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Releases: bitfinexcom/bfx-report-electron


24 May 11:35
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[4.7.0] - 2023-05-24


  • Added the localUsername field to the getUsers method response to be able to modify the local username on sign-in for sub-accounts. PR: bfx-reports-framework#281
  • Added the possibility of optional naming for multiple accounts during creating or updating, implemented displaying optional localUsername (if available) instead of the account email. PR: bfx-report-ui#650


  • Prevented selected dates range preserving by default between login sessions, the default range Last 2 Weeks will be set from the start until the Preserve Timeframe option won't be turned on in the Preferences menu. PR: bfx-report-ui#651
  • Reworked and improved the Manage Accounts section according to the latest design updates to enhance users experience. Implemented the possibility of picking the Use API key option in the registered accounts selector and adding a sub-account via API key/secret in this case. Prefills the optional group name field with the master account name by default. Actualizes related elements styling and fields descriptions. Improves sub-accounts section scroll representation. PR: bfx-report-ui#652
  • Improved Weighted Averages web version limit note representation according to the latest design updates. PR: bfx-report-ui#654


  • Fixed issues with auth token invalidate intervals. The issue is at this moment UI flow intends to remove sub-account without login using email, it means we have to handle the absence of a user session on deletion. PR: bfx-reports-framework#282
  • Fixed columns filter elements overflowing issues. PR: bfx-report-ui#649
  • Fixed the issue with the Password input availability on the main registered users list screen in some specific cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#653


10 May 12:30
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[4.6.0] - 2023-05-10


  • Added symbol field to the currencies model in order to have the same payload as from the bfx-report. PR: bfx-reports-framework#278


  • Bumped ElectronJS version up to v21.3.3 to have NodeJS v16 under the hood to resolve the ability to build UI and ElectronJS releases using the same NodeJS version. PRs: bfx-report-electron#201, bfx-report-ui#640, bfx-facs-db-better-sqlite#5
  • Resolved deprecation warning fs.rmdir for the bfx-reports-framework due to migration NodeJS to v16. PR: bfx-reports-framework#276
  • Improved selected dates range representation for better clearance to the users. PR: bfx-report-ui#643
  • Reworked and improved Sign In and Add Accounts sections according to the latest design updates to enhance users experienc. Reworked and unifies several related sub-sections for better composition and reusability. Implemented new flow for adding sub-accounts to the users registered via API keys. Actualizes related elements styling and fields descriptions. PR: bfx-report-ui#644
  • Updated pt-BR, ru and tr translations for the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#646


  • Fixed Test pairs/symbols handling to prevent pairs duplication/overlapping and fixed incorrect request symbol params providing in some cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#641
  • Fixed a display issue on Test pairs/symbols in production. PR: bfx-report-ui#642


28 Apr 09:41
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[4.5.2] - 2023-04-28


  • Fixed the auto-update issue to turn on by default. The issue is in the parsing of the environment variable IS_AUTO_UPDATE_DISABLED from string to boolean. PR: bfx-report-electron#198


26 Apr 11:15
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[4.5.1] - 2023-04-26


  • Added ability to name multiple accounts on sign-up to the backend. For example, if a user has some sub-accounts where run Bitcoin strategies, the user can call them The BTC group. For older created accounts, it will not be there. PR: bfx-reports-framework#271
  • Added a dedicated flag to recognize an account registering type: via API keys or without for the UI porpuses to cover new user login flow. PR: bfx-reports-framework#273


  • Reworked and improved Add Account authorization section according to the latest design updates to enhance users experience. Made Remember Me feature always active and removes unused corresponding checkboxes from all auth sections. Reworked and unifies several related sub-sections for better composition and reusability. Actualizes elements styling and fields descriptions. PR: bfx-report-ui#635
  • Improved Forgot Password authorization section according to the latest design updates to enhance users experience. Reworked and unified several related sub-sections for better composition and reusability. Actualized elements styling and descriptions. Added Bitfinex logo. PR: bfx-report-ui#637


  • Fixed emitBfxUnamePwdAuthRequired WebSocket event handling on which the user should be logged out and re-login via username/password and Two-Factor Authentication to receive a new auth token. PR: bfx-report-ui#634
  • Fixed issues with the availability to the selection of restricted users with isRestrictedToBeAddedToSubAccount flag for Multiple Accounts in some specific cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#636


