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Echo integration using Amazon Echo HA Bridge

Rick Steeves edited this page Jan 20, 2021 · 2 revisions

The updated version now a nicer UI for editing existing devices.

All versions can be found here:

I found the following bridge which allows the Echo to control pretty much any device. It works with the on/off commands, e.g.: Alexa turn on my kitchen lights Alexa turn off my kitchen lights

She simply responds with "OK" and since it's handled locally, it is fast. In most cases, my lights are on/off before she finishes saying OK

You need to include the URL for the on/off commands. Tthe URL could be a Perl script to kick off more than a simple lights on/off command.

This requires Java 8. Here's a description from the github page:

Emulates Philips Hue API to other home automation gateways. The Amazon Echo now supports Wemo and Philip Hue - great news if you own any of those devices! My house is pretty heavily invested in the Z-Wave using the Vera as the gateway and thought it would be nice to bridge the Amazon Echo.

Register a device, bind to some sort of on/off (Vera-style) URL

Here are the steps I used to install the bridge on my Synology

Amazon Echo HA Bridge install on Synology (it can be run on pretty much anything.. include Pi's)

mkdir /volume1/@appstore/Amazon_Echo_HA_Bridge/
cd /volume1/@appstore/Amazon_Echo_HA_Bridge/
curl -L >amazon-echo-bridge.jar

Insert this:

SYNOIP=$(ifconfig eth0|grep -oP "inet addr:\K[0-9.]+")
BASEPATH=$(dirname $0)
mkdir -p $LOGPATH
if [ -f $JARFILE ]; then
    CMD="nohup $JAVA -jar amazon-echo-bridge.jar --upnp.config.address=$SYNOIP"
    echo "Executing: $CMD"
    $CMD >> $LOGFILE &
    echo "Amazon Echo JAR file not found. Download from"
    echo "Rename or link it to '$JARFILE'"

(to override default HTTP port 8080, add --server.port=yyyy after the jar)

chmod +x

logs are in /volume1/@appstore/Amazon_Echo_HA_Bridge/log/amazon_bridge.log Be patient - start takes quite a while.

Add/remove devices: http://synology:8080/configurator.html

Bridge server: update the address with your server IP i.e.: http://synology:8080/api/devices

Add a new device

Name (i.e., Kitchen):

On URL: http://synology:8080/ia5/set?$kitchen_light=on Off URL: http://synology:8080/ia5/set?$kitchen_light=off

Go to Echo Settings and have her Discover Devices

or simply say

"Alexa discover devices"

Now you should be able to control your devices as follows:

"Alexa turn on/off <name>"

"Alexa turn on my kitchen light"

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