What's Changed
- Add data type conversion test by @cydrain in #653
- Update BruteForce ut for multi data type by @cydrain in #656
- Clean build warnings by @cydrain in #657
- Support numpy array to sparse dataset in pyknowhere api by @chasingegg in #654
- cagra support train on gpu, search on cpu, use hnswlib by @Presburger in #661
- Add following APIs to facilitate DataSet conversion by @cydrain in #659
- Update all APIs' input parameter to 'const DataSetPtr' by @cydrain in #667
- not check diskann range_search params max_k < min_k if with_cardinal by @alwayslove2013 in #664
- fix aix compilation by @alexanderguzhva in #665
- propagate faiss changes from (24 Jun 2024) by @alexanderguzhva in #663
- [range search] iterator stops only if exceeds radius several times consecutively. by @alwayslove2013 in #671
- [skip e2e] Automated Update Cardinal Commit by @sre-ci-robot in #673
- refactor memory management by @alexanderguzhva in #569
- remove additional metric_type definition from diskann_config by @alwayslove2013 in #674
- [fix] serialize on empty index by @foxspy in #677
- [skip e2e] Automated Update Cardinal Commit by @sre-ci-robot in #680
- a theoretical fix for binary data type by @alexanderguzhva in #676
- Fix uneven loading of gpu memory when use multi device by @Presburger in #681
- [skip ci] Update cardinal version by @foxspy in #684
- fix possible memory leak caused by iterator by @zhengbuqian in #689
- fix diskann range_search config: search_list_size should for_range_search by @alwayslove2013 in #694
Full Changelog: v2.3.5...v2.3.6