Operator 2.1.0
Release Notes
- Add serviceMonitor for operator #169 #174
- Backup to S3 and restore from S3 #116 #144 #197
- Add ci for images management and greeting. #207
- Support user management through crd. #175 #198 #228
- Support extranet access service. #251 #252
- Make the cluster state cover more scenarios. #253 #264
- Change the related name of qingcloud to the name related to radondb. #190
- Format the code with gofumpt #212 #213
- Simplify backup code #226 #227
- Modify the default name and password #191 #233
- Optimize the logic of creating sqlrunner. #229 #230
- Remove the helm version deployment document link and fix operator deployment document. #241
- Add user management tutorial. #245 #260
- Change kind type cluster to mysqlcluster #249 #261
Bug fixes
- Fix the bug for preUpdate #184 #185
- Fix the bug for status reset leader #178 #180
- Fix default mysql version 5.7.33 to 5.7.34 #205
- Fix the bug which historyLimit do not work #222 #223
- Fix the bug for infinite loop #201, #219 #206
- Xenon postStart script loop forever #201
- Fix the bug which historyLimit do not work #222 #223
- Fix make test fail by init sidercar test #256 #259
- Fix typo randondb to radondb #266 #267
- fix the problem of password conflict between backup and user management of root user. #257 #268
- Revert user verify regular expression. #274 #275
@acekingke @runkecheng @andyli029 @hustjieke @molliezhang