All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
Released 2019-04-21
- b-link: ensure href prop is not passed to router-links (fixes #3066) (#3084 f679c11)
- b-col, b-form-group: implement self overwriting lazy props getter (fixes: #3080) (#3125 92756bd)
- b-form-textarea: improve auto-row height calculation timing (closes #3103) (#3105 dfc662e)
- b-modal: clear internal return_focus after modal closes (fixes #3067) (#3068 971556f)
- b-modal: ensure that v-model is updated when show or hide is canceled (#3131 6726a33)
- b-modal: fix close on click-out for IE11 (#3117 9b09e52)
- b-modal: handle HMR when defining property on Vue prototype (#3123 a4e7f21)
- b-tab: don't use
on the panel (#3143 381eacf) - b-table: prevent hover style on busy/empty row (closes #3079) (#3086 c53ffd4)
- utils: improve
and test utils (#3085 bd85049) - nuxt module: ensure that css and transpile are arrays (fixes: #3141) (#3142 239da77)
- docs: improve
prevent closing example (#3054 f609316) - docs: improve code highlighting + table styles (#3078 d4b9895)
- docs: overall improvements (#3129 be53376)
- b-dropdown: use semantic
markup (closes #3072) (#3087 58ad66b) - b-form-checkbox, b-form-radio: add
prop (closes: #3139) (#3140 f82f566) - b-form-group: make
attribute on feedback configurable (closes #3057) (#3058 6161b8a) - b-modal: support for optionally scoped slots and new
helper (#3056 b647830) - b-table: add new prop
for applying classes to table root element (closes #3138) (#3148 5deb5db) - b-tabs: add
props (closes #3053, #2518) (#3061 b6557ad) - b-toast: add Bootstrap v4.3 Toasts (#3093 c31b4ff)
- b-toast: updates to toaster SCSS and structure and enable hover-pause (#3135 263f206)
- docs/playground: add support for exporting to CodePen and CodeSandbox (#3071 ccb1614)
- Removed built in polyfills (hack) for Mutation Observer. IE 11 users should include the appropriate polyfills as mentioned in the getting started docs page.
Released 2019-04-08
- build: enable babel option to interop default (fixes #3038) (#3046 4e981c2)
- typescript: replaced invalid
keyword withany
(fixes #3041) (#3043 36e8246)
Released 2019-04-07
- breadcrumb-item: remove atribute
for better ARIA support (#2991) (e84c4a7) - docs: add back missing leading slash to search urls (#2947) (fff8795)
- docs: fix component plugin's included plugins and directives (#2966) (cbf24c3)
- docs: fix issue with table docs page (closes #2939) (#2940) (c6abfd0)
- env: check for undefined on process (closes #2958) (#2959) (0c3a7b0)
- form-group: don't render
on group whenlabel-for
provided (fixes #2933) (#2936) (8058c03) - form-textarea: improved computedHeight calculation when in auto resize mode (#3012) (0043b92)
- link: support handling multiple click event listeners (fixes #2938) (#2943) (97e8ece)
- modal: prevent close on backdrop when click initiated inside modal content (fixes #3025) (#3029) (ad57e8c)
- modal: prevent page scroll as modal opens (#2963) (3bf3622)
- modal: improve stacked modal z-index calculations (closes #3015) (#3017) (891e8cc)
- pagination: reset to page 1 when
changes (closes #2987) (#2993) (df2e77a) - pagination-nav: better current page detection in IE (#3006) (f742aa9)
- tooltip/popover: prevent double show/shown event emits when
modifier used (fixes #1637) (#3001) (0d3599a) - utils/get: handle case when nested value is falsy (#2982) (40f6cb7)
- v-b-toggle/b-collapse: ensure toggle remains in sync with collapse (Closes #3020) (#3021) (6b36d0d)
- docs: algolia powered search (#2952) (0417f7b)
- modal: auto return focus to trigger element using previous document.activeElement if no return focus element provided (#3033) (e5c0aa5)
- modal: subclass
for modal specific properties (#3024) (502eba9) - table: add TypeScript definitions for table fields (#2867) (436e8c1)
- v-b-scrollspy: support when vue-router is in
based route mode (closes #2722) (#2953) (a713dd4)
Released 2019-03-28
- collapse/toggle: persist toggle state on element and prevent multiple state emits (closes #2923) (#2924) (6f899fc)
- docs: drop self-closing tags + build system improvements (fixes #2882) (#2893) (310c7dc)
- dropdown: fix
prop when dropleft (fixes #2909) (#2910) (3bef981) - table: fix broken aria-labels for sortable columns + break out code into additional mixins + tests (#2884) (ddc2006)
- table: fix range selection (#2865) (da49558)
- table: fix SSR mismatch errors (#2897) (6c1940d)
- utils/dom: update closest routine to support SVG (#2901) (9d4408d)
- add BOOTSTRAP_VUE_NO_WARN environment variable to hide warnings (#2826) (44d0351)
- alert: remove need for custom CSS for fade transition (#2925) (0910b22)
- carousel: add no-hover-pause prop (#2888) (8a503ec)
- core: create configurable base global configuration (#2905) (8018bdf)
- form-checkbox/radio: allow no label in plain mode (fixes #2911) (#2912) (6f38d9d)
- form-file: add in prop and scoped slot for formatting selected file names (#2902) (f53b5f8)
- forms: new b-form-datalist helper component (#2899) (e9a8e85)
- table: add basic keyboard nav when table has row-clicked handler or is selctable (closes #2869) (#2870) (ddcd66a)
Released: 2019-03-18
- carousel: fix touchmove handler to re-enable swipe gestures (#2844) (a067f8c)
- form-radio/form-checkbox: ensure required prop propagated in group mode (fixes #2839) (#2842) (fc24589)
- pagination-nav: fix race condition with clicking prev/next buttons (#2834) (42f14e1)
- table: allow string for pagination prop types (#2824) (31d2044)
- table: don't emit row-clicked when user is selecting text (Closes #2791) (ecf0689)
- util/loose-equal: handle comparing sparse arrays (#2813) (6ac8ade)
- utils/get: handle cases when field value is not array or object (closes #2807) (#2808) (c656fa3)
- utisl/observeDom: make sure to check for browser enviroment (#2838) (8471f31)
- docs: get recommended
version frompackage.json
(#2840) (3a6702e) - pagination-nav: auto-detect current page based on $route/URL. Add support array of links (#2836) (65e12f8)
- table: new option to disable footer sorting (#2802) (bc443a3)
Released: 2019-03-08
- docs: correct and validate component meta information (#2665) (#2650) (29147ca)
- dom-utils: check for
existence (#2713) (#2714) (4ff8b05) - form-file: fix v-model update watcher (#2695) (abf9d6e)
- form-input: allow number type for form-inputs via form-text mixin (#2738) (ec91788)
- modal: modal stacking position fix (#2677) (#2681) (ff4c4c9)
- nav-item: move listeners to link element (#2755) (40b19a7)
- nuxt-module: fix default inclusion of CSS files (#2629) (#2701) (afbb650)
- pagination: avoid using domProps innerText (#2744) (#2757) (d10f804)
- pagination: correct pagination props/slots/event docs and fix ellipsis slot (#2699) (25e04e1)
- radio/check group: remove redundant size class from the group container (#2743) (#2761) (0639588)
- tabs: fix initial value handling (#2656) (#2661) (2708c74)
- tabs: prevent double input event on mount, and add additional tests (#2748) (c462e0a)
- util/html: ensure argument is a string (#2770) (#2775) (356247f)
- utils: add back array notation support to
util (#2689) (9e824a5) - utils: make
util compliant with Vue.js spec (#2651) (1b6a994)
- card-img-lazy: new card-img-lazy sub-component (#2647) (d2e1f8a)
- docs: add heading anchor links (#2698) (fd6cbef)
- form-checkbox/radio: code improvements, test suites, and docs update (#2718) (#2721) (285a2e1)
- form-input: Added support for datalists to text form-inputs (#2781) (0339ad8)
- form-textarea: add
prop (#2664) (#2666) (a29c40c) - modal: add modal-backdrop slot (#2688) (ce18ffd)
- modal: add toggle method and root event (#2708) (#2709) (f67218e)
- modal: add variant prop for header close button (#2765) (b7e95d9)
- nuxt-module: add tree-shaking support to Nuxt module (#2654) (9aaf32f)
- table: add IDs to tbody > tr elements if primary-key provided (#2693) (#2694) (3d72404)
- table: added
slot to table (#2489) (#2653) (fbb549c) - table: better default rendering of unformatted object values (#2733) (ee84672)
- table: make some slots available either as scoped or unscoped (#2740) (ab7937e)
- util/get, table: handle edge case where user has dot in actual item data field key (Closes (#2762) (#2764) (ee52844)
Released: 2019-02-18
- breadcrumb-item: Fix
prop handling (#2578) (fba9df3) - build: don't include babel runtime (#2590) (20828fa)
- build: Add @babel/runtime to devDependencies (#2569) (83a253b)
- card: fix array spread error when no-body is set and no content (5040566
- docs: change @include to @import in the Nuxt plugin module section (4fad60a)
- docs: correct typos (#2592) (9883f8f)
- docs: Correct typos in carousel docs (#2585) (87a721f)
- docs: fix broken link in form-textarea docs (#2598) (07162e1)
- docs: fix broken links (#2635) (fa90f3e)
- docs: Fix directive import paths (#2570) (2475542)
- docs: fix grid options table layout issue (#2630) (86a882f)
- docs: Improve wording in footer (#2576) (af7e36e)
- form-input: Allow number as value type (#2583) (dfaf34e)
- modal: better backdrop clickout handling (#2597) (#2608) (11c7524)
- nuxt plugin: fix typo with bootstrap vue css import properties (#2618) (8581090)
- utils/get: handle case where passed object is undefined (#2623) (#2624) (eb07b19)
- utils/loose-equal: Make
util handle File object comparison correctly (#2640) (401d3e9) - Fix Html casing for props (#2594) (3772bf5)
- Temporary fix for validation icon positioning (#2599) (#2607) (7168989)
- forms: add state prop to invalid and valid feedback + docs update (#2611) (9df8dac)
- nuxt: module improvements (#2593) (0795fea)
- table: add support for scoped empty slots (#2641) (7917557)
- table: don't show empty row slot if table busy and busy slot provided (#2565) (#2572) (6fd31a4)
Released: (2019-02-14)
- alert: target custom transition CSS to the alert component (#2205) (0a48268)
- b-img-lazy: better initial inView check + new show prop (#1755) (#2382) (2416bad)
- breadcrumb-item: correctly set domProps when no children provided (523e3a2)
- breadcrumb-link: correctly use html/text (8b086a9)
- card: Drop
property (#2548) (cfc685f) - card: fix card and sub component render issues. (#2062) (#2125) (430371f)
- carousel: setInterval memory leak when no slides provided (#2399) (ac2a708)
- ci: remove test-beta (1076f3f)
- ci: remove test-beta (0fec992)
- ci: test on current vue (e3282bd)
- collapse: when is-nav, do better checking of click events (#2222) (#2225) (8b96e1e)
- collapse/toggle: "collapsed" class cleared when component updated (#2102) (#1798) (6d33cae)
- dependencies: replace opencollective with opencollective-postintall (#2067) (fa26882)
- docs: Updaate links to bootstrap v4.3 docs (b5d5499)
- docs: Button - fix typo (#1962) (dcbfcf9)
- docs: change b-input-group attribute 'left' to 'prepend' (#2017) (d471502)
- docs: Collapse - typo fix (#1964) (becaa98)
- docs: create local marked-loader.js (#2380) (06cfb47)
- docs: Embed - fix typos (#1965) (ae7101e)
- docs: Fix broken examples (1d599a5)
- docs: Fix broken links. (#2517) (#2528) (c4b7e1e)
- docs: Fix console errors and improve
directive (#2176) (cc02130) - docs: fix issue with playground export button and improved error catching (#2197) (c69ffbc)
- docs: fix modal docs typo (#2507) (524db85)
- docs: fix playground hang issues. (#1843) (#2177) (5bdc2e6)
- docs: fix typo in collapse events doc (d8f5d69)
- docs: fixes broken styling of docs navigation (#1911) (95a5012)
- docs: guarantee css load order (#2274) (8841f6b)
- docs: improve CSS load ordering (#2255) (e193362)
- docs: fix input group prepend slot typo (#2059) (3c3cd8d)
- docs: Layout - fix typo (#1966) (c5a37d3)
- docs: missing dash and typo fix (#1850) (7b5fde8)
- docs: typo fix (#2009) (9e0eb67)
- docs: Update links to Bootstrap V4.2 (#2370) (470a083)
- docs: vue-loader v15 changes (#2005) (449a712)
- dropdown: Add back missing
events (#2460) (c5d858f) - dropdown: add missing TAB keyCode. (#1577 (#2140) (5e5c5c9)
- dropdown: focus menu container before emitting shown event. (#2520) (#2527) (1649c00)
- dropdown: fix item click event timing (#2251) (e620e07)
- dropdown: Menu focusout close handling (#2252) (1853954)
- dropdown: fix typo in README (#1939) (#1942) (8a2ca5e)
- dropdown: Use custom CSS for
option (#1473) (#2136) (2eb706f) - dropdown-item-button: Add support for
state (#2212) (4b9e6c0) - dropdown, button, link: various bug fixes and aria fixes (#1814) (#1817) (#2159) (e79270d)
- fom-input: revert changes from PR #1841 (#2174) (aacc7c0)
- form-control: remove interim class fixes from bootstrap 4.0.x (#1896) (#2265) (64bdf69)
- form-file: fix
event loop onreset()
in multiple mode (#2289) (f483c7b) - form-file: Add prop to allow customization of browse button text (#2143) (#2168) (56c26da)
- form-file: fix drag and drop feature (#2169) (07bfc29)
- form-file: fix issue with "accept" values (#1526) (#2008) (963d478)
- form-group: add missing disabled prop (#2106) (#1798) (4971c06)
- form-group: allow label alignment on label when not horizontal (#2284) (c306b18)
- form-input: bug fixes and add new features (#2100) (0299159)
- form-input: custom-range style adjustments (#2122) (1917c15)
- form-state: explicitly handle when state is set to empty string. (#2166) (#2167) (805a7fe)
- input-group: Fix size styling issues for input types range and color (3ba1230)
- input-group: Minor fixes and documentation update (#2128) (afe1cd0)
- input-group: Styling fix for dropdowns, radio and checkbox groups (#2114 (#1560 (#2118) (ed31bcd)
- link: use
class when manually placed into active state (#2405) (8f13ede) - list-group-item: set button type to 'button' when button in mode or tag=button (#2192) (#2194) (4322ccb)
- modal: better enforce focus handler (#2215) (9628de2)
- modal: clear modal paddingLeft and paddingRight if no Scrollbar in adjustDialog() (#2050) (80f1d6e)
- modal: handle edge cases where modal is shown/hidden in rapid succession (#2236) (#2270) (e4a7bab)
- modal: Handle enforce focus when modals are stacked (#2175) (#2211) (7d768d1)
- modal: prevent scrolling on .modal-content focus (#1748 (#2060) (df9efad)
- modal: Show/Hide when once prevented (#2275) (9758dfd)
- nav-item-dropdown: close menu when clicked outside (#2202) (#2198) (9e3e33e)
- navbar: Support always expanded navbar (#2209) (#2210) (7c3737c)
- observe-dom: fix comment typo (#2084) (8b41913)
- package.json: prevent css and scss from being tree shaken out in docs (#2271) (44fd864)
- package.json: flag most of bootstrap-vue as being side effect free (#2268) (5a77532)
- pagination: adjust aria label defaults (#2508) (#2529) (9790dc2)
- pagination: fix component name in
(#2541) (331dc46) - pagination: fix escaped chars (#2479) (1efd59c)
- pagination: set default total rows to 0 (#2498) (#2526) (c3227a6)
- pagination pagination-nav: v-model active class fix + keypress click fix (#1985) (#1629) (#2299) (9afba6c)
- popover: Add directive to component plugin (#2115) (e39a855)
- popover: fixes close emit argument (#1937) (8b9db28)
- router-link: remove default values for active-class and exact-active-class (#2387) (#2388) (e3e30b8)
- safeId: trigger id creation/update after mount (#1978) (#2161) (48218fe)
- scss: import input-group.scss once at most (#2239) (2e7dcfa)
- select: Wait for the v-model value to update before emitting change event on form select (#2207) (7a860ee)
- tab: fix typo aria-lablelledby (#1959) (#954 (5933955)
- table: allow filtering on false values and sorting date objects (#2485) (#2544) (79315d6)
- table: Clear selection when data change (#2267) (e381f38)
- table: Emit v-model input event only when computedItems changes (#2231) (#2254) (f0fb9af)
- table: fix filtered event, fix emptyFilter message w/filter function, fix reactivity of filter sub routines, fix empty header label accessibility issue (#1989) (#1517) (#2149) (e0e1eee)
- table: generate TR key using serialized item or primary key if provided (#2410) (#2416) (6e22d99)
- table: only call provider once DOM is fully updated (#1904) (#1955) (ae7147e)
- table: Preserve aria-rowcount and aria-describedby if provided (#1801) (#2195) (e0cdca0)
- table: return empty string if cell value is null or undefined (#1502) (#2139) (b62f8f4)
- table: selectable range mode update and minor fixes (#2326) (ef281d1)
- tabs: fix
prop type (#2459) (05ef65a) - tabs: Emit click on b-tab instance when button clicked (#2512) (#2530) (8e129a3)
- tabs: Fix tab titleLinkClass and titleItemClass handling (#2448) (36400f5)
- tabs: various fixes and improvements (#2327) (#2148) (#2403) (#2180) (#2442) (de11a8f)
- toolpop mixin: allow boundary type to be HTMLElement (#2229) (#2233) (8b8272b)
- tooltip docs typo corrected in tooltips (#1930) (5e4fbe4)
- tooltip: Add directive to component plugin (#2116) (e5bb09e)
- utils/loose-equal: check dates in looseEqual util (#2123) (8a8d0f0)
- relax prop type checks to prevent vue warns (835eccf)
- typo in form-radio watcher (#1943) (9ab23ef)
- use stable nuxt opencollective (#1885) (876f4a1)
- breadcrumb-link: support html (#2522) (c2ee63e)
- build: replace uglify-es with terser (#2238) (bd95ad8)
- button: Make button tag configurable (#1929) (afcadd9)
- card: include custom styles for card-img-left and card-img-right (#2292) (a72d494)
- card: new helper sub-components (#2375) (ff25314)
- card: support left and right image placement (#1981) (66194a6)
- carousel: add support for swipe on touch screens (#2409) (46a6763)
- carousel: support crossfade animation (#2406) (15d8a2c)
- carousel: use provide and inject for sub-component communication (#2407) (7f92318)
- css: create SCSS versions of CSS (#2218) (d6ba6db)
- css: Add SCSS support (#2201) (#2221) (f8326a2)
- docs: Allow sub-components to show reference info for slots and events (#2132) (52c960b)
- docs: conditionally load babel-standalone only on browsers that need transpilation (#2294) (1578732)
- docs: Improve code example markup and prettier integration (#2440) (74ad932)
- docs: Prettify with
(#2427) (9463138) - docs: use babel-standalone in playground/v-play to support IE (#2286) (46f8d4b)
- dropdown: support 'href', 'to' and 'variant' in split button mode (#1960) (#2301) (31b7d19)
- dropdown: support for form controls and free flow text (#2434) (7e8a2d5)
- dropdown: use provide and inject (#2431) (3df90ea)
- dropdown: Add
direction support (#2117) (#2108 (e186639) - form-checkbox: support custom switch styling (#2293) (3508ea2)
- form-file: reset file input when value set to null or empty string (#2170) (ab44375)
- form-group: Add multiple breakpoint support for label (#2230) (#2258) (5e453f9)
- form-input: initial SCSS file (#2217) (923d20b)
- form-input: support custom-range input + validation and input styles (#2120) (013a737)
- form-input: Use new form-text mixin and add trim and number modifiers (#2204) (3c9936e)
- form-radio-check: migrate to using provide/inject, add inline props (#2241) (c0a68d5)
- form-select: Expose focus and blur methods (#2237) (#2257) (ded7679)
- forms: add form prop to all inputs (#2154) (#2172) (6009d72)
- forms: add support for tooltip-style feedback text (#2188) (5203436)
- link: Add support for nuxt-link (#2384) (4bd462a)
- list-group: support horizontal layout (#2536) (10fa210)
- modal: add 'aria-modal="true"' to modal when open (#2314) (dbf4920)
- modal: Add
prop (#2465) (34ae267) - modal: add support for scrollable modal dialog content (#2535) (5c01faf)
- modal: Make stackable optional (#2259) (2322044)
- modal: Support multiple modals open at once (#2164) (2709902)
- pagination: added slots for first, prev, next, last, and ellipsis (#1870) (#1980) (1b7e7de)
- popover/tooltip: Add
prop to override Popper.js default padding (#2475) (c8ad487) - security: Strip HTML script tags before inserting content into DOM (#1974) (#1665) (#2129) (#2134) (#1931) (6dde0cb) (ba6f3f8)
- security: strip html tags (#2479) (3c6ba3e)
- spinner: Support Bootstrap V4.2 spinner component (#2306) (bf3994f)
- table: "Debounce" providerFunction and refresh methods (#2393) (d5f0462)
- table: add borderless prop (#2300) (dabe150)
- table: Add row-unhovered event (#1874) (a87cad1)
- table: add support for transitions on tbody element (#1821) (#2450) (91514af)
- table: add table row middle click (auxclicked) event (#2425) (23250a2)
- table: Add table-busy slot for loading status (#1859) (#2196) (a654a61)
- table: create initial SCSS file (#2216) (db0b483)
- switch to PascalCase name for all components (#2305) (6179e61)
- table: pass sortDesc to user provided sortCompare routine (#1994) (a8e4103)
- table: Remove need to add
on inputs/links/buttons inside rows (#2214) (7d8662b) - table: Add support for selectable rows (#1790) (#2260) (5b1cb90)
- table: Split computedItems into multiple methods (#1893) (bb1c550)
- table: Support contextmenu event binding for table rows (#2064) (1eced46)
- table: Support sorting on nested object properties (#1868) (b699e4b)
- events: use passive event listeners where possible (#2435) (a01dee4)
- modal: Get scrollbar width just before modal opens rather than mount (#1800) (#2165) (e1729b4)
- modal: optimize model.resetScrollbar (#1831) (#1837) (a622358)
- pkg: remove lodash dependency from src (#2523) (b34ada3)
- progress: use provide and inject for inter component communication (#2540) (80b7e5f)
- utils/dom: use passive event listeners where possible (#2419) (78fe776)
- only call vueUse in main index.js entrypoint (#2542) (c0d469b)
Released: 2018-05-20
Released: 2018-05-17
- docs: Fix duplicate keys in events table (#1786) (fa60d56)
- docs: incorrect closing tag (#1838) (69e410d)
- docs: Remove incorrect code added during debugging (#1787) (9911507)
- form-input: always return formatted value (#1839) (77cc97b)
- tab: fix the delay in tab transition (#1812) (#1806) (5a7a290)
- table: fix aria-rowcount (#1836) (e3e5439)
- alert: Add fade prop (#1785) (0999b4c)
- breadcrumb-link: support children elements (#1832) (#1833) (42175f8)
- dropdown: make show/hide events cancelable . also adds toggle event (#1807) (4136bd9)
- table: Add no-sort-reset prop (#1784) (26aaeab)
- table: Add the sort-direction prop (#1783) (#1788) (9e1959d)
Released: 2018-04-27
- docs: typo in docs plugin (#1777) (fb50c6f)
- dropdown: aria-labbeledby for dropdowns (8efa7ee)
- form-input: revert step, min and max props (#1767) (1ce1a20)
- img-lazy: typo (#1778) (11d113c)
- tooltip: typo in comment (#1779) (ef253f7)
Released: 2018-04-17
- docs: fix table refresh event name (#1692) (01e223c)
- default export in TypeScript definitions (cd7e310)
Released: 2018-04-16
- table: typo in (#1729) (8d0e186)
- tabs: change default key nav to avoid breaking changes (#1733) (a6dea02)
- tabs: rename prop to no-key-nav, update docs (491d698)
- tabs: typo in tabs (#1735) (89eff3c)
- add basic typescript declarations (#1721) (3c040f0)
- form-input: add step, min and max props for use with number type (40ff380)
- table: support custom classes per table cell in a column (d05d6b6)
- tabs: add key nav prop like button toolbar has (#1733) (bc3b82b)
- tabs/noNavStyle: added related prop and check (91c7257)
Released: 2018-04-02
Released: 2018-04-02
NOTE Vue 2.5.15
has known issues with card slots. Please upgrade to 2.5.16
or newer
Released: 2018-04-01
- build: don't exclude lodash.get (543c3c2)
- card: pass children instead of default prop to sub-components (63b35e3)
- test: test against multi versions of vue (25d0b13)
- docs: only import debounce from lodash (a6abd6d)
Released: 2018-04-01
- contributing: Improve the commit guidelines (c506280)
- modal: Correct the internal btn variable names (301f2e4), closes #1650
- select: Fix issues with form-select (#1673) (e3336c5), closes #1658
- table: import lodash.get from "dependencies" (#1697) (4d620a5)
- dropdown, nav-item-dropdown: support menuClass and extraMenuClasses (#1683) (3da5f18)
- modal: add
property tobModal
(#1682) (c7a10ef) - table: add field to the table column data cell slots (#1705) (e013d59)
- docs: lodash dependency (a02f10d)
Released: 2018-03-06
- popovers / tooltips: Accept an HTMLElement as a valid target (a375452)
- tab: add title slot (#1586) (724b453)
- table: Use object's property as a key (#1614) (4464f0a)
- tooltip: Allow a function as a tooltip target attribute (#1493) (048c3d4)
- modal: fix v-b-modal directive unbinding (#1617) (3f6a86a)
- table: avoid HTML injection in table data (63d8097)
- table: allow empty labels (5ee0923)
- table: Ignore BV keys when auto-discovering table fields (#1641) (f56f3e8)
- select: Always pass selectSize to selects (#1640) (2c725f6)
- docs: use "prepend" and "append" for input-group (#1593) (5b7ee09)
- docs: fix splash button styling (11484b3)
- docs: fix typo in docs (#1555) (c927377)
- docs: spelling correction in comment (#1568) (e0e4006)
- polyfill HTMLElement for SSR (d4dd9b3)
Released: 2018-01-25
- call
on the right element (#1557) (cf2bfca), closes #1391 - form-group: replace .col-form-legend with .col-form-label (ac2d4dd)
- input-group: fix dropdown rounded corners. closes #1560. (7df01ff)
- modal: hide dropdown on click. (#1528) (3ad8a9a)
- id mixin: make localId_ a computed field (873b0e7)
Released: 2018-01-23
With v2.0.0
release, BootstrapVue is compatible with final stable release of Bootstrap v4.0.0
and beyond.
- If you are using any custom theme which was based on BS beta, there may be minor problems to be fixed. Please ensure to review migrate guide.
- With this release, we have removed majority of CSS fixes. If you are using ES builds, you may have
to add a
to make it working probably. input-group-addon
API has been changed andleft/right
changed intoprepend/append
. Please refer to the docs for more information.
v1.5.0 (2018-01-23)
- dropdown: add toggleClass prop (#1485) (da16cc0)
- nav-item-dropdown: add extra-toggle-classes prop with tests and docs. closes #1550. (#1555) (7967018)
v1.4.1 (2018-01-14)
- alert: import button-close in alert with a name matching tag. (#1523) fixes #1522. (51b527f)
- docs play: prevent duplicate key errors in console output (#1476) (68deee1)
- dropdown: fix condition for when position-static is applied (#1477) (1717edb)
- dropdown: fixed aria-labbeledby for non-split dropdowns (d597dbc)
- dropdown: prevent toggle click from closing in collapsed navbar (#1475) (24ef1e6), closes #1474
- id: fixed check for _uid in client side id generator (#1499) (f3fe0f4)
Released: 2017-12-15
- button: allow custom size classes to be passed to the size prop (#1389) (41a46b2)
- carousel: clear timers on beforeDestroy (fa1c083)
- carousel: remove un-needed
atribute on slides (#1448) (260919f) - carousel: uncaught typeerror on empty slides. (#1401) (cadae79)
- dropdown: use class
instead of inline style (#1451) (fc49325) - dropdowns: prevent memory leak on destroy (#1392) (839418e), closes #1391
- form-group: import b-form-row directly from layout (8dcce39)
- form-radio-group: prepare for Bootstrap V4.beta.3 (39eb237)
- form-radio-group: prepare for Bootstrap V4.beta.3 (5b659d1)
- id mixin: set prop type to String (9a6eaa5)
- list-group: disabled button items (#1444) (c037b38)
- modal: rounded-top class no longer needed when header variant applied (#1433) (ecf1bf5)
- modal: update centered modal margins to align with BSV4.beta.3 update (f7e80a8)
- table: better custom css specificity for when nesting tables (7acccb9)
- table: correct fixd-top row scoped slot properties (debf8e2)
- table: initial busy of true always makes table busy (#1400) (029e4d0), closes #1398
- detach clickout listener in beforeDestroy (b290cad)
- table: use stable sort algorithm to prevent SSR issues (#1399) (21b33f2)
- tooltip+popover: auto-append to
instead of.modal
(#1465) (b53715c), closes #1464 - remove listenOnRoot handlers in beforeDestroy (e594490)
- SFC transpilation in es buld (#1410) (3ef9572)
- dropdowns: add boundary prop for controlling placement constraint (#1440) (01498cb)
- form-group: new label-size prop (b8311e5)
- form-group: new label-size prop (#1422) (dcffb5c)
- form-group: new prop for label-class, deprecate prop feedback in favor of invalid-feedback (#1412) (44f13a5)
- form-group: render label element if prop label-for set + horizontal layout optimizations (#1423) (ce164bf)
- form-group: set aria-describedby attribute on input if label-for provided (#1431) (6bd12bb)
- modal: new props for adding classes to header, body and footer (#1462) (bc67a2d)
- pagination+pagination-nav: remove need for custom active focus style (#1384) (ecd9b6a)
- table: add responsive stacked table option (#1407) (26c35ba)
- table: add toggleDetails method to scoped item slots (#1404) (e02fa49)
- tabs: add name to helper component for better debugging (51ef9e3)
- tabs: add no-body prop to b-tab (#1385) (af36c0e)
- tooltip+popover: add boundary element config option (positioning constraint) (#1439) (08fd7ce)
- tooltip+popover: programmatically disable/enable tooltip or popover (#1387) (c83e0d5)
- v-b-modal: set role="button" if trigger element is not a button (aa45d3e)
- v-b-toggle: add role 'button' when trigger is not a button (c2dd2d0)
- dropdowns: use non reactive property to store popper.js instance (#1416) (379d9a8)
- evalute slots() once in functional component render functions (#1438) (3c42477)
Relased: 2017-11-29
- button: allow custom size classes to be passed to the size prop (#1389) (96fb934)
- carousel: clear timers on beforeDestroy (53ea1b4)
- carousel: uncaught typeerror on empty slides. (#1401) (a2ee9b6)
- dropdowns: prevent memory leak on destroy (#1392) (05a5c50), closes #1391
- form-group: import b-form-row directly from layout (b43d7c8)
- id mixin: set prop type to String (37ab5cb)
- table: better custom css specificity for when nesting tables (4a2d121)
- table: correct fixd-top row scoped slot properties (7e042f1)
- table: initial busy of true always makes table busy (#1400) (5daa0df), closes #1398
- table: use stable sort algorithm to prevent SSR issues (#1399) (552c438)
- detach clickout listener in beforeDestroy (89618de)
- detach listenOnRoot handlers in beforeDestroy (7f7eba1)
- SFC transpilation in es buld (#1410) (ce80809)
- form-group: new prop for label-class, deprecate prop feedback in favor of invalid-feedback (#1412) (7d61cb4)
- pagination+pagination-nav: remove need for custom active focus style (#1384) (1e1b099)
- table: add responsive stacked table option (#1407) (df23115)
- table: add toggleDetails method to scoped item slots (#1404) (a9c4b7d)
- tabs: add name to helper component for better debugging (51ef9e3)
- tabs: add no-body prop to b-tab (#1385) (ef3ff06)
- tooltip+popover: programmatically disable/enable tooltip or popover (#1387) (8104cb4)
Released: 2017-11-20
- ci: auto deploy docs from master branch (22e432d)
- form-file: invalid/valid feedback display for plain file input missing in Bootstrap V4 (#1373) (85ab0d0)
- form-textarea: initial value population (#1370) (a08a46e), closes #1368
- table: fix outlined table (e81b107)
- tabs: lazy prop regression (#1372) (844cd81), closes #1371
- modal: fix for overflowing centered modal to scroll (#1363) (3b3ba32)
- pagination+pagination-nav: disabled styling now works in BS V4.beta.2 (#1381) (d51349f)
- tabs: vertical tabs + new props for adding classes to inner elements (#1362) (51d0e03)
- tooltip+popover: ability to programmatically show and hide tooltip and popover (#1366) (360b337)
Released: 2017-11-18
- button-close: switch to slots() from children (#1345) (9c997b7)
- form-check+radio mixin: pull state from parent group (6845014)
- form-checkbox: apply form state class to hidden inputs (710369c)
- form-radio: apply form state to hidden input element (3074ecc)
- form-textarea: monitor localValue instead of value when calculating lines (9f3439f)
- input-group: correct input-group right addon via prop (#1317) (061abc5)
- link: take link out of tab sequence if disabled (#1347) (360588a)
- link: restore original tabindex when not disabled (cfdf0b9)
- modal: modal-open body class lost when switching between modals (#1327) (99e146f), closes #1325
- popover+tooltip: content not restored after hiding all popovers with 'bv::hide::popover' (#1323) (94488c6), closes #1322
- popover+tooltip: improve blur trigger handling (c08b815)
- eslint: update settings to remove editor errors (#792) (c33d1d4)
- form-file: Use
as wrapper element + name-spaced custom CSS (#1353) (e2bc891) - form-group: add valid feedback support (#1360) (7f3535b)
- nuxt: add bvCSS option. resolves #1351. (3a7517f)
- package: add lint by default for tests (f1ca71e)
- package: use es build by default (142d517)
- table: add outlined option (#1355) (7ba183e)
- table: caption positioning prop (#1341) (7c86e66)
- alert: convert template to render function (#1308) (8b0c7cd)
- build: reduce minified code size (#1337) (9d0ae3e)
- button-toolbar: convert template to render function (#1315) (765bfe3)
- carousel: convert templates to render functions (#1339) (13f429f)
- collapse: convert template to render function (#1316) (722ea12)
- dropdowns: convert templates to render functions (#1314) (3168e93)
- form-checkboxes: convert templates to render functions (#1338) (49bc50b)
- form-file: convert template to render function (#1329) (ec96f82)
- form-group: convert template to render function (#1332) (f409392)
- form-input: convert template to render function (#1330) (12f0423)
- form-radios: convert templates to render functions (#1336) (3a2aa0a)
- form-select: convert template to render function (#1333) (9adfc12)
- add event KeyCode constants in utils (#1346) (714d748)
- form-textarea: convert template to render function (#1331) (5293e71)
- img-lazy: convert template to render function (#1309) (1736eb9)
- modal: convert template to render function (#1340) (bb7ec04)
- navbar-toggle: convert template to render function (#1313) (88657fb)
- pagination+pagination-nav: convert templates to render function (#1348) (e04291f)
- popover: convert template to render function (#1311) (de24eec)
- progress: convert template to render function (#1312) (20d7d0b)
- table: convert template to render function (#1350) (6a1ef4f)
- tabs: convert templates to render functions (#1319) (b45f550)
- tooltip: convert template to render function (#1310) (c812cb0)
Released: 2017-11-07
Relesed: 2017-11-07
- build: use esm bundle. resolves #1296. (06d40a5)
- nuxt module: wrong relative path to package.json (#1298) (e766e75)
- form-file missing formSizeMixin (#1304)
Released: 2017-11-05
Version v1.0.0 marks BootstrapVue's departure from the beta development phase.
BootstrapVue v1.0.0 is based on the latest Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta.2 CSS, although it should work without major changes when Bootstrap V4.0.0-beta.3 is released.
Notable changes:
- Support for Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta.2
- New modularized build structure
- Dist code now available in
format for simpler importing of individual components - Component groups and directives are now importable as Vue plugins
improvements and features- Tooltip and popover fixes and new positioning options
- Form invalid-feedback fixes (via new BSV4.beta.2 CSS)
- Various fixes/improvements to form controls
- ARIA improvements
- Expanded documentation and examples
v1.0.0 introduces a new source code structure. For those users that are importing individual components, the path to the individual components has changed. Please reference the GitHub repo and documentation for the new structure and information on importing.
