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Release History

5.13.0 (Unreleased)

Features Added

Breaking Changes

Bugs Fixed

Other Changes

5.12.2 (2024-10-11)

Bugs Fixed

  • The desired capabilities array should be omitted if it is empty.

5.12.1 (2024-10-08)

Bugs Fixed

  • The producer now verifies that the input message follows the expected structure.

5.13.0-beta.2 (2024-06-27)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix the definition of the earliest event position.

5.13.0-beta.1 (2024-06-06)

Features Added

  • Support Geographic replication to enable recovery in case of geographic disasters.

Breaking Changes

  • The offset property of event data is now typed as a string instead of as a number.

5.12.0 (2024-05-20)

Features Added

  • Adds support for connecting to the development emulator. The connection string for the development emulator should have the ";UseDevelopmentEmulator=true" slug.

5.11.4 (2024-03-21)

Other Changes

  • The minimum value of timeout for all operations is no longer 60 seconds. The user can now set the timeout to lower values if needed. The default timeout value is still 60 seconds.

5.11.3 (2023-11-07)

Bugs Fixed

  • Improve event prefetching to not overload the internal queue.

Other Changes

5.11.2 (2023-09-25)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixes a memory leak #25426 in the EventHubBufferedProducerClient when there is no activity for a longer interval after sending some events. #26748

5.11.1 (2023-06-23)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix a regression of missing getToken calls when renewing tokens.

5.11.0 (2023-06-08)

Features Added

  • Adds an option to set an identifier for Event Hubs clients.
  • Adds a property on each Event Hub client that returns the identifier of the client.

Other Changes

  • Use Rhea's prefetch window to prefetch events from the service. This improves the performance of the receiver by reducing the number of round trips to the service. The default prefetch window is 3 * maxBatchSize events. This can be configured by setting the prefetchCount option on the subscribe method on EventHubConsumerClient.

5.10.0 (2023-05-01)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix a memory leak issue of linked child abort signals not being released.

Other Changes

  • upgrade dependency rhea-promise version to ^3.0.0.

5.9.0 (2023-03-07)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixing a bug where events were not always received in order [#23993].

Other Changes

  • The receiver no longer attempts to build batches of maxMessageCount size, instead, it returns batches as soon as they are received from the service, up to maxMessageCount.

5.8.0 (2022-05-10)

Breaking Changes

  • The enableIdempotentPartitions flag has been renamed to enableIdempotentRetries

5.8.0-beta.3 (2022-04-05)

Breaking Changes

  • MessageWithMetadata has been renamed to MessageContent.
  • MessageContent's body has been renamed to data.
  • MessageAdapter's consumeMessage and produceMessage have been renamed to consume and produce.

Bugs Fixed

  • The Uint8Array payload was being stringified first before it gets sent which caused the receiver to treat it as an object instead of a Uint8Array. This is now fixed and Uint8Array is being treated the same as a Buffer.
  • The hashing algorithm used to map partition keys to IDs in the buffered producer is no longer sensitive to the endianness of the local machine Issue #21190.

Other Changes

  • Updated our @azure/core-tracing dependency to the latest version (1.0.0). There are no changes from the previous beta; however, please see below for changes from the previous minor version:
    • Notable changes include Removal of @opentelemetry/api as a transitive dependency and ensuring that the active context is properly propagated.
    • Customers who would like to continue using OpenTelemetry driven tracing should visit our OpenTelemetry Instrumentation package for instructions.

5.8.0-beta.2 (2022-03-11)

Bugs Fixed

  • createEventDataAdapter is updated so that consumeMessage returns the original binary payload instead of the Buffer representation of it.

Other Changes

  • Updated our @azure/core-tracing dependency to the latest version (1.0.0-preview.14)
    • Notable changes include Removal of @opentelemetry/api as a transitive dependency and ensuring that the active context is properly propagated.
    • Customers who would like to continue using OpenTelemetry driven tracing should visit our OpenTelemetry Instrumentation package for instructions.