12 Apr 09:51
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[4.5.0] - 2023-04-12



  • Added the temporarily_unavailable BFX error handler, it's related to issues when the main platform is under maintenance. Instead showing an error modal dialog under the electron app would show the network issue message. And also it added some retries for fetching data as it was done earlier for the common isENetError checker. PR: bfx-report#290


  • Disallowed user removal when sync going to prevent unexpected behavior. PR: bfx-reports-framework#267
  • Fixed issues with incorrect pairs formatting and providing a symbol param for the getPublicTrades request in some cases. Adjusted Symbol Filter width to fit better for all available pairs. PR: bfx-report-ui#626
  • Fixed issues with incorrect TEST symbols/pairs mapping. Fixed selector width to fit better for all available pairs. PR: bfx-report-ui#628


29 Mar 10:15
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[4.4.0] - 2023-03-29


  • Implemented username/password auth support with Two-Factor Authentication for simple users in a framework mode and corresponding logic to handle various Reports authorization flow-related specifics. Improved Reports login modal styling according to the actual theme. PR: bfx-report-ui#622
  • Added ability to auto-start sync after the auto-update of the electron app. The idea is to have a configurable option (by default turned on) to force sync after the auto-update or DB migration due to changes in the DB schema, the aim is to bring data consistency after significant updates. PRs: bfx-report-electron#190, bfx-reports-framework#261
  • Added isAuthTokenGenerationError: true flag into the Unauthorized 401 response in cases when token is expired for better UX of 2FA. PRs: bfx-report#285, bfx-reports-framework#262
  • Added login/verify proxy endpoints to resolve the CORS issue for the BFX username/password auth for /v2/login and /v2/login/verify links. PRs: bfx-reports-framework#263, bfx-report#286


  • Changed the Sign Up section title and button to Add Account for better clearance to the users of how auth flow works in the Reports app. Hid the Remove Account button in the Preferences menu during syncing to avoid causing related errors. Prevented the Remember Me from being prefilled by default. Updated passwords titles. PR: bfx-report-ui#623
  • Fixed the getUsers endpoint response, isRestrictedToBeAddedToSubAccount flag doesn't show the correct state, it should be true in a case when the user signed in with the BFX auth token (using BFX username/password). PR: bfx-reports-framework#260


16 Mar 09:35
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  • Fixed issues with some symbols representation in the Symbol Filter dropdown list. PR: bfx-report-ui#617


02 Mar 12:31
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[4.3.0] - 2023-03-01


  • Added BFX auth token support to the backend of the framework mode. PRs: bfx-report#281, bfx-reports-framework#256
  • Added ability to send emitCsvGenerationCompletedToOne event by the WS when CSV reports generation is finished in the background queue, only for the framework mode. In the UI we will show a spinner on the export btn and the corresponding popup at an appropriate time after finishing generation (in some cases it can take a lot of time). PRs: bfx-report#282, bfx-reports-framework#257


  • Restructures Reports main navigation using navigation item -> sub item -> tabs approach. Reworks and unifies sub-sections switching flow for better reusability across various reports and cleans redundant duplicated logic. Moves Logins History, Sub Accounts and Change Logs reports to the account dropdown menu. PR: bfx-report-ui#612
  • Reworks mobile navigation as a drawer according to the latest design updates. Implements dynamic chevrons for the navigation menus collapsible sections. Removes duplicated time frame selector from the header. Minor fixes and redundant code cleanup. PR: bfx-report-ui#613
  • Reworks the main layout as cards according to the latest design updates. Actualizes navigation menu collapsible sections icons. Updates colors and various styling improvements. PR: bfx-report-ui#614


02 Feb 10:06
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18 Jan 17:46
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[4.1.0] - 2023-01-18



  • Fixed error handling, added an option to not throw ENET error in the case when there are going to make retries to resume the internet connection. API requests should not be logged to std error stream when making an internal call and can have some attempts due to an internet connection issue. It's important for sync to avoid showing redundant error modal dialogs in the electron app. PR: bfx-report#278