Releases: aws-ia/terraform-aws-eks-blueprints
Releases · aws-ia/terraform-aws-eks-blueprints
What's Changed
- fix: remove incubator reference for yunikorn by @Zvikan in #369
- IPv6 VPC CNI Policy hot fix by @vara-bonthu in #372
- Fix set_sensitive values in helm-addon by @askulkarni2 in #370
- Add kubeconfig update cli command to example outputs by @naris-silpakit in #367
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1
EKS Module upgrade
Major release and the key changes
module upgrade tov18.10.0
- Support for IPv6 EKS Clusters
- New example for IPv6 EKS Clusters
- Example folders restructured (All the node groups are under
folder) complete-kubernetes-addons
example shows all the Add-ons available with advanced config- Note the change of variable from
. - Added
for node groups and fargate - Support for both
for managed node groups - Removed
feature from node groups. Worker security groups is now used from upstream EKS module - Parameterized managed Node groups timeouts
- Conditionally creating launch template for Managed Node groups
- tags now use
our new name for the repo
What's Changed
- EKS Core module upgrade to v18.10 with IPv6 Support by @vara-bonthu in #355
- Fix/remove depends on and input examples from gh e2e workflow by @Zvikan in #365
Full Changelog: v3.5.2...v4.0.0
What's Changed
- addons: add Tetrate Istio Distribution addon by @yskopets in #325
- Fix/limit examples to 3 azs by @naris-silpakit in #357
- Refactor/prometheus helm addon by @askulkarni2 in #351
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.5.1...v3.5.2
What's Changed
- WIP- init work - add new gh workflow - e2e all tests parallel by @Zvikan in #334
- fix: remove old example folder names by @Zvikan in #335
- fix: remove old folder argocd example by @Zvikan in #336
- fix: set fail-fast to false GH matrix by @Zvikan in #337
- Feature/e2e all examples parallel by @Zvikan in #338
- fix: remove advanced/live example from e2e matrix by @Zvikan in #339
- fix: fix example - ami type string by @Zvikan in #340
- fix: use local source path for example by @Zvikan in #341
- fix: windows-node-group to use us-west-2 region by @Zvikan in #342
- fix: use local source instead of git by @Zvikan in #343
- Fix/example advanced k8s by @Zvikan in #344
- Crossplane controller config with debug args by @vara-bonthu in #331
- refactor: aws-for-fluent to use helm-addon module by @Zvikan in #350
- Add managed-node-groups-tfvars example by @ruzickap in #349
- Allow usage of depends_on for accelerator module, remove fargate_profiles from base example by @Zvikan in #356
Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.5.1
What's Changed
- Fix: fetch data sources once from root addons module by @Zvikan in #298
- refactor vpa to use helm-addon module by @askulkarni2 in #300
- refactor keda for helm-addon by @askulkarni2 in #312
- Local context for node groups and fargate by @vara-bonthu in #305
- refactor metrics-server for helm-addon by @askulkarni2 in #310
- refactor traefik for helm-addon by @askulkarni2 in #308
- Bug/306 support private endpoint by @askulkarni2 in #307
- Refactoring cert-manager to leverage helm_addon module by @kcoleman731 in #314
- refactor: agones to use helm-addons module by @Zvikan in #316
- refactor kubernetes-dashboard for helm-addon by @askulkarni2 in #311
- VPA Add-on hotfix by @vara-bonthu in #318
- fix: irsa replace data source with jsonencode to reduce TF plan time by @Zvikan in #317
- refactor: lb-controller to use helm-addon module by @Zvikan in #320
- refactor: node-termination to use helm-addon module by @Zvikan in #321
- Fix keda role path by @bobdoah in #313
- Bug/disable kube state metrics by @askulkarni2 in #327
- Self-managed node group example testing and updates by @naris-silpakit in #324
- New Managed node group example with all the options by @vara-bonthu in #322
- Refactor/cluster autoscaler add on by @kcoleman731 in #315
- Addon upgrade by @vara-bonthu in #323
- refactor spark-k8s-operator for helm-addon by @askulkarni2 in #309
Full Changelog: v3.4.1...v3.5.0
What's Changed
- Refactor/yunikorn helm addon by @askulkarni2 in #297
- Terrajet AWS Provider for Crossplane by @vara-bonthu in #272
- Add support for the AWS EFS CSI driver as a k8s add-on by @luigidifraia in #266
New Contributors
- @luigidifraia made their first contribution in #266
Full Changelog: v3.4.0...v3.4.1
What's Changed
- fix: adding depndencies observability example by @Zvikan in #268
- Maintainers by @vara-bonthu in #273
- Self managed node groups launch template fix by @vara-bonthu in #276
- Updated Windows example and docs by @awsitcloudpro in #274
- Update keda helm chart version by @naris-silpakit in #271
- Feature/update karpenter by @naris-silpakit in #279
- make gp3 as the default volume type by @askulkarni2 in #277
- change create eks default by @askulkarni2 in #278
- Fixed http tokens for launch templates by @vara-bonthu in #285
- Remove hardcoded namespace values in argocd by @naris-silpakit in #283
- Fix/remove hardcoded namespace argocd by @naris-silpakit in #287
- KICS for PR and merge to main by @vara-bonthu in #286
- Dropping AWS OTEL Addon by @vara-bonthu in #288
- Doc/extension guide by @askulkarni2 in #265
- Update k8s_taints documentation and taints fixes by @naris-silpakit in #289
- Update helm chart for ingress-nginx k8s addon to 4.0.17 by @naris-silpakit in #282
- Replaced hardcoded value '3' with local.count_availability_zone to solve deployment issues with regions with less AZss by @jomcy-amzn in #291
- EMR on EKS Grafana Dashboard fix by @vara-bonthu in #292
- EMR on EKS Prometheus app configuration for Spark driver and executor by @vara-bonthu in #296
- Feature/kubernetes dashboard add on by @askulkarni2 in #295
Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.4.0
What's Changed
- Fix broken link to example by @schwichti in #234
- Add cluster_kms_key_deletion_window_in_days parameter by @ruzickap in #233
- Upgrade yunikorn version by @naris-silpakit in #238
- Docs update by @vara-bonthu in #239
- Adding EKS Pattern for Observability using AMG, AMP, AWS for Fluentbit, and Amazon OpenSearch Service by @naris-silpakit in #221
- fix for argocd error when ssh_key_secret_name is not provided by @askulkarni2 in #240
- Feature/upgrade-vpa by @naris-silpakit in #241
- Update traefik helm chart from 10.0.0 to 10.14.1 by @naris-silpakit in #246
- Fix/208 windows resize volume by @ricardosouzamorais in #231
- AWS Provider for Crossplane by @vara-bonthu in #244
- Karpenter example with default provisioner by @vara-bonthu in #248
- Fix/workers and aws-auth depends_on - improve TF plan time by @Zvikan in #257
- Feature/update spark k8s operator by @naris-silpakit in #249
- Prometheus and VPA version update for examples by @vara-bonthu in #251
- Terraform plan removed from e2e test workflow by @vara-bonthu in #253
- Fix/update observability pattern by @naris-silpakit in #258
- Docs/fix broken links by @Nuatu in #259
- aws-opentelemetry-eks allow user overrides for addon_config by @schwichti in #242
- fix: add conditions for teams resources by @Zvikan in #254
- Doc changes by @vara-bonthu in #263
- Add Permission Boundary Support to AWS Load Balancer Controller by @bobdoah in #261
- Update Prometheus helm chart to 15.3.0 by @naris-silpakit in #260
- Feature/nginx irsa by @wsarwari-amzn in #237
- Update metrics-server helm chart to 3.8.1 by @naris-silpakit in #269
New Contributors
- @ruzickap made their first contribution in #233
- @ricardosouzamorais made their first contribution in #231
- @Nuatu made their first contribution in #259
- @bobdoah made their first contribution in #261
Full Changelog: v3.2.2...v3.3.0
What's Changed
- Adding ArgoCD example by @kcoleman731 in #191
- Updating add-ons url by @kcoleman731 in #200
- Issue, Feature Request and PR templates added by @vara-bonthu in #198
- add SSE encryption for SQS by @askulkarni2 in #202
- Kics recommendations by @vara-bonthu in #206
- KICS Security Scan Github Action Workflow by @vara-bonthu in #204
- Documentation updates by @naris-silpakit in #190
- Cluster name by @vara-bonthu in #211
- PR Template fix by @vara-bonthu in #218
- Examples migration by @vara-bonthu in #176
- add support for Argo Rollouts by @askulkarni2 in #216
- Crossplane Addon - Part1 by @vara-bonthu in #226
- Bump ArgoCD Helm chart version to address CVE-2022-24348 by @kcoleman731 in #228
- update PR template to check if separate PR for add-ons repo has been created if applicable by @askulkarni2 in #227
- Launch Template module with Karpenter updates by @vara-bonthu in #223
- Feature/67 argo cd secrets by @kcoleman731 in #201
- karpenter example hot fix by @vara-bonthu in #230
New Contributors
- @naris-silpakit made their first contribution in #190
Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.2.2
Karpenter and Add-ons with IRSA
What's Changed
- test: change env name by @Zvikan in #148
- increase role duration to 2 hours by @askulkarni2 in #149
- test: disable vpa/prom/nginx, role timeout 30 mins by @Zvikan in #150
- test: change env name by @Zvikan in #151
- disable k8s addons providers, passing provider instead by @Zvikan in #152
- test: e2e add provider aws alias by @Zvikan in #153
- test: e2e aws_region name instead of id by @Zvikan in #154
- test: e2e eks aws provider to us-west-2 by @Zvikan in #155
- fix prometheus values.yaml to remove breaking config by @askulkarni2 in #157
- test: e2e tenant/env/zone original names by @Zvikan in #158
- test: e2e temp disable fargate fluentbit by @Zvikan in #159
- test: e2e tf destroy input by @Zvikan in #160
- Bugfix/ebs service account creation by @kcoleman731 in #161
- Fixing formatting by @kcoleman731 in #162
- Simplifying e2e for the time being by @kcoleman731 in #166
- E2e test update by @vara-bonthu in #164
- update 1-eks-cluster-with-new-vpc example with provider configuration by @askulkarni2 in #163
- Readme update by @vara-bonthu in #168
- e2e test cleanup fix with correct backendconf and tfvars by @vara-bonthu in #170
- Refactor/rename deploy&examples folders names by @Zvikan in #173
- fix: deploy vpc_cni windows configmap if needed by @Zvikan in #174
- Analytics examples by @vara-bonthu in #169
- IRSA for AWS LB and Fix to Data sources by @vara-bonthu in #177
- Updated Windows support example by @awsitcloudpro in #178
- Update flux docs with aws-samples repository by @ivallhon in #181
- test: increasr role duration to 1h e2e-test by @Zvikan in #182
- Cluster Autoscaler IRSA by @vara-bonthu in #179
- Karpenter by @vara-bonthu in #180
- Remove eks_oidc_issuer_url and eks_oidc_provider_arn by @schwichti in #184
- Feature/kms alias by @wsarwari-amzn in #183
- IRSA for AWS for Fluent Bit Add-on by @vara-bonthu in #186
- refactor: platform team aws_iam_policy_document by @Zvikan in #195
- Self-managed node groups update by @vara-bonthu in #192
New Contributors
- @wsarwari-amzn made their first contribution in #183
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.2.1