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hollie edited this page Sep 22, 2014 · 10 revisions

MisterHouse (Home Automation Software) Wiki

MisterHouse is an open source home automation program. It's fun, it's free, and it's entirely geeky! Written in Perl, it fires events based on time, web input, email messages, instant messages, socket messages, voice commands, serial data, bluetooth proximity, infrared IR signals, X10 and Insteon powerline signals, and many more. It currently runs on Windows 95/98/NT/2k/XP/Vista/7 and on most Unix based platforms, including Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and more) and Mac OSX.

Top links: MisterHouse Project Home Page (on SourceForge - Deprecated) - Introduction - Features - Download - Install - Docs - FAQ - Updates - Examples - Mail Lists - Articles/Links - Testimonials

Wiki Table of Contents

Please Contribute to This Wiki

This is a volunteer project, no money is collected, raised, or paid for any work contributed to this project. In order to survive, MisterHouse relies on the generosity of its users. If you use MisterHouse, please consider paying for it by __contributing some of your time to MisterHouse__. We realize that not everyone is capable of writing software code, but nearly everyone is capable of contributing user documentation.

So please if you see a mistake or you discover a problem/solution that is not documented here, please add it.

If you want edit permission, just create a github account and you can edit the wiki.

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