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ATF and WPF Overview

Gary edited this page Mar 3, 2015 · 1 revision

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ATF provides support for common WPF features. Some of these are essentially WPF "flavors" of capabilities in WinForms, such as docking. Other features are WPF only, such as behaviors.

Note that many ATF features can be used as is in WPF applications. For example, all of the DOM except for DomRecorder that has a WPF UI, can be used in a WPF application as is.


Here are the main WPF namespaces:

  • Sce.Atf.Wpf: general WPF features, such as resources and utilities.
  • Sce.Atf.Wpf.Applications: application support, including services such as CommandService and ControlHostService.
  • Sce.Atf.Wpf.Behaviors: behaviors, typically with various controls.
  • Sce.Atf.Wpf.Controls, Sce.Atf.Wpf.Controls.Adaptable: various controls, many of which correspond to WinForms controls such as TreeListView.
  • Sce.Atf.Wpf.Controls.PropertyEditing: property editors.
  • Sce.Atf.Wpf.Docking: content, docking, floating window, sidebars, and tab handling.
* <code>Sce.Atf.Wpf.Interop: facilities to allow WinForms-based applications to run in a WPF-based application.
  • Sce.Atf.Wpf.Markup: markup extensions.
  • Sce.Atf.Wpf.Models: view models.
  • Sce.Atf.Wpf.ValueConverters: value converters that implement IValueConverter.
This list is not comprehensive.

For information on the classes in these namespaces, see the WPF namespaces in Class Survey.

Basic Application Support

AtfApp is the ATF WPF application class that you should derive WPF applications from.

For details on AtfApp, see AtfApp Class. For a discussion of using AtfApp in XAML, see App XAML. For an example of using AtfApp in the ATF Simple DOM Editor WPF Sample, see Application Basics.

WPF Sample

For an example of using WPF with an ATF application, see the ATF Simple DOM Editor WPF Sample. For details of its implementation, see Simple DOM Editor WPF Programming Discussion. This sample was derived from the ATF Simple DOM Editor Sample. For a discussion of how the sample was adapted to WPF, see Converting from WinForms to WPF.

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