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Clexus edited this page Sep 23, 2024 · 2 revisions

"Condition" is a new concept introduced in RPGItems 3.6. Power won't fire until all of its conditions are met. Each condition has a id. By adding an id to a power's conditions property, you add that condition to the power.

If a condition is static, it'll evaluate its result once, before all powers' execution. Else the condition will evaluate its result each time before firing the power that depends on it.

If a condition is critical, it'll abort the trigger if it fails. That is, a non-critical condition prevent powers that depend on it, and a critical condition cancel all the powers after its failure.

There are two types of conditions: primitive and complex.

Primitive conditions

Primitive conditions don't depend of other conditions.

Chance Condition

  • Name: rpgitems:chancecondition
  • Can be static: Yes
  • Can be critical: Yes

This is a condition that "meet by chance". Each evaluate of this condition have a chancePercentage chance of returning true. You can use this condition to make powers fire randomly.

chancePercentage may be a decimal (technically it is a double).

Durability Condition

  • Name: rpgitems:durabilitycondition
  • Can be static: Yes
  • Can be critical: Yes

Durability condition checks if an items RPGItem durability is in given range. That is, greater than durabilityMin and if durabilityMax greater than zero, less than durabilityMax.

Equipment Condition

  • Name: rpgitems:equipmentcondition
  • Can be static: Must
  • Can be critical: Yes

This condition checks whether the player is wearing the required material, item stack, rpgitem or (to be added) rpgitem group. If any/all (controlled by matchAllSlot) of slots match the material itemStack rpgitem and (to be added) rpgitem group, it returns true. All of material itemStack rpgitem will be checked if set, and match empty slot only if none of them are set.

Available materials are listed here
Besides the above mentioned Materials, itemStack also accepts HAND as value (the item in main hand).
rpgitem accepts name or uid of a RPGItem.

Last Result Condition

  • Name: rpgitems:lastresultcondition
  • Can be static: No
  • Can be critical: Yes

Checks whether result of last power is in okResults. If no power has been fired before, it fails if failOnNoResult.

Scoreboard Condition

  • Name: rpgitems:lastresultcondition
  • Can be static: Yes
  • Can be critical: Yes

It is a scoreboard-based condition, return true if the player's score, tag, and team meet it.

score uses a syntax like score_name:min,max another_score_name:min,max.
tag uses a syntax like MUST_HAVE,!MUST_NOT_HAVE.
team uses a syntax like MUST_ON,!MUST_NOT_ON. Only the first MUST_ON spec takes effect.

Placeholder Condition

  • Name: rpgitems:placeholdercondition
  • Can be static: Yes
  • Can be critical: Yes

It is a placeholder condition, return true if placeholder's value matches the "value" value with defined operator.

placeholder uses a syntax like PlaceholderAPI placeholder %player_name%.
value is a string to match PlayerOne.
operator canbe ==,!=,===(equals ignore case),!==(not equals ignore case),>,>=,<,<=,contain(s),!contain(s),startwith,endwith,match(es),!matches. match and !match operators can parse the regex pattern in the "value" section.

Complex Conditions

see andcondition etc.

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