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1.1.0 (2020-05-21)

This is the first minor release, it focuses on metrics improvements, state logic improvements, and the fixing of spurious disk usage bug due to anonymous index files not getting cleaned up in Helm 3.

Bug fixes


Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @stefansedich, @sa-spag, @dholbach, @seaneagan,@stefanprodan, @vladlosev, @fllaca, @hiddeco, @Sayrus, @squaremo, and others for their contributions to this release, feedback, and reporting issues.

1.0.1 (2020-04-15)

This is a patch release.

Bug fixes


Thanks to @brew, @qvmedvedev, @stefansedich, @hiddeco, @stefanprodan, and others for their contributions to this release, feedback, and reporting issues.

1.0.0 (2020-04-07)

Notice: upgrading to this version from <=0.10.x by just updating your Helm Operator image tag is not possible as the CRD domain and version have changed. An upgrade guide can be found here.

Notice: due to the multiple added fields, you need to re-apply the HelmRelease CRD.

This release marks the first GA release of the Helm Operator, and the end of the release candidate stretch releases.

Bug fixes


Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @stefansedich, @mmorejon, @sa-spag, @stefanprodan, @dholbach, @hiddeco, and others for their contributions to this release, feedback, and reporting issues.

1.0.0-rc9 (2020-02-13)

Notice: upgrading to this version from <=0.10.x by just updating your Helm Operator image tag is not possible as the CRD domain and version have changed. An upgrade guide can be found here.

Notice: due to the multiple added fields, you need to re-apply the HelmRelease CRD.

Bug fixes


Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @sa-spag, @stefanprodan, @mcharriere, @GODBS, @derrickburns, @autarchprinceps, @stefanseditch, @infinitydon, @cbenjemaa, @sayboras, @2opremio, @hiddeco, and others for their contributions to this release, feedback, and reporting issues.

1.0.0-rc8 (2020-01-25)

Notice: upgrading to this version from <=0.10.x by just updating your Helm Operator image tag is not possible as the CRD domain and version have changed. An upgrade guide can be found here.

Notice: due to the multiple added fields, you need to re-apply the HelmRelease CRD.

Bug fixes


Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @sa-spag, @carlpett, @sureshamk, @ingeknudsen, @cep21, @HaveFun83, @stefanprodan, @runningman84, @nabadger, @Helcaraxan, @stefansedich, @hiddeco, @grrywlsn, @niall-weedon, @richardcase, @REBELinBLUE, @derrickburns, and others for their contributions to this release, feedback, and reporting issues.

1.0.0-rc7 (2020-01-10)

Notice: upgrading to this version from <=0.10.x by just updating your Helm Operator image tag is not possible as the CRD domain and version have changed. An upgrade guide can be found here.

Bug fixes


Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @stefansedich, @domg123, @gaieges, @PaulFarver, @rowecharles, @apenney, @stefanprodan, @hiddeco, and others for their contributions to this release, feedback, and reporting issues.

1.0.0-rc6 (2020-01-08)

Notice: upgrading to this version from <=0.10.x by just updating your Helm Operator image tag is not possible as the CRD domain and version have changed. An upgrade guide can be found here.

This release fixes some (but not all) of the more critical bugs reported since Helm v3 was introduced in the last release.

Bug fixes

Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @PaulFarver, @stefansedich, @richardcase, @stefanprodan, @hiddeco, and others for their contributions to this release, feedback, and reporting issues.

1.0.0-rc5 (2019-12-23)

Notice: upgrading to this version from <=0.10.x by just updating your Helm Operator image tag is not possible as the CRD domain and version have changed. An upgrade guide can be found here.

Notice: due to the added helmVersion field, you need to re-apply the HelmRelease CRD.

This release brings Helm v3 support to the release candidate, Helm v3 functionalities should be considered beta. Support for Helm v2 and v3 is enabled by default. To target Helm v3, set the .spec.helmVersion in a HelmRelease to v3.

Enabling just Helm v3 is possible by configuring --enabled-helm-versions=v3, this will also make the .spec.helmVersion default to v3.

To be able to support multiple Helm versions large parts of the operator had to be rewritten, which lead to several improvements around release deciscion making and keeping track of charts from Git sources. We also no longer shell out to the helm binary to achieve certain functionalities but instead make directly use of the available Helm packages, this will also ease the support of charts from OCI sources in upcoming releases.

Extensive documentation will be added in the next release candidate, which will likely also be the last RC before moving to GA.


Maintenance and documentation


Thanks @carnott-snap, @karuppiah7890, @hiddeco, @stefanprodan, @2opremio and @stefansedich for contributions to this release.

Plus a special thanks to users testing the alpha version with Helm v3 support, notably @gsf, @dminca, @rowecharles, @eschereisin, @stromvirvel, @timja, @dragonsmith, @maxstepanov, @jan-schumacher, @StupidScience, @brew, and all others that may have gone unnoticed.

1.0.0-rc4 (2019-11-22)

Notice: upgrading to this version from <=0.10.x by just updating your Helm Operator image tag is not possible as the CRD domain and version have changed. An upgrade guide can be found here.


Maintenance and documentation


Many thanks to @carnott-snap, @frabar-lancom, @hiddeco, @niall-weedon, and @stefanprodan for contributions to this release.

1.0.0-rc3 (2019-10-18)

Notice: upgrading to this version from <=0.10.x by just updating your Helm Operator image tag is not possible as the CRD domain and version have changed. An upgrade guide can be found here.

This is the third release candidate.


Maintenance and documentation


Many thanks to @hiddeco and @stefanprodan for contributions to this release.

1.0.0-rc2 (2019-10-02)

Notice: upgrading to this version from <=0.10.x by just updating your Helm Operator image tag is not possible as the CRD domain and version have changed. An upgrade guide can be found here.

This is the second release candidate.

Bug fixes

  • Fix permissions on chart directory creation for non-root users fluxcd/helm-operator#31
  • Filter out nil resources during parsing of released resources, as it caused confusion due to a harmless Object 'Kind' is missing in 'null' error being logged fluxcd/helm-operator#47
  • Make OwnedByHelmRelease default to true, to work around some edge case scenarios where no resources are present for the release, or they are all skipped fluxcd/helm-operator#56


  • Add --status-update-interval flag, for configuring the interval at which the operator consults Tiller for the status of a release fluxcd/helm-operator#44
  • Expand the list of public Helm repositories in the default config fluxcd/helm-operator#53

Maintenance and documentation


Many thanks to @knackaron, @stefanprodan, @hiddeco, @swade1987 for contributions to this release.

1.0.0-rc1 (2019-08-14)

Notice: upgrading to this version by just updating your Helm Operator image tag is not possible as the CRD domain and version have changed. An upgrade guide can be found here.

This is the first 1.0.0 release candidate, there is no rule about the amount of published release candidates before it is officially promoted to GA 1.0.0, except for 'when it is considered stable'.


  • Support releasing to a different namespace than the CR is in, by configuring a targetNamespace in the HelmRelease fluxcd/flux#2334
  • Deployment in deploy/ examples are now generated from templates fluxcd/helm-operator{#2, #4, #19}
  • Display the release name, status, and message on kubectl get hr fluxcd/helm-operator#23
  • Added descriptions for the CRD fields fluxcd/helm-operator#24

Maintenance and documentation

0.10.1 (2019-08-07)

Notice: this release contains a HelmRelease Custom Resource Definition fix. Please make sure you patch the CRD in your cluster.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed rollback.timeout definition in the CustomResourceDefinition weaveworks/flux#2251
  • Fixed the merge of values weaveworks/flux#2292
  • Correct spelling of integrations, and fix make check-generated weaveworks/flux#2312
  • Moved successful chart fetch signal to reconcile action (to prevent an infinite loop due to the LastUpdateTime on the condition getting accidentally updated during rollback checks). weaveworks/flux#2316
  • Fixed typo in ReasonUpgradeFailed condition change reason weaveworks/flux#2317


This release was made possible by contributions from @jfrndz, @adrian, @stefanprodan, @obiesmans, @chriscorn-takt, @sureshamk, @dholbach, @squaremo, and @hiddeco.

0.10.0 (2019-07-10)

This release brings you opt-in automated rollback support, new Prometheus metrics, and experimental support of spawning multiple workers with the --workers=<num> flag to speed up the processing of releases.

This will likely also be the last minor beta release before we promote the Helm operator to its first GA 1.0.0 release.

Notice: the Helm operator relies on changes in the HelmRelease Custom Resource Definition. Please make sure you patch the CRD in your cluster before upgrading the Helm operator.

Bug fixes

  • Prevent an infinite release loop when multiple HelmRelease resources with the same release name configuration coexist, by looking at the antecedent annotation set on release resources and confirming ownership weaveworks/flux#2123


  • Opt-in automated rollback support; when enabled, a failed release will be rolled back automatically and the operator will not attempt a new release until it detects a change in the chart and/or the configured values weaveworks/flux#2006

  • Increase timeout for annotating resources from a Helm release, to cope with large umbrella charts weaveworks/flux#2123

  • New Prometheus metrics

    • release_queue_length_count
    • release_duration_seconds{action=['INSTALL','UPGRADE'], dry-run=['true', 'false'], success=['true','false'], namespace, releasename}


  • Experimental support of spawning multiple queue workers processing releases by configuring the --workers=<num> flag weaveworks/flux#2194

Maintenance and documentation


Many thanks to @adrian, @2opremio, @semyonslepov, @gtseres, @squaremo, @stefanprodan, @kingdonb, @ncabatoff, @dholbach, @cristian-radu, @simonmacklin, @hiddeco for contributing to this release.

0.9.2 (2019-06-13)

Bug fixes


Maintenance and documentation


Thanks @2opremio, @willholley ,@runningman84, @stefanprodan, @squaremo, @rossf7, @hiddeco for contributing.

0.9.1 (2019-05-09)

Bug fixes

  • During the lookup of HelmReleases for a mirror, ensure the resource has a git chart source before comparing the mirror name weaveworks/flux#2027


Thanks to @puzza007, @squaremo, @2opremio, @stefanprodan, @hiddeco for reporting the issue, patching and reviewing it.

0.9.0 (2019-05-08)

Bug fixes


  • Enqueue release update on git chart source changes and improve mirror change calculations weaveworks/flux#1906, weaveworks/flux#2005
  • The operator now checks if the HelmRelease spec has changed after it performed a dry-run, this prevents scenarios where it could enroll an older revision of a HelmRelease while a newer version was already known weaveworks/flux#1906
  • Stop logging broadcasted Kubernetes events weaveworks/flux#1906
  • Log and return early if release is not upgradable weaveworks/flux#2008

Maintenance and documentation


Thanks @brezerk, @jpds, @stefanprodan, @2opremio, @hiddeco, @squaremo, @dholbach, @bboreham, @bricef and @stevenpall for their contributions to this release, and anyone who I have missed during this manual labour.

0.8.0 (2019-04-11)

This release bumps the Helm API package and binary to v2.13.0; although we have tested and found it to be backwards compatible, we recommend running Tiller >=2.13.0 from now on.


  • Detect changes made to git chart source in HelmRelease weaveworks/flux#1865
  • Cleanup git chart source clone on HelmRelease removal weaveworks/flux#1865
  • Add chartFileRef option to valuesFrom to support using a non-default values yamel from a git-sourced Helm chart weaveworks#1909
  • Reimplement --git-poll-interval to control polling interval of git mirrors for chart sources weaveworks/flux#1910

Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @hpurmann, @2opremio, @arturo-c, @squaremo, @stefanprodan, @hiddeco, and others for their contributions to this release, feedback, and bringing us one step closer to a GA-release.

0.7.1 (2019-03-27)

Bug fixes

  • Prevent panic on .spec.values in HelmRelease due to merge attempt on uninitialized value weaveworks/flux#1867

0.7.0 (2019-03-25)

Bug fixes



Thanks to @captncraig, @2opremio, @squaremo, @hiddeco, @endrec, @ahmadiq, @nmaupu, @samisq, @yinzara, @stefanprodan, and @sarath-p for their contributions.

0.6.0 (2019-02-07)



Without the contributions of @brandon-bethke-neudesic, @errordeveloper, @ncabatoff, @stefanprodan, @squaremo, and feedback of our #flux inhabitants this release would not have been possible -- thanks to all of you!

0.5.3 (2019-01-14)


  • HelmRelease now has a resetValues field which when set to true resets the values to the ones built into the chart weaveworks/flux#1628
  • The operator now exposes a HTTP webserver (by default on port :3030) with Prometheus metrics on /metrics and a health check endpoint on /healthz weaveworks/flux#1653


A thousand thanks to @davidkarlsen, @hiddeco, @ncabatoff, @stefanprodan, @squaremo and others for their contributions leading to this release.

0.5.2 (2018-12-20)

Bug fixes



Thanks to @stephenmoloney, @sfrique, @mgazza, @stefanprodan, @squaremo, @rade and @hiddeco for their contributions.

0.5.1 (2018-11-21)

Bug fixes

  • Helm releases will now stay put when an upgrade fails or the Kubernetes API connectivity is flaky, instead of getting purged weaveworks/flux#1530


Thanks to @sfrique, @brantb and @squaremo for helping document the issues leading to this bug fix, @stefanprodan for actually squashing the bug and all others that may have gone unnoticed while writing this release note.

0.5.0 (2018-11-14)

WARNING: this release of the Helm operator is not backward-compatible:

  • It uses a new custom resource HelmRelease, and will ignore FluxHelmRelease resources
  • Some command-line arguments have changed, so the deployment manifests must also be updated

To use it, you will need to migrate custom resources to the new format supported by this version. See the upgrade guide.

This version of the Helm operator supports HelmRelease custom resources, which each specify a chart and values to use in a Helm release, as in previous versions. The main improvement is that you are now able to specify charts from Helm repos, as well as from git repo, per resource (rather than a single git repo, which is supplied to the operator).


All of these were added in weaveworks/flux#1382.

See the Helm operator guide for details.

  • You can now release charts from arbitrary Helm repos
  • You can now release charts from arbitrary git repos


Thanks to @demikl, @dholbach, @hiddeco, @mellana1, @squaremo, @stefanprodan, @stephenmoloney, @whereismyjetpack and others who made suggestions, logged problems, and tried out nightly builds.

0.4.0 (2018-11-01)

This release improves support for TLS connections to Tiller; in particular it makes it much easier to get server certificate verification (--tiller-tls-verify) to work.

It also adds the ability to supply additional values to FluxHelmRelease resources by attaching Kubernetes secrets. This helps with a few use cases:

  • supplying the same default values to several releases
  • providing secrets (e.g., a password) to a chart that expects them as values
  • using values files without inlining them into FluxHelmReleases

NB It is advised that you deploy the operator alongside Tiller v2.10 or more recent. To properly support TLS, the operator now includes code from Helm v2.10, and this may have difficulty connecting to older versions of Tiller.

Bug fixes

  • Make --tiller-tls-verify work as intended, by giving better instructions, and adding the argument --tiller-tls-hostname which lets you specify the hostname that TLS should expect in the certificate weaveworks/flux#1484


  • You can now create secrets containing a values.yaml file, and attach them to a FluxHelmRelease as additional values to use weaveworks/flux#1468


Thanks to @hiddeco, @Smirl, @stefanprodan, @arthurk, @the-fine, @wstrange, @sfitts, @squaremo, @mpareja, @stephenmoloney, @justinbarrick, @pcfens for contributions to the PRs and issues leading to this release, as well as the inhabitants of #flux for high-quality, helpful discussion.

0.3.0 (2018-10-24)

This release adds dependency handling to the Helm operator.

NB The helm operator will now update dependencies for charts by default, which means you no longer need to vendor them. You can switch this behaviour off with the flag --update-chart-deps=false.

Bug fixes


  • The operator now runs helm dep build for charts before installing or upgrading releases. This will use a lockfile if present, and update the dependencies according to requirements.yaml otherwise weaveworks/flux#1450
  • A new flag --git-timeout controls how long the Helm operator will allow for git operations weaveworks/flux#1416
  • The Helm operator image now includes the Helm command-line client, which makes it easier to troubleshoot problems using kubectl exec (as part of weaveworks/flux#1450)

0.2.1 (2018-09-17)

This is a patch release that allows helm-op to recover from a failed release install. If a chart is broken, Tiller will reserve the name and mark the release as failed. If at a later time the chart is fixed, helm-op can't install it anymore because the release name is in use. Purging the release after each failed install allows helm-op to keep retrying the install.

0.2.0 (2018-08-23)

In large part this release simplifies and improves the Helm operator machinery, without changing its effect.

This release drops the -alpha suffix, but remains <1.0 and should (still) be considered unready for production use.

  • Use the same git implementation as fluxd, fixing a number of problems with SSH known_hosts and git URLs and so on weaveworks/flux#1240
  • Always check that a chart release will be a change, before releasing weaveworks/flux#1254
  • Add validation to the FluxHelmRelease custom resource definition, giving the kind the short name fhr weaveworks/flux#1253
  • Detect chart release differences more reliably weaveworks/flux#1272
  • Check for more recent versions and report in logs when out of date weaveworks/flux#1276

See getting started with Helm and the Helm chart instructions for information on installing the Flux with the Helm operator.

0.1.1-alpha (2018-07-16)

It is now possible to install Flux and the Helm operator using the helm chart in this repository.

0.1.0-alpha (2018-05-01)

First versioned release of the Flux Helm operator. The target features are:

  • release Helm charts as specified in FluxHelmRelease resources
    • these refer to charts in a single git repo, readable by the operator
    • update releases when either the FluxHelmRelease resource or the chart (in git) changes

See for more detailed explanations.