- remove spacing between stacked buttons (554e54a)
- button: don't overwrite user supplied tabindex if not disabled (#1120) (18f5129)
- button-close: hardcode
character to prevent SSR bailing (b0dd1ba) - button-group: Bootstrap V4.beta.2 CSS changes (1b4618f)
- carousel: minor adjustments to focusout/mouseout event handler (#1239) (330b70b)
- dom utils: use
to determine element visibility (#1203) (6e2fff4) - dropdown: Bootstrap V4.beta.2 now has better hover/focus styling (#1224) (0b8bc67)
- form-checkbox-group: support changes to button styles (431eb02)
- form-checkbox-group: import
(09187ea) - form-file: focus styling tweaks (c3bc583)
- form-input: BS V4.beta.2 is missing
on readonly plaintext (#1225) (c37cef4) - form-options: handle object special cases (#1099) (1b17df3)
- form-radio-group: add support for
value (4cafb27) - form-radio-group: allow number type for checked (#1089) (8eccdbc) CLoses #1088
- form-radio-group: support changes to button styles (063e9d8)
- form-radio-group: fix missing import of
(82bb078) Closes #1201 - form-select: custom select now supports
attribute in V4.beta.2 CSS (#1223) (3a4262d) - img-lazy:
tag was being removed when image loaded (f2fb99c) Closes #1179 - input-group: BS V4.beta CSS no longer has the
classes (#1155) (9f4df16) - link: Only set attribute
when actually disabled (fe2c340) - modal: add outer wrapper div, so
modals will still have a $ref when hidden (7f7e6a7) Closes #1186 - modal: ensure body scrollbar is removed if modal destroyed before being closed (#1168) (e0a4444) Closes #1167
- modal: modal jumps when dialog height changes (#1182) (126fe95)
- nav-item-dropdown: fix disabled in toggleClasses (#1123) (aabc54d) vue/bootstrap-vue/issues/1228)) (87cfab4)
- pagination-nav: ARIA tabing control (92d0810)
- progress: apply height style correctly (675c1c9)
- progress: Bootstrap V4.beta.2 CSS height prop change (#1217) (a963ea3), closes #1216
- progress: Bootstrap V4.beta.2 missing progress bar transition (1f1064f)
- table: don't startcase field label when label explicitly given (76a511f) Closes #1142
- tabs: apply
class to parentul.nav
(#1248) (42f8a78) - tooltip: emit correct
event name (87e5eb2) Closes #1094 - tooltip+popover: prevent orphaned tooltip/popover divs (f8cdf26) Closes #1208
- package.json: move Bootstrap back to devDep and update popper.js version ([#1228](
- make components & directives available as Vue plugins (13d9a42)
- new file structure and
build (6cfcd54) - badge: support actionable (link) badges (#1226) (ba2b5b4)
- card: add prop
(#1250) (23fc3be) Closes 1249 - col: column offsets are now back with the release Bootstrap V4.0-.0-beta.2
- docs: various expanded examples and additions
- dropdown: optionally hide the dropdown toggle caret (#1197) (960877c)
- dropdown: allow space and cursor down to trigger opening of menus (#1159) (1249f51)
- form-group: switch to fieldset + legend for better semantic markup and ARIA support (#1129) (7a62b75)
- form-radio + form-checkbox: prep for BSV4.beta.3 plain checkbox/radio validation styling (81989ab)
- form-select: emit
event on user interaction (3cc0f05) Closes #959 - modal: add Bootstrap V4 anticipated verticaly centered modal (#1246) (4a8ce2c)
- navbar-nav: new
component (#1231) (4bdba0e) - packaging: add nuxt module (4c58c80)
- pagination: better keyboard tab support + focus styling (42b31da)
- pagination-nav: better tab/focus management (adf8dcc)
- table: allow custom attributes in table cell (
) (#1193) (485adbf) - table: BS V4.beta.2 new responsive breakpoints and
class (#1222) (febdfd1) - table: pass computed fields array to details scoped slot (0745ae8)
- tabs: new props for adding classes to nav tab (c6d3642) Closes #1265
- tooltip popover: don't close if focus moves between trigger element and tooltip/popover (#1093) (87ffb4f)
- tooltip+popover: allow delay to be specified as object in component versions (#1131) (1a47c87) Closes #1130
- various typo fixes in docs
- link: Document the
component (7e4dd97)
- move repetitive plugin code to plugin.js utility (6ba8c46)
- dom-utils: improve DOM utils code for speed, minification & tree-shaking (e1e701b)
- input-group: convert to functional component (bd4c3c3)
- navbar-toggle: remove unused code (1e95383)
Released: 2017-09-21
Released: 2017-09-21
v1.0.0-beta.8 introduces many improvements to form controls, but introduces a breaking change to
radio inputs. <b-form-radio>
now only generates a single radio input. Use <b-form-radio-group>
to generate a series of radio inputs.
- b-col: handle bool style prop for sm,md,lg,xl (#1042) (3e7e17d), closes #1041
- carousel: Prevent reflow trigger from being optimised out (#995) (d765976)
- docs: Adjust source link if component is a functional component (9cc07a7)
- docs: b-img fluid-grow example (fe32515)
- docs: Fix modal-cancel slot name in meta.json (a8772ac)
- docs: Fix reference to modal-cancel slot in modal docs (5747c6d)
- dropdown: remove custom hover styling (9c9c3bb)
- embed: Validate type prop (993116b)
- form-file: Selected file name(s) not always showing (565b0ab)
- form-group: Not applying label-for prop value (#1000) (56a4e5e)
- form-textarea: correct CSS value for no resize (b9bff5e)
- form-textarea: Set width to 100% if in plaintext mode (01735e6)
- jumbotron: Accept string or number for header-level (ff223a8)
- lform-group: Missing return in target ID selection (3323531)
- link: clear router-link/href collision and remove old link mixin (#1016) (ed381f4), closes #940
- link: working href with router-link on ssr (8a6f243)
- modal: Fix aria hidden attr and observeDom target element (f099ac7)
- modal: fix issue with lazy loading (7557f52)
- modal: Minor bug fixes (6cfc682)
- nav-item-dropdown: remove custom hover styling (c794fef)
- nav-toggle: Use new namespaced collape events (6f87c23)
- object mixin: Add polyfill for IE (beed2c3)
- observedom: Adjustments to mutation type detection (75e92d3)
- observedom: Callback not being called for changes other than childList changes (#1025) (88cfaef)
- observedom: Callback not being called for changes other than node insert/remove (92ef7eb)
- popover: getting title from title attribute (685de6a)
- popover: remove deprecated target-id prop (472fa79)
- popover+tooltip: Allow indiviual component imports (#999) (dcc7504)
- radios checkboxes: Parent group should emit change event (#1071) (ac7c506)
- scrollspy: fixes for various bugs (#1063) (97fccdd)
- scrollspy: Handle .nav-link inside .nav-item active state (6db094d)
- scrollspy: Handle nested nav-links when inside nav-item (#1068) (f4e017c)
- scrollspy: Minor updates (ce15b69)
- scrollspy: Minor updates (95f0840)
- scrollspy: Trigger refresh on transitionend event (947b5e0)
- scrollspy: typo (ec36379)
- scrollspy: Use new offset and position dom utilities (dc68eef)
- tabs: Remove aria-expanded in favor of aria-seleted (5790b39)
- tooltip: remove deprecated target-id prop (a06d5a6)
- Add lodash.startcase to dependancies (febecfc)
- tooltip popover: illegal invocation errors when tooltip inside v-if elements (#1057) (c1353a7), closes #1032
- tooltip-popover: Click not triggered for elements with inner HTML elements in Chrome (#1006) (39caf8a)
- tooltip+popover: Check if trigger element is in DOM during vsibility check (55c4ff0)
- tooltip+popover: Remove relatedTarget on hidden event object (8af36ba)
- docs: Add a new reference section (#1050) (7984117)
- docs: Add aria roles to collapse accordion example (2a34407)
- docs: Add TOC section in right hand column (#1077) (b9d15f8)
- docs: Expanded alert docs and examples (f1730ee)
- docs: Hide TOC sub-sections when not
(9d5a626) - docs: New reference section wrt project relative urls and image based BootstrapVue components (#1072) (7809fb2)
- docs: search support (7916981)
- docs: starter examples (#1061) (dfc615f)
- docs: TOC add scroll into iview support (d72f87a)
- docs: Updated b-img examples (3ec187a)
- dom util: new reflow, getBoundingClientRect, eventOn, eventOff methods (#1052) (346112d)
- Use dom utils (#1017) (5ca9fe3)
- dom utils: Add getById method (d73ff01)
- dom utils: Add offset and position methods (baf15ca)
