Affecting all Beats
Update to Golang 1.12.1. 11330
Disable Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud metadata providers by default. 12812
Allow Metricbeat’s beat module to read monitoring information over a named pipe or unix domain socket. 14558
Remove version information from default ILM policy for improved upgrade experience on custom policies. 14745
cmd respectssetup.ilm.overwrite
setting for improved support of custom policies. 14741 -
Libbeat: Do not overwrite agent.*, ecs.version, and 14407
Libbeat: Cleanup the x-pack licenser code to use the new license endpoint and the new format. 15091
Users can now specify
to overridemonitoring.elasticsearch.
settings. 14399 15254 -
Refactor metadata generator to support adding metadata across resources 14875
Update to ECS 1.4.0. 14844
The document id fields has been renamed from to @metadata._id 15859
Variable substitution from environment variables is not longer supported.{15937}
Change aws_elb autodiscover provider field name from elb_listener.* to aws.elb.*. 16219{16402}
processors from thescript
processor. They can still be used as normal processors in the configuration. 16349 16514
Add new dashboard for VSphere host cluster and virtual machine 14135
kubernetes.container.cpu.limit.cores and kubernetes.container.cpu.requests.cores are now floats. 11975
Update cloudwatch metricset mapping for both metrics and dimensions. 15245
Make use of secure port when accessing Kubelet API 16063
TLS: Fields have been changed to adapt to ECS. 15497
TLS: The behavior of send_certificates and include_raw_certificates options has changed. 15497
Added redact_headers configuration option, to allow HTTP request headers to be redacted whilst keeping the header field included in the beat. 15353
Add dns.question.subdomain and dns.question.top_level_domain fields. 14578
Affecting all Beats
Fix a race condition with the Kafka pipeline client, it is possible that
get called beforeConnect()
. 11945 -
Allow users to configure only
setting undermonitoring
namespace. 14338 -
Fix spooling to disk blocking infinitely if the lock file can not be acquired. 15338
Update replicaset group to apps/v1 15802
metricbeat test output
with an ipv6 ES host in the output.hosts. 15368 -
processor conversion of string to integer with leading zeros. 15513 15557 -
Fix Kubernetes autodiscovery provider to correctly handle pod states and avoid missing event data 17223
to better support modifying sub-fields with other processors. 13808 -
Fix panic in the Logstash output when trying to send events to closed connection. 15568
Fix missing output in dockerlogbeat 15719
Fix logging target settings being ignored when Beats are started via systemd or docker. 12024 15442
Do not load dashboards where not available. 15802
Fix issue where default go logger is not discarded when either * or stdout is selected. 10251 15708
Fix issue where TLS settings would be ignored when a forward proxy was in use.{15516}
Remove superfluous use of number_of_routing_shards setting from the default template. 16038
Fix index names for indexing not always guaranteed to be lower case. 16081
Upgrade go-ucfg to latest v0.8.1.{15937}
Fix loading processors from annotation hints. 16348
Fix an issue that could cause redundant configuration reloads. 16440
Fix k8s pods labels broken schema. 16480
Fix k8s pods annotations broken schema. 16554
Upgrade go-ucfg to latest v0.8.3.{16450}
option to the supported TLS option, this allow to check that a specific certificate is used as part of the verified chain. 15717 -
to use default config for kubernetes module. 16857 -
Improve some logging messages for add_kubernetes_metadata processor{16866}
Fix k8s metadata issue regarding node labels not shown up on root level of metadata. 16834
Fail to start if httpprof is used and it cannot be initialized. 17028
Fix concurrency issues in convert processor when used in the global context. 17032
cisco/asa fileset: Fix parsing of 302021 message code. 14519
Fix filebeat azure dashboards, event category should be
. 14668 -
Fix a problem in Filebeat input httpjson where interval is not used as time.Duration. 14728
Fix SSL config in input.yml for Filebeat httpjson input in the MISP module. 14767
Check content-type when creating new reader in s3 input. 15252 15225
Fix session reset detection and a crash in Netflow input. 14904
Handle errors in handleS3Objects function and add more debug messages for s3 input. 15545
netflow: Allow for options templates without scope fields. 15449
netflow: Fix bytes/packets counters on some devices (NSEL and Netstream). 15449
netflow: Fix compatibility with some Cisco devices by changing the field
from short to long. 15449 -
Ensure all zeek timestamps include millisecond precision. 14599 16766
Fix s3 input hanging with GetObjectRequest API call by adding context_timeout config. 15502 15590
Fix mapping error when zeek weird logs do not contain IP addresses. 15906
Prevent Elasticsearch from spewing log warnings about redundant wildcards when setting up ingest pipelines for the
module. 15840 15900 -
Fix mapping error for cloudtrail additionalEventData field 16088
Fix a connection error in httpjson input. 16123
fileset to handle timestamps correctly. 15942 -
Fix s3 input with cloudtrail fileset reading json file. 16374 16441
Rewrite azure filebeat dashboards, due to changes in kibana. 16466
Adding the var definitions in azure manifest files, fix for errors when executing command setup. 16270 16468
Fix merging of fileset inputs to replace paths and append processors.{16450}
Add queue_url definition in manifest file for aws module.{16640}
Fix issue where autodiscover hints default configuration was not being copied. 16987
Fix Elasticsearch
field set by S3 and Google Pub/Sub inputs. 17026 -
Fix default index pattern in IBM MQ filebeat dashboard. 17146
fileset to not collect all logs when Elasticsearch is running in Docker. 13164 16583 17164 -
Fixed a mapping exception when ingesting CEF logs that used the spriv or dpriv extensions. 17216 17220
Fixed a mapping exception when ingesting Logstash plain logs (7.4+) with pipeline ids containing non alphanumeric chars. 17242 17243
Fixed MySQL slowlog module causing "regular expression has redundant nested repeat operator" warning in Elasticsearch. 17086 17156
Fix checking tagsFilter using length in cloudwatch metricset. 14525
Fixed bug with
metricset not recording license expiration date correctly. 14541 14591 -
Log bulk failures from bulk API requests to monitoring cluster. 14303 14356
Fix regular expression to detect instance name in perfmon metricset. 14273 14666
Fixed bug with
metricset not recording license ID in the correct field. 14592 -
module more resilient to Kibana unavailability. 15258 15270 -
Fix panic exception with some unicode strings in perfmon metricset. 15264
module more resilient to Logstash unavailability. 15276 15306 -
Add username/password in Metricbeat autodiscover hints 15349
Fix CPU count in docker/cpu in cases where no
are reported 15070 -
Add dedot for tags in ec2 metricset and cloudwatch metricset. 15843 15844
Use RFC3339 format for timestamps collected using the SQL module. 15847
Change lookup_fields from to service.address 15883
Avoid parsing errors returned from prometheus endpoints. 15712
Fixed issue
module suddenly ceasing to monitor Logstash. 15974 16044 -
Fix skipping protocol scheme by light modules. pull
module once again have parity with internally-collected Logstash monitoring data. 16198 -
Change sqs metricset to use average as statistic method. 16438
Revert changes in
module: add size flag to docker.container. 16600 -
Fix diskio issue for windows 32 bit on disk_performance struct alignment. 16680
Fix detection and logging of some error cases with light modules. 14706
Add dashboard for
module. 16752 -
Convert increments of 100 nanoseconds/ticks to milliseconds for WriteTime and ReadTime in diskio metricset (Windows) for consistency. 14233
Dynamically choose a method for the system/service metricset to support older linux distros. 16902
Use max in k8s apiserver dashboard aggregations. 17018
Reduce memory usage in
metricset. 16503 16538 -
Check if CCR feature is available on Elasticsearch cluster before attempting to call CCR APIs from
metricset. 16511 17073 -
