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2016 02 16 rethink angularjs in action
layout: session title: Rethink AngularJS in Action categories: [演讲] tags: [AngularJS, Rethink, Summary] speaker: Jimmy Lv transition: move theme: green published: True
30 min = 15 min * 2
by Jimmy Lv
<iframe id="preview" style="height: 600px;" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" src="https://laracasts.com/series/learning-vue-step-by-step/episodes/1"> </iframe>很讽刺的是,需要使用 Vue 来演示 AngularJS 的 MVVM 概念,需要 React 来演示 Component,以及单向数据流。
基于 DOM <=> Vitural DOM
ng-controller="MainCtrl as main"
content Editable
"single-source-of-truth" 其实只需要关注 data,易测试,灵活性高
双向数据绑定,dirty check -> $watch -> 影响性能
View 和 Model 应该分开?
React: 数据只会由 parent 流向 children,只会由逻辑流向页面,更好理解和维护。
onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, "pass")} in React
动态语言、ES5 没有包管理/注入? -> Angular module -> ES6 or RequireJS
最开始只要 Controller&Directive 就实现了 hello world
但是一旦深入,就必须接受一大堆 Angular 自创术语
<div ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<p>{{ message }}</p>
$scope.message = 'hello';
to expose data to our view via $scope & add functions to $scope
nested or multiple nested controllers 可以继承,每 ng-controller 指令会创建新的子级 scope,三层 div 结构,也就对应有三层 scope 继承关系的层级结构
不要操作具体的 DOM 和 filter 等其他事情,专注单个 view 的业务逻辑
Presentation logic should remain within views and directives.
相互间操作使用 Service(across app/module),再注入 controller
old? > controller as syntax : -> this = self . create a reference to this so that we don't lose context of our controller when we create/call functions within our controller.
不显式注入$scope 了,语法是这样:
function CtrlB() {
this.a = 1;
this.foo = function() {
<div ng-controller="CtrlB as instanceB"></div>
var newScope = scope.$new(); 刚创建出来的作用域是一个“悬空”的作用域,也就是说,它跟任何界面模板都不存在绑定关系,创建它的作用域会成为它的$parent。这种作用域可以经过$compile 阶段,与某视图模板进行融合。
to share data
singletons that can be injected into controllers and other services: reusable
like $http
最明显的 DI 体现
Lazily instantiated: not registering a service instance, but rather a factory function -> angular.module('myModule', []).factory('serviceId',
Controller 的数据测试,
Jasmine spy (mock) a real browser alert.
{{}} 只支持一部分 js 表达式,支持三元
form 可以直接用 css
$q.defer() resolve(), reject(), and notify()
$q(function(resolve, reject) {
$timeout(function() {
if(Math.round(Math.random())) {
resolve('data received!')
} else {
reject('oh no an error! try again')
}, 2000)
catch(errorCallback) – shorthand for promise.then(null, errorCallback)
$http - success() error()
Chaining built-in filters: <p ng-repeat="person in test.people | filter:search | orderBy:'name' | limitTo: 5">
add things like behaviors:
- "A" is for attribute
<div welcome></div>
(default restrict property) - "E" is for element
- "C" is for class
<div class="welcome"></div>
- "M" for comment
<!-- directive: welcome -->
addClass() removeClass()
<div entering="activeClass"></div>
function(scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind("mouseenter", function(){
can be used in controller
templateUrl: "app.html",
controller: "AppCtrl",
controllerAs: "app"
$routeParams.firstName + " " + $routeParams.middleName + " " + $routeParams.lastName;