5.8.0-beta.1 (2022-02-08)

Features Added

  • A new function createEventDataAdapter is exported that can convert an EventData to a simple message with body and contentType fields. This adapter can be used with the Avro encoder in @azure/schema-registry-avro starting from version 1.0.0-beta.6 to create EventData messages with Avro-encoded bodies.

  • When publishing events to Event Hubs, timeouts or other transient failures may introduce ambiguity into the understanding of whether a batch of events was received by the service. To assist in this scenario, the option to publish events idempotently has been added to EventHubBufferedProducerClient. The functionality can be enabled by setting the enableIdempotentPartitions client option to true. If enabled, retries during publishing will attempt to avoid duplication with a minor cost to throughput. Duplicates are still possible but the chance of them occurring is much lower when idempotent retries are enabled. PR #20156

5.7.0-beta.1 (2021-11-12)

Features Added

  • Added EventHubBufferedProducerClient with functionality to manage batching, concurrency, and sending of events implicitly. This abstracts the complexity away from applications regarding publishing events in an optimal fashion. See issue #17699 for more details.
  • Added skipParsingBodyAsJson optional parameter to EventHubConsumerClient.subscribe method. When set to true it will disable the client from running JSON.parse() on the message body when receiving the message. Not applicable if the message was sent with AMQP body type value or sequence.

Other Changes

  • Prevent empty spans from being created when tracing is disabled. Fixes issue #14063
  • Updated to use the version 1.0.0-preview.13 of the @azure/core-tracing dependency.

5.6.0 (2021-07-07)

Features Added

  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.

  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.

  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features

  • Adds the contentType, correlationId, and messageId AMQP properties as top-level fields on EventData and ReceivedEventData.

  • Enable encoding the body of a message to the 'value' or 'sequence' sections (via AmqpAnnotatedMessage.bodyType). Using this encoding is not required but does allow you to take advantage of native AMQP serialization for supported primitives or sequences.

    More information about the AMQP message body type can be found in the AMQP specification: link

5.5.2 (2021-06-10)

Bug fixes

  • Fixes issue #13500 where a TypeError: Cannot read property '_process' of undefined could be thrown in rare cases.

5.5.1 (2021-04-29)

  • Fixes a race condition that would cause connection recovery to sometimes fail if a consumer or producer was closed at the same time a connection was disconnected.

  • Fixes issue #14606 where the EventHubConsumerClient could call subscribe's processError callback with a "Too much pending tasks" error. This could occur if the consumer was unable to connect to the service for an extended period of time.

  • Fixes issue #15002 where in rare cases an unexpected TypeError could be thrown from EventHubProducerClient.sendBatch when the connection was disconnected while sending events was in progress.

5.5.0 (2021-04-06)

  • Updates the methods on the CheckpointStore interface to accept an optional options parameter that can be used to pass in an abortSignal and tracingOptions.

New features:

  • Allows passing NamedKeyCredential and SASCredential as the credential type to EventHubConsumerClient and EventHubProducerClient. These credential types support rotation via their update methods and are an alternative to using the SharedAccessKeyName/SharedAccessKey or SharedAccessSignature properties in a connection string.

Tracing updates

  • Tracing options for EventDataBatch.tryAdd now match the shape of OperationOptions.

5.4.0 (2021-02-09)

  • Adds the customEndpointAddress field to EventHubClientOptions. This allows for specifying a custom endpoint to use when communicating with the Event Hubs service, which is useful when your network does not allow communicating to the standard Event Hubs endpoint. Resolves #12901.

  • A helper method parseEventHubConnectionString has been added which validates and parses a given connection string for Azure Event Hubs. Resolves #11894

  • Re-exports RetryMode for use when setting the RetryOptions.mode field in EventHubConsumerClientOptions or EventHubClientOptions. Resolves #13166.

  • Updates documentation for EventData to call out that the body field must be converted to a byte array or Buffer when cross-language compatibility while receiving events is required.

5.3.1 (2020-11-12)

  • Fixes issue #12278 where the processEvents handler could ignore the maxWaitTimeInSeconds parameter after a disconnection.

5.3.0 (2020-09-08)

New features:

  • Adds loadBalancingOptions to the EventHubConsumerClient to add control around how aggressively the client claims partitions while load balancing. (PR 9706).
  • Support using the SharedAccessSignature from the connection string. (PR 10951).

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes issue #9704 where events could be skipped while receiving messages. Previously this could occur when a retryable error was encountered and retries were exhausted while receiving a batch of events.

Tracing updates:

  • Fixes issue #10298 where spans had inconsistent peer.address attributes by removing the scheme (i.e. sb://) from EventHub peer.address span attributes
  • Addresses #10276: adds message_bus.destination and peer.address attributes to Azure.EventHubs.message spans. (PR 10389)

5.3.0-preview.1 (2020-07-07)

  • Adds loadBalancingOptions to the EventHubConsumerClient to add control around how aggressively the client claims partitions while load balancing. (PR 9706)

5.2.2 (2020-06-30)

  • Fixes issue #9289 where calling await subscription.close() inside of a subscription's processError handler would cause the subscription to deadlock.
  • Fixes issue #9083 where calling EventHubConsumerClient.close() would not stop any actively running Subscriptions.
  • Fixes issue #8598 where the EventHubConsumerClient would remain open in the background beyond when subscription.close() was called. This would prevent the process from exiting until the maxWaitTimeInSeconds (default 60) was reached.
  • Updated to use the latest version of the @azure/core-amqp package. This update fixes issue #9287 where some failed operations would delay the process exiting.

5.2.1 (2020-06-08)

  • Fixes issue #8584 where attempting to create AMQP links when the AMQP connection was in the process of closing resulted in a TypeError in an uncaught exception. (PR 8884)
  • Fixes reconnection issues by creating a new connection object rather than re-using the existing one. (PR 8884)

Tracing updates:

Tracing functionality is still in preview status and the APIs may have breaking changes between patch and minor updates.

  • Updates the peer.address attribute on "Azure.EventHubs.send" spans to refer to the fully qualified namespace instead of the endpoint. Fixes #7109

  • Adds a new attribute - enqueuedTime - to the links on "Azure.EventHubs.process" spans. enqueuedTime maps to the enqueuedTimeUtc field from received events, represented as Unix epoch time in milliseconds. Address #7112

5.2.0 (2020-05-05)

  • Updates the EventHubProducerClient.sendBatch API to accept an array of events. (PR #8622)
  • Adds compatibility with TypeScript versions 3.1 through 3.6+. (PR #8654)
  • Improves the performance of the EventDataBatch.tryAdd method. (PR #8637)

5.1.0 (2020-04-07)

  • Addresses issue #7801 by moving known AMQP message properties to received events' systemProperties. (PR #7973)

5.0.2 (2020-03-09)

  • Fixes an issue that caused the getPartitionIds, getEventHubProperties, and getPartitionProperties methods to throw an error when run against an Event Hub in Azure Stack due to missing security token on the outgoing request. (PR #7463)

5.0.1 (2020-02-11)

  • Fixed a potential issue with deadlock where greedy consumers could starve out other consumers, preventing us from properly balancing.
  • Fixed an issue where calling subscription.close() immediately after calling subscribe would cause events to still be read.
  • Updated to use the latest version of the @azure/core-amqp package which in turn uses the latest version of the rhea package. This update improves support for bundling this library. (Pull Request)

5.0.0 (2020-01-09)

  • This release marks the general availability of the @azure/event-hubs package.
  • Fixed potential issues with claims being mismanaged when subscriptions terminate.
  • Improved reporting of errors that occur when attempting to claim partitions from CheckpointStores.
  • Updated to use the latest version of the @azure/core-amqp package. This update allows the SDK to detect when a connection has gone idle for 60 seconds and attempt to reconnect.

Breaking changes:

  • Starting event positions are now passed in the options to the subscribe() method instead of using the processInitialize() callback.
  • If no position is passed and no checkpoints are available for the partition, the subscribe() method will start receiving events that are queued after the method invocation. This is different from the last preview, where events were received from the beginning of the partition.
  • The MessagingError class is updated to have the code property instead of name to contain the error type that the user can use to differentiate errors that can occur during communication with the service. The name property of this class will always have the value "MessagingError" and will not change based on the error type.
  • System errors around network issues like ENOTFOUND, ECONNREFUSED will retain their code value even after getting converted to a MessagingError object and being passed to the user.

5.0.0-preview.7 (2019-12-03)

  • Improves load-balancing capabilities to reduce the frequency that partitions are claimed by other running instances of EventHubConsumerClient.subscribe after all partitions are being read. (PR #6294)
  • Updated to use OpenTelemetry 0.2 via @azure/core-tracing

Breaking changes:

  • CheckpointStore and consumer group are now passed to the EventHubConsumerClient constructor rather than being passed to subscribe().

5.0.0-preview.6 (2019-11-04)

  • Updated to use the latest version of the @azure/core-tracing & @azure/core-amqp package.

Breaking changes

EventHubsClient has been split into two separate clients: EventHubProducerClient and EventHubConsumerClient

The EventHubConsumerClient provides several overloads for subscribe which all take event handlers rather than requiring an EventProcessor. There are no longer any methods that directly return ReceivedEventData - all receiving is done via event handlers.

The EventHubProducerClient has standardized on only providing sending via sendBatch.

Construction of both objects is the same as it was for the previous client.

5.0.0-preview.5 (2019-10-08)

  • Updated to use the latest version of the @azure/core-tracing package.

5.0.0-preview.4 (2019-10-07)

  • Current implementation of the Partition Manager takes the event hub name, consumer group name and partition id to ensure uniqueness for the checkpoint and ownership. Since the same event hub name and consumer group name can exist in another namespace, we added fullyQualifiedNamespace as well to ensure uniqueness. (PR #5153)
  • Adds preview capabilities for @azure/core-tracing. (PR #5207

Breaking changes

  • Removed the createFromIotHubConnectionString method from EventHubClient. (PR #5311). Instead, pass an Event Hubs-compatible connection string when instantiating an EventHubClient to read properties or events from an IoT Hub.


    const client = await EventHubClient.createFromIotHubConnectionString(iotConnectionString);


    const client = new EventHubClient(iotEventHubsCompatibleConnectionString);
  • The PartitionContext properties have been merged into the PartitionProcessor class. The PartitionProcessor now exposes an updateCheckpoint method that can be called to checkpoint events.

5.0.0-preview.3 (2019-09-09)


  • Adds load-balancing capabilities to EventProcessor. EventProcesor will use the data from PartitionManager to regulate how many partitions it should read from. (PR #4839).
  • Adds lastEnqueuedEventInfo property on EventHubConsumer. When the consumer is created with trackLastEnqueuedEventInfo set to true, the lastEnqueuedEventInfo field is updated everytime a message is received and provides details about the last enqueued event in the partition the EventHubConsumer is reading from. (PR #5036)
  • Received event data will now expose systemProperties for message annotations set by the service. (PR #5008).
  • Improved error messages when constructing an EventHubClient with an invalid connection string and Event Hub name combo. (PR #4899).
  • Adds client-side type-checking for EventPosition static helper methods. (PR #5052).

Breaking changes

  • The PartitionProcessor interface is now a class with default implementations of initialize, close, processEvents, and processError. (PR #4994).
    • Users should extend the PartitionProcessor class and override any of the methods that need custom logic.
    • All 4 methods now accept PartitionContext as the last parameter. PartitionContext contains information about the partition being processed, as well as the updateCheckpoint method that can be used to persist a checkpoint.
  • The EventProcessor constructor was changed to no longer accept a PartitionProcessorFactory function that returns a PartitionProcessor. Instead, users should extend the PartitionProcessor class and pass the class (not an instance of the class) to the EventProcessor constructor. (PR #4994).

5.0.0-preview.2 (2019-08-06)


  • The sender is refactored to avoid the warning around too may listeners being attached which would occur before if too many send requests were in flight at the same time from the same sender.
  • The receiver is refactored to allow the same underlying AMQP link to be shared between streaming and batching mode. This results in seamless transition between the three different receive methods on the EventHubConsumer
  • All time related entites have been updated to use milli seconds as the unit of time for consistency.
  • New error InsufficientCreditError is introduced for the scenario where rhea is unable to send events due to its internal buffer being full. This is a transient error and so is treated as retryable.
  • The error OperationTimeoutError was previously mistakenly classified as an AMQP error which is now corrected. Since this can also be a transient error, it is treated as retryable.

Publishing events

  • Added method createBatch() on the EventHubProducer to create an EventDataBatch that can then be used to add events until the maximum size is reached.
    • This batch object can then be used in the send() method to send all the added events to Event Hubs.
    • This allows publishers to build batches without the possibility of encountering the error around the message size exceeding the supported limit when sending events.
    • It also allows publishers with bandwidth concerns to control the size of each batch published.

Consuming events

  • Introduced a new class EventProcessor which replaces the older concept of Event Processor Host.
    • This early preview is intended to allow users to test the new design using a single instance of EventProcessor. The ability to store checkpoints to a durable store will be added in future updates

Retries and timeouts

  • The properties on the RetryOptions interface have been renamed for ease of use.
  • New property timeoutInMs on RetryOptions to configure the time to wait before declaring an attempt to have failed with OperationTimeoutError error which is retryable.
  • New properties mode and maxRetryDelayInMs on RetryOptions to configure the exponential retry mode that is now supported

5.0.0-preview.1 (2019-06-28)

Version 5.0.0-preview.1 is a preview of our efforts to create a client library that is user friendly and idiomatic to the Javascript ecosystem. The reasons for most of the changes in this update can be found in the Azure SDK Design Guidelines for TypeScript. For more information, please visit

Breaking changes

  • Creating an instance of EventHubClient is now done using constructor overloads instead of static helpers.
    • If you previously used the createFromTokenProvider static helper to provide your own custom token provider, you will now need to update the provider to follow the new TokenCredential interface instead.
    • If you previously used the @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth library to provide AAD credentials, you will now need to use the new @azure/identity library instead.
  • The send methods are moved from the EventHubClient class to the new EventHubProducer class.
    • Use the createProducer() function on the EventHubClient to create an instance of a EventHubProducer.
    • Each producer represents a dedicated AMQP sender link to Azure Event Hubs.
    • The EventData type used for the data being sent only supports a body for the content being sent and a properties bag to hold any custom metadata you want to send. The properties corresponding to a received event are removed from this type and a separate type ReceivedEventData is used for received events.
  • The receive methods are moved from the EventHubClient class to the new EventHubConsumer class.
    • Use the createConsumer() function on the EventHubClient to create an instance of a EventHubConsumer.
    • Each consumer represents a dedicated AMQP receiver link to Azure Event Hubs based on the flavor of receive function being used i.e receiveBatch() that receives events in a batch vs receive() that provides a streaming receiver.
    • The static methods EventPosition.fromStart() and EventPosition.fromEnd() are renamed to EventPosition.earliest() and EventPosition.latest() respectively.
  • Inspecting Event Hub
    • The methods getHubRuntimeInformation() and getPartitionInformation() on the EventHubClient are renamed to getProperties() and getPartitionProperties() respectively. Please refer to the return types of these functions to ensure you are using the right property names.

New features

  • You can now configure retry options that are used to govern retry attempts when a retryable error occurs. These can be set when creating the EventHubClient, EventHubProducer and EventHubConsumer
  • You can now pass an abort signal to any of the async operations. This signal can be used to cancel such operations. Use the package @azure/abort-controller to create such abort signals.
  • An async iterator is now available to receive events after you create an instance of EventHubConsumer. Use the function getEventIterator() on the consumer to get a AsyncIterableIterator which you can then use in a loop or use it's next() function to receive events.

Next Steps

  • Refer to the API reference documentation to get an overview of the entire API surface.
  • Refer to our samples to understand the usage of the new APIs.

2.1.0 (2019-06-10)

  • Added support for WebSockets. WebSockets enable Event Hubs to work over an HTTP proxy and in environments where the standard AMQP port 5671 is blocked. Refer to the websockets sample to see how to use WebSockets.
  • @types/async-lock has been moved to being a dependency from a dev-dependency. This fixes the bug 3240

2.0.0 (2019-03-26)

Breaking Changes

  • If you have been using the createFromAadTokenCredentials function to create an instance of the EventHubClient, you will now need to use the @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth library instead of ms-rest-azure library to create the credentials that are needed by the createFromAadTokenCredentials function. - Typescript: Replace import * from "ms-rest-azure"; with import * from "@azure/ms-rest-nodeauth"; - Javascript: Replace require("ms-rest-azure") with require("@azure/ms-rest-nodeauth")
  • If you have been passing a non string value in the partitionKey property on the message when sending it using the EventHubClient, an error will now be thrown. This property only supports string values.

Bug fixes and other changes

  • A network connection lost error is now treated as retryable error. A new error with name ConnectionLostError is introduced for this scenario which you can see if you enable the logs.
  • When recovering from an error that caused the underlying AMQP connection to get disconnected, rhea reconnects all the older AMQP links on the connection resulting in the below 2 errors in the logs. We now clear rhea's internal map to avoid such reconnections. We already have code in place to create new AMQP links to resume send/receive operations. - InvalidOperationError: A link to connection '.....' $cbs node has already been opened. - UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized access. 'Listen' claim(s) are required to perform this operation.
  • Enabled the esModuleInterop compilerOption in the tsconfig.json file for this library to be compliant with the best practices.

1.0.8 (2018-12-14)

  • Use isItselfClosed() instead of isClosed() in rhea to correctly determine if the sdk initiated close on receiver/sender. This ensures that on connection issues like the ECONNRESET error, the receivers get re-connected properly thus fixing the bug 174

1.0.7 (2018-10-25)

  • Only set message_id while sending the message, when provided by caller PR.

1.0.6 (2018-10-01)

  • export EventHubConnectionConfig from the library.

1.0.5 (2018-10-01)

  • Moved lib/amqp-common to "@azure/amqp-common" package and took a dependency on it.
  • Moved lib/rhea-promise to "rhea-promise" package and took a dependency on it.
  • Fixed issues where the private instance of rhea receiver or sender were undefined when *_open and *_close events happened instantaneously.

1.0.4 (2018-09-26)

  • update the version of ms-rest-azure to "2.5.9"

1.0.3 (2018-09-19)

  • EventPosition.fromSequenceNumber() accepts 0 as a valid argument.
  • client.receive() and client.receiveBatch() accept partitionId as a string | number.
  • User's error handler in client.receive() will only be notified if the user did not close the receiver and the error is not retryable.

1.0.2 (2018-09-14)

  • client.getPartitionInformation() should works as expected when partitionId is of type number | string.

1.0.1 (2018-09-12)

  • Stable version of the libray.

0.2.10 (2018-09-11)

  • Added support to provide custom user-agent string that will be appended to the default user agent string.

0.2.9 (2018-09-11)

  • Updated examples and content in

0.2.8 (2018-08-31)

  • Fixed issue
    • Added error handlers to the $management sender/receiver links.
    • Added error handlers to the amqp session of the $management and $cbs sender/receiver links.
  • Exported AadTokenProvider and SasTokenProvider from the client.

0.2.7 (2018-08-29)

  • Improved logging statements to the connection context.
  • Added timeout to promisifed creation/closing of rhea sender, receiver, session, connection.
  • Fixed a bug in the EventData deserialization logic by checking for != undefined check rather than the ! check.
  • While handling disconnects we retry for 150 times at an interval of 15 seconds as long the error is retryable.

0.2.6 (2018-08-07)

  • Improved log statements.
  • Documented different mechanisms of getting the debug logs in README.
  • Minimum dependency on "rhea": "^0.2.18".
  • Fixed bugs in recovery logic
  • Added support to recover from session close for sender and receiver
  • Added a new property isConnecting that provides information whether a linkEntity is currently in the process of establishing itself.
  • Using is_closed() method of sender, receiver and session in rhea to determine whether the sdk initiated the close.
  • MessagingError is retryable by default.
  • Added support to translate node.js SystemError into AmqpError.
  • Added a new static method createFromTokenProvider() on the EventHubClient where customers can provide their own TokenProvider.