Use max in k8s overview dashboard aggregations. 17015
Fix Disk Used and Disk Usage visualizations in the Metricbeat System dashboards. 12435 17272
Fix missing Accept header for Prometheus and OpenMetrics module. 16870 17291
Enable setting promiscuous mode automatically. 11366
Affecting all Beats
Add a friendly log message when a request to docker has exceeded the deadline. 15336
Decouple Debug logging from fail_on_error logic for rename, copy, truncate processors 12451
Allow a beat to ship monitoring data directly to an Elasticsearch monitoring cluster. 9260
Updated go-seccomp-bpf library to v1.1.0 which updates syscall lists for Linux v5.0. 11394
add_host_metadata is no GA. 13148
setting toadd_cloud_metadata
processor. 13812 -
GA the
processor. 14325 -
Add support for API keys in Elasticsearch outputs. 14324
Ensure that init containers are no longer tailed after they stop 14394
Add consumer_lag in Kafka consumergroup metricset 14822
Make use of consumer_lag in Kafka dashboard 14863
Refactor kubernetes autodiscover to enable different resource based discovery 14738
processor. 14524 -
Enable TLS 1.3 in all beats. 12973
Spooling to disk creates a lockfile on each platform. 15338
Fingerprint processor adds a new xxhash hashing algorithm 15418
Enable DEP (Data Execution Protection) for Windows packages. 15149
Add document_id setting to decode_json_fields processor. 15859
Include network information by default on add_host_metadata and add_observer_metadata. 15347 16077
Add monitoring variable
to distinguish scans of the configuration directory from actual reloads of its contents. 16440 -
Add support for multiple password in redis output. 16058 16206
Add support for Histogram type in fields.yml 16570
Windows .exe files now have embedded file version info. 15232t
Remove experimental flag from
16576 -
processor to annotate events with Cloud Foundry application data. 16621 -
processor on Windows for converting Windows security identifier (SID) values to names. 7451 16013 -
Add support for kubernetes provider to recognize namespace level defaults 16321
Add capability of enrich
with process id inadd_process_metadata
processor 15947 -
Update RPM packages contained in Beat Docker images. 17035
Add Kerberos support to Kafka input and output. 16781
Update supported versions of
output. 17198 -
Update documentation for system.process.memory fields to include clarification on Windows os’s. 17268
Add dashboard for AWS ELB fileset. 15804
inputs now support reading of labels and env vars written by docker JSON file logging driver. 8358 -
option to all inputs to directly set a per-input index value. 14010 -
Add new fileset googlecloud/audit for ingesting Google Cloud Audit logs. 15200
Add dashboards to the CEF module (ported from the Logstash ArcSight module). 14342
Add expand_event_list_from_field support in s3 input for reading json format AWS logs. 15357 15370
Add azure-eventhub input which will use the azure eventhub go sdk. 14092 14882
Expose more metrics of harvesters (e.g.
). 13395 -
Include log.source.address for unparseable syslog messages. 13268 15453
Integrate the azure-eventhub with filebeat azure module (replace the kafka input). 15480
New fileset googlecloud/firewall for ingesting Google Cloud Firewall logs. 14553
google-pubsub input: ACK pub/sub message when acknowledged by publisher. 13346 14715
Set event.outcome field based on googlecloud audit log output. 15731
Add dashboard for AWS vpcflow fileset. 16007
Add ECS tls fields to zeek:smtp,rdp,ssl and aws:s3access,elb 15757 15936
Add ingress nginx controller fileset 16197
move create-[module,fileset,fields] to mage and enable in x-pack/filebeat 15836
Add ECS tls and categorization fields to apache module. 16032 16121
Add a TLS test and more debug output to httpjson input 16315
Add an SSL config example in config.yml for filebeat MISP module. 16320
Improve ECS categorization, container & process field mappings in auditd module. 16153 16280
Add ECS categorization fields to activemq module. 16151 16201
Improve ECS categorization field mappings in googlecloud module. 16030 16500
Add cloudwatch fileset and ec2 fileset in aws module. 13716 16579
Improve ECS categorization field mappings in kibana module. 16168 16652
input to send events from Cloud Foundry. 16586 -
Allow users to override pipeline ID in fileset input config. 9531 16561
Improve ECS categorization field mappings in logstash module. 16169 16668
Improve ECS categorization field mappings in iis module. 16165 16618
Improve the decode_cef processor by reducing the number of memory allocations. 16587
Improve ECS categorization field mapping in kafka module. 16167 16645
Improve ECS categorization field mapping in icinga module. 16164 16533
Improve ECS categorization field mappings in ibmmq module. 16163 16532
Add custom string mapping to CEF module to support Forcepoint NGFW 14663 15910
Improve ECS categorization, host field mappings in elasticsearch module. 16160 16469
Improve ECS categorization field mappings in suricata module. 16181 16843
Improve ECS categorization field mappings in iptables module. 16166 16637
input type for consuming events from Office 365 Management Activity API. 16196 16244 -
Add custom string mapping to CEF module to support Check Point devices. 16041 16907
Added new module
for ingesting Office 365 management activity API events. 16196 16386 -
Add Filebeat Okta module. 16362
Add source field in k8s events 17209
Allow a list of status codes for HTTP checks. 15587
Move the windows pdh implementation from perfmon to a shared location in order for future modules/metricsets to make use of. 15503
Add lambda metricset in aws module. 15260
Expand data for the
metricset 15492 -
Add azure
metricset in order to retrieve metric values for storage accounts. 14548 15342 -
Add cost warnings for the azure module. 15356
Add DynamoDB AWS Metricbeat light module 15097
Release elb module as GA. 15485
Add a
metricset 15196 -
Add IBM MQ light-weight Metricbeat module 15301
Enable script processor. 14711
Add mixer metricset for Istio Metricbeat module 15696
Add mesh metricset for Istio Metricbeat module[15535]
Add pilot metricset for Istio Metricbeat module 15761
Add galley metricset for Istio Metricbeat module 15857
Add STAN dashboard 15654
mode for SQL module. 15770 {pull]15845[15845] -
Add support for Unix socket in Memcached metricbeat module. 13685 15822
Make the
metricset collect normalized CPU metrics by default. 15618 15729 -
Add kubernetes storage class support via kube-state-metrics. 16145
metric to prometheus metrics collected from host 15948 -
Add citadel metricset for Istio Metricbeat module 15990
Add collecting AuroraDB metrics in rds metricset. 14142 16004
Reuse connections in SQL module. 16001
Improve the
module (whenxpack.enabled
is set totrue
) to use the overridecluster_uuid
returned by Logstash APIs. 15772 15795 -
Add database_account azure metricset. 15758
Add support for Dropwizard metrics 4.1. 16332
Add support for NATS 2.1. 16317
Add azure container metricset in order to monitor containers. 15751 16421
Improve the
module to support metrics exposed via HTTPS. 14579 16333 -
Add filtering option for prometheus collector. 16420
Add metricsets based on Ceph Manager Daemon to the
module. 7723 16254 -
Add Load Balancing metricset to GCP 15559
Add collecting tags and tags_filter for rds metricset in aws module. 16605 16358
Add OpenMetrics Metricbeat module 16596
module to send events from Cloud Foundry. 16671 -
Add system/users metricset as beta 16569
Align fields to ECS and add more tests for the azure module. 16024 16754
Add additional cgroup fields to docker/diskio[16638]
Add overview dashboard for googlecloud compute metricset. 16534 16819
Add Prometheus remote write endpoint 16609
Release STAN module as GA. 16980
Add query metricset for prometheus module. 17104
Add dashboards for the azure container metricsets. 17194
Replace vpc metricset into vpn, transitgateway and natgateway metricsets. 16892
Use Elasticsearch histogram type to store Prometheus histograms 17061
Allow to rate Prometheus counters when scraping them 17061
Add Storage metricsets to GCP module 15598
Add PubSub metricset to Google Cloud Platform module 15536
Add final tests and move label to GA for the azure module in metricbeat. 17319
Affecting all Beats