- #777 - Update Scriban.Signed to version 5.5.0 [feature] contributed by StefH
- #776 - Update Scriban.Signed to support more functions, e.g math.random [feature]
- #769 - Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core from 2.1.3 to 2.1.7 in /examples/WireMock.Net.StandAlone.Net461 [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #770 - Added some more tests for JsonMatcher + refactored some code to use nullable [test] contributed by StefH
- #771 - JsonPartialMatcher - support Regex [feature] contributed by StefH
- #762 - Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 in /examples/WireMock.Net.WebApplication.NETCore2 [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #763 - Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 6.0.1 to 13.0.1 in /examples/WireMock.Net.Client.Net472 [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #765 - Update WireMock.Org.Abstractions and WireMock.Org.RestClient [feature] contributed by StefH
- #766 - Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http from 2.1.1 to 2.1.22 in /examples/WireMock.Net.StandAlone.Net461 [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #767 - Rename (WireMock.Pact.Models.V2)-Request to PactRequest and -Response to PactResponse [feature] contributed by StefH
- #764 - Wrong mapping of method GetAdminMappingsAsync from IWireMockOrgApi [bug]
- #757 - Log correct exception message when handling aggregate exceptions contributed by siewers
- #759 - Add WireMock.Net.xUnit project [feature] contributed by StefH
- #756 - WireMockConsoleLogger aggregate exception handling bug? [bug]
- #758 - Add support for logging to an xUnit ITestOutputHelper [feature]
- #748 - Initial support for converting the mappings to a Pact(flow) json file [feature] contributed by StefH
- #749 - Swagger support [feature] contributed by StefH
- #750 - [Snyk] Security upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 contributed by snyk-bot
- #751 - Update NuGets packages [feature] contributed by StefH
- #741 - Integrate with Pact [feature]
- #753 - FluentAssertions - assert the server has not received a call [feature]
- #746 - Allow Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan for WithDelay [feature] contributed by StefH
- #747 - Update the logic for ProxyAndRecord contributed by StefH
- #744 - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan used as an argument for IResponseBuilder.WithDelay() [bug]
- #740 - Add Port and Url property to WireMockServer + upgrade System.Linq.Dynamic.Core [feature] contributed by StefH
- #736 - Remove interface for all Setting classes [feature] contributed by StefH
- #737 - Add WireMock.Net.WebApplication.NET6 example contributed by StefH
- #730 - Fixed bug "dotnet nuget push -n" [bug] contributed by StefH
- #732 - Make X509CertificatePassword optional [feature] contributed by StefH
- #733 - Fix FileSystemWatcher [bug] contributed by StefH
- #726 - Wiremock - WatchStaticMappings only works until the first request is made [bug]
- #728 - Update NuGet packages [feature] contributed by StefH
- #729 - BodyAsFile should use BodyAsFileIsCached value [bug] contributed by StefH
- #722 - Fixed 'Response BodyAsJson with JArray does not work' [bug] contributed by StefH
- #721 - Response BodyAsJson with array does not work [bug]
- #716 - MatcherMapper : Always use Pattern [bug] contributed by StefH
- #715 - Record request mapping outputs JsonMatcher with Patterns instead of Pattern [bug]
- #706 - Provide open api schema to dynamic examples generator so you can generate accurate data [feature] contributed by brunotarghetta
- #707 - Use NuGet "Stef.Validation" [feature] contributed by StefH
- #710 - Add ReplaceNodeOption flag [feature] contributed by StefH
- #703 - SaveUnmatchedRequests [feature] contributed by StefH
- #704 - Add .ConfigureAwait(false); to the await Task calls [bug] contributed by StefH
- #534 - Mock server not answer if integrated in Xamarin UITest project [bug]
- #567 - Can't start WireMock.Net server in Xamarin.UITest project (.NET Framework 4.7.2) on MacOS [bug]
- #685 - GuidWildcardMatcher to match on GUIDs [feature]
- #699 - GUID Pattern support in RegexMatcher contributed by brogdogg
- #700 - RegexExtended in settings [feature] contributed by StefH
- #686 - [Snyk] Security upgrade Microsoft.Owin from 4.0.0 to 4.1.1 [dependencies] contributed by snyk-bot
- #688 - Bump System.Text.Encodings.Web from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 in /examples/WireMock.Net.Console.Net472.Classic [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #689 - Upgrade some NuGet's (Codecov, coverlet, Moq and NFluent) [dependencies] contributed by StefH
- #691 - Update the OpenApiPathsMapper to handle Value/Wildcard [feature] contributed by StefH
- #694 - RamlToOpenAPI updated to 0.5.0 [feature] contributed by mcheguini
- #695 - Allow configure IgnoreCase in settings [feature] contributed by leolplex
- #696 - Filter required property in headers, query params, request body [feature] contributed by leolplex
- #666 - Example is not working as expected [bug]
- #692 - Case insensitive and ignoring optional path and header parameters in OpenApiPathsMapper [feature]
