Releases: machawk1/wail
Releases · machawk1/wail
WAIL v0.2025.03.03
- Update to Heritrix 3.7.0 (#458)
- Update and test with newer versions of macOS (#446, #490, #533) and Python (#461, #543, #572)
- Improve UI (#459, #467, #473, #480, #492, #505, #527, #534, #552, #555, #557, #455, #466)
- Update and better integrate with latest version of MemGator (#453, #481, #485, #518, #523, #546, #583)
- Improve the UX flow for accessing a capture (#440)
- Fix issue that could make the web interface inaccessible in Windows (#435)
- Port to Apple Silicon (#494)
- Fix crashing bug when right-clicking on Heritrix tab (#430)
- Fix issue with Heritrix jobs created with the homebrew version of WAIL failing (#428)
- Fix issue with parsing of include tools' versions (#585)
What's Changed
- Htrix fixes by @machawk1 in #438
- Adapt travis config and makefile to build and test for Linux by @machawk1 in #439
- Fix Check Archives modal UX by @machawk1 in #441
- Retain WARCs when building from source by @machawk1 in #442
- Change string conversion of status checks in UI for by @machawk1 in #449
- Update Python to 3.8 on Windows and Linux by @machawk1 in #450
- Show crawl info when listbox item selected and new crawl UI display is visible by @machawk1 in #451
- Update to latest MemGator. Closes #453 by @machawk1 in #454
- Fix empty version caused by Py3 UnicodeDecodeError. Closes #455 by @machawk1 in #456
- Move memento count updates to a status bar instead of in the frame by @machawk1 in #460
- Change logo in README to be transparent. Closes #464 by @machawk1 in #465
- F string py 3 refactor by @machawk1 in #468
- Add flag to support dark mode in newer versions of macOS by @machawk1 in #469
- Fix version number in About box on Windows by @machawk1 in #470
- Fail harder when Java is not detected on Windows by @machawk1 in #471
- Update window dimensions to account for Adv->Heritrix->New Crawl UI. by @machawk1 in #474
- Check if Travis supports Py 3.8 for macOS by @machawk1 in #475
- Refactoring by @machawk1 in #478
- Integrate MemGator's server mode instead of one-off calls by @machawk1 in #482
- Fix issue of statusbar disappearing and requiring an inactive window to update its value by @machawk1 in #483
- Integrate MemGator with local Wayback instance by @machawk1 in #487
- Fix display of memgator version in GUI by @machawk1 in #495
- Update icon to align with Big Sur style by @machawk1 in #496
- Fix issue of reading job build status from the GUI by @machawk1 in #497
- Integrate with GitHub Action by @machawk1 in #501
- Update OS to newer Ubuntu and other dependencies by @machawk1 in #504
- Fix issue of symbols not displaying in the Linux interface by @machawk1 in #506
- Build native (Apple Silicon) version of WAIL when building on a machine w/ an ARM processor by @machawk1 in #514
- Fix state column value horizontal alignment by @machawk1 in #519
- Fix initial MemGator status polling by @machawk1 in #524
- Adapt statusbar to clear when Advanced UI is displayed by @machawk1 in #526
- Fix context menu on renamed Heritrix jobs by @machawk1 in #528
- Prevent menu selection from updating the statusbar by @machawk1 in #529
- Refactor classnames to match style, mv magic strings to config by @machawk1 in #531
- Comply further with pep8, rm install location short-circuit by @machawk1 in #532
- Adjust window height to accommodate Heritrix tab UI by @machawk1 in #535
- Tweak UI element widths for Big Sur by @machawk1 in #536
- Provide explicit width for crawl jobs listbox to prevent truncation by @machawk1 in #537
- DRY for Services button creation by @machawk1 in #539
- Associate the service off value with that which is defined in the config by @machawk1 in #540
- Add additional time to sleep before launching the app to debug by @machawk1 in #541
- Tweak windows hostname for local aggregator for windows 11 by @machawk1 in #547
- Prevent status bar button from displaying on Windows as discussed in #548 by @machawk1 in #549
- Use architecture-specific version of MemGator on Linux by @machawk1 in #551
- Read button label parameter when generating by @machawk1 in #553
- Update wxPython requirements with better platform support by @machawk1 in #554
- Fix GUI element padding by @machawk1 in #556
- Fix visibility toggle of local archive indication button in the status bar by @machawk1 in #558
- Tweak var name to use snake case by @machawk1 in #560
