Releases: WayScience/nf1_schwann_cell_morphology_signature
Releases · WayScience/nf1_schwann_cell_morphology_signature
v1.1 - Manuscript Updates
Release to update figures for the manuscript based on collaborator reviews.
What's Changed
- Add minted DOI by @MattsonCam in #71
- Update manuscript figures per review by @jenna-tomkinson in #72
Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1
v1.0 - Manuscript Submission
Full version release for analyzing NF1 genotype morphologies, as well as training, evaluating, and validating machine learning models to predict NF1 genotypes from single-cell morphology representations.
What's Changed
- Added first analysis and classification code by @MattsonCam in #1
- Preprocessing, visualization, and eda with obnibus and post hoc testing by @MattsonCam in #2
- Model training, evaluation, and interpretation by @MattsonCam in #3
- Dev best features by @MattsonCam in #4
- Linear model creation and interpretation by @MattsonCam in #5
- Retraining and interpreting logistic regression by @MattsonCam in #6
- Plate classifications by @MattsonCam in #7
- Plate projections by @MattsonCam in #8
- Construct correlations plate 4 by @MattsonCam in #9
- Median construct correlations plate 4 by @MattsonCam in #10
- Bulk construct correlations plate 4 by @MattsonCam in #12
- Bulk correlations no treatment by @MattsonCam in #13
- Single cell correlations no treatment by @MattsonCam in #14
- Post feature selection correlation analysis by @MattsonCam in #15
- Updated conda environment by @MattsonCam in #16
- Classify genotypes for plate 4 by @MattsonCam in #17
- Plot precision recall curves plate 4 by @MattsonCam in #18
- Classify genotypes plates 3 3p by @MattsonCam in #19
- Refactor plates 3 3p genotype classification by @MattsonCam in #20
- Plate 5 aggregating cells and correlating wells by @MattsonCam in #22
- Subset sum test well sampling strategy by @MattsonCam in #23
- Generate Supplemental Figure 2 by @jenna-tomkinson in #25
- Updated Well Sampling by @MattsonCam in #27
- Update correlation util and plate 5 correlation analysis by @MattsonCam in #29
- Optimize logistic regression plates 3, 3 prime, and 5 by @MattsonCam in #28
- Evaluate Plate Model Performance by @MattsonCam in #30
- Compute shuffled model data by @MattsonCam in #31
- Generated shuffled model evaluation data by @MattsonCam in #32
- Add main figure 1 by @jenna-tomkinson in #34
- Train final nf1 model by @MattsonCam in #33
- Evaluated performance of the nf1 genotype classification model by @MattsonCam in #35
- Update plate 5 correlations post aggregation by @MattsonCam in #38
- Train final nf1 model by @MattsonCam in #37
- Update plate 4 correlations after well aggregation by @MattsonCam in #39
- Evaluated performance of the nf1 genotype classification model by @MattsonCam in #40
- Compute sirna-treated cell genotype probabilities with updated model by @MattsonCam in #41
- Add bulk correlation figure from plate 4 analysis by @gwaybio in #11
- Add main figure 3 by @jenna-tomkinson in #42
- Add main figure 5 by @jenna-tomkinson in #43
- Add main figure 2 by @jenna-tomkinson in #44
- Add main figure 4 by @jenna-tomkinson in #45
- Retrain NF1 model after plate 3 prime name bug fix by @MattsonCam in #46
- Evaluated NF1 model after plate 3 prime name bug fix by @MattsonCam in #47
- Retrainined NF1 model without plate 4 cell data by @MattsonCam in #49
- Updated the evaluation results after NF1 model retraining by @MattsonCam in #50
- Update main figure 1 by @jenna-tomkinson in #51
- Remove older analysis by @MattsonCam in #52
- Update readmes and simplify repo by @MattsonCam in #53
- Update main figure 2 by @jenna-tomkinson in #54
- Update main figure 3 by @jenna-tomkinson in #55
- Update plate correlation analysis by @MattsonCam in #56
- Update main figure 4 by @jenna-tomkinson in #61
- Update main README by @jenna-tomkinson in #65
- Cell Count EDA of NF1 single-cell plate data by @MattsonCam in #60
- Updated NF1 data submodule by @MattsonCam in #66
- Update main figures 1, 2, and 4 by @jenna-tomkinson in #67
- Generate supplemental figure 1 by @jenna-tomkinson in #68
- Add supp fig 2 by @jenna-tomkinson in #69
- Add figure READMEs and bash scripts by @jenna-tomkinson in #70
New Contributors
- @MattsonCam made their first contribution in #1
- @jenna-tomkinson made their first contribution in #25
- @gwaybio made their first contribution in #11
Full Changelog: