Releases: SU-SWS/ood_giving_site
Releases · SU-SWS/ood_giving_site
Release Notes:
- Release/ADAPT-000 Gallery/Campaign page logo fix (#235) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-000: Make vertical image focus option available for non-fullwidth header image (#232) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-4069: Tweak campaign hero logo max width and padding (#234) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-4060: Remove max width of gallery slideshow on mobile (#233) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-000: GraphQL error and storyblok-js-client fixup (#231) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-3147 | @mattanglin | pipeline status checks (#221) @mattanglin
- ADAPT-3305: Added x-frame-options header. (#229) @nplowman
- ADAPT-000 | @mattanglin | hotfix | remove duplicate lockup merge conflict (#227) @mattanglin
- Release/adapt 3200 campaign page visual updates (#226) @mattanglin
- ADAPT-3201 | @mattanglin | campaign header logo (#223) @mattanglin
- ADAPT-3204 ADAPT-3205 | @mattanglin | noindex page option (#225) @mattanglin
- ADAPT-3172: Update Node version to 16 from 15 (#224) @rebeccahongsf
- ADAPT-3203: Campaign hero serif variant (#222) @mattanglin
- ADAPT-3202 | @mattanglin | campaign header homelink (#216) @mattanglin
- ADAPT-000: Sitemap path updates. (#214) @sherakama
- ADAPT-000 Patch Campaign Hero logo width (#212) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-2599: Impact Component for Campaign Page (#205) @sherakama
- ADAPT-2894 Update Section with additional options (#210) @rebeccahongsf
- ADAPT-2895: Content block position and tabbed title styles (#211) @Lyafel
- ADAPT-2095 Campaign Card (Includes ADAPT-2373) (#196) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-2893 Add Digital Red and Sans Serif Accordion option (#209) @rebeccahongsf
- ADAPT-2751: Quote slider accessibility changes (#207) @Lyafel
- ADAPT-2892 Resolve button transition flash (#208) @rebeccahongsf
- ADAPT-2091: Quote card slideshow (#200) @Lyafel
- ADAPT-2752: Change date string format (#204) @Lyafel
- ADAPT-2558: Hero Component (#199) @sherakama
- ADAPT-2727: Search button redesign (#203) @Lyafel
- ADAPT-000: Updated packages. (#202) @sherakama
- ADAPT 1445: Gallery Slideshow (#192) @nplowman
- ADAPT-2489: Gatsby V3 Upgrade (#198) @sherakama
- Revert "ADAPT-2489: Gatsby V3 Upgrade" (#197) @sherakama
- ADAPT-2489: Gatsby V3 Upgrade (#194) @andrewbaraniuk
- ADAPT-1837: Added guard code to avoid crashes on page previews. (#195) @nplowman
- ADAPT-2145 ADAPT-1127 New banner for interior page (#188) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-2326: Update Algolia to only index on prod builds. (#190) @nplowman
- ADAPT-2316: Make sure intro goes below section title even when it's short (#189) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-2246: Prevent scrolling when Areas to Support filters are clicked. (#186) @nplowman
- ADAPT-578: initial Alert component implementation (#178) @andrewbaraniuk
- ADAPT-1335: Added twitter:card meta tag (#187) @andrewbaraniuk
- Update syntax for sitemap exclude (#183) @sherakama
- ADAPT-1453: initial configurable Redirects POC (#175) @andrewbaraniuk
- ADAPT-000: Canonical protection. (#185) @sherakama
- ADAPT-1454: Added canonical URL to page head. (#181) @nplowman
- ADAPT-779: Added hash navigation to Support page. (#179) @nplowman
- ADAPT-1997: extended Title and Intro text accross the entire section (#173) @andrewbaraniuk
- ADAPT-000: Giving Search Console verification (#177) @buttonwillowsix
- Adapt-1958 Story Image as card, optimize image (#171) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1963: Remove extra title in html head (#172) @yvonnetangsu
- Create ctaGroup component for displaying groups of links (#170) @yvonnetangsu
- Update netlify.toml (#166) @sherakama
- ADAPT-1080 Add embed video component (#157) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT 1101 - Add Algolia search to site (#162) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT 1669 - improve image filename checking (#161) @yvonnetangsu
- Change redirects to test Shea's assets CDN (#160) @yvonnetangsu
- Merge conflict resolution (#159) @sherakama
- Adapt 1449 reorganize url redirects (#153) @katrialesser
- ADAPT-000: Switch to permission-policy (#155) @sherakama
- ADAPT-000: Add another redirect (#154) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-000: Missing redirect #2 (#152) @sherakama
- ADAPT-000: Optimize jpg to 60% quality for performance (#147) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-000: Missing redirect (#151) @sherakama
- ADAPT-000: Remove build cache (#150) @sherakama
- ADAPT-000: Use different method to import Google fonts (#149) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1441: Test redirect masks. (#145) @sherakama
- ADAPT-649: Added all redirects in netlify config file (#143) @katrialesser
- Put that Password it back up (#148) @buttonwillowsix
- Remove password for scan (#146) @buttonwillowsix
- ADAPT-000: Use updated font import with display: swap for google fonts (#142) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-000: NPM Updates. (#144) @sherakama
- ADAPT-000 touch ups (#136) @yvonnetangsu
- Move "All" filter to the end - client request (#140) @yvonnetangsu
- Remove useless body overflow-y: scroll (#139) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-000 Poster image fix for Edge (#138) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1358 Improve image components (#134) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1368 Make table styles work with new a11y markup adjustments (#135) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1340 More a11y fixes (#130) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-956: Print styles (#127) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-780: Added google tag manager. (#133) @sherakama
