Flank v20.08.1
860 commits
to master
since this release
- #978 Firebaseopensource.com addition (sloox)
- #937 Improve error message on iOS when test or xctestrun-file not found (sloox)
- #952 Fix version printing on Flank release (sloox)
- #950 Fix crash when --legacy-junit-result set. (adamfilipow92)
- #948 Increment retry tries and change sync tag for jfrogSync. (piotradamczyk5)
- #946 Added tests for flank scripts. (piotradamczyk5)
- #935 Process junit xml even when full junit is not enabled. (kozaxinan)
- #962 Make table text left aligned. (pawelpasterz)
- #965 Fast fail when full-junit-result and legacy-junit-result. (adamfilipow92)
- #970 Fixing Flood of snapshot releases. (piotradamczyk5)
- #972 Fix printing release version. (piotradamczyk5)
- #964 Implement network-profiles describe feature. (pawelpasterz)