- dropdowns: Add hide() and show() methods (#1012) (a2a9bc4)
- embed: New component b-embed for responsive video embeds (#985) (e29c429)
- form-file: Add focus styling for custom-file input (#1033) (72ffba9)
- form-input: emit input event when lazy-formatter is true (#1086) (016591c)
- forms: New handling of form-select, form-radios and form-checkboxes (#994) (0a50398), closes #940 #940
- modal: Add lazy loaded modal support (#1046) (7afcf81)
- modal: Add props to change the variant of the default modal buttons (#1004) (36acf4e)
- modal: Improve modal transitions, padding adjustments, and aditional features (#1024) (dd5ddb0)
- nav-item-dropdown: Add shorter aliases (8986543)
- popover: Add deactivated hook to component to hide popover (4a70215)
- popover+tooltip: Add hide event listener on $root (#1003) (6b12629)
- table: Allow fields to be an array of objects (#1075) (e2f90ff)
- table: New fixed prop, allow disable localSort, emit context-changed event, and style tweaks (#1076) (4447c7c)
- table: Refactor field formatter support + optimized sort-compare handling (#991) (b66f994)
- tooltip: Add deactivated hook to component (ae605d3)
- tooltip popover: Better DOM change observation in component versions (f723807)
- tooltip+popover: Add container prop to component versions (#983) (860cb3c)
- tooltip+popover: Create mixin for common props and methods (#1021) (edc7b20)
- tooltip+popover: Eight new placement options (#1081) (dae7855)
- dom utility methods (#1013) (7ed199d)
- use babel (5e653e6)
- docs: Better TOC SSR generation (#1080) (b3489d0)
- pagination: Move common code to pagination mixin (#1069) (0d41e83)
Released: 2017-09-01
- docs: Fix examples in b-img (7607a00)
- docs: Fix multipe collapse example (65ba276)
- dropdowns: Minor code update & comments (54a2546)
- form-textarea: Max rows not respected if rows specified (4762471)
- nav-dropdown: Fix right alignment in (#962) (9598763)
- scrollspy: Undefined value during bind() (#967) (5c35e07)
- tolltip+popover: Hide original element title attribute (#970) (82e46e6)
- tooltip: ToolTip.fixTransition undefined value (#960) (3c457e7), closes #956
- tooltip: visibility check (df4a015)
- tooltip+popover: Hide tooltip/popover when $route changes (#965) (e403225)
- this is not defined in props (fe4ff06)
- tooltip+popover components: Delay instantiation on mounted() (#969) (4fc18ec)
- tooltip+popover components: Emit events and minor adjustments (#972) (cf7c538)
- b-img-lazy: Lazy loaded image component (#943) (68138cb)
- docs: Add accessibility information for popovers (099b1b6)
- docs: Additional tooltip component usage docs (d8bf486)
- docs: expanded popover component docs (9f5dd75)
- docs: Expanded popover component docs (ccd1c7c)
- docs: Tooltip component documentation update (c6b04a6)
- docs: Update tooltip directive example (72a37b3)
- docs: Updated popover directive examples (3adbcb5)
- jumbotron: Add support for variants (#973) (bd9bb7c)
- popover: Add ability to disable fade animation in component version (7161b5f)
- tooltip: Add ability to disable fade animation in component version (36c428a)
- tooltip+popover: Allow element and component reference for target (#980) (8785066)
- tooltips+popovers: Add special blur "exit" trigger (#974) (785b7a6)
- tooltips+popovers: Automatically hide when trigger element is no longer visible (#978) (09eaaa2)
Released: 2017-08-30
- alert: show dismiss button when dismissible is true (590cead)
- docs: feedback doc in form group (#934) (45881bb)
- docs: Side bar navigation not accessible on small screens (#946) (4666b37)
- dropdown: hover/focus shading for active items (b2b6ad9)
- dropdowns: Allow gracefull fallback if Popper.js not defined (#920) (41b5947)
- dropdowns: Migration to popper.js positioning (#913) (116cb3e)
- form-textarea: Fix value reactivity (aeb11be)
- nav-item-dropdown: hover/focus shading for active items (5bd2b23)
- popove: tooltip import (8a75d10)
- popover: Remove old tether popover mixin (#947) (e500836)
- progress-bar: aria-valuenow fix (f0b486e)
- progress-bar: Minor adjutment to style calculation (14819ef)
- progress-bar: remove unessesary this in template (c04df8c)
- scrollspy: Make work with new nav-link functional component (#909) (2ebba5d)
- tabs: minor logic update (add0fb6)
- tabs: Show first tab when set to active (#912) (d920b1c)
- b-col: restore
col classes + new b-container and b-row components 🍾🍻🎉 (#929) (023f078) - b-img: New component (#933) (c4358e0)
- carousel: Use b-img component and id Mixin (#945) (d95321b)
- col: BS4 column component (#906) (9de80f8)
- docs: Improved collapse examples and documentation (541fada)
- img: Add 'block' prop to set display mode to block (6be7390)
- jumbotron: Convert to functional component (#932) (5f2df53)
- layout: alignment utilities 🛠 (#941) (3435ac5)
- popover: import fix (b24764f)
- readme: add package quality badge (#907) (6bd9f52)
- New popper.js based tooltip/popover directives and components (#923) (33c4cab)
- table: easier usage (019f8fa)
- table: Scoped slots for fixed top/bottom rows (#908) (3c761e2)
- table: use computedFields for easier usage (b9980f0)
Released: 2017-08-21
- alert: Emit dismiss-count-down at 0 seconds (#839) (8dc90bb)
- alert: Fix auto-dimissing alert "bug" (#897) (eccd63e)
- badge: badge default variant (1403ec4)
- badge: Default variant changed (8d3be9e)
- badge: Default variant no longer exists in V4.beta (#875) (5fc14d2)
- card: change prop no-block to no-body (#826) (664bc98)
- card: Fix classes, variants, borders [v4-beta] (#815) (fc26811)
- carousel: boolean typo (6a95410)
- carousel: Detect transitionend event name (fa07949)
- carousel: Ensure slideshow restarts when reaching the end (e175c36)
- carousel: ESLint (8222222)
- carousel: Handle older opera oTransitionEnd event (#899) (5afb591)
- carousel: minor fixes (6b4f497)
- carousel: oldVal! (3ae2e2e)
- carousel: Typo (4c80576)
- carousel: Typo in transition (9693872)
- coursel: Ensure minimum interval of 1 second (467ec27)
- docs: Minor update to navbar example (4a62e1b)
- dropdown: Fix focus/hover custom CSS (0cbbfb5)
- dropdown: focus on first item on show (40a1347)
- dropdown: twbs/bootstrap#23329 (fab5d22)
- dropdown.js: import clickout as a mixin (#896) (1ba47e5)
- dropdowns: Focus dropdown item on hover (#823) (2e863d9)
- form-control-static: change class to form-control-plaintext (66eda01)
- form-group: use new prop labelCols over old computedLabelCols (#878) (b6aa317)
- form-input: Fix reactivity (issue #817) (88e2dbb)
- form-input: use :value instead of v-model (fcff25d)
- form-textarea: not respecting rows when max-rows provided (e8bf4b3)
- forms: Adjustments to form-textarea and form-input (#880) (79a7aa8)
- forms: BS4.beta form/input validation styles & components (#847) (00e2b6f)
- link: default href to null (716ce45)
- link: ensure target is vue component before #emit (200f31b)
- link: if nothing is provided default href to # (86533fa)
- nav-item-dropdown: add show class (921dac5)
- nav-item-dropdown: Fix focus/hover custom CSS (e38576c)
- navbar: breakpoint control (72cd58d)
- navbar: breakpoint not working (42ca902)
- navbar-brand: fix pluckProps call for link (9dadfbc)
- pagination: Change classes from .hidden-_ to .d-_ (#840) (0f543a1)
- pagination-nav: Fix link-gen and page-gen (6746cb1)
- pagination-nav: Update v-model on click (188adea)
- progress: make progress-bar respect parent show-* props (9fc726d)
- table: filtered event not firing when filter cleared (issue #859) (#863) (8ff2623)
- table: fix for row-hovered event (2448666)
- table: Sorting directions & arrows (de1de97)
- table: workaround for Vue 2.4 SSR rendering bug (dc8d238)
- tabs: Better handling of active tab and transitions (#903) (d5b81dd)
- tabs: update to use card-block (d881c37)
- addEventListenerOnce: add to utils (0869ffd)
- addEventListenerOnce: New utility function (6b4efdf)
- badge: functional component (#820) (8c172c1)
- btn-group: functional component for button-group (#822) (6891e9f)
- button: set light as default variant (2a72576)
- card: add card-body functional component & card-img fixes (#843) (f88ab23)
- card: change card-block to card-body (30d35a7)
- card: functional components for card (#827) (2089252)
- carousel: Add img slot to carousel-slide (#879) (9d789e7)
- carousel: Transition event with setTimeout fallback (8e6fc42)
- carousel: Use transitionend event instead of setTimeout (192dfb8)
- docs: prepare for 1.0.0-beta (8e46552)
- dropdown: Add auto ID generation (#888) (25a20f2)
- dropdowns: functional dropdown sub-components and testing (#848) (2bd562b)
- form: Swith to functional component (#865) (c9f054d)
- form-file: Propagate
attribute to file input (d7e4f8a) - form-row: New functional component (#844) (1e0f313)
- form-select: add key for v-for (299a2ea)
- form-text: New functional component (#846) (2ed7470)
- forms: Auto ID generation client side if no id prop provided (#882) (da39b86)
- input-group: Add prop tag to change root element type (800add6)
- list-group: new list-group functional components (#861) (c516d89)
- media: new functional media components (#872) (91ff681)
- nav: new functional nav components (#864) (ecec23d)
- navbar: change navbar-toggelable to navbar-expand-* (1fab033)
- pagination-nav: New navigation pagination component (#816) (3a4272c)
- progress: Add height prop (#837) (8a52b93)
- progress: Support for multiple progress bars (#889) (76c613c)
- table: Include native event object with row-_ and head-_ events (#892) (92d2794)
- link, breadcrumb, & button functional components (#830) (cdbef2d)
Released: 2017-08-11
- carousel: Handle changes in slide content (#809) (6949e5f)
- collapse: Close collapse when clicked in navbar (#803) (3fdfbff)
- docs: button update example (#804) (fb375aa)
- form-checkbox: Better focus handling in button mode (06e1c7b)
- form-radio: Better focus handling in button mode (#801) (a9bfbde)
- navbar-brand: Removed erroneous this in template (#806) (0842043)
- table: workaround for Vue 2.4 SSR rendering bug (ab7767f)
- v-play: disable vue global errorHandler (9a7bdaf)
Released: 2017-08-10
Released: 2017-08-10
- carousel: Unable to reach last slide (3628bcb)
- docs: broken setup page (9d60069)
- docs: Minor update to file-input example (763a35a)
- docs: myToggle0 (a0ef988)
- docs: serve fonts on https (51209dd)
- form-input: isTextArea varname correction (#785) (cb44652)
- form-radio: Add missing classes in button mode (#779) (ed4f4ef)
- tabs: Tabls not clickable (issue #789) (#790) (c234580)
- tests: Set jest max workers to 1 (f16fd8d)
- alert: Hide dismiss button for auto-dismissing alerts (#791) (080bb20)
- docs: changelog page (b2482cb)
- table: Add row-dblclicked event (#780) (1aaf915)
Released: 2017-08-09
- alert: add missing colon for binding
(#768) (93b009f) - alert: Event args array in meta.json (c9e3fd2)
- alert: use v-model to update show value (#721) (9b380d0)
- button: Minor code update (378b932)
- carousel: Prevent going to slide if transitioning (issue #764) (#765) (a2ab664)
- collapse: reference to this.$el (eb01295)
- componentdoc: Typo in required prop (762d088)
- docs: Adjust header tags CSS specificity (issue #753) (#755) (25280ae)
- docs: conform args and fix spelling (#659) (ed9906a)
- docs: fix invalid JSON trailing commas (a635176)
- docs: Fix typo in _component.vue (b90e92a)
- docs: typo in button docs (8cd3ea1)
- docs: update for Bootstrap version (#692) (5165531)
- docs.vue: Fix link to edit setup doc (#641) (836db33), closes #639
- dropdown: Clear leftover active state on menu open (fixes #664) (80c1ceb)
- dropdown: Emit shown and hidden events (issue #757) (814e94c)
- dropdowns: Change how dropdown items are highlighted (#717) (a02270e)
- form fieldset: 'label for' prop not being applied to label - ARIA (#669) (aafea81)
- form-radio: extra this in template (cc4a442)
- modal: Event args list in meta.json (7b8ce01)
- modal: meta.json property order consistency (3d204a4)
- navbar-brand: Refactored component logic (#759) (c752fc8)
- pagination: Added missing href & ARIA adjustments (#693) (7091262)
- pagination: Improved ARIA roles and attributes (#741) (b12b06e)
- popover.js: destroy check for trigger & classes (issue #735) (30fa778)
- root-listeners: apply listen-on-root mixin to other components (#684) (f2b7b44)
- scrollspy: Adjust throttle default (3d6eb98)
- scrollspy: Adjustments to the resizeThrottle scheduler (#640) (bfaef7d)
- table: aria-labeledby set to header element (e13e093)
- table: Remove redundant ARIA roles from b-table (#662) (6919cc5)
- tabs: Default current tab to null (issue #687) (#701) (bc7ca26)
- toggle: Remove $root listener on unbind (Issue #680) (#698) (ec5000c)
- button: Add pressed prop to place button in active state (#715) (61a104f)
- button: refactor toggle button focus handler (#730) (3ab3d89)
- carousel: Add v-model support (issue #743) (#744) (028eb5f)
- checkbox: Add indeterminate state prop (#720) (2271e7a)
- collapse: apply Bootstrap classes during transition stages (issue #565) (#707) (947d253)
- collapse: Close navbar collapse when clicked in nav/navbar (issue #712) (#714) (f104dc0)
- Event: standard evt obj emulates native Event (#726) (919344b)
- form-checkbox: Support button style checkbox (#729) (740d7cb)
- form-input: Add autocomplete prop (#750) (d686787)
- form-input: Pass input element to formatter (issue #772) (#773) (da77f15)
- form-radio: ARIA - Add IDs to individual radios (#663) (1de785e)
- form-radio: Support button style radios (#728) (c7c150f)
- form-select: Add multiple select support (issue #619) (#731) (19bf2f5)
- form-select: Allow selectSize to be set when not in multiple mode (Issue #761) (#762) (6f04090)
- listenonroot: Use a constant for private property name (#700) (26c8a3e)
- modal: Make enforceFocus configurable (#706) (f1ab80b)
- navbar-brand: New component (#710) (721292c)
- pagination: Add alignment prop (#745) (a8e83a7)
- readme: add david dep badge (#724) (435a857)
- table: add field data formatter prop (#739) (9da94a6)
- table: Add syncable sort-by and sort-desc props (#742) (c8ad5a3)
- table: Emit event when local filtering changes number of result items - issue #650 (#652) (1b2a36a)
- toggle directives: allow simple elements to use directive (#651) (3361911)
- utils: transpiler friendly polyfills and methods (#658) (2ee9ed6)
- utils: wrap-up as ES6 module (#656) (b5f7cfc)
Released: 2017-07-04
- docs: Collapse meta.jso typo fix (6191bed)
- Remove usage of es2015 Array.prototype.includes (#589) (b3fc095)
- button-toolbar: keynav better element visibility test (5c33b8e)
- button-toolbar: Typo on property
(#600) (60b1fd8) - docs: add root wrapper to templates (ff6432d)
- docs: Fix ScrollSpy example (0365208)
- docs: form-radio typo fix (db6d5d7)
- docs: form-select docs typo fix (630e02f)
- docs: table example markup (d3d7437)
- form: Emit native submit on component (#636) (0ba6f94), closes #588
- form controls: Apply only required props & classes (#609) (c773f79)
- form-checkbox: Remove duplicate computed prop (f47ab79)
- form-file: remove inputClass (2415617)
- form-options: pull out custom text field for object notation (#625) (83cec54), closes #622
- form-radio: isChecked to work with arrays & non-arrays. (#629) (578d451), closes #623
- form-radio, form-checkbox: Set autocomplete off (#616) (e127313)
- modal: use listenOnRoot mixin (#593) (531a6ab)
- nav-toggle: typo in method name (5e0bb2a)
- table demo.html: remove deprecated fieldset prop (#630) (18e8547)
- docs: live demo (#602) (843057e)
- docs: Native event capturing docs (#605) (c2c200b)
- dropdowns: Various optimizations for dropdown components (#627) (56d29b0)
- form controls: Add required attribute and related ARIA support (#613) (3db70a4)
- form controls: Optimize props (#604) (35a5db6)
- form-fieldset: Add alias of b-form-group (eebe36d)
- form-fieldset: label, description, and feedback slots, deprecate label-size (#598) (e253dae)
- form-input: support aria-invalid attribute (#610) (d676d8f)
- form-radio: Add support for aria-invalid (#612) (69e449f)
- form-select: Add aria-invalid support (#611) (1d20f8a)
- mixin: Automate event registration & removal on root vm (#581) (be5f834)
Released: 2017-06-30