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IA7 config settings file

Lieven Hollevoet edited this page Jul 27, 2015 · 6 revisions

With Version 1.0.600 IA7 there is support for settings at a per object level. The file is called


Currently the following configuration settings are available.

NOTE: the file needs to be formatted correctly. Missing a bracket or comma will result in an incorrect configuration. Fortunately, MH will log if the file is incorrect.

"prefs" : {
     "header_button" : "yes",            // Display the 'checking' button on the master header
     "state_log_show" : "yes",           // Display an object state log on the state modal dialog box
     "state_log_entries" : "4",          // Number of log entries to display
     "always_double_buttons" : "yes",    // Make all buttons the same size as the collection buttons
     "fp_icon_size" : "32",              // Default size for floorplan icons (32,48,64)
     "fp_state_popovers" : "yes",        // Floorplan Use 'popovers' for icon states instead of the modal dialog
     "substate_percentages" : "20",      // For items with 1-100%, what level to show on the modal dialog
     "disable_current_state" : "yes"     // By default, the current state is disabled on the modal dialog
"objects" : {
     "example_object" : {
  	 "disable_current_state" : "no"  // Allow the current state to be selected on the object
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