- ADAPT-893: Pass Preview API Key into the edit via url. (#131) @sherakama
- ADAPT-1334: Add X-Content-Type-Options = "nosniff" to headers (#132) @sherakama
- Misc a11y fixes and improvements (#128) @yvonnetangsu
- Backing out of WYSIWYG external link icon changes per client's request (#129) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1321: Preserve utm parameters throughout site. (#125) @sherakama
- ADAPT-1345: Accordion tweaks and fixes (#124) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1346 Add external link icon and styles for WYSIWYG (#123) @yvonnetangsu
- Password on the Giving Site (#122) @buttonwillowsix
- Remove Password (#121) @buttonwillowsix
- Always use https where possible. (#120) @sherakama
- ADAPT-1347: Refine mega menu (#119) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1233: Added anchor links plugin to make anchor links reliable. (#118) @katrialesser
- Turn password back on (#116) @buttonwillowsix
- ADAPT-1183: Mega menu mobile (#112) @yvonnetangsu
- Add SR only instruction for Areas to Support page (#114) @yvonnetangsu
- Update netlify.toml (#115) @buttonwillowsix
- ADAPT-1116: Add reusable SbLink component and image crop (object position) to components (#111) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1185: Sidebar nav treatment for mobile/tablet (#109) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1205-Hero component mobile/tablet styles and overall tweaks (#110) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-893: Change embed widget to create a partial dom so it can render and call scripts etc. (#108) @sherakama
- ADAPT-751 Local header mobile/tablet/finetune (#107) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1109: Mega menu LG+ tweaks (#106) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1275: Make vertical basic card with image able to take on the forced equal height option (#105) @yvonnetangsu
- Create FlexCell reusable component (#102) @yvonnetangsu
- More reusable components Heading and CreateStories (#103) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1134 Close mega menu dropdown when Escape key is pressed (#104) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1204 Story cards finetune (#101) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-958 Support Cards + Icon Cards finetune (#100) @yvonnetangsu
- Add Below Content section for stories full view (#99) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-957 Use responsive spacing, Tile Card finetune, Column Grid option (#95) @yvonnetangsu
- Add back a class name I accidentally deleted in AspectRatioImage (#98) @yvonnetangsu
- Create reusable component CenteredContainer (#97) @yvonnetangsu
- Update to decanter 6.2.0 (#96) @yvonnetangsu
- Update netlify.toml (#94) @sherakama
- ADAPT-959 Basic card finetune (#92) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-747: Swap out submenu button to use our CTA link (#93) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-758: Finetune poster component (#91) @yvonnetangsu
- Misc updates and prep for portaltech. (#89) @sherakama
- ADAPT-1110-Change interior page minimal header (#90) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1178 Asset download in new window (#88) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1050 interior page finetune (#68) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1165 Local footer responsive behavior at MD/LG (#87) @yvonnetangsu
- codeclimate config and sass-lint config (#85) @yvonnetangsu
- Add stripe. (#86) @sherakama
- ADAPT-678-Add typography styles for WYSIWYG (#75) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1049 Story Page finetunes (#78) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-759 Quote Card mobile styles (#74) @yvonnetangsu
- Update ghost button hover/focus state and finetune button sizes (#81) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-783 Close mega menu dropdown when clicking outside (#76) @yvonnetangsu
- Delete 404.js (#80) @sherakama
- ADAPT-1038: Adjusted spacing per Kerris last request on side headings. (#79) @katrialesser
- Adapt 1038 table styles (#77) @katrialesser
- ADAPT-862: Wire up 404/403 pages (#73) @sherakama
- ADAPT-783: Mega Menu dropdowns open on click (#72) @yvonnetangsu
- Replace blocks of code with reusable CreateBloks component (#70) @yvonnetangsu
- Add CreateBloks utility to create nested bloks (#69) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1102-Add Teaching + Learning category for Areas to Support cards (#67) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-1086-Add field for screen reader only text for ctaLink component (#66) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-924 Story Overview page and misc fixups (#65) @yvonnetangsu
- Fixup - add headline underline back in when mega menu card is hovered/focused (#63) @yvonnetangsu
- disable a117 plugin (#64) @sherakama
- Adapt 767 content menu colors (#60) @katrialesser
- HTML Head metadata SEO things and misc (#58) @yvonnetangsu
- Adapt 745 documentation and organization (#59) (#61) @sherakama
- Adapt 745 documentation and organization (#59) @katrialesser
- ADAPT-863 Misc desktop only style cleanups (#57) @yvonnetangsu
- ADAPT-777: Cards cleanup, Areas to Support page changes, misc options and styles (#55) @yvonnetangsu
- TOML Updates (#54) @sherakama
- ADAPT-679: Update javascript compile from Decanter. (#46) @sherakama
- ADAPT-903: Row with 1 Column component (#53) @yvonnetangsu
- Update .gitignore (#52) @sherakama
- ADAPT-777: Image Componen...