Feb 8, 2022
A big thanks to the 24 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
- ♿️ Snackbar messages are now announced by NVDA when using Firefox (#30774) @eps1lon
- Several 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.
@mui/[email protected]
- [AvatarGroup] Enable targeting of additional Avatar when max props is passed (#30794) @mogrady88
- [Badge] Fix showzero and invisible condition (#30899) @alisasanib
- [ButtonBase] Expose ref to TouchRipple (#30901) @m4theushw
- [Fab] Add support for the default theme colors (#30846) @alisasanib
- [SelectInput] Only attach click handler to label if a labelId is passed (#30239) @johsunds
- [Snackbar] Ensure messages are announced in NVDA+FF (#30774) @eps1lon
@mui/[email protected]
- [SelectUnstyled] Improve exported types (#30895) @michaldudak
@mui/[email protected]
- [Pickers] Fix
handler inMobileDatePicker
(#30768) @Ashish2097 - [TimePicker] Add font family for clock numbers (#30738) @alisasanib
@mui/[email protected]
- [Joy] Add
component (#30864) @siriwatknp - [Joy] Use icon inside a Button (#30803) @siriwatknp
- [examples] Fix vitejs example and improve HMR (#30897) @mihailgaberov
- [docs] Improve autocomplete "limit tags" demo (#30910) @danilo-leal
- [docs] Sync translations with Crowdin (#30950) @l10nbot
- [docs] Improve description of the disableRestoreFocus prop of the
(#30912) @flaviendelangle - [docs] Remove ul with div children and replace with nav element (#30534) @joeframbach
- [docs] Add Saleor to showcase (#30924) @cherniavskii
- [docs] Include JSS in styling solution interoperability guide (#30736) @garronej
- [docs] Fix contents of link-underline-hover (#30904) @pppp606
- [docs] Fix markdown table format (#30947) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Add missing import to RTL guide (#30891) @CFarhad
- [docs] Fix WithStyles import statement for @mui/styles (#30942) @altruity
- [docs] Fix broken roadmap table (#30943) @cherniavskii
- [docs] Fix broken URL in "Edit this page" button (#30923) @cherniavskii
- [docs] Migrate content to the new location (#30757) @siriwatknp
- [docs] Fix the link to the Vite.js example project (#30872) @GneyHabub
- [docs] Clarify the minimum configuration for TypeScript (#30790) @mnajdova
- [docs] Clarify what the name of @mui/material is (#30866) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Remove migration from the releases page (#30863) @mnajdova
- [docs] Update Instructions for Google Maps Autocomplete (#30849) @kjschabra
- [docs] Hotfix notification (#30862) @siriwatknp
- [website] Sample GA to avoid hit limit (#30919) @oliviertassinari
- [website] Hide scrollbars of hero containers (#29474) @theiliad
- [website] Polishing spacing and other small things (#30828) @danilo-leal
- [website] Close the Developer Advocate role (#30867) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Batch small fixes (#30952) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Rename the GitHub org (#30944) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Fix propTypes in components where OverridableStringUnion is used (#30682) @paales
- [test] Codify the difference between keyup and keydown in SelectUnstyled (#30857) @eps1lon
- [test] Fix typo (#30841) @caioagiani
- [utils] Use built-in hook when available for useId (#30654) @eps1lon
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @alisasanib, @altruity, @Ashish2097, @caioagiani, @CFarhad, @cherniavskii, @danilo-leal, @eps1lon, @flaviendelangle, @garronej, @GneyHabub, @joeframbach, @johsunds, @kjschabra, @m4theushw, @michaldudak, @mihailgaberov, @mnajdova, @mogrady88, @oliviertassinari, @paales, @pppp606, @siriwatknp, @theiliad