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ATF Custom Controls

Gary edited this page Feb 6, 2015 · 3 revisions

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ATF offers a variety of controls to augment standard .NET controls. You can use WinForms controls in WPF applications; for more information, see Using WinForms Controls in WPF. WPF also offers some controls of its own, described in WPF Controls.

WinForms Controls

Category Control Class Description
Adaptable AdaptableControl Control with adapters (decorators). The adaptable control can be converted into any of its adapters using the IAdaptable.As() method. It is used in several samples, such as the ATF Circuit Editor Sample. For more information, see Adaptable Controls.
D2dAdaptableControl Control with adapters (decorators), derived from AdaptableControl. Specialized for Direct2D graphic drawing. Used in several samples, such as the ATF Circuit Editor Sample.
Containers CollectionEditingControl Collection editing control using a ListBox.
QuadPanelControl Control holding 4 panels with a 2-way splitter.
Canvases Canvas2d Canvas for displaying graphics.
CanvasControl Control for viewing and editing a 2D bounded canvas.
CanvasControl3D 3D OpenGL® canvas control.
Cartesian2dCanvas Cartesian 2D canvas.
CurveCanvas Canvas for drawing and picking curves, derived from Cartesian2dCanvas.
DesignControl Extends CanvasControl3D to provide Scene graph rendering and picking. Used in the ATF Model Viewer Sample.
OpenGL® Panel3D Control for using OpenGL® to do painting.
TranslatorControl Reusable 3D control for doing translations.
Property Editors GridControl Wrapper control for the spreadsheet-style GridView control, combining it with a toolbar. Use this as a replacement for the .NET System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView control. Used in the GridPropertyEditor component. For more information, see GridPropertyEditor Component.
GridView Spreadsheet-like control for displaying properties of many objects simultaneously. Only properties that are in common with all selected objects are displayed. Derived from the PropertyView abstract class.
PropertyEditingControl Universal property editing control that can be embedded in complex property editing controls. It uses System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter and System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor classes to provide a GUI for every kind of .NET property. It gets used by default if no custom value editing control is provided.
PropertyGrid Wrapper control for a two-column PropertyGridView control combined with a toolbar. Use this as a replacement for the .NET System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid control. Used in the PropertyEditor component. For more information, see PropertyEditor Component.
PropertyGridView Control for displaying properties in a two column grid, with property names on the left and property values on the right, derived from the PropertyView abstract class. Properties with associated IPropertyEditor instances can embed controls into the right column, while all other properties are edited in a standard .NET way with a PropertyEditingControl.
PropertyView Abstract base class for complex property editing controls, providing formats, fonts, data binding, persistent settings, and category/property information.
Special Purpose CurveEditingControl Container control for CurveCanvas control. Used by CurveEditor component and the ATF DOM Tree Editor Sample.
Direct2DControl Control for Direct2D. Consider using D2dAdaptableControl instead.
D2dTimelineControl Control to display a timeline. In a multiple document application, there is one of these per tab or document. Used in the ATF Timeline Editor Sample.
InteropControl Support interoperability for events between Windows® and ATF.
OutputService Component that displays text output to the user in a RichTextBox. Used in several samples, such as ATF State Chart Editor Sample.
PerformanceMonitorControl Control that displays the rendering performance of a control.
SyntaxEditorControl Encapsulates the Actipro SyntaxEditor control, implementing ISyntaxEditorControl. This class is internal to abide by SyntaxEditor licensing terms. Used in the ATF Code Editor Sample.
ThumbnailControl Thumbnail viewer control.
Trees FilteredTreeControlEditor Component derived from the TreeControlEditor class that adds filtering support for tree editors.
TreeControl Tree control to display hierarchical data. Handles user input, including editing. Decides the placement of the images, check box, and label of each item. The TreeItemRenderer class decides how to draw the items. The TreeControlAdapter class adapts this tree control to the ITreeView interface. Used in ATF File Explorer Sample and ATF Tree List Control Sample.
TreeControlEditor Base class for tree editors. It is a component and is not abstract so it can be used as a generic tree editor. It is built from a TreeControl. Used in ATF DOM Tree Editor Sample.
TreeListControl TreeControl to display and edit hierarchical data in a tree view with details in columns. The TreeListItemRenderer decides how to draw its columns. Used in ATF Tree List Control Sample.
TreeListView Provide a tree ListView. Used in ATF Tree List Editor Sample.
Trees, Specialized LayerLister Component derived from TreeControlEditor that presents an ILayeringContext, which controls item visibility and provides a tree view of layers. Used in ATF Circuit Editor Sample and ATF Diagram Editor Sample.
PaletteService Component derived from TreeControlEditor that manages a global palette of objects that can be dragged onto other controls. Used in numerous samples, such as ATF FSM Editor Sample.
ProjectLister Component derived from FilteredTreeControlEditor that provides a hierarchical tree control, listing the contents of a loaded document.
PrototypeLister Component derived from TreeControlEditor that presents an IPrototypingContext, which which can present a tree view of its contents and create System.Windows.Forms.IDataObject objects from them. Used in several samples to contain prototypes that can be reused, such as ATF Circuit Editor Sample and ATF Diagram Editor Sample.
ResourceLister Component using a TreeControl to browse and organize resource folders and resources, such as models, images, and so on.
TemplateLister Component derived from TreeControlEditor that presents an ITemplatingContext, which can present a tree view of its contents and create System.Windows.Forms.IDataObject objects from them. Used in ATF Circuit Editor Sample to hold a template that can be reused.
Value Editing ArrayEditingControl Control for editing arrays of arbitrary values.
BoolInputControl Control for editing a Boolean value.
FloatInputControl Control for editing a bounded float value.
IntInputControl Control for editing a bounded int value.
NumericMatrixControl Control for editing a numeric matrix.
NumericTupleControl Control for editing a numeric tuple (vector) of arbitrary dimensions.

WPF Controls

Control Class Description
FormattingTextBox TextBox with a bindable StringFormat property.
OutputView Interaction logic for OutputView.xaml for dialogs to display text output to user.
PropertyGrid Grid of PropertyNode objects, which encapsulate an object or collection of objects and a property common to them all.
PropertyGridToolBar Toolbar for a PropertyGrid control.
SliderBox Combine a slider with a formatted TextBox. Also provide the option of acting in deferred mode, where the slider value is not propagated to the binding source while it is being dragged. Used with property editors.

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