1.4.0 (2019-03-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update limit monitoring with checks for lowering repeat notifications #92
Closed issues:
- Issues with Fsevents and tests failing on a clean install #102
- Add example OpenMCT bridge code #88
- Add option to bliss-field so field name is rendered #61
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #102 - Remove fsevents dependency and fix mithril-query version #103 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #61 - Adding tool tip to fieldname #97 (aywaldron)
- Issue #92: Update monitoring with notification throttling #93 (jordanpadams)
- Issue #88 - Add support for integration with OpenMCT #89 (MJJoyce)
1.3.0 (2018-11-09)
Fixed bugs:
- Update limit monitoring to handle EVR monitoring #90
Closed issues:
- Clock format toggling doesn't rotate through options as expected #94
- Bad ait-plot-config JSON object crashes the GUI #72
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #72 - Adding try/catch for errors in parsing plot config element #96 (aywaldron)
- Issue #94 - Clock format toggling doesn't rotate through options as expected #95 (aywaldron)
- Issue #90: EVR handling for limit monitoring #91 (jordanpadams)
1.2.0 (2018-09-11)
Closed issues:
- Add EVR message formatting to mirror Core functionality #85
- Telemetry monitoring greenlet exception raise regressed #84
- Command Browser requires subsystem attribute to function properly #82
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #84 - Fix greenlet exception raise bug in telem monitoring code #87 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #85 - Add support for EVR message formatting #86 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #82 - Add commands without subsystem to default subsystem group #83 (MJJoyce)
1.1.0 (2018-07-16)
Closed issues:
- Better handle KeyboardInterrupts in optional service greenlets #80
- Add database write integration #79
- Update out-of-limit message to include time #78
- Limit monitoring disables after limit trip #76
- Clean up messy widget docs #73
- Plots: title and y-title do not work #70
- Update package versions so npm ci is usable #68
- Add documentation for GUI widgets #47
- Update README with default contributing and community information #43
- Remove Contributing Guide from Sphinx docs #42
- Update CHANGELOG #40
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #79 and #80 - Data archiving and better interrupt handling #81 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #76 - Remove greenlet exception raise bug in limit monitoring #77 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #73 - Component docstring cleanup #74 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #47 - Add GUI widget docs #71 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #68 - Update Sinon package version so npm ci works #69 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #43 - Update README with default contributing/community info #45 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #42 - Remove contributing guide from Sphinx docs #44 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #40 - Fix missing CHANGELOG releases #41 (MJJoyce)
1.0.0 (2018-05-08)
Closed issues:
- Drop documentation upgrade scripts now that ReadTheDocs builds are up #37
- Add TravisCI build badge to README #34
- Add docs build badge to README #33
- Add CODEOWNERS file #31
- Setup build on Travis CI #28
- Switch AIT-GUI BLISS naming over to AIT #26
- Plots display GPS time instead of UTC time #25
- GUI Plot seems to drop packets #24
- Publish AIT GUI build to PyPi #16
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #26 - Switch BLISS naming to AIT #39 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #37 - Remove doc upgrade script #38 (lorsposto)
- Issue #16 - Prepare to publish AIT GUI to Pypi #36 (lorsposto)
- Issue #33 and #34 - Add build badges to README #35 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #31 - Add CODEOWNERS file #32 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #25 - Update Plot time label and Search time handling #30 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #28 - Setup Travis CI build #29 (MJJoyce)
0.24.0 (2018-04-25)
Closed issues:
- Add telemetry limit monitoring and user notification support #22
Merged pull requests:
0.23.1 (2018-04-21)
Closed issues:
- Duplicate script execution from UI #20
- Messages timestamps are displayed as GPS time incorrectly #17
Merged pull requests:
0.23.0 (2018-04-19)
Closed issues:
- Fix installation line in index of docs #14
- Update README #11
- Get GUI docs built and publicly viewable #10
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #17 - Update Messages datetime format call to use UTC time #18 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #14 - Update index.rst of docs #15 (lorsposto)
- Issue #10 - Publish AIT GUI docs to ReadTheDocs #13 (lorsposto)
- Issue #11 - Update README #12 (lorsposto)
0.22.0 (2018-04-11)
Closed issues:
- Clock tests fail after GPS additions #7
- Mnemonic search fails due to missing limits options #6
- Display GPS time as default Clock state #3
- Update index.html with better default examples #2
- Write script for dumping example data to UI for demonstrations #1
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #7 - Fix missing default UTC option in format helpers #9 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #6 - Fix membership check in search limit formatting #8 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #1 and #2 - Add better default GUI examples #5 (MJJoyce)
- Issue #3 - Add GPS time display to clock component #4 (MJJoyce)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator