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Releases: open-quantum-safe/liboqs

liboqs version 0.9.2 release candidate 1

11 Jan 16:55
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liboqs version 0.9.2-rc1


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography. More information on OQS can be found on our website: and on Github at

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Details about liboqs can be found in See in particular limitations on intended use.

liboqs can be used with the following Open Quantum Safe application integrations:

Several demos are available for using the above libraries in applications, including Apache, Chromium, curl, haproxy, nginx, and Wireshark. Performance of liboqs in several settings is measured at

liboqs can also be used in the following programming languages via language-specific wrappers:

Release notes

This is release candidate 1 of version 0.9.2 of liboqs. It was released on January 11, 2024.

This release is a security release which fixes potential non-constant-time behaviour in Kyber based on pq-crystals/kyber@272125f

What's New

This release continues from the 0.9.1 release of liboqs.

Key encapsulation mechanisms

  • Kyber: C, AVX2, and aarch64 implementation updated

Detailed changelog

Full Changelog: 0.9.1...0.9.2-rc1

liboqs version 0.9.1

22 Dec 20:28
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liboqs version 0.9.1


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography. More information on OQS can be found on our website: and on Github at

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Details about liboqs can be found in See in particular limitations on intended use.

liboqs can be used with the following Open Quantum Safe application integrations:

Several demos are available for using the above libraries in applications, including Apache, Chromium, curl, haproxy, nginx, and Wireshark. Performance of liboqs in several settings is measured at

liboqs can also be used in the following programming languages via language-specific wrappers:

Release notes

This is version 0.9.1 of liboqs. It was released on December 22, 2023.

This release is a security release which fixes potential non-constant-time behaviour in Kyber based on pq-crystals/kyber@dda29cc

What's New

This release continues from the 0.9.0 release of liboqs.

Key encapsulation mechanisms

  • Kyber: C, AVX2, and aarch64 implementation updated

Detailed changelog

  • pull kyber from upstream: dda29cc63af721981ee2c831cf00822e69be3220 (#1631) by @dstebila in #1633
  • Apply patch to Kyber aarch64 code from PQClean for variable-time division issue -> targeting 0.9.1 by @bhess in #1637

Full Changelog: 0.9.0...0.9.1

liboqs version 0.9.1 release candidate 1

19 Dec 20:17
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liboqs version 0.9.1-rc1


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography. More information on OQS can be found on our website: and on Github at

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Details about liboqs can be found in See in particular limitations on intended use.

liboqs can be used with the following Open Quantum Safe application integrations:

Several demos are available for using the above libraries in applications, including Apache, Chromium, curl, haproxy, nginx, and Wireshark. Performance of liboqs in several settings is measured at

liboqs can also be used in the following programming languages via language-specific wrappers:

Release notes

This is release candidate 1 for version 0.9.1 of liboqs. It was released on December 19, 2023.

This release is a security release which fixes potential non-constant-time behaviour in Kyber based on pq-crystals/kyber@dda29cc

What's New

This release continues from the 0.9.0 release of liboqs.

Key encapsulation mechanisms

  • Kyber: C, AVX2, and aarch64 implementation

Detailed changelog

  • pull kyber from upstream: dda29cc63af721981ee2c831cf00822e69be3220 (#1631) by @dstebila in #1633
  • Apply patch to Kyber aarch64 code from PQClean for variable-time division issue -> targeting 0.9.1 by @bhess in #1637

Full Changelog: 0.9.0...0.9.1-rc1

liboqs version 0.9.0

12 Oct 20:43
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liboqs version 0.9.0


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography. More information on OQS can be found on our website: and on Github at

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Details about liboqs can be found in See in particular limitations on intended use.

liboqs can be used with the following Open Quantum Safe application integrations:

Several demos are available for using the above libraries in applications, including Apache, Chromium, curl, haproxy, nginx, and Wireshark. Performance of liboqs in several settings is measured at

liboqs can also be used in the following programming languages via language-specific wrappers:

Release notes

This is version 0.9.0 of liboqs. It was released on October 12, 2023.

This release features an update to the Classic McEliece KEM, bringing it in line with NIST Round 4. It also adds or updates ARM implementations for Kyber, Dilithium, and Falcon.

What's New

This release continues from the 0.8.0 release of liboqs.

Key encapsulation mechanisms

  • Classic McEliece: updated to Round 4 version.
  • Kyber: aarch64 implementation updated.

Digital signature schemes

  • Dilithium: aarch64 implementation updated.
  • Falcon: aarch64 implementation added.

Other changes

  • Update algorithm documentation
  • Support compilation for Windows on ARM64, Apple mobile, and Android platforms
  • Improve resilience of randombytes on Apple systems

Release call

Users of liboqs are invited to join a webinar on Thursday, November 2, 2023, from 12-1pm US Eastern time for information on this release, plans for the next release cycle, and to provide feedback on OQS usage and features.

The Zoom link for the webinar is:

Detailed changelog

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.8.0...0.9.0

liboqs version 0.8.0

08 Jun 00:51
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liboqs version 0.8.0


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography. More information on OQS can be found on our website: and on Github at

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Details about liboqs can be found in See in particular limitations on intended use.

liboqs can be used with the following Open Quantum Safe application integrations:

  • OQS-OpenSSL 1.1.1: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of OpenSSL 1.1.1; see the OQS-OpenSSL-1_1_1-stable branch of our OpenSSL fork's repository.
  • oqs-provider: A standalone prototype OpenSSL 3 provider enabling liboqs-based quantum-safe and hybrid key authentication and exchange for TLS 1.3, X.509 certificate generation and CMS operations.
  • OQS-BoringSSL: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of BoringSSL; see
  • OQS-OpenSSH: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into Secure Shell (SSH) version 2 in our fork of OpenSSH; see

Several demos are available for using the above libraries in applications, including Apache, Chromium, curl, haproxy, nginx, and Wireshark. Performance of liboqs in several settings is measured at

liboqs can also be used in the following programming languages via language-specific wrappers:

Release notes

This is version 0.8.0 of liboqs. It was released on June 7, 2023.

What's New

This release continues from the 0.7.2 release of liboqs.

This release features many algorithm updates, including removal of algorithms and variants no longer proceeding through NIST standardization and updates to newer versions. See the detailed list of algorithm updates below.

Key encapsulation mechanisms

  • BIKE: updated to Round 4 version.
  • Kyber: 90s variants were removed.
  • NTRU Prime: All variants were removed, except for sntrup761.
  • Saber: removed.

Digital signature schemes

  • Dilithium; AES variants were removed.
  • Falcon: updated to the 2023-02-07 version.
  • Picnic: removed.
  • Rainbow: removed.
  • SPHINCS+: updated to version 3.1; SPHINCS+-Haraka variants were removed; SPHINCS+-SHA256 and SPHINCS+-SHAKE variants were renamed

Other changes

  • Add Cryptographic Bill of Materials (CBOM)
  • Improve building on ARM platforms
  • Improve performance when using OpenSSL 3 for symmetric cryptography
  • Increment shared object library version
  • New configure-time options for algorithm selections
  • pkgconfig file now available

Known issues

  • Issue #1488: 32-bit builds fail in Microsoft Visual C for Falcon AVX code

Detailed changelog

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liboqs version 0.7.2

21 Aug 19:54
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liboqs version 0.7.2


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography. More information on OQS can be found on our website: and on Github at

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Details about liboqs can be found in See in particular limitations on intended use.

liboqs can be used with the following Open Quantum Safe application integrations:

  • OQS-OpenSSL 1.1.1: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of OpenSSL 1.1.1; see the OQS-OpenSSL-1_1_1-stable branch of our OpenSSL fork's repository.
  • oqs-provider: A standalone prototype OpenSSL 3 provider enabling liboqs-based quantum-safe and hybrid key exchange for TLS 1.3, and post-quantum and hybrid X.509 certificate generation and CMS operations.
  • OQS-BoringSSL: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of BoringSSL; see
  • OQS-OpenSSH: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into Secure Shell (SSH) version 2 in our fork of OpenSSH; see

Several demos are available for using the above libraries in applications, including Apache, Chromium, curl, haproxy, nginx, and Wireshark. Performance of liboqs in several settings is measured at

liboqs can also be used in the following programming languages via language-specific wrappers:

Release notes

This is version 0.7.2 of liboqs. It was released on August 21, 2022.

Security considerations

This release removes Rainbow level 1 and all variants of SIDH and SIKE due to cryptanalytic breaks of those algorithms. Users are advised to move away from use of those algorithms immediately.

What's New

This release continues from the 0.7.1 release of liboqs.

The goal of this release is to provide a final release for algorithms that were included in Round 3 of the NIST Post-Quantum Standardization project. As the security status of some algorithms changed during Round 3, it drops algorithms known to be broken as of release (Rainbow level 1, SIKE). Some algorithms also updated their specification during Round 3; version 0.7.2 does not incorporate any algorithm changes that result in different input/output behaviour compared to version 0.7.1; such changes will included in version 0.8.0.

The next release of liboqs, version 0.8.0, will remove some algorithms that did not advance beyond NIST Round 3, update implementations based on algorithm/specification revisions that happened during Round 3, and begin to incorporate Round 4 changes. Discussion of algorithms to be removed in version 0.8.0 can be found in #1245.

