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3D Printing from Prusa Slicer

erikmcclain edited this page Apr 18, 2020 · 12 revisions

To get started, download Prusa Slicer and install the Prusa Slicer Jubilee Configuration.

When you first open Prusa Slicer, the Configuration Assistant pops up. Click "Next" through Prusa FFF and Prusa MSLA, and Custom Printer settings, choose your update settings, then hit "Finish".

How to import the PrusaSlicer config

  1. Download the PrusaSlicer config to a folder on your computer (NOTE: make sure the file is saved with the file extension .ini)
  2. Open the PrusaSlicer application
  3. From the application menu, select: File > Import > Import Config Bundle
  4. Select your saved config file

If your config loaded correctly, you should now see the Jubilee printer listed under user presets in the PrusaSlicer settings menus.

Getting the machine ready for printing.

Ensure the bed plate is installed and clear of debris.

Turn on Jubilee and home the machine.

Monochrome Printing

TODO: write the section on selecting slicer settings.

Start your GCode file with the upload-and-start button on the Duet UI.

Multimaterial Printing

TODO: write this

Adding the Jubilee build plate to Prusa Slicer

Prusa Bed Model

Add the files from the link below to a directory on your PC, note if you ever change the files path you will need to re-link the files in Prusa Slicer

To add the files follow these steps.

  1. Open the printer settings tab
  2. Press the "Set..." button under "Size and coordinates" for "Bed Shape"
  3. Load the "Jubilee_Bed_Graphic.png" to "Texture"
  4. Load the "Jubilee Prusa Plate.stl" to "Model" and press "OK"

Applying Prusa Bed Model

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