Releases: openshift/lvm-operator
Releases · openshift/lvm-operator
Full Changelog: v4.14.2...v4.14.3
Release v4.14.2
What's Changed
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-23777: fix: reconcile annotations by @suleymanakbas91 in #513
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-23782: Take tolerations into consideration for readiness check by @suleymanakbas91 in #514
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-24427: Allow setting overprovision ratio to 1 by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #520
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-25043: Fix CVE-2023-47108 by @suleymanakbas91 in #529
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-25041: Apply workload annotations to pod specs by @suleymanakbas91 in #527
- OCPBUGS-23100: fix: CVE-2023-37788 by @suleymanakbas91 in #539
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-27325: Suggest workload partitioning annotation in the namespace by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #541
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-27327: Ensure LVMD config is created when volume group is present by @suleymanakbas91 in #545
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-27338: fix: avoid topolvm-controller annotation generation increment by @jakobmoellerdev in #544
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-27403: fix: add missing permissions to cluster scoped resources by @jakobmoellerdev in #551
- OCPBUGS-23101: fix: CVE-2023-45142 by @suleymanakbas91 in #540
Full Changelog: v4.14.1...v4.14.2
Release v4.13.4
Full Changelog: v4.13.3...v4.13.4
Release v4.13.3
What's Changed
- [release-4.13] OCPBUGS-23785: fix: reconcile annotations by @suleymanakbas91 in #515
- [release-4.13] OCPBUGS-24437: Allow setting overprovision ratio to 1 by @suleymanakbas91 in #521
- [release-4.13] OCPBUGS-27342: Suggest workload partitioning annotation in the namespace by @suleymanakbas91 in #547
- [release-4.13] OCPBUGS-25042: Apply workload annotations to pod specs by @suleymanakbas91 in #528
- [release-4.13] OCPBUGS-27404: fix: add missing permissions to cluster scoped resources by @jakobmoellerdev in #552
- [release-4.13] OCPBUGS-27357: fix: avoid topolvm-controller annotation generation increment by @jakobmoellerdev in #548
Full Changelog: v4.13.2...v4.13.3
Release v4.12.3
What's Changed
- [release-4.12] OCPBUGS-24480: Allow setting overprovision ratio to 1 by @suleymanakbas91 in #522
Full Changelog: v4.12.2...v4.12.3
Release v4.14.1
What's Changed
- OCPBUGS-20545: fix: CVE-2023-44487 by @jeff-roche in #454
- OCPBUGS-17180: fix: added 4.14 subscription annotations by @jeff-roche in #464
Full Changelog: v4.14.0...v4.14.1
Release v4.13.2
What's Changed
- OCPBUGS-20544: fix: CVE-2023-44487 by @jeff-roche in #455
- OCPBUGS-22383: fix: added 4.13 subscription annotations by @jakobmoellerdev in #465
Full Changelog: v4.13.1...v4.13.2
Release v4.12.2
What's Changed
- OCPBUGS-20543: fix: CVE-2023-44487 by @jeff-roche in #457
- OCPBUGS-22384: fix: added 4.12 subscription annotations by @jakobmoellerdev in #466
Full Changelog: v4.12.1...v4.12.2
Release v4.14.0
What's Changed
- OCPBUGS-11153: Provide a way to add replaces and skips in the CSV by @suleymanakbas91 in #312
- OCPBUGS-11426: Add missing workload management annotations by @suleymanakbas91 in #316
- OCPVE-303: Add a Status column to the LVMCluster output by @suleymanakbas91 in #318
- OCPBUGS-11047: Add a watcher for storage class objects to the operator by @suleymanakbas91 in #319
- OCPBUGS-11893: Enable updating initcontainer images during an upgrade by @suleymanakbas91 in #320
- OCPBUGS-7698: Fix lvms typo in the image name by @suleymanakbas91 in #324
- Improve readme by @emmahone in #325
- OCPVE-310: Reduce reconcile interval for delayed devices by @suleymanakbas91 in #326
- OCPVE-328: Update dev images to use the new lvms_dev registry by @suleymanakbas91 in #327
- OCPVE-316: Reduce number of Dockerfiles and simplify Makefile by @suleymanakbas91 in #328
- OCPVE-311: Improve Make targets to work on MacOS as well by @suleymanakbas91 in #329
- OCPVE-334: Add verify target to check go formatting and generated files by @suleymanakbas91 in #330
- OCPVE-334: Change VERSION to OPERATOR_VERSION in the Makefile by @suleymanakbas91 in #331
- OCPVE-335: update the OWNERS file by @suleymanakbas91 in #332
- OCPVE-230: Improve README content by @suleymanakbas91 in #333
- OCPVE-286: Introduce code coverage tooling by @suleymanakbas91 in #336
- OCPVE-231: Improve the design docs by @suleymanakbas91 in #334
- OCPVE-341: Add csi to infrastructure-features on CSV by @suleymanakbas91 in #338
- OCPBUGS-13364: fix: Added a tag for arm64 to have it pulled into Openshift for ARM by @jeff-roche in #340
- OCPVE-337: Add an architecture diagram by @suleymanakbas91 in #341
- OCPVE-309: Remove commented code by @qJkee in #337
- OCPVE-300: OCPVE-301: feat: ext4 support by @jeff-roche in #344
- OCPVE-300: accidentally added my notes by @jeff-roche in #347
- OCPVE-362: feat: Marked the operator bundle capabilities level as Seamless Upgrades by @jeff-roche in #348
- OCPBUGS-14040: Filter out reserved disks by @suleymanakbas91 in #345
- OCPVE-300: fix: added validation around fstype by @jeff-roche in #349
- OCPVE-355: add github issue template by @brandisher in #354
- OCPBUGS-10534: Refactor status reporting logic to send updates more often by @suleymanakbas91 in #339
- OCPVE-333: check create or update functions by @qJkee in #352
- OCPVE-233: Add a troubleshooting guide by @suleymanakbas91 in #343
- OCPVE-308: Convert todos to jiras by @brandisher in #353
- OCPVE-342: Change copyright in headers by @qJkee in #355
- OCPVE-349: Add PV and PVC controllers to publish events by @suleymanakbas91 in #356
- OCPVE-336: Remove must-gather owners file by @suleymanakbas91 in #358
- OCPVE-336: Fix typo in must-gather image by @suleymanakbas91 in #359
- OCPVE-302: feat: fstype e2e tests by @jeff-roche in #357
- OCPVE-380: feat: rhel 9 and accompanying changes by @jeff-roche in #361
- OCPVE-404: chore: adding some local helper scripts and makefile updates by @jeff-roche in #362
- OCPVE-404: chore: decoupling the e2e tests from operator deployment by @jeff-roche in #363
- OCPVE-330: Add add owner reference to created objects by @qJkee in #360
- OCPVE-406: Cluster builds by @jeff-roche in #365
- OCPVE-386: feat: added the optionalPaths device selector field by @jeff-roche in #364
- OCPVE-406: fix: updated a few issues with the cluster build commands by @jeff-roche in #366
- chore: add Jakob as lgtm by @jeff-roche in #367
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-17865: fix: improve logging around device path validation by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #390
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-17852: fix: allow multi-node readiness with master nodes with NoSchedule Taints by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #388
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-17857: Do not error during capacity check if annotation does not exist on the node by @suleymanakbas91 in #389
- [release-4.14] OCPBUGS-18066: fix: don't fail if devices already in vg by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #397
New Contributors
- @emmahone made their first contribution in #325
- @brandisher made their first contribution in #354
Full Changelog: v4.13.0...v4.14.0
Release v4.13.1
What's Changed
- [release-4.13] OCPBUGS-13886: fix: Added a tag for arm64 to have it pulled into Openshift for ARM by @jeff-roche in #342
- [release-4.13] OCPBUGS-14079: feat: Marked the operator bundle capabilities level as Seamless Upgrades by @jeff-roche in #350
- [release-4.13] OCPBUGS-14086: Filter out reserved disks by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #351
Full Changelog: v4.13.0...v4.13.1