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Roadmap Meeting September 19 2014 2pm AST

SamFritz edited this page Sep 26, 2014 · 15 revisions
  • Chair: Peter Murray
  • Note taking: Kirsta Stapelfeldt

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:Jennifer, Donald, Sam, Peter, Gabriela, Paul, Nigel, Melissa, Paul, Kirsta
  • Apologies: Nick, David, Mark

Old Business

Minutes approved with no amendments.

Interest Groups

Preservation Interest Group. Met September 11 - Productive Meeting. Notes are available - work that group is interested in is outlined. One thing that may be of interest to Roadmap is striking small working group to look at PREMIS event specifically and see if other events can and should be captured in Islandora, and also to look again at the new version of the PREMIS standard. Content currently works against V2, and V3 has just been released.

Deferred to the next meeting, because Nick is not present.

  • Documentation interest group (Kirsta)

Docathon is today. Survey has been approved, but will be held back so that we can garner reactions to the new release documentation.

Deferred to the next meeting, because David is not present.

Islandora Camp updates

49 registrants for iCamp CO - getting close. Exciting camp that will likely be well attended.

iCamp Florida being considered.

Other locations being considered. Potential Contacts/Ideas for next year's camp cycle being considered. Document circulated to the group. Any ideas for potential camps to be added. Discussion followed about location and circulation of camps. Because this is the first year we've done multiple camps, approach is still developing.

New Business

  • Intellij license via JetBrain - to get a free license, we would have to post the logo and a message about how we use the tool. This work has been completed, and this material has been sent to JetBrain. Discussion of how we can circulate this is as an option for Islandora committers. People should contact [email protected] if they are interested in using it. Sam to create a post, and link to the Islandora post describing our use of the tool for circulation on dev and release team.
  • ISLANDORA-1015 - Maintain citeproc → discussed at Sept. 11th Committer's meeting and decided to bring to Roadmap
  • We tried to contact maintainer, but were not successful (pull requests were not merged). For now, creating a fork under Islandora. Motion to fork and maintain on our own this citation style language code. Unanimously approved (Sam to reach out to Mark, David, and Nick for their votes).
  • Roundtable
  • Melissa notes that this is one of our last meetings with Sam, and passes on her congratulations for work well done. This is echoed by the group.

  • Peter notes a new influx of Islandora people on the list that are struggling with installation and configuration. Discussion about versions and recent posts, and possible tools to make navigation of threads easier.

  • Discussion of Djatoka in the stack and new packages. Kevin Clarke: - International Image Interoperability Framework Group: have released a new spec Integration with Open Sea Dragon:

Closing Remarks

Next meeting: October 3 @ 2pm AST

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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