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Joshua Vasquez edited this page May 18, 2020 · 18 revisions

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Duet 2 + Duex5 Wiring


All wires needed for the frame are called out in the diagram below. This wiring configuration matches the existing config files.


Stay tuned for tool harness wiring and suggestions.

Check out the Crimping page for photos of some of the connectors used when wiring Jubilee.

For starters, check out the Duet2's Dozuki documentation for wiring a generic machine.

Wiring FAQs

  • Why is V- connected to GND? Internally, these power supplies do not electrically connect V- to GND. This is for added flexibility from the manufacturer in cases where you might want to stack power supplies to create higher voltages. First off, note that in our situation, the frame is connected to GND. We want V- to be connected to GND such that any detached live wires that contact any metal surfaces short to GND and blow a fuse, disabling the machine but not destroying any other electronics other than the fuse.
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