0.2.5 (2018-07-17)

  • Improved log statements
  • Updated
  • Updated dependency rhea to "^0.2.16" instead of github dependency.

0.2.4 (2018-07-16)

  • Added support to handle disconnects and link timeout errors.
  • Fixed client examples link in README.
  • Updated issue templates
  • Improvised the example structure
  • Moved the common stuff to amqp-common and added Connection, Session, Sender, Receiver objects to rhea-promise.
  • Improved tsconfig.json and tslint.json config files.
  • Added import "mocha" to all the test files, inorder to get rid of red squiggles in vscode.
  • Replaced crypto with jssha which is browser compatible

0.2.3 (2018-06-13)

  • Minor doc fixes and sample updates.
  • Add a listener for the disconnected event after opening the connection.

0.2.2 (2018-05-23)

  • Fixed the partitionkey issue while sending events. #73.
  • Bumped the minimum dependency on rhea to 0.2.13. This gives us type definitions for rhea.
  • returns the connection object. This makes it easy to extract common functionality to a separate library.

0.2.1 (2018-05-09)

  • Added support to create EventHubClient from an IotHub connectionstring. The following can be done
const client = await EventHubClient.createFromIotHubConnectionString(
  • Internal design changes:
    • ManagementClient also does cbs auth before making the management request.
    • EventHubSender, EventHubReceiver, ManagementClient inherit from a base class ClientEntity.
    • Moved opening the connection to CbSClient as that is the first thing that should happen after opening the connection. This reduces calls to all over the sdk and puts them at one place in the init() method on the CbsClient.

0.2.0 (2018-05-02)

  • Added functionality to encode/decode the messages sent and received.
  • Created an options object in the client.createFromConnectionString() and the EventHubClient constructor. This is a breaking change. However moving to an options object design reduces the chances of breaking changes in the future. This options object will:
  • have the existing optional tokenProvider property
  • and a new an optional property named dataTransformer. You can provide your own transformer. If not provided then we will use the DefaultDataTransformer. This should be applicable for majority of the scenarios and will ensure that messages are interoperable between different Azure services. It fixes issue #60.

0.1.2 (2018-04-26)

  • Added missing dependency for uuid package and nit fixes in the

0.1.1 (2018-04-24)

  • Changing client.receiveOnMessage() to client.receive() as that is a better naming convention and is in sync with other language sdks.

0.1.0 (2018-04-23)

  • Previously we were depending on amqp10 package for the amqp protocol. Moving forward we will be depending on rhea.
  • The public facing API of this library has major breaking changes from the previous version 0.0.8. Please take a look at the Readme and the examples directory for detailed samples.
  • Removed the need to say First call to create a sender, receiver or get metadata about the hub or partition will establish the AMQP connection.
  • Added support to authenticate via Service Principal credentials, MSITokenCredentials, DeviceTokenCredentials.
    • This should make it easy for customers to login once using the above mentioned credentials,
      • Create the EventHubs infrastructure on the Azure management/control plane programmatically using (azure-arm-eventhubs) package over HTTPS prtocol.
      • Use the same credentials to send and receive messages to the EventHub using this library over AMQP protocol.
  • Provided a promise based API to create senders/receivers off the EventHubClient.
  • Added capability to send multiple messages by batching them together.
  • Added capability to receive predefined number of messages for a specified amount of time. Note that this method will receive all the messages and return an array of EventData objects.
  • Added capability to create an epoch receiver.
  • Simplified the mechanism to specify the EventPosition from which to receive messages from the EventHub.
  • Added proper TypeScript type definitions to the library that improves the intellisense experience for our customers.

0.0.8 (2017-05-18)

  • Fixed a race condition within the AMQP redirection code when using an IoT Hub connection string.
  • Disabled auto-retry of AMQP connections in amqp10 since the current client is not built to handle them and fails when retrying.

0.0.7 (2017-03-31)

  • Pulled changes for #14 and #20/#21.
  • Special thanks to @kurtb and @ali92hm for their contributions!

0.0.6 (2017-01-13)

  • Added support for message properties in the EventData structure.