- #678 - Support RequestBody [feature] contributed by leolplex
- #680 - Support examples in properties [feature] contributed by leolplex
- #681 - Support enums in properties [feature] contributed by leolplex
- #670 - Improve method MapSchemaToObject to support array and object [feature] contributed by leolplex
- #673 - Support examples random data generation contributed by leolplex
- #675 - Support basepath from servers contributed by leolplex
- #676 - Fix random generate data in url no spaces [feature] contributed by leolplex
- #661 - Add TimeSettings (Start, End and TTL) [feature] contributed by StefH
- #664 - Support Array in OpenApiParser [feature] contributed by leolplex
- #667 - Add JsonPartialWildcardMatcher [feature] contributed by StefH
- #669 - Support Schema Example and Support AllOf in definitions [feature] contributed by StefH
- #637 - Add support for AzureAD authentication for REST admin interface [feature] contributed by StefH
- #643 - Support edge case: first object, next an array. [feature] contributed by leolplex
- #644 - Mapping headers in OpenAPI [feature] contributed by leolplex
- #649 - Refactor method name MapHeaders and httpStatusCode contributed by leolplex
- #651 - Implement PatternAsFile for StringMatcher [feature] contributed by StefH
- #654 - Update NotNullOrEmptyMatcher to also implement IStringMatcher [feature] contributed by StefH
- #635 - WireMock.Net.FluentAssertions : upgrade to latest FluentAssertions [feature] contributed by StefH
- #634 - Upgrade to latest FluentAssertions [bug]
- #628 - Fix issue with FluentBuilder [bug] contributed by StefH
- #626 - version 1.4.19 throws a lot of analyzer errors related to the BaseBuilder.cs [bug]
- #622 - Add FluentBuilder for client models [feature] contributed by StefH
- #625 - Add NotNullOrEmptyMatcher [feature] contributed by StefH
- #621 - Fluent API for RestClient MappingModel creation [feature]
- #624 - Post request with "BodyAsBytes" is not matched by RegexMatcher [bug]
- #619 - Update Handlebars.Net.Helpers.XPath to fix issue with 'xml version' contributed by StefH
- #618 - Trying to use attribute of the request object while creating response while mocking a soap service [bug]
- #615 - Add support for multiple webhooks [feature] contributed by StefH
- #614 - Is it possible to some how send multiple webhooks? [feature]
- #610 - Fix some SonarCloud issues in UnitTests contributed by StefH
- #611 - Allow to add custom service registrations when using ASP.NET Core [feature] contributed by starkpl
- #612 - Don't run SonarCloud tasks for PullRequests [feature] contributed by StefH
- #607 - Bump System.Text.Encodings.Web from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 in /examples/WireMock.Net.StandAlone.Net461 [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #609 - Add possibility to use settings to generate MappingModel models with wildcard path parameters. [feature] contributed by StefH
- #608 - Import from OpenApi generates model with path parameter narrowed in range (example value=42 instead of '*') [feature]
- #605 - Bump System.Net.Http from 4.3.3 to 4.3.4 in /src/WireMock.Net [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #606 - Bump System.Net.Http from 4.3.3 to 4.3.4 in /examples/WireMock.Net.Service [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #604 - Fix match logic for exact bytearray contributed by StefH
- #601 - Exact byte array request matching fails on specific byte arrays [bug]
- #603 - Fix callback with Headers [bug] contributed by StefH
- #602 - Header not being returned when set in WithCallback [bug]
- #591 - Webhook [feature] contributed by StefH
- #589 - How to send a request to a specific URL after sending response [feature]
- #594 - Add possibility to the WithBody() to use IBodyData [feature] contributed by StefH
- #595 - Use Handlebars.Net.Helpers Version="2.1.2" [feature] contributed by StefH
- #597 - Remove 2 second delay from first response and add IPv6 address support [bug, feature] contributed by benagain
- #587 - Fix WithCallback logic when using other fluent builder statements [bug] contributed by StefH
- #569 - WithCallback circumvent the rest of the builder [bug]
- #581 - Use new Handlebars.Net.Helpers [feature] contributed by StefH
- #582 - Add Xamarin UI tests [feature] contributed by StefH
- #568 - [Question] Dates in response templates [feature]
- #570 - Bump log4net from 2.0.8 to 2.0.10 in /examples/WireMock.Net.StandAlone.NETCoreApp [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #571 - Bump log4net from 2.0.8 to 2.0.10 in /examples/WireMock.Net.Console.NETCoreApp2 [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #572 - Bump log4net from 2.0.8 to 2.0.10 in /examples/WireMock.Net.Console.NETCoreApp [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #573 - Bump log4net from 2.0.8 to 2.0.10 in /examples/WireMock.Net.Console.Net461.Classic [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #574 - Bump log4net from 2.0.8 to 2.0.10 in /examples/WireMock.Net.Console.Net452.Classic [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #575 - Bump log4net from 2.0.8 to 2.0.10 in /examples/WireMock.Net.StandAlone.Net452 [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #576 - Bump log4net from 2.0.8 to 2.0.10 in /examples/WireMock.Net.Service [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #579 - Net5 issue [bug] contributed by StefH
- #577 - WireMock.Net will not run with certain .net5 dependencies installed in the project [bug]
- #566 - Do not save Mappings when SaveMappingForStatusCodePattern does not match [bug] contributed by StefH
- #565 - NullReferenceException [bug]
- #562 - Refactor Transformer (add Scriban) [feature] contributed by StefH
- #214 - Feature: Add support for template language DotLiquid [feature]
- #555 - Add more tests for Proxy with Authorization [feature] contributed by StefH
- #561 - Do not save "admin" mappings when running in Proxy - mode contributed by StefH
- #559 - WireMock Setting 'SaveMappingToFile' raising cast object to type error [bug]
- #550 - WithProxy(...) also use all proxy settings [bug] contributed by StefH
- #551 - Add obsolete warning: CSharpCodeMatcher will be moved to a separate NuGet package 'WireMock.Net.Matchers.CSharpCode' [feature] contributed by StefH
- #549 - WithProxy(...) does not save the mappings to file [bug]
- #539 - Support for partial JSON matching contributed by gleb-osokin
- #542 - Create dotnet-wiremock tool [feature] contributed by StefH
- #543 - Add support for .NET 5 [feature] contributed by StefH
- #544 - Use Java 11 in Azure Pipelines (needed for SonarCloud) [feature] contributed by StefH
- #545 - Fix SonarCloud OpenCover (coverlet-coverage) [bug] contributed by StefH
- #547 - Fix Proxying with SSL and NetCoreApp3.1 [bug] contributed by StefH
- #524 - Proxying with SSL Not Working in .NET Core 3.1 [bug]
- #529 - Add assertions for ClientIP, Url and ProxyUrl [feature] contributed by akamud
- #535 - WithCallback should use also use enum HttpStatusCode [bug] contributed by StefH
- #537 - Add Custom Certificate settings [feature] contributed by StefH
- #533 - Stubbed response with only callback returns unexpected status code. [bug]
- #536 - Overriding the default ssl certificate via file. [feature]
- #530 - Fix dotnet-sonarscanner [bug] contributed by StefH
- #531 - Add WithCallback-Async [feature] contributed by StefH
- #522 - Add ContinuousIntegrationBuild property [feature] contributed by StefH
- #525 - Handlebars.Net.Helpers Version="1.1.0" [feature] contributed by StefH
- #520 - Make kestrel limits configurable contributed by eduherminio
- #521 - Make Kestrel limits configurable [feature]
- #505 - Fix reading JsonMatcher-mapping with object as pattern [bug] contributed by StefH
- #514 - Update .NET Core 3.1 example contributed by Crossbow78
- #504 - Loading mapping models with
is not working correctly [bug] - #513 - Static mapping break from 1.2.17 to 1.2.18 and higher [bug]
- #508 - Fix vulnerability in NuGet dependencies contributed by StefH
- #327 - Index must be within the bounds of the List - Bug [bug]
- #507 - Fix vulnerability found in Microsoft.AspNetCore dependency [feature]
- #496 - Add setting to handle requests synchronously [feature] contributed by StefH
- #500 - Add ThrowExceptionWhenMatcherFails option to all Matchers [feature] contributed by StefH
- #478 - Sometimes returns status code 0 in unit tests with xunit test fixture (flaky test) [bug]
- #495 - Scenario : stay on current state for a number of times contributed by StefH
- #494 - Stay in Current State for specified number of requests [feature]
- #492 - Mark FluentMockServer, FluentMockServerSettings, BlacklistedHeaders and BlacklistedCookies as obsolete [feature] contributed by StefH
- #489 - Change "blacklist" and "whitelist" terms [feature]
- #479 - An OpenApi (swagger) parser to generate MappingModel or mapping.json file [feature] contributed by StefH
- #482 - Add PartialMatch to logging / logentries [feature] contributed by StefH
- #483 - Bring in the WireMock.Net.FluentAssertions tests contributed by akamud
- #484 - Refactor: extract interfaces [feature] contributed by StefH
- #487 - Fixed MappingConverter when methods are null [bug] contributed by StefH
- #486 - Admin API fails to create a mapping with Request Body matching [bug]
- #475 - Fix Limits.KeepAliveTimeout & Limits.RequestHeadersTimeout [bug] contributed by StefH
- #474 - Performance issue with multiple httpclients (since version 1.2.10) [bug]
- #472 - Create new .sln contributed by StefH
- #473 - Fixed Proxy when using MultipartForm with byte[] [bug] contributed by StefH
- #468 - Proxy mode: Incorrect handling of multipart requests [bug]
- #469 - Fix unhandled exception when target is unavailable [bug] contributed by StefH
- #467 - Proxy mode: Unhandled exception when target is not working [bug]
- #456 - Include Handlebars.Net.Helpers project [feature] contributed by StefH
- #457 - Kestrel Options Limits [bug] contributed by StefH
- #455 - There is no option to increase body size while proxying [bug]
- #465 - Fix method ResetMappingsAsync in the RestEase-AdminApi [bug] contributed by StefH
- #464 - RestClient Admin API Metadata Base Path Duplication [bug]
- #461 - Support Path in ProxyUrl contributed by StefH
- #459 - When respond with proxy requestMessage.Url is used, not AbsoluteUrl [bug]
- #460 - When using ResponseMessageTransformer : keep BodyEncoding [bug] contributed by StefH
- #458 - Response BodyAsString loses BodyData.Encoding when UseTransformer = true [bug]
- #439 - Add support for GZip and Deflate [feature] contributed by StefH
- #444 - Add readme.md + license from mock4net [feature] contributed by StefH
- #451 - Update NuGet dependencies (e.g. coverage related) to fix CI-build [feature] contributed by StefH
- #452 - Add ValidatedNotNullAttribute (for SonarQube) [refactor] contributed by StefH
- #426 - Add support for compressed requests, such as GZIP or DEFLATE [feature]
- #449 - Netstandard21 [feature] contributed by StefH
- #447 - Add support for .NET Standard 2.1 / .NET Core 3.1 [feature]
- #448 - WireMock.Net is not compatible with Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design 3.1.1 [bug]
- #446 - When port is provided: WireMockServer still takes a random port [bug] contributed by StefH
- #445 - Port where WireMockServer listens to - v1.2x [bug]
- #417 - Let the .NET core/standard WebHostBuilder use a random port [bug] contributed by StefH
- #422 - AllowOnlyDefinedHttpStatusCodeInResponse [bug] contributed by StefH
- #379 - Trusting the self signed certificate to enable SSL on dotnet core [bug]
- #420 - Updating to 1.1.6+ breaks tests because new AllowAnyHttpStatusCodeInResponse option defaults to false [bug]
- #427 - Add UsingOptions, UsingConnect and UsingTrace [feature] contributed by StefH
- #434 - Option to disable JSON deserialization [feature] contributed by sebastianmattar
- #435 - Also call HandlebarsRegistrationCallback when using WithCallback(..) [feature] contributed by StefH
- #408 - Intermittent threading errors with FindLogEntries [bug]
- #433 - HandlebarsRegistrationCallback not fired [feature]
- #431 - Fix LinqMatcher for JSON int64 [bug] contributed by StefH
- #425 - Allow 64 bit numbers in JSON [bug]
- #419 - Support multi line wild card matching [bug] contributed by NoahLerner
- #421 - Fix: do not return empty matchers array when Func has been used [bug] contributed by StefH
- #423 - Fixes for Cookie and Header Reject on Match [bug] contributed by StefH
- #424 - Don't return empty dictionary object for response headers in JSON mapping [feature] contributed by StefH
- #418 - Body matching fails if body has newline [bug]
- #409 - Admin Delete with mappings in body [feature] contributed by NoahLerner
- #411 - Improved relative path checking based on file existence [feature] contributed by NoahLerner
- #413 - Fix new Delete with body missing from IWireMockAdminApi interface contributed by NoahLerner
- #414 - Fix logger in StandAlone [bug] contributed by StefH
- #412 - WireMock Standalone - null reference exception since settings.Logger [bug]
- #405 - Fix logging an Exception Message (linux docker on azure) [bug] contributed by StefH
- #406 - Fixed StatusCode = null or < 0 [bug] contributed by StefH
- #403 - Fix for invalid cast exception contributed by kashifsoofi
- #402 - Invalid Cast Exception [bug]
- #399 - ResponseModel.StatusCode is deserialized as either string or long. [bug] contributed by vitaliydavydiak
- #400 - StatusCode not built correctly when loaded from mapping file. [bug]
- #398 - Feature/xpath transformer [feature] contributed by kashifsoofi
- #397 - Question/Feature: Add support for selecting XPath in response template [feature]
- #385 - StatusCode as string [feature] contributed by StefH
- #380 - StatusCode is defined as integer (string is not possible) [bug]
- #382 - Return same request body [feature]
- #391 - Correctly support DateTime pattern as string in ExactMatcher [bug] contributed by StefH
- #383 - ExactMatcher does not accept ISO8601 DateTime? [bug]
- #392 - Fix array in JsonMatcher [bug] contributed by StefH
- #390 - JsonMatcher does not match a body containing an array of strings [bug]
- #389 - Fix QueryStringParser [bug] contributed by StefH
- #387 - Query string parameter value which contains %26 does not work with ExactMatcher [bug]
- #370 - Add WebProxySettings (use when proxying requests) [feature] contributed by StefH
- #388 - Transform body as file [bug] contributed by StefH
- #369 - Question: Is there a way to provide a corporate proxy configuration? [feature]
- #375 - Proxying does not follow redirects : make this configurable [feature]
- #386 - Is transforming contents of XML file supported.? [bug]
- #376 - Support int values for states and scenario naming [feature] contributed by NoahLerner
- #378 - Set handlebars dependency for .net 4.5.1 to fixed value [bug] contributed by StefH
- #381 - Use dotnet default development certificate for .NET Core 2.x [feature] contributed by StefH
- #377 - Unable to build against .NET 4.5.1 because of Handlebars [bug]
- #373 - Make Sonar and WhiteSource optional in the Azure pipelines build [feature] contributed by StefH
- #374 - WatchStaticMappingsInSubdirectories [feature] contributed by StefH
- #372 - Reset in WireMock admin API not working fine. [feature]
- #360 - Add support for Faults [feature] contributed by StefH
- #343 - Feature: Please provide support for Bad responses. [feature]
- #367 - No symbol NuGets [feature] contributed by StefH
- #368 - Remove Obsolete annotations [feature] contributed by StefH
- #354 - AllowBodyForAllHttpMethods [bug, feature] contributed by StefH
- #365 - Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.All from 2.0.8 to 2.0.9 in /examples/WireMock.Net.WebApplication [dependencies] contributed by dependabot[bot]
- #366 - Update ObsoleteAnnotations [feature] contributed by StefH
- #352 - DELETE request drops the body [feature]
- #311 - fix jsonpath matcher [bug] contributed by StefH
- #324 - Add CSharpCodeMatcher [feature] contributed by StefH
- #353 - Fixed failing admin requests when content type includes a charset (based on idea from Paul Roub) [bug] contributed by StefH
- #355 - Add Try-Catch to the event LogEntriesChanged [feature] contributed by StefH
- #357 - Add Proxy Setting for: SaveMappingForStatusCodePattern to only save the mapping when the status code matches the pattern [feature] contributed by StefH
- #358 - Fix JsonMatcher (parsing DateTimeOffset) contributed by StefH
- #306 - Writing to the response body is invalid for responses with status code 204 [bug]
- #307 - JsonPathMatcher always convert to JArray before matching [bug]
- #329 - Feature: Add support for CSharpCodeMatcher [feature]
- #350 - Admin requests fail when content type includes a charset [bug]
- #356 - JsonMatcher not working when JSON contains a DateTimeOffset [bug]
- #348 - When posting new mapping, use DateParseHandling.None [bug] contributed by StefH
- #347 - Query string match on DateTimeOffset is not working [bug]
- #334 - Fix issues with Proxy mode and Binary Request Bodies [bug] contributed by andi0b
- #338 - Fix ContentType with parameters in Proxy Mode [bug] contributed by StefH
- #339 - Fix ConcurrentObservableCollection [bug] contributed by StefH
- #345 - Fix CompareTo in RequestMatchResult [bug] contributed by StefH
- #346 - Fix recorded requests skipped by request logger contributed by vitaliydavydiak
- #337 - Proxy Missing header Content-Type - tried with Recording [bug]
- #344 - Mapping adding order matters for multiple mappings? [bug]
- #328 - Fix LogRequest : Index Out Of Bounds [bug] contributed by StefH
- #331 - Fix: Collection was modified exception [bug] contributed by theramis
- #333 - JsonMatcher support IgnoreCase [feature] contributed by StefH
- #332 - Case sensitive true is ignored for JsonMatcher [feature]
- #309 - Fix LogEntries: collection was modified exception [bug] contributed by StefH
- #314 - RequestLogExpirationDuration : use DateTime.UtcNow [bug] contributed by StefH
- #316 - Handles case where parameter value contains == [feature] contributed by lobsteropteryx
- #317 - Make SaveMapping and SaveMappingToFile settings independent. [feature] contributed by vitaliydavydiak
- #319 - Add blacklist for Request Cookies. contributed by vitaliydavydiak
- #322 - Fix MappingMatcher in case of an exception in LinqMatcher. [bug] contributed by StefH
- #323 - Refactor MappingConverter & MatcherMapper [refactor] contributed by StefH
- #326 - Fix Parsing Guid in PUT Mapping [bug] contributed by StefH
- #252 - Proxy with Transform
- #308 - __admin/requests - "Collection was modified" exception [bug]
- #313 - RequestLogExpirationDuration - bug [bug]
- #325 - Admin API: PUT Mapping, FormatException because of wrong parsing of the Query [bug]
- #302 - Fixed bug 301 by not setting BodyAsFile to null after first use [bug] contributed by rwwilden
- #301 - Error thrown when calling mocked endpoint second time when using file-based response body [bug]
- #286 - Handlebars Extension [feature] contributed by StefH
- #293 - workaround for AppContext.BaseDirectory being null on some platforms contributed by eli-darkly
- #294 - don't strip request body if we don't recognize the request method contributed by eli-darkly
- #289 - Bug: When WatchStaticMappings=true throws exceptions on updating the mapping files [bug]
- #290 - Request body is dropped if verb is REPORT [bug]
- #292 - Can't start server in Xamarin Android [bug]
- #283 - Support equal-sign in query [bug]
- #282 - WireMock.Net.Standalone : Add --WireMockLogger commandline argument [feature] contributed by StefH
- #274 - Sign Assembly [feature] contributed by StefH
- #160 - Feature: Sign 'WireMock.Net' [feature]
- #267 - Assembly does not have strong name
- #271 - Support Dynamic response files using Handlebars templating [bug, feature] contributed by StefH
- #272 - Add unit test for JsonPath and BodyAsFile mapping contributed by denstorti
- #273 - Dynamic response handlebars templating (2) [bug, feature] contributed by StefH
- #266 - [265] Add file upload to allow mocking of file operations contributed by JackCreativeCrew
- #265 - File Upload [feature]
- #264 - Proxy : also save multipart as string in mapping file contributed by StefH
- #263 - Content-Type multipart/form-data is not serialized in proxy and recording mode [bug]
- #261 - Fix BodyAsJson transform bug in ResponseMessageTransformer contributed by psypilat
- #262 - Add ProvideResponse_WithJsonBodyAndTransform test contributed by psypilat
- #256 - Fixed Multi Param Match logic contributed by StefH
- #255 - ExactMatcher with array pattern not working? [bug]
- #254 - RequestMessageParamMatcher supports Ignore Case for the key [feature] contributed by StefH
- #253 - Request Path and query parameter keys are case-sensitive
- #244 - Fix BodyAsFile to also allow relative paths [feature] contributed by StefH
- #240 - How to submit mappings for multiple request, responses [feature]
- #243 - Not able to read response from file [bug]
- #247 - Issue 225 improve logging in example for wire mock as windows service contributed by paulssn
- #249 - Fixed "Content-Type multipart/form-data" [bug] contributed by StefH
- #225 - Feature: Improve logging in example for WireMock as Windows Service [feature]
- #248 - Content-Type multipart/form-data is not seen as byte[] anymore
- #221 - Update dependencies [feature] contributed by StefH
- #229 - Fix proxy tests [test] contributed by StefH
- #230 - Add HandleBars Random functionality (#219) [feature] contributed by StefH
- #231 - Use RandomDataGenerator.Net contributed by StefH
- #232 - Add SonarLint checks [feature] contributed by StefH
- #233 - RandomDataGenerator.Net 1.0.4 [feature] contributed by StefH
- #235 - Check aggregate exception during startup [bug] contributed by StefH
- #219 - Feature: random value helper [feature]
- #234 - Timeout Exception on VSTS Test Platform (Azure DevOps), with private build agent
- #222 - Codecov contributed by StefH
- #224 - Fixed issue 223: Example for WireMock as Windows Service throws Exception because of WireMockConsoleLogger contributed by paulssn
- #228 - Fixed logic for IsRestrictedResponseHeader [bug] contributed by StefH
- #223 - Bug: Example for WireMock as Windows Service throws Exception because of WireMockConsoleLogger [bug]
- #207 - Rewrite some unit-integration-tests to unit-tests (#206) contributed by StefH
- #208 - Refactor contributed by StefH
- #209 - NET Core 2.1 + support for Service Fabric commandline parameters contributed by StefH
- #212 - Update BodyParser logic contributed by StefH
- #216 - ResponseBodyData contributed by StefH
- #217 - Enable Source Link contributed by kashifsoofi
- #218 - remove appveyor contributed by StefH
- #107 - Feature: increase code coverage [feature]
- #161 - Feature: Implement SourceLink [feature]
- #179 - BodyAsFile .json files interferes with WatchStaticMappings
- #194 - Could not load file or assembly 'netstandard, Version= On Build Server
- #206 - Rewrite some unit-integration-tests to unit-tests
- #210 - When proxying, the Content-Type headers get dropped from the request
- #211 - Feature: Add support to recognise custom json media-types
- #213 - Question: Unable get response from wiremock.net server in c#
- #215 - Issue: upgrade Microsoft.AspNetCore / Microsoft.AspNetCore.All to 2.1.5
- #203 - Set up CI with Azure Pipelines contributed by azure-pipelines[bot]
- #204 - Lower priority from Proxy mappings in favor of Admin Mappings [feature] contributed by StefH
- #200 - Issue: Incorrect port matching
- #205 - Issue: DELETE method is proxied as lowercase [bug]
- #202 - Update handlebars code to support Regex.Match (#201) contributed by StefH
- #201 - Question : Extracting text from a request.body that is not json
- #199 - Fix for .WithBody(Func<RequestMessage, string>...) contributed by StefH
- #198 - Issue : creating response using .WithBody(Func<RequestMessage, string>...) and .WithStatusCode [bug]
- #197 - Set IsStarted = true in a IApplicationLifetime.ApplicationStarted listener [bug] contributed by davide-romanini
- #196 - Issue: AspNetCoreSelfHost.IsStarted set before the server actually started for real [bug]
- #195 - Add LinqMatcher contributed by StefH
- #192 - Cannot upgrade from to without upgrading to .net core 2.1 [bug]
- #190 - Fix ResponseMessageTransformer (#188) contributed by StefH
- #191 - Fix ignore case logic for header-name and cookie-name contributed by StefH
- #188 - Bug: ResponseMessageTransformer :
- #189 - Issue: Case of header key/name not ignored in RequestBuilder when ignoreCase == true
- #183 - Set Content-Type header for PutMappingAsync in the client contributed by seanamosw
- #185 - Support Microsoft.AspNetCore for net 4.6.1 and up [feature] contributed by StefH
- #186 - ContentType "application/vnd.api+json" is not recognized as json contributed by steveland83
- #182 - Bug: IFluentMockServerAdmin::PutMappingAsync does not set Content-Type
- #184 - Bug: Fix AppVeyor PR build process
- #187 - Bug: Admin GetRequestAsync does not populate request body for JsonApi ("application/vnd.api+json") content
- #180 - Add IFileSystemHandler to support Azure for StaticMapping location contributed by StefH
- #173 - Feature: Mapping files lost when restarting an Azure app service [feature]
- #172 - Question: Same/similar fluent interface for in process and admin client API
- #174 - Bug: JsonMatcher and JsonPathMatcher throws when posting byte[] [bug]
- #175 - Bug: Don't allow adding a mapping with no URL or PATH [bug]
- #176 - Question: Saving mapping with relative (not found) file fails
- #177 - Feature: Skip invalid static mapping files [feature]
- #170 - Support json path in the response contributed by StefH
- #167 - Feature: Support for JsonPath in the response (with HandleBars) [feature]
- #169 - Fix for Restricted Response headers [bug] contributed by StefH
- #148 - Question: proxy passthrough when no match?
- #164 - Support running WireMock.Net as a sub-app in IIS [feature] contributed by StefH
- #165 - Add SonarCloud contributed by StefH
- #166 - Fix Sonar issues contributed by StefH
- #120 - Question: JsonPathMatcher - not matching? Correct syntax?
- #123 - Fix for DateTime Header causing null value in ResponseBuilder
- #156 - Feature: when adding / updating a mapping : return more details
- #159 - Bug: IRequestBuilder.WithParam broken for key-only matching [bug]
- #157 - Support for string and object in JsonMatcher. [feature] contributed by StefH
- #150 - Add support for .NET Core 2.1 (.NET Core 2.0 will reach end of life on september 2018)
- #154 - Feature: support BodyAsJson for Request in static mapping files. [feature]
- #153 - Feature: Add JsonMatcher to support Json mapping
- #131 - Bug: CurlException Couldn't connect to Server when running multiple tests
- #149 - Question: Transformer and Delay in Static Mappings?
- #151 - Feature: Add logging of incoming request and body for tracability
- #147 - Revert PortUtil.cs changes contributed by StefH
- #129 - Random test failures between WireMock.Net and
- #146 - Hang possibly due to Windows firewall prompt
- #144 - Fix ConcurrentDictionary (#129) contributed by StefH
- #145 - Cancellation token not passed to server instance in .NET Core 2 [bug] contributed by Bob11327
- #142 - Allow all headers to be set as Response headers contributed by StefH
- #122 - WireMock.Net not responding in unit tests - same works in console application
- #126 - Question: UsingHead always returns 0 for Content-Length header even when explicitly specified
- #132 - LogEntries not being recorded on subsequent tests
- #136 - Question: Does the WireMock send Content-Length response header
- #137 - Question: How to specify Transfer-Encoding response header?
- #139 - Wiki link https://github.com/StefH/WireMock.Net/wiki/Record-(via-proxy)-and-Save is dead
- #134 - Stef negate matcher contributed by alastairtree
- #135 - Merge into the stef_negate_matcher branch (solves issue #133) contributed by StefH
- #138 - Added Negate matcher logic contributed by StefH
- #130 - ...
- #121 - Fix for issue #118 [bug] contributed by raghavendrabankapur
- #125 - Change listen from loopback to any ip address for dotnetcore2.0 apps contributed by SubjectiveReality
- #118 - Not reading the response from a file when mappings are placed in json file
- #124 - Issue: Unable to get host to listen on ips other than using StandAloneApp
- #117 - Respect start timeout setting and expose exception from server startup contributed by evanlwj
- #111 - Question: Adding wiki documentation on how to use WireMock.Net.WebApplication project
- #112 - Question: Request.Create().WithBody() not able to match with custom class which implements IMatcher
- #113 - Feature: Add BodyAsJsonIndented for response message [feature]
- #114 - Feature: Add PathSegments in Transform [feature]
- #110 - Fix: remove
from MappingModel
- #109 - Issue: When proxying, MimeType is wrong for StringContent
- #108 - Issue: provide correct contentTypeHeader value for the bodyparser [bug]
- #106 - Issue: Params does not work, when there are multiple values for a key
- #95 - Unittest fix contributed by StefH
- #96 - Replace log4net by custom logger (#94) contributed by StefH
- #101 - ICallbackResponseBuilder + added more unit-tests [bug] contributed by StefH
- #102 - Feature: add WithBody(req => dostuff) style callback [feature] contributed by alastairtree
- #66 - Interested in callbacks?
- #93 - Bug: FluentMockServer IsStarted after calling Start()
- #94 - Issue: Introduced dependency on log4net
- #98 - IBodyResponseBuilder.WithBody* should receive the request as a parameter
- #92 - Json fixes (#91) contributed by StefH
- #91 - Bug: WireMock.Net is not matching application/json http requests using JSONPathMatcher [bug]
- #90 - Concurrent issue (#88) contributed by StefH
- #88 - Bug: Standalone server throws 500 error when receiving concurrent requests [bug]
- #80 - Feature: When using proxy, in case Content-Type is JSON, use BodyAsJson in Response
- #81 - Feature: When using proxy, only BodyAsBytes in case of binary data?
- #82 - Feature: make it possible to ignore some headers when proxying [feature]
- #83 - Feature : Add also a method in IProxyResponseBuilder to provide proxy-settings [feature]
- #85 - Bug: https for netstandard does not work ? [bug]
- #86 - Feature : Add FileSystemWatcher logic for watching static mapping files [feature]
- #79 - Fix missed content headers contributed by vladimir-fed
- #57 - ProxyAndRecord does not save query-parameters, headers and body [bug]
- #78 - WireMock not working when attempting to access from anything other than localhost.
- #75 - Add WireMock.Net.WebApplication example contributed by StefH
- #77 - Fixed issue #76 contributed by StefH
- #73 - Updated mapping is not being picked and responded with the response
- #76 - Bug: IFluentMockServerAdmin is missing content-type for some POST/PUT calls
- #72 - Matching WithParam on OData End Points
- #70 - Proxy/Intercept pattern is throwing a keep alive header error with net461
- #71 - Fixed restricted headers on response contributed by StefH
- #69 - Instructions are incorrect (?)
- #65 - bug: Fix admin api client definition returning the wrong types contributed by alastairtree
- #67 - bug: fix supporting the Patch method and logging the body contributed by alastairtree
- #64 - Pull Requests do not trigger test + codecoverage ?
- #62 - Add the Host, Protocol, Port and Origin to the Request message so they can be used in templating contributed by alastairtree
- #63 - Fix issue with concurrent logging contributed by vladimir-fed
- #27 - New feature: Record and Save
- #42 - Enhancement - Save/load request logs to/from disk [feature]
- #53 - New feature request: Access to Owin pipeline
- #59 - Add ability to provide multiple values for headers in response contributed by Dreamescaper
- #60 - Fix proxy headers handling contributed by Dreamescaper
- #54 - Proxy for AWS: Error unmarshalling response back from AWS [bug]
- #56 - WithBodyFromFile Support [feature]
- #58 - Multiple headers with same name [feature]
- #55 - Fix the problem with headers passthrough [bug] contributed by dmtrrk
- #44 - Bug: Server not listening after Start() returns (on macOS) [bug]
- #48 - Stateful support [feature]
- #52 - SimMetrics.NET error when trying to install NuGet Package
- #32 - [Feature] Add support for client certificate password and test with real services that require client certificate auth [feature] contributed by phillee007
- #35 - Revert changes that were made by mistake in prior PR contributed by phillee007
- #39 - Listen on http://*:9090 contributed by StefH
- #40 - Expose more settings to stand-alone app contributed by StefH
- #41 - Dotnet 20 preview final [feature] contributed by StefH
- #45 - Add RequestLogExpirationDuration and MaxRequestLogCount (#43) contributed by StefH
- #51 - Observable logs contributed by dmtrrk
- #15 - New feature: Proxying [feature]
- #31 - Feature request: Nuget package for standalone version [feature]
- #33 - Issue with launching sample code (StandAlone server) [bug]
- #38 - Bug: support also listening on *:{port}
- #43 - Feature: Add RequestLogExpirationDuration and MaxRequestLogCount
- #46 - Log the ip-address from the client/caller also in the RequestLog [feature]
- #47 - Feature: add matcher details to Request to see which matchers match/not match [feature]
- #50 - New Feature: Callbacks
- #30 - [Feature] Disable partial mappings by default in standalone version [bug, feature]
- #26 - merge netstandard into main contributed by StefH
- #21 - Admin static json mappings [feature]
- #23 - Consider port to .Net Core
- #25 - Upgrade to vs2017 [feature]
- #24 - Body Encoding contributed by sbebrys
- #8 - admin rest api
- #22 - Add basic-authentication for accessing admin-interface [feature]
- #1 - Replace WildcardPatternMatcher by RegEx [feature]
- #2 - Func<string> matching [feature]
- #3 - WithUrls and WithHeaders and ...
- #4 - Handlebar support
- #5 - Xml(2)Path matching
- #6 - JsonPath support matching
- #9 - Cookie matching
- #10 - Add usingDelete [feature]
- #11 - Add response body in binary format [feature]
- #12 - Getting all currently registered stub mappings [feature]
- #13 - Handle Exception
- #14 - Allow Body as Base64
- #16 - Stub priority [feature]
- #17 - Add JsonBody to response [feature]
- #18 - Listen on more ip-address/ports [feature]