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ggodart edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 21 revisions


This page describes how to configure a Sonoff mini to work with Misterhouse, it should be read in conjunction with the Tasmota page in this wiki.

preparing the Sonoff mini

After you have flashed the mini with Tasmota, it will be configured as a generic device, so you need to go to its configuration screen and set up the relay and external switch. go to the device's Configuration -> Configure Module screen, and set the device to Generic(18). After it has rebooted, return to the same configure module screen and set D3-GPIO0 to Button 1, D2-GPIO4 to Switch 1, and D6-GPIO12 to Relay 1, save this and it will reboot again.

Next access the Configure MQTT screen and set the IP adress of your broker, the MQTT port it uses and a sensible name for the Topic, I use the same name as I intend to use for Misterhouse, leave other parameters as defaults.

Next prepare Misterhouse as per the Tasmota Wiki to add the changes to and, note these may already be in depending on when you downloaded Misterhouse.

Next add your broker coordinates to mh.ini e.g.

# Category = MQTT
# ********************************************************
CODE, require mqtt; #noloop

Substituting your brokers ip address for aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, and change the port number if you are not using the default. Make sure you set the topic to # and that your supports wildcards as described in the Wiki.

Now add the device to e.g.

MQTT_DEVICE, Sonoff_mini_2, , mqtt_1, cmnd/Sonoff_mini_2/POWER

Restart MH and you can now turn your device on and off using commands like

$v_Sonoff_mini = new Voice_Cmd('Sonoff mini [on,off]');

# handle sonoff mini tests
if ( $state = said $v_Sonoff_mini) {
	print_log("setting sonoff mini to $state");
	$Sonoff_mini_2->set( $state, "voice command: testing sonoff mini" );

if ( $state = state_now $Sonoff_mini_2) {
	print_log("sonoff mini changed to $state ");

The built in button and the switch (if fitted) will toggle the relay locally, but not transmit anything back for MH to act on. You can check this in a mqtt monitor like mqtt.fx and subscribe to +/Sonoff_mini_2/+. As an aside you will also see its LWT messages which you can subscribe to in MH as described in the wiki.

What you do next depends on what you want to achieve.

Scenario 1 – you want the switch to continue to toggle locally, but want to know when the relay status changes.

Define another MH device to subscribe to the stat/topic/POWER message e.g in items.mht

MQTT_DEVICE, Sonoff_mini_2_switch, , mqtt_1, stat/Sonoff_mini_2/POWER

Then add a handler to detect state changes on this mh device.

if ( $state = state_now $Sonoff_mini_2_switch) {
	print_log("sonoff mini switch changed to $state checking mh relay state");
	if ($Sonoff_mini_2->{state} ne $state) {
		$Sonoff_mini_2->set( $state, "switch toggled" );

Scenario 2 – you want the switch to do something else when it changes state.

Define your new switch in Misterhouse e.g.

MQTT_DEVICE, Sonoff_mini_2_separate_switch_2, , mqtt_1, stat/Sonoff_mini_2/SWITCH2

Set your Sonoff so the switch no longer does a local toggle and instead sends the command you defined for mh to subscribe to above. Go to the device console and enter the following 3 lines to create a rule to publish on and off to stat/Sonoff_mini_2/SWITCH2 when the switch is changed.

Backlog SwitchMode 1; SwitchTopic 0
Rule1 on Switch1#state=1 do Publish stat/%topic%/SWITCH2 on endon on Switch1#state=0 do Publish stat/%topic%/SWITCH2 off endon
Rule1 1

Add your state handler in mh e.g.

if ( $state = state_now $Sonoff_mini_2_separate_switch_2) {
	print_log("sonoff mini separate switch changed to $state");

Simplifying things for larger numbers of devices.

If you have a number of devices, you may be able to reduce this by using wildcards, e.g. a device defined in MH like;

MQTT_DEVICE, MQTT_switch_toggles, , mqtt_1, stat/+/SWITCH1T

Will change state whenever a device which matches the wildcard changes state, the actual topic that caused the state change is put into MQTT_switch_toggles->{set_by_topic}

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