Key encapsulation mechanisms

  • Kyber: Update implementation and switch use of symmetric crypto to OQS common code
  • HQC: Fix build on gcc-12
  • SIKE: Remove SIKE due to break (

Digital signature schemes

  • Dilithium: Add ARMv8 optimized implementation and switch use of symmetric crypto to OQS common code
  • Picnic: Update implementation
  • Rainbow: Remove Rainbow level 1 due to break (

Other changes

  • Add support for building on powerpc64
  • Update XKCP implementation
  • Improve SHA2 implementation on ARMv8
  • Improve AES implementation on ARMv8
  • Add aarch64 CPU feature detection on FreeBSD
  • Improve cross-compiling on Windows
  • Enable integration of liboqs into other CMake-based projects
  • Increment shared object library version

Detailed changelog

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liboqs version 0.7.1

16 Dec 18:40
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liboqs version 0.7.1


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography. More information on OQS can be found on our website: and on Github at

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Details about liboqs can be found in See in particular limitations on intended use.

liboqs can be used with the following Open Quantum Safe application integrations:

  • OQS-OpenSSL 1.1.1: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of OpenSSL 1.1.1; see the OQS-OpenSSL-1_1_1-stable branch of our OpenSSL fork's repository.
  • oqs-provider: A standalone prototype of liboqs-based key exchange for TLS 1.3 using the OpenSSL 3 (alpha) provider integration mechanism.
  • OQS-BoringSSL: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of BoringSSL; see
  • OQS-OpenSSH: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into Secure Shell (SSH) version 2 in our fork of OpenSSH; see

Several demos are available for using the above libraries in applications, including Apache, Chromium, curl, haproxy, nginx, and Wireshark. Performance of liboqs in several settings is measured at

liboqs can also be used in the following programming languages via language-specific wrappers:

Release notes

This is version 0.7.1 of liboqs. It was released on December 16, 2021.

What's New

This release continues from the 0.7.0 release of liboqs.

Key encapsulation mechanisms

  • Add NTRU level 5 parameter sets (ntruhps40961229, ntruhrss1373)
  • Add NTRU Prime level 5 parameter sets (ntrulpr1277, sntrup1277)
  • Add ARMv8 aarch64 optimized implementations of Kyber and SABER
  • Minor updates to Kyber, NTRU, NTRU Prime, and SIKE implementations

Digital signature schemes

  • Minor updates to Dilithium implementation

Other changes

  • Optimized AES implementation on ARMv8 with crypto extensions.
  • Preliminary support for building on S390x platform
  • Improved build configurations on ARM platforms
  • Improvements to benchmarking harness, with improved precision on ARM platforms

Detailed changelog

Full Changelog: 0.7.0...0.7.1

liboqs version 0.7.0

11 Aug 21:23
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liboqs version 0.7.0


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography. More information on OQS can be found on our website: and on Github at

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Details about liboqs can be found in See in particular limitations on intended use.

liboqs can be used with the following Open Quantum Safe application integrations:

  • OQS-OpenSSL 1.1.1: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of OpenSSL 1.1.1; see the OQS-OpenSSL-1_1_1-stable branch of our OpenSSL fork's repository.
  • oqs-provider: A standalone prototype of liboqs-based key exchange for TLS 1.3 using the OpenSSL 3 (alpha) provider integration mechanism.
  • OQS-BoringSSL: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of BoringSSL; see

Several demos are available for using the above libraries in applications, including Apache, Chromium, curl, haproxy, and nginx. Performance of liboqs in several settings is measured at

liboqs can also be used in the following programming languages via language-specific wrappers:

Release notes

This is version 0.7.0 of liboqs. It was released on August 11, 2021.

What's New

This release continues from the 0.6.0 release of liboqs.

Key encapsulation mechanisms

  • Update BIKE to Round 3 (version 3.2) -- add BIKE1, BIKE3, remove BIKE1-L1-CPA, BIKE1-L1-FO, BIKE1-L3-CPA, BIKE1-L3-FO
  • Update NTRU Prime implementation
  • Update SIKE implementation
  • Remove OQS_KEM_DEFAULT alias

Digital signature schemes

  • Remove OQS_SIG_DEFAULT alias

Other changes

  • Allow liboqs to build on other architectures, with preliminary builds on ppc64le and x86.
  • Support for building liboqs on Apple Silicon
  • New algorithm datasheets with more details on implementations.
  • Optimized SHA-256 implementation on ARMv8 with crypto extensions.

liboqs version 0.6.0

08 Jun 14:43
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liboqs version 0.6.0


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography. More information on OQS can be found on our website: and on Github at

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Details about liboqs can be found in See in particular limitations on intended use.

liboqs can be used with the following Open Quantum Safe application integrations:

  • OQS-OpenSSL 1.1.1: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of OpenSSL 1.1.1; see the OQS-OpenSSL-1_1_1-stable branch of our OpenSSL fork's repository.
  • oqs-provider: A standalone prototype of liboqs-based key exchange for TLS 1.3 using the OpenSSL 3 (alpha) provider integration mechanism.
  • OQS-BoringSSL: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of BoringSSL; see

Several demos are available for using the above libraries in applications, including Apache, Chromium, curl, haproxy, and nginx. Performance of liboqs in several settings is measured at

liboqs can also be used in the following programming languages via language-specific wrappers:

Release notes

This is version 0.6.0 of liboqs. It was released on June 8, 2021.

What's New

This release continues from the 0.5.0 release of liboqs.

Key encapsulation mechanisms

  • Update Classic McEliece implementation
  • Bug fixes in SIKE
  • Bug fixes in HQC
  • Change unsigned char to uint8_t in KEM API
  • Fix wrong NIST level for Kyber768-90s

Digital signature schemes

  • Update SPHINCS+ to Round 3 version

Other changes

  • Improve random number generator when not relying on OpenSSL
  • Improve run-time and compile-time guarding of optimized code
  • Remove (unused) AES decryption code from common symmetric encryption code
  • Replace AES plain C implementation with a constant-time version
  • Update Windows cross-compiling toolchain
  • Build options changed:
    • By default, liboqs is now no longer built by default with CPU runtime feature detection and thus resulting executables may crash if not compiled suitably for the CPU on which the code shall be executed. For Docker files, we recommend setting OQS_DIST_BUILD to obtain code able to handle different CPU feature sets. Also, OQS_OPT_TARGET can be used to target a specific CPU at compile time. These flags are documented on the build options wiki page.

liboqs version 0.5.0

10 Mar 18:31
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liboqs version 0.5.0


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography. More information on OQS can be found on our website: and on Github at

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Details about liboqs can be found in See in particular limitations on intended use.

liboqs can be used with the following Open Quantum Safe application integrations:

  • OQS-OpenSSL 1.1.1: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of OpenSSL 1.1.1; see the OQS-OpenSSL-1_1_1-stable branch of our OpenSSL fork's repository.
  • oqs-provider: A standalone prototype of liboqs-based key exchange for TLS 1.3 using the OpenSSL 3 (alpha) provider integration mechanism.
  • OQS-OpenSSH: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into SSH in our fork of OpenSSH 7.9; see the OQS-master branch of our OpenSSH fork's repository.
  • OQS-BoringSSL: A prototype integration of liboqs-based authentication and key exchange into TLS 1.3 in our fork of BoringSSL; see

Several demos are available for using the above libraries in applications, including Apache, Chromium, curl, haproxy, and nginx. Performance of liboqs in several settings is measured at

liboqs can also be used in the following programming languages via language-specific wrappers:

Release notes

This is version 0.5.0 of liboqs. It was released on March 10, 2021.

What's New

This release continues from the 0.4.0 release of liboqs. Its main goal is to incorporate updates submitted to Round 3 of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Project.


As a result of NIST's announcement of Round 3 of the Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Project, the 0.4.x series was the last release of liboqs to contain algorithms from Round 2 that are not Round 3 finalists or alternate candidates. Those algorithms have been removed in the 0.5.0 series. The algorithms in question are: NewHope, ThreeBears, MQDSS, and qTesla.

Key encapsulation mechanisms

  • BIKE: No changes.
  • Classic McEliece: Added AVX2 implementation.
  • FrodoKEM: Incorporate upstream bug fixes and add runtime CPU feature detection for AVX2/AES-NI implementation.
  • HQC: Update to Round 3 version.
  • Kyber: Update to Round 3 version.
  • NTRU: Incorporate upstream bug fixes.
  • NTRUPrime: Add NTRUPrime.
  • Saber: Update to Round 3 version.
  • SIKE: Update to version 3.4.

Digital signature schemes

  • Dilithium: Update to version 3.1.
  • Falcon: Update to Round 3 version.
  • Picnic: Update to Picnic v3.0.4.
  • Rainbow: Update to Round 3 version.
  • SPHINCS+: Incorporate upstream bug fixes.

Other changes

  • Support for building liboqs with CPU extensions has been enhanced, and most implementations now have runtime CPU feature detection.
  • A tool for benchmarking memory usage has been added (test_kem_mem and test_sig_mem).
  • Valgrind is used to check for secret-dependent branch throughout the library. Note that not all implementations currently avoid secret-dependent branching; see tests/constant_time for details.