- Use older version of charset_normalizer to allow universal macOS binary to build by @machawk1 in #562
- Fix vertical position of status bar button by @machawk1 in #563
- Update wxPython in Docker image by @machawk1 in #566
- Add env variable to set default keyboard in docker for #564 by @machawk1 in #567
- Only build universal binary if universal2 Python is available by @machawk1 in #577
- Update GitHub actions to generate screenshots by @machawk1 in #578
- Add type hints by @machawk1 in #582
- Update to memgator rc-9 on all platforms by @machawk1 in #584
- Fix regexes for version checks to be raw string by @machawk1 in #586
- Update WAIL to use Heritrix 3.7 by @machawk1 in #588
- Update to Heritrix 3.7 (mitigate remote hanging up on bulk push) by @machawk1 in #589
Full Changelog: v0.2019.05.21...v0.2025.03.03
WAIL v0.2019.05.21
- Bundle latest OpenWayback version 2.4.0 (#419)
- Fix elements of WAIL's Heritrix UI from being smooshed together (#395)
- Replace old WAIL logo in OpenWayback replay (#353)
- Refactor Heritrix UI to be more vertically consistent (#420)
- Fix Linux issue where jobs listbox in Heritrix panel would not span whole column if empty (#400)
- Fix crash when right-clicking on whitespace in Heritrix jobs listbox (#430)
- Add option to rebuild and launch Heritrix crawls from WAIL UI (#392)
- Tweak Windows build (upcoming release) to have more consistent access to OpenWayback and Heritrix web UIs (#435)
- Fix issue of being unable to start Heritrix in upcoming Windows release (#398)
WAIL v0.2019.04.04
- Fix issue preventing initial querying of memento count on startup (#416)
- Fix memento count numerical delimiter on Linux (#410)
- Fix row alignment for Advanced>Services on Windows and Linux (#396)
- Bundle Java on macOS instead of going through awkward download-and-install procedure (#397, #359, #55)
- Fix locale issue on Linux (#401)
- Add a Dockerfile for Linux testing (#340, #405)
- Fix Java download causing crash (#367)
- Fix issue with UI elements painting over each other in Windows (#337)
- Overhaul UI to use wxPython sizers be more consistent UI across platforms (#307, #337, #305)
- Fix issue of Wayback status querying since move to Py3 basis (#390)
- Fix misspelling of tab title (#388)
- Populate Edit menu across platforms (#373)
- Adjust trigger for MemGator querying on Windows (#375)
- Tweak sizes on promo page to be more mobile friendly (#357)
- Adjust cross-platform Quit menu item implementation to be less...awkward (#374)
- Fix issue of version of app as displayed in Windows (#372)
- Adjust promo page comma display to be more representative of current state (#360)
- Fix issue that prevented crawl information from being displayed for crawls that are never built (#363)
- Prevent placeholder crawl status from being displayed in Advanced>Heritrix (#362)
- Fix placeholder issue with memento count (#308)
- Fix issue preventing memento count from being visible on Windows (#290)
- Tweak dock icon to be more visible on macOS (#336)
- Fix conflict between Mac and Windows menu configuration (#333)
WAIL v0.2019.02.09
- Updated to include latest OpenWayback (2.3.2) (#266)
- Added a plethora of menu options (#276)
- Display number of archives used for Memento count in interface (#282)
- Fix an issue of memento count displaying when none are available for a URI (#285)
- Update the WAIL icon (#293)
- Fix an issue with memento plurality (#295)
- Add place value delimited to memento count (#308)
- Update UI to me high resolution on macOS retina screens (#312)
- Fix an issue with the depth fields in the Advanced Crawl interface overstaying its visibility when context is lost (#314)
- Prevent stacking of redundant duplicate UI elements (#328)
- Fix Quit menu item capitalization (#330)
- Tweak dock icon to be more visible (#333)
WAIL v0.2017.07.26
- UI Tweaks
- Update to MemGator 1.0-RC7
WAIL v0.2016.07.09
- Update to MemGator-RC5
WAIL v0.2016.03.16
- Update to OpenWayback 2.3.0
WAIL v0.2016.01.12
- Automated build process.
- Fixed UI issues.
WAIL v0.2015.11.09
- Newest OpenWayback (2.2.0) and Heritrix (3.2.0)
- Integration with the pre-release of @ibnesayeed's MemGator Memento Aggregator
- UI Tweaks
- Overhaul of indexing system for CDX from previously used BDB (with automatic indexing)
WAIL v0.2015.10.21
Re-fix calendar view wayback logo from improperly added alias.