Releases: centerforaisafety/cerberus-cluster
Releases · centerforaisafety/cerberus-cluster
What's Changed
- Changed instances of 'include' to 'include_tasks'. by @andriy-safe-ai in #283
- Separated oracle linux and ubuntu plays from each other for iptables. by @andriy-safe-ai in #285
- Separated oracle linux and ubuntu plays from each other for CAIS play… by @andriy-safe-ai in #287
- Created ubuntu versions of CAIS playbooks. by @andriy-safe-ai in #289
- 290 migrate nix playbooks from ol7 to ubuntu by @andriy-safe-ai in #291
- Removed all instances of bastion. by @andriy-safe-ai in #294
- Added Slurm conf changes to support Weka. by @andriy-safe-ai in #296
- Migrate passwordless SSH playbooks to ubuntu. by @andriy-safe-ai in #299
- Migrate billing system to ubuntu. by @andriy-safe-ai in #301
- Migrate iptables playbook to ubuntu. by @andriy-safe-ai in #303
- Configured motd on cluster by @andriy-safe-ai in #305
- Added ability to deploy home fss separately from /data fss. by @andriy-safe-ai in #306
- Added flag to add new lab and new user to billing system. by @andriy-safe-ai in #308
- Added invoice by user script for billing. by @andriy-safe-ai in #318
- 320 backups ldap by @andriy-safe-ai in #321
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- 262 nix fix by @andriy-safe-ai in #263
- Add ability to update login shell by @steven-basart in #264
- 258 add dcgm low level gpu resource utilization by @andriy-safe-ai in #265
- Added become true to grab node state on hidden partitions. by @andriy-safe-ai in #272
- Updated logic to not update the state of a node when state is mixed. by @andriy-safe-ai in #273
- Added onboarding script by @andriy-safe-ai in #267
- Add libaio to cais-compute by @steven-basart in #274
- Added playbooks to enable and disable passwordless ssh for root user. by @andriy-safe-ai in #279
- 250 billing system by @andriy-safe-ai in #252
Full Changelog: v02.26.2024...v06.25.2024
What's Changed
- Comment out monitoring cron if unused. by @steven-basart in #119
- Admin notifications by @rumiah-safe in #128
- Slurm upgrade by @steven-basart in #129
- update slurm.conf by @andriy-safe-ai in #134
- remove devtoolset-5 from cais compute playbook by @andriy-safe-ai in #147
- Adds opengl/mesa to cais-compute ansible role by @andriy-safe-ai in #154
- removes broken play from cais-compute role by @andriy-safe-ai in #164
- adds cais_* plays to site.yml playbook by @andriy-safe-ai in #156
- added script by @andriy-safe-ai in #228
- 205 migrate nix to weka by @andriy-safe-ai in #231
- add script to resize boot volumes on compute nodes by @andriy-safe-ai in #177
Full Changelog: v06.21.23...v02.26.2024
What's Changed
- Installs git-lfs by @andriy-safe-ai in #57
- Adds local storage support for slurm by @steven-basart in #83
- Adds nix package manager by @andriy-safe-ai in #89
- Adds nix bash functions by @andriy-safe-ai in #97
- Adds bash functions for simpler nix usage by @andriy-safe-ai in #99
- Adds ability for Cluster command to change group by @arnaudfroidmont in #102
- Adds Goslmailer install to allow for SLURM notifications by @RumiahKessel in #109
- Updates zsh to 5.9 by @steven-basart in #95
- Turns off swap on all nodes by @steven-basart in #120
New Contributors
- @RumiahKessel made their first contribution in #109
Full Changelog:
Production version of the code that was deployed.
What's Changed
- documentation - change user to group by @AndriyNovykov in #3
- Bugfix 230224 by @arnaudfroidmont in #5
- Adds slurm and fss monitoring files. by @xksteven in #14
- Update resize_add.yml by @arnaudfroidmont in #20
- Install LLVM, gflags, glog, tmux, and zsh. by @xksteven in #17
- Installs Go, GCC v12 and more packages for v10 by @xksteven in #26
- Update git to version 2.39.1 by @xksteven in #27
- Bugfix enroot by @arnaudfroidmont in #30
- Move Ksplice out of cron.d by @xksteven in #37
Full Changelog: