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Roadmap Meeting October 25 2013

kstapelfeldt edited this page Oct 25, 2013 · 26 revisions
  • Attending: Melissa Anez, Paul Pound, David Wilcox, Jonathan Green, Nick Ruest, Kirsta Stapelfeldt
  • Apologies: Donald Moses, Mark Leggott

Old Business

  • Vote held. CLA passes with minor amendment 7/7 (depending on Mark's vote). Software Acceptance Procedure 5/6 one vote withheld (Mark and Kirsta still to vote) - Jonathan wishes to record that his reason for a +0 vote is that he feels item 3 requires stronger language or better procedures. This has been discussed (last week).

Islandora/AIF reports from Kirsta

  • soft-funded Project is basically over (no more expenditures until March). Recognized as successful by funding bodies.
  • Reviewed document as a group and identified missing items, suggestions for category descriptions

Islandora Camp NY updates

  • Camp is in the black. Model looks like it will be operational. VMs to be based on latest release. Future camps: Still looking for somewhere in California to go. GTA Islandora Camp next summer - Kirsta and Nick to tag team on-site arrangements?

Fedora 4 and Drupal 8 - questions: Do we plan on having a Drupal 8 fcrepo3 release or jump to Drupal 8 and fcrepo4? Will we have a Drupal7 fcrepo4 release? Does anyone have resources that we can put on this in the future (timeframe? mostly thinking of Drupal 8 here as DGI already has Nigel on fcrepo4)

  • Donald and Paul have presentation about future Islandora. Questions will emerge about future supported versions. What versions should be cross supported?. Drupal 8 is likely on a two year timeline. Drupal 7/FCrepo4? is this a possibility? Jonathan says timeline is Drupal 7/FCrepo4 will happen before Drupal 8. Nigel patching Tuque for compatibility with Alpha 2 release of Fedora 4. Sometime next year there may be a new release. Reliant in part on the Fedora timeline (still no Solr or triplestore in Fedora4).

New Business

Committers' checklist - what needs to be done before third-party code can be accepted? Draft:

  • Needs to be part of the release schedule/software acceptance procedures - Nick again to review with Hydra folks to see if there is something to crib from. Nick: We should consolidate the things we have on under developer resources. Should be an evolving document. Does DGI have anything? Nick suggests an audit of who is in Islandora Foundation organization on Github. Managing GitHub teams - need to gather all committers and ensure they are in the right place.

TODO: Carry to next Roadmap meeting and possibly to committers.

Future Islandora Camps: California, London, GTA, Midwest?

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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