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Roadmap Meeting September 1st 2017 11:30 am AST

kim pham edited this page Sep 1, 2017 · 5 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa Anez
  • Notes: Kim Pham

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:
  • Bryan Brown
  • David Keiser-Clark
  • David Wilcox
  • Diego Pino Navarro
  • Gavin Morris
  • Kim Pham
  • Kirsta Stapelfeldt
  • Mark Baggett
  • Mark Jordan
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Will Panting
  • Melissa Anez


Old Business

New Business

  • Islandora 7.x-1.10
  • ISLE Update

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)
  • Oral Histories Interest Group (Kim)
  • UI Interest Group (Rosie?)


Islandora Camps

Round Table

Next meeting:

  • Chair: Kim Pham
  • Notes: Rosie LeFaive


  • for releases, when you sign up to test/audit a module you are signing up to test/audit submodules. Maintainers can be different
  • licensing is currently under discussion by the Board
  • Islandora Board of Directors: Consider name change for Roadmap Committee as a Technical Advisory Group is formed. - Discussion about roles and possible decision making abilities.

New Homework: - review, comment Terms of Reference and come up with name to reflect role of Roadmap Committee

  • Islandora 7.x-1.10 - Team of release managers - Diego and Rosie. Will have less time for this release, but compared to other releases shouldn't be more difficult. Starting next Monday to work on the release, please fill out your name to participate
  • Need auditors, still a few gaps. Should technically start today. Janice Banser is the auditor manager
  • Communications co-manager role is also open to work with Melissa
  • ISLE Update from David KC: We are so incredibly close to successfully completing funding ($84,000) to green-light the ISLE project. Because we are so close and have a couple of schools still in the final stages of administrative decisions, we've decided that we will extend our deadline by another week to September 8th to enable sufficient time. I've talked with more than 40 Islandora institutions: 20 of these are now ISLE supporters and 16 of those have pledged an average nearing $4,000 each in funding; two are still finalizing internal pitches for ISLE that’s been made to their administration. On top of that 40, an additional eight institutions (including 3 in Canada) are seriously excited by ISLE, but probably won't be able to decide in time to help fund this project. Next meeting: Final status of funding, and next steps and community outreach ISLE Supporters (list): ISLE -

Interest Group Updates


Sprint update: Wrap up meeting at 12:30pm today. Lots merged, Jon Green ansible base stuff done Lots of learning about ansible and CLAW architecture

Islandora Camps

Bryan - scholar code freeze

David KC - ICG putting together a doc on membership responsibilities and benefits. 2 new schools in NE want to join consortium and Islandora. Yay expansion

David W - Camp at Oxford, combined Fedora/Samvera camp. Possibly should do combined Fedora/Islandora training events. Regular Fedora camp in Austin Texas. Filling up. Trying to bring current implementation in line with spec, working with other implementations and spec - DRASTIC.

Diego - working on update multi importer for update batch, people in Turkey doing a 6 million ingest batch ingest, largest batch ever. working on Islandora Own It, wrapper on single drupal, namespace splitting so you don’t have to update XACML. work with multiple users dealing with their own collections. IIIF module in production and working Gavin

Kim - Nat/Marcus participated in CLAW sprint, Nat’s PR merged for installing activemq with ansible. Working on a side CLAW project, Dragomans, modelling data and will have a custom ontology

Kirsta - will be on parental leave as of mid-December

Mark B

Mark Jordan - plug for Audrey’s survey!topic/islandora/fSIlT6cUlcI



Melissa - will be on parental leave at the end of the year, working with Danny and Mark for leave plan

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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