo in downloadable CSV #100 (sghill)
- Documented more 0.7 changes #90 (EnTeQuAk)
- include hostname in log messages #89 (sanga)
- Cleanups (deprecated code, unused imports) #88 (EnTeQuAk)
- Merged gevent/zmq updates, ported to requests >= 1.2 #87 (EnTeQuAk)
- Added option '--only-summary' for only printing stats at the end. #80 (dougblack)
- bump requests dependency to most recent pre 1.0 version (i.e. most recen... #76 (sanga)
- Stats refactoring #74 (heyman)
- Enhancement/url error #72 (krallin)
- Include method name in command line logging #66 (rory)
- use correct python special method name #64 (rory)
- Small fixes #63 (sanga)
- Use shutdown function when num_requests are done #60 (afajl)
- Update docs/api.rst #55 (cbrinley)
- Added argument to options parser indicating on which port to run the web UI #54 (manova)
v0.6.2 (2013-01-10)
Closed issues:
- greenlet error when used distributed locust under Python2.6 #53
- Get fails in clean install on Ubuntu: KeyError: 'start_time' #52
Merged pull requests:
- add docs: Installing Locust on Mac OS #51 (yurtaev)
- Add parent to TaskSet to enable state sharing among hierarchical TaskSets #50 (daubman)
v0.6.1 (2012-12-04)
Closed issues:
- Locust throwing error when reaching NUM_REQUESTS parameter #47
v0.6 (2012-11-29)
Fixed bugs:
- Master node fails to start if a slave node is still running #15
Closed issues:
- Drop the require_once decorator #42
- Improve catch_response feature (was previous: Remove catch_response feature from HttpBrowser) #39
- RPS count drops when master and slaves drift in time #38
- FEAT: add stat support for chunked transfer-encoding #33
- Date or timer for automatic shutdown of test #31
- Option to ignore query parameters on stats #29
- Remove SubLocust and merge into Locust class #16
- Add support for shutting down slaves without restarting master #6
Merged pull requests:
- Change Locust/SubLocust API #43 (heyman)
- Quickstart example was missing import task #41 (natancox)
- Use python-requests as HTTP client in Locust #40 (heyman)
- Addfix #36 (jukart)
v0.5.1 (2012-07-01)
Closed issues:
- loglevel and logfile don't seem to work #25
v0.5 (2012-07-01)
Closed issues:
- Remove Confluence specific task ratio formatter #13
- Add HTTP request method (GET/POST/PUT, etc) to statistics table #3
Merged pull requests:
- Refactoring (separation) of ramping code; Added tooltips for ramping form in ui #28 (HeyHugo)
- Support Basic HTTP Authorization for https requests #27 (corbinbs)
- Add content-disposition with a filename. Fix missing import (warnings). #24 (benjaminws)
- Fixed CSV stats export order #23 (quosa)
- request timing csv endpoint was returning Internal Error #22 (pedronis)
- fix continuous resetting on of stats in master+slaves mode #19 (pedronis)
v0.4 (2011-12-05)
Fixed bugs:
- Total RPS counter does not work #9
- Total median value is zero in the web interface #7
- Wrong failure percentage in statistics #5
- Raising InterruptLocust within with statement + catch_response causes failure #4
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- optional ramping feature; sorting stats by column #11 (HeyHugo)
- Dynamic changing of locust count #10 (HeyHugo)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator